(use srfi-18) (declare (disable-interrupts) ;; alternative: use `hopefully` for the 'forcible' record (no-bound-checks) (no-procedure-checks) (local) (inline) (safe-globals) (specialize) (strict-types) ) (module forcible ( eager (lazy make-lazy-promise) (delay make-delayed-promise) timeout-condition? (delay/timeout make-delayed-promise make-delayed-promise/timeout-ex make-delayed-promise/timeout) (future make-future-promise) (future/timeout make-future-promise/timeout) (lazy-future make-lazy-future-promise) demand force fulfil! expectable ) (import (except scheme force delay)) (import (except chicken make-promise promise?)) (import srfi-18) (define-record forcible-timeout) (define %forcible-timeout (make-forcible-timeout)) (define (timeout-condition? x) (eq? x %forcible-timeout)) (define-type :promise: (struct forcible)) (: promise-box (:promise: -> pair)) (: promise-box-set! (:promise: pair -> *)) (: promise? (* --> boolean : :promise:)) (define-record-type forcible (make-promise box) promise? (box promise-box promise-box-set!)) (: eager (&rest -> :promise:)) (define (eager . vals) (make-promise (cons 'eager vals))) (define (make-lazy-promise thunk) (make-promise (cons (make-mutex) thunk))) (define-syntax lazy (syntax-rules () ((_ exp) (make-lazy-promise (lambda () exp))))) (define (make-delayed-promise thunk) (lazy (call-with-values thunk eager))) (define-syntax delay (syntax-rules () ((_ exp) (make-delayed-promise (lambda () exp))))) #;(define (make-future-promise thunk) (let ((thread (make-thread thunk 'future))) (thread-start! thread) (make-promise (cons thread thunk)))) (define (make-future-promise thunk) (let* ((p (cons #f thunk)) (promise (make-promise p)) (thread (make-thread (lambda () (handle-exceptions ex (fulfil! promise #f ex) (receive results (thunk) (fulfil!* promise #t results)))) 'future))) (set-car! p thread) (thread-start! thread) promise)) (define-syntax future (syntax-rules () ((_ exp) (make-future-promise (lambda () exp))))) (define (make-future-promise/timeout thunk timeout) (let* ((promise (make-promise (cons #f thunk))) (thread (make-thread (lambda () (handle-exceptions ex (fulfil! promise #f ex) (let ((to (thread-start! (let ((thread (current-thread))) (lambda () (thread-sleep! timeout) (let ((state (thread-state thread))) (case state ((dead terminated)) (else (thread-signal! thread %forcible-timeout))))))))) (receive results (thunk) (thread-terminate! to) (fulfil!* promise #t results))))) 'future))) (set-car! (promise-box promise) thread) (thread-start! thread) promise)) (define-syntax future/timeout (syntax-rules () ((_ to exp) (make-future-promise/timeout (lambda () exp) to)))) (define (make-lazy-future-promise thunk) (let ((thread (make-thread thunk 'future))) (make-promise (cons thread thunk)))) (define-syntax lazy-future (syntax-rules () ((_ exp) (make-lazy-future-promise (lambda () exp))))) (: demand (:promise: -> boolean)) (define (demand promise) (let ((key (car (promise-box promise)))) (if (and (thread? key) (eq? (thread-state key) 'created)) (begin (thread-start! key) #t) #f))) (define-inline (register-promise-timeout! promise timeout thunk) (mutex-specific-set! (car (promise-box promise)) (make-thread (lambda () (thread-sleep! timeout) (handle-exceptions ex (fulfil! promise #f ex) (receive results (thunk) (fulfil!* promise #t results))))))) (define-inline (register-promise-timeout/safe! promise timeout thunk) (mutex-specific-set! (car (promise-box promise)) (make-thread (lambda () (thread-sleep! timeout) (thunk))))) (define-inline (start-promise-timeout! key) (let ((t (mutex-specific key))) (if (thread? t) (thread-start! t)))) (define-inline (cancel-promise-timeout! key) (let ((timeout (mutex-specific key))) (if (thread? timeout) (thread-terminate! timeout)))) (define-inline (cancel-future-timeout! key) (let ((timeout (thread-specific key))) (if (thread? timeout) (begin (thread-terminate! timeout) (thread-specific-set! key #f))))) (define-inline (lock-promise-mutex! key) (start-promise-timeout! key) (mutex-lock! key)) (define-inline (unlock-promise-mutex! key) (mutex-unlock! key) (cancel-promise-timeout! key)) (: fulfil!* (:promise: boolean list -> boolean)) (define (fulfil!* promise type args) (let* ((content (promise-box promise)) (key (car content))) (if (symbol? key) #f (begin (set-cdr! content args) (set-car! content (if type 'eager 'failed)) (cond ((mutex? key) (unlock-promise-mutex! key)) ;; TBD: handle futures too. ) #t)))) (: fulfil! (:promise: boolean &rest -> boolean)) (define (fulfil! promise type . args) (fulfil!* promise type args)) (: expectable (or (&rest * (procedure (*) . *) -> (procedure (true &rest) boolean) :promise:) (&rest * (procedure (*) . *) -> (procedure (false *) boolean) :promise:))) (define (expectable . name+thunk) (let* ((thunk (and (pair? name+thunk) (pair? (cdr name+thunk)) (cadr name+thunk))) (mux (or thunk (make-mutex (if (pair? name+thunk) (car name+thunk) 'expectation)))) (promise (if thunk (make-delayed-promise thunk) (make-promise (list mux))))) (or thunk (mutex-lock! mux #f #f)) (values (lambda (kind . args) (fulfil!* promise kind args)) promise))) ;; TBD: The timeout handling is rather stupid now. Better one to ;; come. (define (make-delayed-promise/timeout thunk timeout on-timeout);; WRONG (let ((promise (make-delayed-promise thunk))) (register-promise-timeout! promise timeout on-timeout) promise)) (define (make-delayed-promise/timeout-ex thunk timeout) (let ((promise (make-delayed-promise thunk))) (register-promise-timeout/safe! promise timeout (lambda () (and-let* ((key (car (promise-box promise))) (owner (mutex-state key)) ((thread? owner))) (thread-signal! owner %forcible-timeout)))) promise)) (define-syntax delay/timeout (syntax-rules () ((_ exp) (make-delayed-promise (lambda () exp))) ((_ to exp) (make-delayed-promise/timeout-ex (lambda () exp) to)) #;((_ to exp then) (make-delayed-promise/timeout (lambda () exp) to (lambda () then))))) (: force1! (:promise: -> :promise:)) (define (force1! promise) (let* ((content (promise-box promise)) (key (car content))) (cond ((symbol? key) promise) ((mutex? key) (if (eq? (mutex-state key) (current-thread)) (let* ((promise* ((cdr content))) (content (promise-box promise))) ; * (if (not (eq? (car content) 'eager)) ; * (let ((content* (promise-box promise*))) (set-car! content (car content*)) (set-cdr! content (cdr content*)) (promise-box-set! promise* content))) (unlock-promise-mutex! key) (force1! promise)) (begin (lock-promise-mutex! key) (force1! promise)))) ((thread? key) (if (eq? (thread-state key) 'created) (thread-start! key)) (receive vals (thread-join! key) (let ((content (promise-box promise))) (if (not (symbol? (car content))) (begin (set-car! content 'eager) (set-cdr! content vals)))) (force1! promise))) (else (error "forcible: unknown promise kind" key))))) (: force (* &optional (or (procedure (*) . *) false) -> . *)) (define (force obj . fail) (if (promise? obj) (let* ((fh (and (pair? fail) (car fail))) (result (cond ;; Result already available. ((symbol? (car (promise-box obj))) obj) ;; Backward compatible case does not cache exceptions. ((and (pair? fail) (not fh)) (force1! obj)) (else (handle-exceptions ex (let ((ex (if (uncaught-exception? ex) (uncaught-exception-reason ex) ex))) (promise-box-set! obj (list 'failed ex)) obj) (force1! obj))))) (content (promise-box result))) (if (eq? (car content) 'eager) (apply values (cdr content)) (let ((ex (cadr content))) (if (procedure? fh) (fh ex) (raise ex))))) obj)) )