;; ;; A library for manipulating file paths in a cross platform way on ;; both Windows and Unix. ;; ;; Based on the Haskell FilePath library by Neil Mitchell. ;; http://www-users.cs.york.ac.uk/~ndm/filepath ;; ;; Copyright 2008-2009 Ivan Raikov. ;; ;; ;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ;; are met: ;; ;; - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ;; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ;; ;; - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above ;; copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following ;; disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided ;; with the distribution. ;; ;; - Neither name of the copyright holders nor the names of its ;; contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived ;; from this software without specific prior written permission. ;; ;; THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND THE ;; CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, ;; INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF ;; MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE ;; DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OR THE ;; CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, ;; SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT ;; LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF ;; USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED ;; AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT ;; LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ;; ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE ;; POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ;; (module filepath ( filepath:posix filepath:is-windows? filepath:is-posix? ;; Separator predicates filepath:path-separator filepath:path-separator-set filepath:is-path-separator? filepath:search-path-separator filepath:is-search-path-separator? filepath:ext-separator filepath:is-ext-separator? ;; Path methods (environment $PATH) filepath:split-search-path filepath:get-search-path ;; Extension procedures filepath:split-extension filepath:take-extension filepath:replace-extension filepath:drop-extension filepath:add-extension filepath:has-extension? filepath:split-all-extensions filepath:drop-all-extensions filepath:take-all-extensions ;; Drive procedures filepath:split-drive filepath:join-drive filepath:take-drive filepath:has-drive? filepath:drop-drive filepath:is-drive? ;; Operations on a file path, as a list of directories filepath:split-file-name filepath:take-file-name filepath:replace-file-name filepath:drop-file-name filepath:take-base-name filepath:replace-base-name filepath:take-directory filepath:replace-directory filepath:combine filepath:split-path filepath:join-path filepath:split-directories ;; Low-level procedures filepath:has-trailing-path-separator? filepath:add-trailing-path-separator filepath:drop-trailing-path-separator ;; File name manipulators filepath:normalise filepath:path-equal? filepath:make-relative filepath:is-relative? filepath:is-absolute? filepath:is-valid? filepath:make-valid ) (import scheme chicken data-structures srfi-1 srfi-13 srfi-14) (require-extension matchable) ;; Utility list procedures (define (scatter p lst) (define (break1 p lst) (let-values (((hd tl) (break p lst))) (list hd tl))) (let loop ((lst lst) (ax (list))) (match (break1 p lst) ((() ()) (reverse ax)) ((hd ()) (reverse (cons hd ax))) ((() tl) (loop (cdr tl) (cons (list) ax))) ((hd tl) (loop (cdr tl) (cons hd ax)))))) (define (prefix? p lst) (let loop ((p p) (lst lst)) (cond ((null? p) #t) ((null? lst) #f) ((eq? (first p) (first lst)) (loop (cdr p) (cdr lst))) (else #f)))) ;; Utility char procedures (define (is-letter? c) (char-set-contains? char-set:letter c)) ;; (define char-upcase-map ;; (zip (char-set->list char-set:lower-case) ;; (char-set->list char-set:upper-case))) ;; (define (char-upcase c) (or (safe-car (alist-ref c char-upcase-map)) c)) ;; (define char-downcase-map ;; (zip (char-set->list char-set:upper-case) ;; (char-set->list char-set:lower-case))) ;; (define (char-downcase c) (or (safe-car (alist-ref c char-downcase-map)) c)) ;; Is the operating system environment POSIX or Windows like (define filepath:posix (make-parameter (or (equal? (software-type) 'unix) (equal? (software-type) 'macosx)))) (define (is-posix?) (filepath:posix)) (define (is-windows?) (not (is-posix?))) ;; Default path separator character. In the case where more than one ;; separator is possible, path-separator is the most commonly used ;; one. ;; (define (path-separator) (cond ((is-posix?) #\/) ((is-windows?) #\\) (else (error 'path-separator "unknown system environment")))) ;; The set of all possible separators. (define (path-separator-set) (cond ((is-posix?) (list->char-set (list #\/))) ((is-windows?) (list->char-set (list #\\ #\/))) (else (error 'path-separator-set "unknown system environment")))) (define (is-path-separator? x) (char-set-contains? (path-separator-set) x)) ;; The character that is used to separate the entries in the $PATH ;; environment variable. (define (search-path-separator) (cond ((is-posix?) #\:) ((is-windows?) #\;) (else (error 'search-path-separator "unknown system environment")))) (define (is-search-path-separator? x) (equal? x (search-path-separator))) ;; File extension character (define (ext-separator) #\.) (define (is-ext-separator? x) (equal? x (ext-separator))) ;; Splits a string it on the search-path-separator character. ;; ;; Follows the recommendations in ;; ;; (define (split-search-path s) (let ((cs (if (string? s) (string->list s) s))) (filter-map (lambda (x) (match x (() (and (is-posix?) (list #\.))) (else x))) (scatter is-search-path-separator? cs)))) (define (get-search-path) (split-search-path (getenv "PATH"))) ;; Splits a file path string on the extension. (define (split-extension p) (let ((pcs (if (string? p) (string->list p) p))) (match-let (((a b) (split-file-name pcs))) (let-values (((c d) (break is-ext-separator? (reverse b)))) (match d (() (list pcs (list))) ((y . ys) (list (append a (reverse ys)) (cons y (reverse c))))))))) (define (take-extension p) (second (split-extension p))) (define (drop-extension p) (first (split-extension p))) (define (replace-extension p ext) (add-extension (drop-extension p) ext)) (define (add-extension p ext) (let ((ecs (if (string? ext) (string->list ext) ext)) (pcs (if (string? p) (string->list p) p))) (if (null? ecs) pcs (if (prefix? (list (ext-separator)) ecs) (append pcs ecs) (append pcs (list (ext-separator)) ecs))))) (define (has-extension? p) (member (ext-separator) p)) (define (split-all-extensions p) (let ((pcs (if (string? p) (string->list p) p))) (match-let (((a b) (split-file-name pcs))) (match (scatter is-ext-separator? b) ((c d . e) (list (concatenate (append a (list c))) (concatenate (intersperse (cons d e) (list (ext-separator)))))) (else (list pcs (list))))))) (define (drop-all-extensions p) (first (split-all-extensions p))) (define (take-all-extensions p) (second (split-all-extensions p))) (define (split-drive p) (let ((pcs (if (string? p) (string->list p) p))) (or (and (is-posix?) (let-values (((pre rest) (span is-path-separator? pcs))) (and (not (null? pre)) (list pre rest)))) (read-drive-letter pcs) (read-drive-unc pcs) (read-drive-share pcs) (list (list) pcs)))) (define (add-slash a xs) (let ((xcs (if (string? xs) (string->list xs) xs)) (acs (if (string? a) (string->list a) a))) (let-values (((c d) (span is-path-separator? xcs))) (list (append acs c) d)))) ;; http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/fileio/fs/naming_a_file.asp ;; "\\?\D:\" or "\\?\UNC\\" ;; a is "\\?\" (define (read-drive-unc p) (let ((pcs (if (string? p) (string->list p) p))) (match pcs (((and s1 (? is-path-separator?)) (and s2 (? is-path-separator?)) #\? (and s3 (? is-path-separator?)) . xs) (let ((us (map char-upcase xs))) (match us ((#\U #\N #\C (and s4 (? is-path-separator?)) . _) (match (read-drive-share-name (drop xs 4)) ((a b) (list (cons* s1 s2 #\? s3 (append (take xs 4) a)) b)))) (else (match (read-drive-letter xs) ((a b) (list (cons* s1 s2 #\? s3 a) b)) (else #f)))))) (else #f)))) (define (read-drive-letter p) (let ((pcs (if (string? p) (string->list p) p))) (match pcs (((and x (? is-letter?)) #\: (and y (? is-path-separator?)) . xs) (add-slash (list x #\:) (cons y xs))) (((and x (? is-letter?)) #\: . xs) (list (list x #\:) xs)) (else #f)))) (define (read-drive-share p) (let ((pcs (if (string? p) (string->list p) p))) (match pcs (((and s1 (? is-path-separator?)) (and s2 (? is-path-separator?)) . xs) (match-let (((a b) (read-drive-share-name xs))) (list (cons* s1 s2 a) b))) (else #f)))) (define (read-drive-share-name n) (let ((ncs (if (string? n) (string->list n) n))) (let-values (((a b) (break is-path-separator? ncs))) (and (not (null? a)) (add-slash a b))))) ;; Join a drive and the rest of the path. ;; Windows: joinDrive "C:" "foo" == "C:foo" ;; Windows: joinDrive "C:\\" "bar" == "C:\\bar" ;; Windows: joinDrive "\\\\share" "foo" == "\\\\share\\foo" ;; Windows: joinDrive "/:" "foo" == "/:\\foo" (define (join-drive a b) (let ((acs (if (string? a) (string->list a) a)) (bcs (if (string? b) (string->list b) b))) (cond ((is-posix?) (append acs bcs)) ((null? acs) bcs) ((null? bcs) acs) ((is-path-separator? (last acs)) (append acs bcs)) (else (match acs (((and a1 (? is-letter?)) #\:) (append acs bcs)) (else (append acs (list (path-separator)) bcs))))))) (define (take-drive p) (first (split-drive p))) (define (drop-drive p) (second (split-drive p))) (define (has-drive? p) (not (null? (take-drive p)))) (define (is-drive? p) (null? (drop-drive p))) ;; Operations on a filepath, as a list of directories ;;; Split a filename into directory and file. 'combine' is the inverse. (define (split-file-name p) (let ((pcs (if (string? p) (string->list p) p))) (match-let (((c d) (split-drive pcs))) (let-values (((a b) (break is-path-separator? (reverse d)))) (list (append c (reverse b)) (reverse a)))))) (define (replace-file-name p r) (drop-file-name (combine p r))) (define (drop-file-name p) (first (split-file-name p))) (define (take-file-name p) (second (split-file-name p))) (define (take-base-name p) (drop-extension (take-file-name p))) (define (replace-base-name p name) (let ((ncs (if (string? name) (string->list name) name))) (match-let (((a b) (split-file-name p))) (let* ((ext (take-extension b)) (ext (if (prefix? (list (ext-separator)) ext) ext (cons (ext-separator) ext)))) (combine-always a (append ncs ext)))))) ;; Is an item either a directory or the last character a path separator? (define (has-trailing-path-separator? p) (let ((pcs (if (string? p) (string->list p) p))) (and (not (null? pcs)) (is-path-separator? (last pcs))))) (define (add-trailing-path-separator p) (let ((pcs (if (string? p) (string->list p) p))) (if (has-trailing-path-separator? pcs) pcs (append pcs (list (path-separator)))))) (define (drop-trailing-path-separator p) (let ((pcs (if (string? p) (string->list p) p))) (if (and (has-trailing-path-separator? pcs) (not (is-drive? pcs))) (reverse (drop-while is-path-separator? (reverse pcs))) pcs))) (define (take-directory p) (let ((pcs (if (string? p) (string->list p) p))) (let* ((fn (drop-file-name pcs)) (res (reverse (drop-while is-path-separator? (reverse fn))))) (if (is-drive? fn) fn (if (and (null? res) (not (null? fn))) fn res))))) (define (replace-directory p dir) (let ((pcs (if (string? p) (string->list p) p)) (dcs (if (string? dir) (string->list dir) dir))) (combine-always dir (take-file-name pcs)))) ;; Combine two paths, if the second path 'isAbsolute', then it returns the second. ;; ;; Posix: combine "/" "test" == "/test" ;; Posix: combine "home" "bob" == "home/bob" ;; Windows: combine "home" "bob" == "home\\bob" ;; Windows: combine "home" "/bob" == "/bob" (define (combine a b) (let ((acs (if (string? a) (string->list a) a)) (bcs (if (string? b) (string->list b) b))) (cond ((or (has-drive? bcs) (and (not (null? bcs)) (is-path-separator? (first bcs)))) bcs) (else (combine-always acs bcs))))) ;; Combine two paths, assuming rhs is NOT absolute. (define (combine-always a b) (let ((acs (if (string? a) (string->list a) a)) (bcs (if (string? b) (string->list b) b))) (cond ((null? acs) bcs) ((null? bcs) acs) ((is-path-separator? (last acs)) (append acs bcs)) ((is-drive? acs) (join-drive acs bcs)) (else (append acs (list (path-separator)) bcs))))) ;; Split a path by the directory separator. ;; splitPath "test//item/" == ["test//","item/"] ;; splitPath "test/item/file" == ["test/","item/","file"] ;; splitPath "" == [] ;; Windows: splitPath "c:\\test\\path" == ["c:\\","test\\","path"] ;; Posix: splitPath "/file/test" == ["/","file/","test"] (define (split-path p ) (define (f y) (if (null? y) y (let*-values (((a b) (break is-path-separator? y)) ((c d) (break (lambda (x) (not (is-path-separator? x))) b))) (cons (append a c) (f d))))) (let ((pcs (if (string? p) (string->list p) p))) (match-let (((drive path) (split-drive pcs))) (append (if (null? drive) (list) (list drive)) (f path))))) ;; Just as 'splitPath', but don't add the trailing slashes to each element. ;; splitDirectories "test/file" == ["test","file"] ;; splitDirectories "/test/file" == ["/","test","file"] ;; splitDirectories "" == [] (define (split-directories p) (define (g x) (let ((res (take-while (lambda (x) (not (is-path-separator? x))) x))) (if (null? res) x res))) (let* ((pcs (if (string? p) (string->list p) p)) (path-components (split-path pcs))) (if (has-drive? pcs) (cons (car path-components) (map g (cdr path-components))) (map g path-components)))) ;; Join path elements back together. ;; joinPath [] == "" ;; Posix: joinPath ["test","file","path"] == "test/file/path" (define (join-path p) (let ((pcs (if (string? p) (string->list p) p))) (fold-right combine (list) pcs))) ;; Equality of two 'FilePath's. ;; Note that this doesn't follow symlinks or DOSNAM~1s. ;; Posix: equalFilePath "foo" "foo/" ;; Posix: not (equalFilePath "foo" "/foo") ;; Posix: not (equalFilePath "foo" "FOO") ;; Windows: equalFilePath "foo" "FOO" (define (path-equal? a b) (define (f x) (if (is-windows?) (drop-trail-slash (map char-downcase (normalise x))) (drop-trail-slash (normalise x)))) (define (drop-trail-slash x) (if (and (>= (length x) 2) (is-path-separator? (last x))) (drop-right x 1) x)) (let ((acs (if (string? a) (string->list a) a)) (bcs (if (string? b) (string->list b) b))) (equal? (f acs) (f bcs)))) ;; Contract a filename, based on a relative path. ;; Windows: makeRelative "C:\\Home" "c:\\home\\bob" == "bob" ;; Windows: makeRelative "C:\\Home" "c:/home/bob" == "bob" ;; Windows: makeRelative "C:\\Home" "D:\\Home\\Bob" == "D:\\Home\\Bob" ;; Windows: makeRelative "C:\\Home" "C:Home\\Bob" == "C:Home\\Bob" ;; Windows: makeRelative "/Home" "/home/bob" == "bob" ;; Posix: makeRelative "/Home" "/home/bob" == "/home/bob" ;; Posix: makeRelative "/home/" "/home/bob/foo/bar" == "bob/foo/bar" ;; Posix: makeRelative "/fred" "bob" == "bob" ;; Posix: makeRelative "/file/test" "/file/test/fred" == "fred" ;; Posix: makeRelative "/file/test" "/file/test/fred/" == "fred/" ;; Posix: makeRelative "some/path" "some/path/a/b/c" == "a/b/c" (define (make-relative root path) (define (drop-abs p) (match p (((and x (? is-path-separator?)) . xs) xs) (else (drop-drive p)))) (define (take-abs p) (match p (((and x (? is-path-separator?)) . xs) (list (path-separator))) (else (map (lambda (y) (if (is-path-separator? y) (path-separator) (char-downcase y))) (take-drive p))))) (define (f x y pcs) (if (null? x) (drop-while is-path-separator? y) (match-let (((x1 x2) (g x)) ((y1 y2) (g y))) (if (path-equal? x1 y1) (f x2 y2 pcs) pcs)))) (define (g x) (let-values (((a b) (break is-path-separator? (drop-while is-path-separator? x)))) (list (drop-while is-path-separator? a) (drop-while is-path-separator? b) ))) (let ((pcs (if (string? path) (string->list path) path)) (rcs (if (string? root) (string->list root) root))) (cond ((path-equal? rcs pcs) (list #\.)) ((not (equal? (take-abs rcs) (take-abs pcs))) pcs) (else (f (drop-abs rcs) (drop-abs pcs) pcs))))) ;; Normalise a file ;; Posix: normalise "/file/\\test////" == "/file/\\test/" ;; Posix: normalise "/file/./test" == "/file/test" ;; Posix: normalise "/test/file/../bob/fred/" == "/test/file/../bob/fred/" ;; Posix: normalise "../bob/fred/" == "../bob/fred/" ;; Posix: normalise "./bob/fred/" == "bob/fred/" ;; Posix: normalise "./" == "./" ;; Windows: normalise "c:\\file/bob\\" == "C:\\file\\bob\\" ;; Windows: normalise "c:\\" == "C:\\" ;; Windows: normalise "\\\\server\\test" == "\\\\server\\test" ;; Windows: normalise "c:/file" == "C:\\file" ;; normalise "." == "." (define (normalise path) (define (drop-dots ax) (lambda (xs) (match xs (((#\.) . (and rest (? pair?))) ((drop-dots ax) rest)) ((x . rest) ((drop-dots (cons x ax)) rest)) (() (reverse ax))))) (define (prop-sep xs) (match xs (((and a (? is-path-separator?)) (and b (? is-path-separator?)) . rest) (prop-sep (cons a rest))) (((and a (? is-path-separator?)) . rest) (cons (path-separator) (prop-sep rest))) ((x . rest) (cons x (prop-sep rest))) (() xs))) (define f (compose join-path (drop-dots (list)) split-directories prop-sep)) (match-let (((drv pth) (split-drive path))) (append (join-drive (normalise-drive drv) (f pth)) (if (and (not (null? pth)) (is-path-separator? (last pth))) (list (path-separator)) (list))))) (define (normalise-drive drive) (define (rep-slash x) (if (is-path-separator? x) (path-separator) x)) (if (is-posix?) drive (let ((x2 (map rep-slash drive))) (if (read-drive-letter x2) (map char-upcase x2) drive)))) ;; information for validity functions on Windows ;; see http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/fileio/fs/naming_a_file.asp (define bad-chars (list->char-set (string->list ":*?><|"))) (define (is-bad-char? c) (char-set-contains? bad-chars c)) (define bad-elems (map string->list (list "CON" "PRN" "AUX" "NUL" "COM1" "COM2" "COM3" "COM4" "COM5" "COM6" "COM7" "COM8" "COM9" "LPT1" "LPT2" "LPT3" "LPT4" "LPT5" "LPT6" "LPT7" "LPT8" "LPT9" "CLOCK$"))) (define (is-bad-elem? x) (let ((x1 (map char-upcase (drop-all-extensions x)))) (member x1 bad-elems))) (define (is-valid? p) (let ((pcs (if (string? p) (string->list p) p))) (and (not (null? pcs)) (or (is-posix?) (let ((pcs1 (drop-drive pcs))) (and (not (any is-bad-char? pcs1)) (not (any is-bad-elem? (split-directories pcs1))) (not (and (>= (length pcs) 2) (every is-path-separator? pcs))))))))) ;; Take a FilePath and make it valid; does not change already valid FilePaths. ;; isValid x ==> makeValid x == x ;; makeValid "" == "_" ;; Windows: makeValid "c:\\test:of_test" == "c:\\test_of_test" ;; Windows: makeValid "test*" == "test_" ;; Windows: makeValid "c:\\test\\nul" == "c:\\test\\nul_" ;; Windows: makeValid "c:\\test\\prn.txt" == "c:\\test\\prn_.txt" ;; Windows: makeValid "c:\\test/prn.txt" == "c:\\test/prn_.txt" ;; Windows: makeValid "c:\\nul\\file" == "c:\\nul_\\file" (define (valid-chars p) (map (lambda (x) (if (is-bad-char? x) #\_ x)) p)) (define (valid-elements p) (define (g x) (let-values (((a b) (span is-path-separator? (reverse x)))) (append (h (reverse b)) (reverse a)))) (define (h x) (match-let ((( a b) (split-all-extensions x))) (if (is-bad-elem? a) (add-extension (append a (list #\_)) b) x))) (join-path (map g (split-path p)))) (define (make-valid p) (let ((pcs (if (string? p) (string->list p) p))) (cond ((null? pcs) (list #\_)) ((is-posix?) pcs) ((and (>= (length pcs) 2) (every is-path-separator? pcs)) (append (take pcs 2) (string->list "drive"))) (else (match-let (((drv pth) (split-drive pcs))) (join-drive drv (valid-elements (valid-chars pth)))))))) ;; Is a path relative, or is it fixed to the root? ;; Windows: isRelative "path\\test" == True ;; Windows: isRelative "c:\\test" == False ;; Windows: isRelative "c:test" == True ;; Windows: isRelative "c:" == True ;; Windows: isRelative "\\\\foo" == False ;; Windows: isRelative "/foo" == True ;; Posix: isRelative "test/path" == True ;; Posix: isRelative "/test" == False (define (is-relative? p) (is-relative-drive? (take-drive p))) (define (is-relative-drive? p) (not (is-path-separator? (last (first (read-drive-letter p)))))) (define (is-absolute? p) (not (is-relative? p))) ;;; Exported interface (define filepath:is-posix? is-posix?) (define filepath:is-windows? is-windows?) (define filepath:path-separator path-separator) (define filepath:path-separator-set path-separator-set) (define filepath:is-path-separator? is-path-separator?) (define filepath:search-path-separator search-path-separator) (define filepath:is-search-path-separator? is-search-path-separator?) (define filepath:ext-separator ext-separator) (define filepath:is-ext-separator? is-ext-separator?) ;; wrappers that take a char-list result from an internal procedure ;; and convert it to a string (define (list-wrapper lst) (map list->string lst)) ;; Path methods (environment $PATH) (define filepath:split-search-path (compose list-wrapper split-search-path)) (define filepath:get-search-path (compose list-wrapper get-search-path)) ;; Extension procedures (define filepath:split-extension (compose list-wrapper split-extension)) (define filepath:take-extension (compose list->string take-extension)) (define filepath:drop-extension (compose list->string drop-extension)) (define filepath:replace-extension (compose list->string replace-extension)) (define filepath:add-extension (compose list->string add-extension)) (define filepath:split-all-extensions (compose list-wrapper split-all-extensions)) (define filepath:drop-all-extensions (compose list->string drop-all-extensions)) (define filepath:take-all-extensions (compose list->string take-all-extensions)) (define filepath:has-extension? has-extension?) ;; Drive procedures (define filepath:split-drive (compose list-wrapper split-drive)) (define filepath:join-drive (compose list->string join-drive)) (define filepath:take-drive (compose list->string take-drive)) (define filepath:drop-drive (compose list->string drop-drive)) (define filepath:has-drive? has-drive?) (define filepath:is-drive? is-drive?) ;; Operations on a file path, as a list of directories (define filepath:split-file-name (compose list-wrapper split-file-name)) (define filepath:take-file-name (compose list->string take-file-name)) (define filepath:replace-file-name (compose list->string replace-file-name)) (define filepath:drop-file-name (compose list->string drop-file-name)) (define filepath:take-base-name (compose list->string take-base-name)) (define filepath:replace-base-name (compose list->string replace-base-name)) (define filepath:take-directory (compose list->string take-directory)) (define filepath:replace-directory (compose list->string replace-directory)) (define filepath:combine (compose list->string combine)) (define filepath:split-path (compose list-wrapper split-path)) (define filepath:join-path (compose list->string join-path)) (define filepath:split-directories (compose list-wrapper split-directories)) ;; Low-level procedures (define filepath:add-trailing-path-separator (compose list->string add-trailing-path-separator)) (define filepath:drop-trailing-path-separator (compose list->string drop-trailing-path-separator)) (define filepath:has-trailing-path-separator? has-trailing-path-separator?) ;; File name manipulators (define filepath:normalise (compose list->string normalise )) (define filepath:make-relative (compose list->string make-relative )) (define filepath:make-valid (compose list->string make-valid )) (define filepath:is-valid? is-valid? ) (define filepath:path-equal? path-equal?) (define filepath:is-relative? is-relative?) (define filepath:is-absolute? is-absolute?) )