/* * x11/ezxdisp.c * This file is part of the ezxdisp library. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ezxdisp.h" struct ezx_s { int size_x, size_y; ezx_color_t bgcolor; int closed; Display *display; Window top; XFontStruct *fontst; GC gc; Colormap cmap; XColor black, white, rgb; Pixmap pixmap; XSizeHints size_hints; Atom wm_protocols, wm_delete_window; int cur_layer; struct ezx_figures *fig_head[EZX_NLAYER]; struct ezx_figures *fig_tail[EZX_NLAYER]; // 3d stuffs double scrdist, mag; double eye_x, eye_y, eye_z, eye_r; double cmat[3][3]; double light_x, light_y, light_z; struct color_table_s *color_table; }; typedef struct ezx_figures { enum { FPOINT2D, FLINE2D, FLINES2D, FLINE3D, FPOLY2D, FPOLY3D, FSTR2D, FSTR3D, FRECT2D, FFILLEDRECT2D, FCIRCLE2D, FFILLEDCIRCLE2D, FFILLEDCIRCLE3D, FARC2D, FFILLEDARC2D, } type; int x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1, r; double dx0, dy0, dz0, dx1, dy1, dz1, dr; double angle1, angle2; char *str; int npoints; ezx_point2d_t *points_2d; ezx_point3d_t *points_3d; ezx_color_t col; int width; struct ezx_figures *next; } ezx_figures; typedef struct ezx_pfigures { double z; struct ezx_figures *fig; struct ezx_pfigures *next; } ezx_pfigures; typedef struct color_table_entry_s { unsigned short red, green, blue; XColor *data; } color_table_entry_t; typedef struct color_table_s { int size; int maxsize; struct color_table_entry_s *entry; } color_table_t; const ezx_color_t ezx_black = {0, 0, 0}; const ezx_color_t ezx_white = {1, 1, 1}; const ezx_color_t ezx_grey25 = {0.25, 0.25, 0.25}; const ezx_color_t ezx_grey50 = {0.5, 0.5, 0.5}; const ezx_color_t ezx_grey75 = {0.75, 0.75, 0.75}; const ezx_color_t ezx_blue = {0, 0, 1}; const ezx_color_t ezx_red = {1, 0, 0}; const ezx_color_t ezx_green = {0, 1, 0}; const ezx_color_t ezx_yellow = {1, 1, 0}; const ezx_color_t ezx_purple = {1, 0, 1}; const ezx_color_t ezx_pink = {1, 0.5, 0.5}; const ezx_color_t ezx_cyan = {0.5, 0.5, 1}; const ezx_color_t ezx_brown = {0.5, 0, 0}; const ezx_color_t ezx_orange = {1, 0.5, 0}; static const char * const fontname = "5x8"; static void error_exit(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list params; fprintf(stderr, "ezxdisp: "); va_start(params, fmt); vfprintf(stderr, fmt, params); va_end(params); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fflush(stderr); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } static void sys_error_exit(const char *fmt, ...) { int errno_save = errno; va_list params; fprintf(stderr, "ezxdisp: "); va_start(params, fmt); vfprintf(stderr, fmt, params); va_end(params); fprintf(stderr, ": %s\n", strerror(errno_save)); fflush(stderr); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } static inline void *xmalloc(size_t n) { void *p; p = malloc(n); if (!p) sys_error_exit("malloc failed"); return p; } static inline void *xcalloc(size_t n, size_t s) { void *p; p = calloc(n, s); if (!p) sys_error_exit("calloc failed"); return p; } static color_table_t *color_table_new() { int i; color_table_t *table; table = xmalloc(sizeof(color_table_t)); table->size = 0; table->maxsize = 8191; //table->maxsize = 32749; table->entry = xmalloc(sizeof(color_table_entry_t) * table->maxsize); for (i = 0; i < table->maxsize; i++) table->entry[i].data = NULL; return table; } static int color_hash(unsigned short red, unsigned short green, unsigned short blue, int maxsize) { long long hash = ((long long)red << 32) | ((long long)green << 16) | ((long long)blue); return hash % maxsize; } static void color_table_insert(color_table_t *table, unsigned short red, unsigned short green, unsigned short blue, Display *display, XColor *col) { int i = color_hash(red, green, blue, table->maxsize); if (table->size == table->maxsize) { XFreeColors(display, DefaultColormap(display, DefaultScreen(display)), &(table->entry[i].data->pixel), 1, 0); free(table->entry[i].data); table->entry[i].data = NULL; table->size--; } while (table->entry[i].data) i = (i+1) % table->maxsize; table->entry[i].red = red; table->entry[i].green = green; table->entry[i].blue = blue; table->entry[i].data = col; table->size++; } static XColor *color_table_search(color_table_t *table, unsigned short red, unsigned short green, unsigned short blue) { int h, i; h = i = color_hash(red, green, blue, table->maxsize); while (table->entry[i].data) { if (table->entry[i].red == red && table->entry[i].green == green && table->entry[i].blue == blue) return table->entry[i].data; else i = (i+1) % table->maxsize; if (h == i) break; } return NULL; } static void color_table_free(color_table_t *table) { int i; for (i = 0; i < table->maxsize; i++) if (table->entry[i].data) free(table->entry[i].data); free(table->entry); free(table); } static void set_fgcolor(ezx_t *e, const ezx_color_t *col) { XColor lc={0}, *c; lc.red = (unsigned short) (col->r * 65535); lc.green = (unsigned short) (col->g * 65535); lc.blue = (unsigned short) (col->b * 65535); lc.flags = DoRed | DoGreen | DoBlue; c = color_table_search(e->color_table, lc.red, lc.green, lc.blue); if (!c) { c = xmalloc(sizeof(XColor)); *c = lc; XAllocColor(e->display, e->cmap, c); color_table_insert(e->color_table, lc.red, lc.green, lc.blue, e->display, c); } XSetForeground(e->display, e->gc, c->pixel); } void ezx_wipe(ezx_t *e) { int i; ezx_figures *f, *nf; for (i = 0; i < EZX_NLAYER; i++) { for (f = e->fig_head[i]; f != NULL; f = nf) { nf = f->next; if (f->type == FSTR3D) free(f->str); if (f->type == FSTR2D) free(f->str); free(f); } e->fig_head[i] = NULL; e->fig_tail[i] = NULL; } } void ezx_wipe_layer(ezx_t *e, int lay) { ezx_figures *f, *nf; if (lay < 0 || EZX_NLAYER <= lay) error_exit("ezx_wipe_layer: invalid layer number %d", lay); for (f = e->fig_head[lay]; f != NULL; f = nf) { nf = f->next; if (f->type == FSTR3D) free(f->str); if (f->type == FSTR2D) free(f->str); free(f); } e->fig_head[lay] = NULL; e->fig_tail[lay] = NULL; } void ezx_select_layer(ezx_t *e, int lay) { if (lay < 0 || EZX_NLAYER <= lay) error_exit("ezx_select_layer: invalid layer number %d", lay); e->cur_layer = lay; } void ezx_set_light_3d(ezx_t *e, double ex, double ey, double ez) { double s = sqrt(ex * ex + ey * ey + ez * ez); if (s != 0) { e->light_x = ex / s; e->light_y = ey / s; e->light_z = ez / s; } } void ezx_set_view_3d(ezx_t *e, double ex, double ey, double ez, double vx, double vy, double vz, double m) { double x = vx - ex, y = vy - ey, z = vz - ez; double theta = atan2(y, x); double tmp = x * x + y * y; double phi; double st, ct, sp, cp; e->mag = m; e->eye_x = ex; e->eye_y = ey; e->eye_z = ez; e->eye_r = sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z); if (tmp == 0) phi = M_PI / 2; else phi = acos(tmp / (sqrt(tmp) * e->eye_r)); if (z < 0) phi = -phi; st = sin(theta); ct = cos(theta); sp = sin(phi); cp = cos(phi); e->cmat[0][0] = -st; e->cmat[0][1] = -ct * sp; e->cmat[0][2] = ct * cp; e->cmat[1][0] = ct; e->cmat[1][1] = -st * sp; e->cmat[1][2] = st * cp; e->cmat[2][0] = 0; e->cmat[2][1] = cp; e->cmat[2][2] = sp; } static double getz(ezx_t *e, double sx, double sy, double sz) { sx -= e->eye_x; sy -= e->eye_y; sz -= e->eye_z; return sx * e->cmat[0][2] + sy * e->cmat[1][2] + sz * e->cmat[2][2]; } void ezx_c3d_to_2d(ezx_t *e, double sx, double sy, double sz, double *dx, double *dy) { double x2, y2, z2, rz; sx -= e->eye_x; sy -= e->eye_y; sz -= e->eye_z; x2 = sx * e->cmat[0][0] + sy * e->cmat[1][0] + sz * e->cmat[2][0]; y2 = sx * e->cmat[0][1] + sy * e->cmat[1][1] + sz * e->cmat[2][1]; z2 = sx * e->cmat[0][2] + sy * e->cmat[1][2] + sz * e->cmat[2][2]; rz = e->scrdist - z2; *dx = e->mag * e->scrdist * x2 / rz; *dy = e->mag * e->scrdist * y2 / rz; } static void clip_line(int *x0, int *y0, int *x1, int *y1, int width, int height) { if (*x0 > *x1) { int t; t = *x0; *x0 = *x1; *x1 = t; t = *y0; *y0 = *y1; *y1 = t; } if (*x0 < 0 && *x1 >= 0) { *y0 = *y1 + (*y0 - *y1) * (0 - *x1) / (*x0 - *x1); *x0 = 0; } if (*x1 >= width && *x0 < width) { *y1 = *y0 + (*y1 - *y0) * (width - *x0) / (*x1 - *x0); *x1 = width; } if (*y0 > *y1) { int t; t = *x0; *x0 = *x1; *x1 = t; t = *y0; *y0 = *y1; *y1 = t; } if (*y0 < 0 && *y1 >= 0) { *x0 = *x1 + (*x0 - *x1) * (0 - *y1) / (*y0 - *y1); *y0 = 0; } if (*y1 >= height && *y0 < height) { *x1 = *x0 + (*x1 - *x0) * (height - *y0) / (*y1 - *y0); *y1 = height; } } static void figure_list_add_tail(ezx_t *e, ezx_figures *nf) { int lay = e->cur_layer; if (e->fig_head[lay] == NULL) e->fig_head[lay] = e->fig_tail[lay] = nf; else { e->fig_tail[lay]->next = nf; e->fig_tail[lay] = nf; } } void ezx_point_2d(ezx_t *e, int x, int y, const ezx_color_t *col) { ezx_figures *nf = xcalloc(1, sizeof(ezx_figures)); nf->type = FPOINT2D; nf->x0 = x; nf->y0 = y; nf->col = *col; figure_list_add_tail(e, nf); } void ezx_line_2d(ezx_t *e, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, const ezx_color_t *col, int width) { ezx_figures *nf = xcalloc(1, sizeof(ezx_figures)); nf->type = FLINE2D; nf->x0 = x0; nf->y0 = y0; nf->x1 = x1; nf->y1 = y1; nf->col = *col; nf->width = width; figure_list_add_tail(e, nf); } void ezx_lines_2d(ezx_t *e, ezx_point2d_t *points, int npoints, const ezx_color_t *col, int width) { ezx_figures *nf = xcalloc(1, sizeof(ezx_figures)); nf->type = FLINES2D; nf->points_2d = points; nf->npoints = npoints; nf->col = *col; nf->width = width; figure_list_add_tail(e, nf); } void ezx_poly_2d(ezx_t *e,ezx_point2d_t *points, int npoints, const ezx_color_t *col) { ezx_figures *nf = xcalloc(1, sizeof(ezx_figures)); nf->type = FPOLY2D; nf->points_2d = points; nf->npoints = npoints; nf->col = *col; figure_list_add_tail(e, nf); } void ezx_arc_2d(ezx_t *e, int x0, int y0, int w, int h, double angle1, double angle2, const ezx_color_t *col, int width) { ezx_figures *nf = xcalloc(1, sizeof(ezx_figures)); nf->type = FARC2D; nf->x0 = x0; nf->y0 = y0; nf->x1 = w; nf->y1 = h; nf->angle1 = angle1; nf->angle2 = angle2; nf->col = *col; nf->width = width; figure_list_add_tail(e, nf); } void ezx_fillarc_2d(ezx_t *e, int x0, int y0, int w, int h, double angle1, double angle2, const ezx_color_t *col) { ezx_figures *nf = xcalloc(1, sizeof(ezx_figures)); nf->type = FFILLEDARC2D; nf->x0 = x0; nf->y0 = y0; nf->x1 = w; nf->y1 = h; nf->angle1 = angle1; nf->angle2 = angle2; nf->col = *col; nf->width = 0; figure_list_add_tail(e, nf); } void ezx_line_3d(ezx_t *e, double x0, double y0, double z0, double x1, double y1, double z1, const ezx_color_t *col, int width) { ezx_figures *nf = xcalloc(1, sizeof(ezx_figures)); nf->type = FLINE3D; nf->dx0 = x0; nf->dy0 = y0; nf->dz0 = z0; nf->dx1 = x1; nf->dy1 = y1; nf->dz1 = z1; nf->col = *col; nf->width = width; nf->next = NULL; figure_list_add_tail(e, nf); } void ezx_str_3d(ezx_t *e, double x0, double y0, double z0, char *str, const ezx_color_t *col) { ezx_figures *nf = xcalloc(1, sizeof(ezx_figures)); nf->type = FSTR3D; nf->dx0 = x0; nf->dy0 = y0; nf->dz0 = z0; nf->str = xcalloc(strlen(str) + 1, sizeof(char)); strcpy(nf->str, str); nf->col = *col; nf->next = NULL; figure_list_add_tail(e, nf); } void ezx_str_2d(ezx_t *e, int x0, int y0, char *str, const ezx_color_t *col) { ezx_figures *nf = xcalloc(1, sizeof(ezx_figures)); nf->type = FSTR2D; nf->x0 = x0; nf->y0 = y0; nf->str = xcalloc(strlen(str) + 1, sizeof(char)); strcpy(nf->str, str); nf->col = *col; nf->width = 0; nf->next = NULL; figure_list_add_tail(e, nf); } void ezx_fillrect_2d(ezx_t *e, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, const ezx_color_t *col) { ezx_figures *nf = xcalloc(1, sizeof(ezx_figures)); nf->type = FFILLEDRECT2D; nf->x0 = x0; nf->y0 = y0; nf->x1 = x1; nf->y1 = y1; nf->col = *col; nf->width = 0; nf->next = NULL; figure_list_add_tail(e, nf); } void ezx_rect_2d(ezx_t *e, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, const ezx_color_t *col, int width) { ezx_figures *nf = xcalloc(1, sizeof(ezx_figures)); nf->type = FRECT2D; nf->x0 = x0; nf->y0 = y0; nf->x1 = x1; nf->y1 = y1; nf->col = *col; nf->width = width; nf->next = NULL; figure_list_add_tail(e, nf); } void ezx_poly_3d(ezx_t *e, ezx_point3d_t *points, double hx, double hy, double hz, int npoints, const ezx_color_t *col) { ezx_figures *nf = xcalloc(1, sizeof(ezx_figures)); int i; nf->type = FPOLY3D; nf->points_3d = points; nf->npoints = npoints; nf->col = *col; nf->next = NULL; nf->dx0 = hx; nf->dy0 = hy; nf->dz0 = hz; nf->dx1 = nf->dy1 = nf->dz1 = 0; for (i = 0; i < npoints; i++) { nf->dx1 += points[i].x; nf->dy1 += points[i].y; nf->dz1 += points[i].z; } nf->dx1 /= npoints; nf->dy1 /= npoints; nf->dz1 /= npoints; figure_list_add_tail(e, nf); } void ezx_fillcircle_2d(ezx_t *e, int x0, int y0, int r, const ezx_color_t *col) { ezx_figures *nf = xcalloc(1, sizeof(ezx_figures)); nf->type = FFILLEDCIRCLE2D; nf->x0 = x0; nf->y0 = y0; nf->r = r; nf->col = *col; nf->width = 0; nf->next = NULL; figure_list_add_tail(e, nf); } void ezx_circle_2d(ezx_t *e, int x0, int y0, int r, const ezx_color_t *col, int width) { ezx_figures *nf = xcalloc(1, sizeof(ezx_figures)); nf->type = FCIRCLE2D; nf->x0 = x0; nf->y0 = y0; nf->r = r; nf->col = *col; nf->width = width; nf->next = NULL; figure_list_add_tail(e, nf); } void ezx_circle_3d(ezx_t *e, double x0, double y0, double z0, double r, const ezx_color_t *col) { ezx_figures *nf = xcalloc(1, sizeof(ezx_figures)); nf->type = FFILLEDCIRCLE3D; nf->dx0 = x0; nf->dy0 = y0; nf->dz0 = z0; nf->dr = r; nf->col = *col; nf->next = NULL; figure_list_add_tail(e, nf); } void ezx_set_background(ezx_t *e, const ezx_color_t *col) { e->bgcolor = *col; } void ezx_redraw(ezx_t *e) { ezx_figures *f; ezx_pfigures *p; ezx_pfigures *pf; XSetBackground(e->display, e->gc, e->black.pixel); set_fgcolor(e, &e->bgcolor); XFillRectangle(e->display, e->pixmap, e->gc, 0, 0, e->size_x, e->size_y); // z-sorting pf = NULL; for (f = e->fig_head[e->cur_layer]; f != NULL; f = f->next) { double z; ezx_pfigures **p; if (f->type != FPOLY3D) continue; z = getz(e, f->dx1, f->dy1, f->dz1); for (p = &pf; *p != NULL; p = &(*p)->next) { ezx_pfigures *np; if (z <= (*p)->z) continue; np = xmalloc(sizeof(ezx_pfigures)); np->z = z; np->fig = f; np->next = *p; *p = np; break; } if (*p == NULL) { ezx_pfigures *np = xmalloc(sizeof(ezx_pfigures)); np->z = z; np->fig = f; np->next = NULL; *p = np; } } for (p = pf; p != NULL; p = p->next) { ezx_figures *f = p->fig; double hx, hy, hz; double cl, br; XPoint *xp; int i; if (f->dx0 != 0 || f->dy0 != 0 || f->dz0 != 0) { hx = f->dx0; hy = f->dy0; hz = f->dz0; if (hx * (e->eye_x - f->dx1) + hy * (e->eye_y - f->dy1) + hz * (e->eye_z - f->dz1) < 0) { continue; } } else { for (i = 2;; i++) { double x0 = f->points_3d[1].x - f->points_3d[0].x; double y0 = f->points_3d[1].y - f->points_3d[0].y; double z0 = f->points_3d[1].z - f->points_3d[0].z; double x1 = f->points_3d[i].x - f->points_3d[0].x; double y1 = f->points_3d[i].y - f->points_3d[0].y; double z1 = f->points_3d[i].z - f->points_3d[0].z; hx = y0 * z1 - y1 * z0; hy = z0 * x1 - z1 * x0; hz = x0 * y1 - x1 * y0; if (hx != 0 || hy != 0 || hz != 0) break; } } cl = (e->light_x * f->dx0 + e->light_y * f->dy0 + e->light_z * f->dz0) / sqrt(f->dx0 * f->dx0 + f->dy0 * f->dy0 + f->dz0 * f->dz0); if (cl < 0) { cl = -cl; f->dx0 = -f->dx0; f->dy0 = -f->dy0; f->dz0 = -f->dz0; } if (f->dx0 * (e->eye_x - f->dx1) + f->dy0 * (e->eye_y - f->dy1) + f->dz0 * (e->eye_z - f->dz1) < 0) cl = 0; br = cl * 0.6 + 0.3; xp = xmalloc(sizeof(XPoint) * f->npoints); for (i = 0; i < f->npoints; i++) { double sx0, sy0; ezx_c3d_to_2d(e, f->points_3d[i].x, f->points_3d[i].y, f->points_3d[i].z, &sx0, &sy0); xp[i].x = (int)sx0 + (e->size_x / 2); xp[i].y = (int)sy0 + (e->size_y / 2); } set_fgcolor(e, &f->col); XFillPolygon(e->display, e->pixmap, e->gc, xp, f->npoints, Complex, CoordModeOrigin); free(xp); } { ezx_pfigures *np, *p; for (p = pf; p != NULL; p = np) { np = p->next; free(p); } pf = NULL; } { ezx_figures *f; int i; for (i = 0; i < EZX_NLAYER; i++) { for (f = e->fig_head[i]; f != NULL; f = f->next) { set_fgcolor(e, &f->col); switch (f->type) { case FPOINT2D: XDrawPoint(e->display, e->pixmap, e->gc, f->x0, f->y0); break; case FLINE2D: { int width = f->width; if (width <= 0) break; if (width == 1) width = 0; XSetLineAttributes(e->display, e->gc, width, LineSolid, CapRound, JoinRound); XDrawLine(e->display, e->pixmap, e->gc, f->x0, f->y0, f->x1, f->y1); } break; case FLINES2D: { int j, width = f->width; if (width <= 0) break; if (width == 1) width = 0; XSetLineAttributes(e->display, e->gc, width, LineSolid, CapRound, JoinRound); XPoint *xp = xmalloc(sizeof(XPoint) * f->npoints); for (j = 0; j < f->npoints; j++) { xp[j].x = f->points_2d[j].x; xp[j].y = f->points_2d[j].y; } XDrawLines(e->display, e->pixmap, e->gc, xp, f->npoints, CoordModeOrigin); free(xp); } break; case FPOLY2D: { int j; XPoint *xp = xmalloc(sizeof(XPoint) * f->npoints); for (j = 0; j < f->npoints; j++) { xp[j].x = f->points_2d[j].x; xp[j].y = f->points_2d[j].y; } XFillPolygon(e->display, e->pixmap, e->gc, xp, f->npoints, Complex, CoordModeOrigin); free(xp); } break; case FLINE3D: { int width = f->width; double sx0, sy0, sx1, sy1; int x0, y0, x1, y1; if (width <= 0) break; if (width == 1) width = 0; ezx_c3d_to_2d(e, f->dx0, f->dy0, f->dz0, &sx0, &sy0); ezx_c3d_to_2d(e, f->dx1, f->dy1, f->dz1, &sx1, &sy1); x0 = (int)sx0 + (e->size_x / 2); y0 = (int)sy0 + (e->size_y / 2); x1 = (int)sx1 + (e->size_x / 2); y1 = (int)sy1 + (e->size_y / 2); clip_line(&x0, &y0, &x1, &y1, e->size_x, e->size_y); XSetLineAttributes(e->display, e->gc, width, LineSolid, CapRound, JoinRound); XDrawLine(e->display, e->pixmap, e->gc, x0, y0, x1, y1); } break; case FCIRCLE2D: { int width = f->width; if (width <= 0) break; if (width == 1) width = 0; XSetLineAttributes(e->display, e->gc, width, LineSolid, CapRound, JoinRound); XDrawArc(e->display, e->pixmap, e->gc, f->x0 - f->r, f->y0 - f->r, f->r * 2, f->r * 2, 0, 64 * 360); } break; case FFILLEDCIRCLE2D: XFillArc(e->display, e->pixmap, e->gc, f->x0 - f->r, f->y0 - f->r, f->r * 2, f->r * 2, 0, 64 * 360); break; case FFILLEDCIRCLE3D: { double sx0, sy0; ezx_c3d_to_2d(e, f->dx0, f->dy0, f->dz0, &sx0, &sy0); XFillArc(e->display, e->pixmap, e->gc, (int)sx0 + (e->size_x / 2) - (int)f->dr, (int)sy0 + (e->size_y / 2) - (int)f->dr, (int)f->dr * 2, (int)f->dr * 2, 0, 64 * 360); } break; case FSTR2D: XDrawString(e->display, e->pixmap, e->gc, f->x0, f->y0, f->str, strlen(f->str)); break; case FSTR3D: { double sx0, sy0; ezx_c3d_to_2d(e, f->dx0, f->dy0, f->dz0, &sx0, &sy0); XDrawString(e->display, e->pixmap, e->gc, (int)sx0 + (e->size_x / 2), (int)sy0 + (e->size_y / 2), f->str, strlen(f->str)); } break; case FRECT2D: { int width = f->width; if (width <= 0) break; if (width == 1) width = 0; XSetLineAttributes(e->display, e->gc, width, LineSolid, CapRound, JoinRound); XDrawRectangle(e->display, e->pixmap, e->gc, f->x0, f->y0, f->x1 - f->x0, f->y1 - f->y0); } break; case FFILLEDRECT2D: XFillRectangle(e->display, e->pixmap, e->gc, f->x0, f->y0, f->x1 - f->x0, f->y1 - f->y0); break; case FARC2D: { int width = f->width; if (width <= 0) break; if (width == 1) width = 0; XSetLineAttributes(e->display, e->gc, width, LineSolid, CapRound, JoinRound); XDrawArc(e->display, e->pixmap, e->gc, f->x0 - f->x1/2, f->y0 - f->y1/2, f->x1, f->y1, f->angle1 * 64, f->angle2 * 64); } break; case FFILLEDARC2D: XFillArc(e->display, e->pixmap, e->gc, f->x0 - f->x1/2, f->y0 - f->y1/2, f->x1, f->y1, f->angle1 * 64, f->angle2 * 64); break; case FPOLY3D: break; } } } } XCopyArea(e->display, e->pixmap, e->top, e->gc, 0, 0, e->size_x, e->size_y, 0, 0); XFlush(e->display); } void ezx_window_name(ezx_t *e, char *window_name) { if (window_name != NULL) XStoreName(e->display, e->top, window_name); } int ezx_isclosed(ezx_t *e) { XEvent event; if (!e->closed && XCheckTypedWindowEvent(e->display, e->top, ClientMessage, &event) != 0) { if (event.xclient.message_type == e->wm_protocols && event.xclient.data.l[0] == e->wm_delete_window) { e->closed = 1; } } return e->closed; } void ezx_quit(ezx_t *e) { ezx_wipe(e); XFreeFont(e->display, e->fontst); XFreeGC(e->display, e->gc); XCloseDisplay(e->display); color_table_free(e->color_table); free(e); } ezx_t *ezx_init(int size_x, int size_y, char *window_name) { char *server; ezx_t *e; XSetWindowAttributes atr; e = xcalloc(1, sizeof(ezx_t)); server = (char *)getenv("DISPLAY"); if (server == NULL) server = "localhost:0.0"; e->display = XOpenDisplay(server); if (e->display == NULL) error_exit("can't open display \"%s\"", server); e->size_x = size_x; e->size_y = size_y; e->closed = 0; e->scrdist = 100; e->mag = 20; e->cmap = DefaultColormap(e->display, DefaultScreen(e->display)); e->color_table = color_table_new(); XAllocNamedColor(e->display, e->cmap, "black", &e->black, &e->rgb); XAllocNamedColor(e->display, e->cmap, "white", &e->white, &e->rgb); e->fontst = XLoadQueryFont(e->display, fontname); if (e->fontst == NULL) error_exit("can't load font \"%s\"", fontname); e->top = XCreateSimpleWindow(e->display, DefaultRootWindow(e->display), 0, 0, e->size_x, e->size_y, 2, BlackPixel(e->display, DefaultScreen(e->display)), WhitePixel(e->display, DefaultScreen(e->display))); if (window_name != NULL) XStoreName(e->display, e->top, window_name); e->pixmap = XCreatePixmap(e->display, e->top, e->size_x, e->size_y, DefaultDepth(e->display, DefaultScreen(e->display))); e->gc = XCreateGC(e->display, e->top, 0, 0); XSetGraphicsExposures(e->display, e->gc, False); e->wm_protocols = XInternAtom(e->display, "WM_PROTOCOLS", True); e->wm_delete_window = XInternAtom(e->display, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", True); XSetWMProtocols(e->display, e->top, &e->wm_delete_window, 1); e->size_hints.flags = PMinSize | PMaxSize; e->size_hints.min_width = e->size_x; e->size_hints.min_height = e->size_y; e->size_hints.max_width = e->size_x; e->size_hints.max_height = e->size_y; XSetNormalHints(e->display, e->top, &e->size_hints); atr.backing_store = WhenMapped; XChangeWindowAttributes(e->display, e->top, CWBackingStore, &atr); XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap(e->display, e->top, e->pixmap); XSelectInput(e->display, e->top, ExposureMask | KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask | ButtonMotionMask | OwnerGrabButtonMask | ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask); XResizeWindow(e->display, e->top, e->size_x, e->size_y); XMapWindow(e->display, e->top); XFlush(e->display); { XEvent ev; do { XNextEvent(e->display, &ev); } while (ev.type != Expose); } ezx_set_background(e, &ezx_white); ezx_set_view_3d(e, 1000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5); ezx_set_light_3d(e, 1000, 900, 800); ezx_redraw(e); return e; } static inline unsigned int get_state_mask(unsigned int xstate) { unsigned int state = 0; if (xstate & ShiftMask) state |= EZX_SHIFT_MASK; if (xstate & ControlMask) state |= EZX_CONTROL_MASK; if (xstate & Button1Mask) state |= EZX_BUTTON_LMASK; if (xstate & Button2Mask) state |= EZX_BUTTON_MMASK; if (xstate & Button3Mask) state |= EZX_BUTTON_RMASK; return state; } int ezx_sensebutton(ezx_t *e, int *x, int *y) { Window root, child; int root_x, root_y, win_x, win_y; unsigned int s; if (x == NULL) x = &win_x; if (y == NULL) y = &win_y; XQueryPointer(e->display, e->top, &root, &child, &root_x, &root_y, x, y, &s); return get_state_mask(s); } int ezx_pushbutton(ezx_t *e, int *x, int *y) { XEvent xevent; for (;;) { XMaskEvent(e->display, ExposureMask | ButtonPressMask, &xevent); if (xevent.type == Expose) { ezx_redraw(e); } else if (xevent.type == ButtonPress) { if (x) *x = xevent.xbutton.x; if (y) *y = xevent.xbutton.y; return xevent.xbutton.button; } } } void ezx_next_event(ezx_t *e, ezx_event_t *event) { XEvent xevent; for (;;) { XNextEvent(e->display, &xevent); if (xevent.type == Expose) { ezx_redraw(e); } else if (xevent.type == ButtonPress || xevent.type == ButtonRelease) { if (event) { if (xevent.type == ButtonPress) event->button.type = EZX_BUTTON_PRESS; else event->button.type = EZX_BUTTON_RELEASE; event->button.b = xevent.xbutton.button; event->button.x = xevent.xbutton.x; event->button.y = xevent.xbutton.y; event->button.state = get_state_mask(xevent.xbutton.state); } break; } else if (xevent.type == KeyPress || xevent.type == KeyRelease) { int ret; char c; KeySym keysym; if ((ret=XLookupString((XKeyEvent *)&xevent, &c, 1, &keysym, NULL)) == 1 || (XK_Home <= keysym && keysym <= XK_Down)) { if (event) { if (xevent.type == KeyPress) event->key.type = EZX_KEY_PRESS; else event->key.type = EZX_KEY_RELEASE; if (ret == 1) event->key.k = c; else event->key.k = keysym; event->key.x = xevent.xkey.x; event->key.y = xevent.xkey.y; event->key.state = get_state_mask(xevent.xkey.state); } break; } } else if (xevent.type == MotionNotify) { if (event) { event->motion.type = EZX_MOTION_NOTIFY; event->motion.x = xevent.xmotion.x; event->motion.y = xevent.xmotion.y; event->motion.state = get_state_mask(xevent.xmotion.state); } break; } else if (xevent.type == ClientMessage) { if (xevent.xclient.message_type == e->wm_protocols && xevent.xclient.data.l[0] == e->wm_delete_window) { e->closed = 1; if (event) event->type = EZX_CLOSE; break; } } } }