;; ;; Definition and code generators for a simple applicative language ;; for numerical simulation. ;; ;; Copyright 2010-2012 Ivan Raikov and the Okinawa Institute of ;; Science and Technology. ;; ;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ;; published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the ;; License, or (at your option) any later version. ;; ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;; General Public License for more details. ;; ;; A full copy of the GPL license can be found at ;; . ;; (module flsim ( value? V:C V:Var V:Rec V:Sel V:Vec V:Sub V:Fn V:Op V:Ifv expr? E:Val E:Ife E:Let E:Ret E:Noop name/scheme prelude/scheme expr->scheme value->scheme name/ML prelude/ML expr->ML value->ML name/Octave prelude/Octave expr->Octave value->Octave ) (import scheme chicken) (require-extension extras data-structures srfi-1 datatype) (define nl "\n") (define-datatype value value? (V:C (v (lambda (x) (or (symbol? x) (number? x) )))) (V:Var (name symbol?)) (V:Rec (flds (lambda (xs) (and (pair? xs) (every (lambda (x) (and (symbol? (car x)) (value? (cadr x)))) xs))))) (V:Sel (field (lambda (x) (or (symbol? x) (integer? x)))) (v value?)) (V:Vec (vals (lambda (x) (every value? x)))) (V:Sub (index (lambda (x) (and (integer? x) (or (zero? x) (positive? x))))) (v value?)) (V:Fn (args pair?) (body expr?)) (V:Op (name symbol?) (args (lambda (x) (every value? x)))) (V:Ifv (test value?) (ift value?) (iff value?)) ) (define-record-printer (value x out) (fprintf out "~A" (cases value x (V:C (v) (sprintf "V:C ~A" v)) (V:Var (n) (sprintf "V:Var ~A " n)) (V:Rec (lst) (sprintf "V:Rec ~A" lst)) (V:Sel (f v) (sprintf "V:Sel ~A ~A" f v)) (V:Vec (lst) (sprintf "V:Vec ~A" lst)) (V:Sub (i v) (sprintf "V:Sub ~A ~A" i v)) (V:Ifv (test tv fv) "V:Ifv ~A ~A ~A" test tv fv) (V:Fn (args body) (sprintf "V:Fn ~A = ~A" args body)) (V:Op (name args) (sprintf "(V:Op ~A ~A)" name args))))) (define-datatype expr expr? (E:Val (name symbol?) (v value?)) (E:Ife (test value?) (ift expr?) (iff expr?)) (E:Let (bnds pair?) (body expr?)) (E:Ret (v value?)) (E:Noop) ) (define-record-printer (expr x out) (fprintf out "~A" (cases expr x (E:Val (name v) (sprintf "E:Val ~A = ~A" name v)) (E:Ife (test ift iff) (sprintf "E:Ife ~A ~A ~A" test ift iff)) (E:Let (bnds body) (sprintf "E:Let ( ~A ) ~A" bnds body)) (E:Ret (v) (sprintf "E:Ret ~A" v)) (E:Noop () (sprintf "E:Noop")) ))) (define (name/scheme s) (let ((cs (string->list (->string s)))) (let loop ((lst (list)) (cs cs)) (if (null? cs) (string->symbol (list->string (reverse lst))) (let* ((c (car cs)) (c1 (cond ((or (char-alphabetic? c) (char-numeric? c) (char=? c #\_) (char=? c #\-)) c) (else #\-)))) (loop (cons c1 lst) (cdr cs))))))) (define (expr->scheme x . rest) (let-optionals rest ((bnd? #t)) (cases expr x (E:Val (name v) (list "(" (name/scheme name) " " (value->scheme v) ")" nl)) (E:Ife (test ift iff) (list "(cond (" (value->scheme test) " " nl " " (expr->scheme ift ) ")" nl "(else " (expr->scheme iff) "))" nl)) (E:Let (bnds body) (list "(let* (" nl (map (lambda (x) (expr->scheme x #t)) bnds) nl ") " nl (expr->scheme body #f) nl ")" nl)) (E:Ret (v) (value->scheme v)) (E:Noop () (list "(void)")) ))) (define (value->scheme v) (let ((result (cases value v (V:C (v) v) (V:Var (name) (name/scheme name)) (V:Rec (lst) (list "`(" (intersperse (map (lambda (nv) (list "(" (name/scheme (car nv)) " . ," (value->scheme (cadr nv)) ")")) lst) " ") ")")) (V:Sel (field v) (if (number? field) (list "(list-ref " (value->scheme v) " " (- field 1) ")") (list "(alist-ref '" (name/scheme field) " " (value->scheme v) ")"))) (V:Vec (lst) (list "(list " (intersperse (map value->scheme lst) " ") ")")) (V:Sub (index v) (list "(list-ref " (value->scheme v) " " index ")")) (V:Fn (args body) (list "(lambda (" (intersperse (map name/scheme args) " ") ") " (expr->scheme body #f) ")")) (V:Op (name args) (let* ((fp? (case name ((+ - * / >= > < <= neg) #t) (else #f))) (op (if fp? (conc "fp" name) name))) (cond ((null? args) (case name ((NONE) (list "#f")) (else (list "(" name ")")))) (fp? (if (pair? (cdr args)) (fold-right (lambda (x ax) (list "(" op " " (value->scheme x) " " ax ")")) (list "(" op " " (value->scheme (car args)) " " (value->scheme (cadr args)) ")") (cddr args)) (list "(" op " " (value->scheme (car args)) ")") )) (else (list "(" op " " (intersperse (map value->scheme args) " ") ")"))))) (V:Ifv (test ift iff) (list "(if " (value->scheme test) " " (value->scheme ift) " " (value->scheme iff) ")")) ))) result)) (define (prelude/scheme #!key (solver 'rk4b)) `( #<f64vector y) (lambda (x y) (list->f64vector (f x (f64vector->list y)))) abstol: 1e-1 reltol: 1e-2 lmm: cvode-lmm/bdf))) (extend-procedure f solver) solver)))) (cvode-solve solver (+ x h)) (let ((yy (cvode-yy solver))) (list (f64vector-ref yy 0)) ))) EOF ))) (else `(("(define (scaler x a) (map (lambda (k) (fp* x k)) a))" ,nl) ("(define (summer a b) (map fp+ a b))" ,nl) ("(define " ,solver " (make-" ,solver "))" ,nl) ("(define (make_stepper deriv) (" ,solver " scaler summer deriv))" ,nl) ("(define (integrate1d f x y h) (((make_stepper f) h) x y))" ,nl))) )) )) (define (name/ML s) (let ((cs (string->list (->string s)))) (let loop ((lst (list)) (cs cs)) (cond ((null? cs) (string->symbol (list->string (reverse lst)))) ((null? (cdr cs)) (let ((c (car cs))) (if (or (char-alphabetic? c) (char-numeric? c)) (loop (cons c lst) (cdr cs)) (loop (append (reverse (string->list (->string (gensym 't)))) lst) (cdr cs)) ))) (else (let* ((c (car cs)) (c1 (cond ((or (char-alphabetic? c) (char-numeric? c) (char=? c #\_) (char=? c #\#)) c) (else #\_)))) (loop (cons c1 lst) (cdr cs)))))))) (define (expr->ML x . rest) (let-optionals rest ((bnd? #t)) (cases expr x (E:Val (name v) (list "val " (name/ML name) " = " (value->ML v) nl)) (E:Ife (test ift iff) (list "if (" (value->ML test) ") " nl "then " (expr->ML ift ) nl "else " (expr->ML iff) nl)) (E:Let (bnds body) (list "let " nl (map (lambda (x) (expr->ML x #t)) bnds) nl "in " nl (expr->ML body #f) nl "end" nl)) (E:Ret (v) (value->ML v)) (E:Noop () (list "()")) ))) (define (value->ML v) (cases value v (V:C (v) (cond ((and (number? v) (negative? v)) (list "~" (abs v))) (else v))) (V:Var (name) (name/ML name)) (V:Rec (lst) (list "{" (intersperse (map (lambda (nv) (list (name/ML (first nv)) " = " (value->ML (cadr nv)))) lst) ", ") "}")) (V:Sel (field v) (list "(#" (name/ML field) "(" (value->ML v) "))")) (V:Vec (lst) (let ((n (length lst))) (list "([" (intersperse (map (lambda (v) (value->ML v)) lst) ", ") "])"))) (V:Sub (index v) (list "List.nth (" (value->ML v) ", " index ")")) (V:Fn (args body) (list "(fn (" (intersperse (map name/ML args) ",") ") => " (expr->ML body #f) ")")) (V:Op (name args) (let* ((infix? (case name ((+ - * / >= > < <=) #t) (else #f))) (op (if infix? (list "(op " name ")") name))) (cond ((null? args) (case name ((NONE) (list name)) (else (list name "()")))) ((null? (cdr args)) (list "(" op " " (value->ML (car args)) ")")) ((and infix? (pair? (cddr args))) (list "(foldr " op "(" (value->ML (V:Op name (list (car args) (cadr args)))) ")" "[" (intersperse (map value->ML (cddr args)) ",") "])")) (else (list "(" op "(" (intersperse (map value->ML args) ",") "))"))))) (V:Ifv (test ift iff) (list "(if (" (value->ML test) ") " "then " (value->ML ift ) " " "else " (value->ML iff) ")")) )) (define (prelude/ML #!key (solver 'rk4b) ) `( #< (('b,'c) trs))) * (('a -> (('b,'c) trs))) * ((('b,'c) trs) -> bool)) fun tsCase (fa,fb,x) = case x of TRSA a => (fa a) | TRSB b => (fb b) fun trfOf x = case x of TRC (f,fk,e) => f fun trfkOf x = case x of TRC (f,fk,e) => fk fun treOf x = case x of TRC (f,fk,e) => e fun putStrLn str = (TextIO.output (TextIO.stdOut, str); TextIO.output (TextIO.stdOut, "\n")) fun putStr str = (TextIO.output (TextIO.stdOut, str)) fun showReal n = let open StringCvt in (if n < 0.0 then "-" else "") ^ (fmt (FIX (SOME 12)) (abs n)) end exception EmptySignal val neg = (op ~) val swap = fn (x,v) => (case v of NONE => x | SOME v => v) val equal = fn (x,y) => (x = y) val signalOf = fn (v) => (case v of NONE => raise EmptySignal | SOME v => v) EOF ,(if (not solver) `(("(* dummy solver; returns only the computed derivatives *)") ("fun integrate1d (f,x: real,y: real list,h) = (f (x,y))" ,nl)) `(("val summer = fn (a,b) => (ListPair.map (fn (x,y) => x+y) (a,b))" ,nl) ("val scaler = fn(a,lst) => (map (fn (x) => a*x) lst)" ,nl) ("val " ,solver ": (real list) stepper1 = make_" ,solver "()" ,nl) ("fun make_stepper (deriv) = " ,solver " (scaler,summer,deriv)" ,nl) ("fun integrate1d (f,x: real,y: real list,h) = ((make_stepper f) h) (x,y)" ,nl))) )) (define (name/Octave s) (let ((cs (string->list (->string s)))) (let loop ((lst (list)) (cs cs)) (cond ((null? cs) (string->symbol (list->string (reverse lst)))) ((null? (cdr cs)) (let ((c (car cs))) (if (or (char-alphabetic? c) (char-numeric? c)) (loop (cons c lst) (cdr cs)) (loop (append (reverse (string->list (->string (gensym 't)))) lst) (cdr cs)) ))) (else (let* ((c (car cs)) (c1 (cond ((or (char-alphabetic? c) (char-numeric? c) (char=? c #\_)) c) (else #\_)))) (loop (cons c1 lst) (cdr cs)))))))) (define (expr->Octave x . rest) (let-optionals rest ((inner? #f)) (cases expr x (E:Val (name v) (if inner? (list (name/Octave name) " = " (value->Octave v) ) (list (name/Octave name) " = " (value->Octave v) ";" nl))) (E:Ife (test ift iff) (list "if (" (value->Octave test) ") " nl (expr->Octave ift ) nl " else " (expr->Octave iff) " endif" nl)) (E:Let (bnds body) (if inner? (list #\{ (intersperse (map (lambda (x) (list "(" (expr->Octave x #t) ")")) (append bnds (list body))) ", ") #\} "{" (+ 1 (length bnds)) "}" nl) (list (map (lambda (x) (list (expr->Octave x) nl)) bnds) nl (expr->Octave body) nl))) (E:Ret (v) (value->Octave v)) (E:Noop () (list)) ))) (define (value->Octave v) (cases value v (V:C (v) v) (V:Var (name) (name/Octave name)) (V:Rec (lst) (list "struct (" (intersperse (map (lambda (nv) (list #\" (name/Octave (first nv)) #\" ", " (value->Octave (cadr nv)))) lst) ", ") ")")) (V:Sel (field v) (list (value->Octave v) "." (name/Octave field))) (V:Vec (lst) (let ((n (length lst))) (list "([" (intersperse (map (lambda (v) (value->Octave v)) lst) ", ") "])"))) (V:Sub (index v) (list (value->Octave v) "((" index ")+1" ")")) (V:Fn (args body) (list "(@ (" (intersperse (map name/Octave args) ",") ") " (expr->Octave body #t) ")")) (V:Op (name args) (let* ((infix? (case name ((+ - * / >= > < <=) #t) (else #f))) (op name)) (cond ((null? args) (case name ((NONE) (list name)) (else (list name "()")))) ((null? (cdr args)) (list op "(" (value->Octave (car args)) ")")) ((and infix? (null? (cddr args))) (list "(" (value->Octave (car args)) ")" op "(" (value->Octave (cadr args)) ")")) (infix? (let ((op (case op ((+) 'sum) ((*) 'prod) (else op)))) (list op "([" (intersperse (map value->Octave args) ",") "])"))) (else (list op "(" (intersperse (map value->Octave args) ",") ")"))))) (V:Ifv (test ift iff) (list "(ifv (" (value->Octave test) ", " (value->Octave ift ) ", " (value->Octave iff) "))")) )) (define (prelude/Octave #!key (solver 'lsode)) `( #<