;; ;; ;; Parsing routines for the Ersatz template library. ;; ;; Based on the Ocaml Jingoo library, which is in turn based on the ;; Python Jinja2 library. ;; ;; Copyright 2012-2014 Ivan Raikov and the Okinawa Institute of ;; Science and Technology. ;; ;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ;; published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the ;; License, or (at your option) any later version. ;; ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;; General Public License for more details. ;; ;; A full copy of the GPL license can be found at ;; . ;; (define-syntax tok (syntax-rules () ((tok ln t) (make-lexical-token (quasiquote t) ln #f)) ((tok ln t l) (make-lexical-token (quasiquote t) ln l)) )) (define lexer-trace (make-parameter #f)) (define keep-lexer-table (make-parameter #f)) (define (make-lexer-table #!key (begin-comment "{#") (end-comment "#}") (begin-expand "{{") (end-expand "}}") (begin-logic "{%") (end-logic "%}") (compile #t)) (let* ((lexer-proc (gensym 'ersatz-lexer-table)) (lexer-fn (->string lexer-proc)) (lexer-fn-scm (string-append (->string lexer-proc) ".scm")) (output-port (open-output-file lexer-fn))) (make-ersatz-lexer output-port begin-comment: begin-comment end-comment: end-comment begin-expand: begin-expand end-expand: end-expand begin-logic: begin-logic end-logic: end-logic) (close-output-port output-port) (lex-tables lexer-fn lexer-fn lexer-fn-scm 'counters 'line 'code) (let* ((in (open-input-file lexer-fn-scm)) (contents (read in))) (close-input-port in) (let ((contents `(module ,lexer-proc * (import scheme chicken) (import (only data-structures alist-ref)) (require-extension datatype lalr-driver) (require-library utf8 utf8-srfi-13 utf8-srfi-14) (import (only utf8 string-length substring) (only utf8-srfi-13 string-null? string-every string-upcase string-downcase string-titlecase string-concatenate string-join string-trim-both string-ci< string<) (only utf8-srfi-14 char-set:lower-case char-set:upper-case char-set:whitespace char-set char-set->string char-set-contains?) ) (define-syntax tok (syntax-rules () ((tok ln t) (make-lexical-token (quasiquote t) ln #f)) ((tok ln t l) (make-lexical-token (quasiquote t) ln l)) )) (define-syntax lexer-yyungetcn (syntax-rules () ((lexer-ungetcn i ungetc) (let recur ((ii i)) (if (positive? ii) (begin (ungetc) (recur (- ii 1)))) )) )) (define-syntax lexer-lookahead (syntax-rules () ((lexer-lookahead c str n getc ungetc) (and (char=? (string-ref str 0) c) (let recur ((i 1)) (if (< i n) (if (char=? (string-ref str i) (getc)) (recur (+ 1 i)) (begin (lexer-yyungetcn i ungetc) #f)) #t)) )) )) (define-datatype lexer-mode lexer-mode? (LexerPlain) (LexerExpand) (LexerLogic)) (define lexer-curmode (make-parameter (LexerPlain))) (define lexer-text-buffer (make-parameter (open-output-string))) (define lexer-string-buffer (make-parameter (open-output-string))) (define lexer-token-cache (make-parameter '())) (define-syntax lexer-get-string (syntax-rules () ((lexer-get-string) (let ((str (get-output-string (lexer-string-buffer)))) (close-output-port (lexer-string-buffer)) (lexer-string-buffer (open-output-string)) str)) )) (define-syntax lexer-get-text (syntax-rules () ((lexer-get-text) (let ((text (get-output-string (lexer-text-buffer)))) (close-output-port (lexer-text-buffer)) (lexer-text-buffer (open-output-string)) text)) )) (define lexer-keywords '((true . TRUE) (false . FALSE) (null . NULL) (if . IF) (else . ELSE) (elseif . ELSEIF) (endif . ENDIF) (for . FOR) (endfor . ENDFOR) (include . INCLUDE) (extends . EXTENDS) (block . BLOCK) (endblock . ENDBLOCK) (filter . FILTER) (endfilter . ENDFILTER) (macro . MACRO) (endmacro . ENDMACRO) (call . CALL) (endcall . ENDCALL) (import . IMPORT) (as . AS) (from . FROM) (in . IN) (set . SET) (not . NOT) (is . IS) (with . WITH) (endwith . ENDWITH) (without . WITHOUT) (context . CONTEXT) (autoescape . AUTOESCAPE) (endautoescape . ENDAUTOESCAPE) )) (define lexer-operators '(("," . COMMA) ("=" . EQ) ("<" . LT) (">" . GT) ("!" . NOT) ("." . DOT) ("+" . PLUS) ("-" . MINUS) ("*" . TIMES) ("/" . DIV) ("%" . MOD) ("(" . LPAREN) (")" . RPAREN) ("[" . LBRACKET) ("]" . RBRACKET) ("{" . LBRACE) ("}" . RBRACE) (":" . COLON) ("|" . VLINE) )) (define (find-operator word opers) (let ((wlen (string-length word)) (cmpfn (lambda (x y) (char=? (string-ref x 0) (string-ref y 0))))) (let ((kv (assoc word opers cmpfn))) (if kv (cond ((= wlen 1) `(full ,(cdr kv))) ((> wlen 1) `(partial ,(car kv) ,(cdr kv))) (else (error 'find-operator "invalid operator word" word))) '(none) )) )) (define lexer-error error) ,contents))) (let ((out (open-output-file lexer-fn-scm))) (pp contents out) (close-output-port out)))) (if compile (begin (run (csc -s ,lexer-fn-scm -j ,lexer-fn)) (load (string-append "./" lexer-fn ".so")) (load (string-append "./" lexer-fn ".import.scm")) ) (load lexer-fn-scm)) (let ((res (eval (string->symbol (conc lexer-proc "#" lexer-proc))))) (if (not (keep-lexer-table)) (for-each delete-file (list lexer-fn lexer-fn-scm ))) res ))) (define-syntax lexer-yyungetcn (syntax-rules () ((lexer-ungetcn i ungetc) (let recur ((ii i)) (if (positive? ii) (begin (ungetc) (recur (- ii 1)))) )) )) (define-syntax lexer-lookahead (syntax-rules () ((lexer-lookahead c str n getc ungetc) (and (char=? (string-ref str 0) c) (let recur ((i 1)) (if (< i n) (let ((cc (getc))) (if (char=? (string-ref str i) cc) (recur (+ 1 i)) (begin (lexer-yyungetcn i ungetc) #f))) #t)) )) )) (define-datatype lexer-mode lexer-mode? (LexerPlain) (LexerExpand) (LexerLogic)) (define lexer-curmode (make-parameter (LexerPlain))) (define lexer-text-buffer (make-parameter (open-output-string))) (define lexer-string-buffer (make-parameter (open-output-string))) (define lexer-token-cache (make-parameter '())) (define-syntax lexer-get-string (syntax-rules () ((lexer-get-string) (let ((str (get-output-string (lexer-string-buffer)))) (close-output-port (lexer-string-buffer)) (lexer-string-buffer (open-output-string)) str)) )) (define-syntax lexer-get-text (syntax-rules () ((lexer-get-text) (let ((text (get-output-string (lexer-text-buffer)))) (close-output-port (lexer-text-buffer)) (lexer-text-buffer (open-output-string)) text)) )) (define lexer-keywords '((true . TRUE) (false . FALSE) (null . NULL) (if . IF) (else . ELSE) (elseif . ELSEIF) (endif . ENDIF) (for . FOR) (endfor . ENDFOR) (include . INCLUDE) (extends . EXTENDS) (block . BLOCK) (endblock . ENDBLOCK) (filter . FILTER) (endfilter . ENDFILTER) (macro . MACRO) (endmacro . ENDMACRO) (call . CALL) (endcall . ENDCALL) (import . IMPORT) (as . AS) (from . FROM) (in . IN) (set . SET) (not . NOT) (is . IS) (with . WITH) (endwith . ENDWITH) (without . WITHOUT) (context . CONTEXT) (autoescape . AUTOESCAPE) (endautoescape . ENDAUTOESCAPE) )) (define lexer-operators '(("," . COMMA) ("=" . EQ) ("<" . LT) (">" . GT) ("!" . NOT) ("." . DOT) ("+" . PLUS) ("-" . MINUS) ("*" . TIMES) ("/" . DIV) ("%" . MOD) ("(" . LPAREN) (")" . RPAREN) ("[" . LBRACKET) ("]" . RBRACKET) ("{" . LBRACE) ("}" . RBRACE) (":" . COLON) ("|" . VLINE) )) (define (find-operator word opers) (let ((wlen (string-length word)) (cmpfn (lambda (x y) (char=? (string-ref x 0) (string-ref y 0))))) (let ((kv (assoc word opers cmpfn))) (if kv (cond ((= wlen 1) `(full ,(cdr kv))) ((> wlen 1) `(partial ,(car kv) ,(cdr kv))) (else (error 'find-operator "invalid operator word" word))) '(none) )) )) (define lexer-error error) (include "ersatz.l.scm") (define (make-parse-error loc) (lambda (msg #!optional arg) (let ((loc-str (or (and loc (if (list? loc) (conc " " loc " ") (conc " (" loc ") "))) " "))) (cond [(not arg) (error loc-str msg)] [(lexical-token? arg) (let ((src (lexical-token-source arg)) (cat (lexical-token-category arg))) (error (sprintf "~Aline ~A: ~A " loc-str (if (integer? src) src (source-location-line src)) msg) (or (and cat (sprintf " ~A" cat)) "") ))] [else (error loc-str (conc msg arg))] )))) (include "ersatz.grm.scm") (define (parse lexer-table is #!key (file-path #f)) (let ((lexer (lexer-make-lexer lexer-table is))) (reset-lexer) (let ((ast (reverse (parser (if (not (lexer-trace)) (lambda () (let ((c (lexer-token-cache))) (let ((t (if (null? c) (lexer) (let ((t (car c))) (lexer-token-cache (cdr c)) t)))) t))) (lambda () (let ((c (lexer-token-cache))) (let ((t (if (null? c) (lexer) (let ((t (car c))) (lexer-token-cache (cdr c)) t)))) (if (lexical-token? t) (print "lexer: token = " (lexical-token-category t)) (print "lexer: token = " t)) t)))) (make-parse-error file-path))))) ast))) (define (get-file-path fn #!key (template-dirs '())) (if (null? template-dirs) (let ((file-path (make-pathname (current-directory) fn))) (if (file-exists? file-path) file-path (error 'get-file-path "file not found" fn))) (let ((dir (car template-dirs))) (let ((file-path (make-pathname dir fn))) (if (file-exists? file-path) file-path (get-file-path fn template-dirs: (cdr template-dirs))))) )) (define (statements-from-file env fn) (let ((fpath (get-file-path fn template-dirs: (tmpl-env-search-path env)))) (let* ((inport (if (file-exists? fpath) (open-input-file fpath) (error 'statements-from-file "input file not found " fpath))) (is ;; lexer input system (lexer-make-IS 'port inport))) (let ((stmts (parse (tmpl-env-lexer-table env) is file-path: fpath))) (close-input-port inport) stmts )) )) (define (statements-from-string env source #!key (file-path #f)) (let ((is ;; lexer input system (if (string? source) (lexer-make-IS 'string source) (error 'statements-from-string "bad argument type; not a string" source)) )) (parse (tmpl-env-lexer-table env) is file-path: file-path) )) (define (reset-lexer) (lexer-text-buffer (open-output-string)) (lexer-string-buffer (open-output-string)) (lexer-curmode (LexerPlain)) (lexer-token-cache '()))