; FILE AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED! ; ; This file was automatically generated by the svnwiki-scheme-library extension. ; The authoritative source for this is: ; ; http://wiki.freaks-unidos.net/weblogs/azul/format-compiler ; ; Generation data: ; ; Input revision: 17017 ; User: www-data ; Machine: mononykus.freaks-unidos.net ; Date: Sat Jul 10 09:04:58 2010 (module format-compiler-base * (import chicken scheme) (use ports posix srfi-13 srfi-1 srfi-14 data-structures extras) (define-record compiler table escape) (define (formatter->table case-sensitive formatters . rest-xrenamed) (let-optionals rest-xrenamed ((default-formatter formatter-unknown-control-error)) (let ((table (make-vector 256 default-formatter))) (for-each (lambda (definitions) (for-each (if case-sensitive (lambda (binding) (vector-set! table (char->integer (car binding)) (cadr binding))) (lambda (binding) (vector-set! table (char->integer (char-upcase (car binding))) (cadr binding)) (vector-set! table (char->integer (char-downcase (car binding))) (cadr binding)))) definitions)) (reverse formatters)) table))) (define-record compiler-state compiler fmt fmt-pos default-clause-follows nest) (define (compiler-state-nest-push! state char) (let ((state (if (escape-call? state) (escape-call-compiler-state state) state))) (compiler-state-nest-set! state (cons char (compiler-state-nest state))))) (define (compiler-state-nest-pop! state char) (let ((state (if (escape-call? state) (escape-call-compiler-state state) state))) (when (null? (compiler-state-nest state)) (formatter-error "Nesting error, missing control character" char)) (unless (char=? (car (compiler-state-nest state)) char) (formatter-error "Improper nesting for character" char)) (compiler-state-nest-set! state (cdr (compiler-state-nest state))))) (define-record escape-call compiler-state start colon atsign params) (define-record state out obj obj-pos colpos params) (define (make-default-state out objs) (assert (port? out)) (assert (list? objs)) (make-state out (list->vector objs) 0 0 '())) (define (state-obj-pos-inc! state . rest-xrenamed) (let-optionals rest-xrenamed ((times 1)) (state-obj-pos-set! state (fx+ (state-obj-pos state) times)) ) ) (define (state-obj-ref state . rest-xrenamed) (let-optionals rest-xrenamed ((inctimes 0)) (let ((obj (vector-ref (state-obj state) (state-obj-pos state)))) (state-obj-pos-inc! state inctimes) obj))) (define (formatter-unknown-control-error call) (let ((state (escape-call-compiler-state call))) (formatter-error "Unknown control character" (string-ref (compiler-state-fmt state) (- (compiler-state-fmt-pos state) 1))))) (define (formatter-error . rest-xrenamed) (apply error 'format-compiler rest-xrenamed)) (define (make-format-compiler case-sensitive escape formatters) (let ((compiler (make-compiler (formatter->table case-sensitive formatters) escape))) (lambda (fmt) (let ((proc (compile-format-string (make-compiler-state compiler fmt 0 #f '())))) (lambda (out . args) (cond ((not out) (call-with-output-string (lambda (out) (proc (make-default-state out args))))) ((boolean? out) (proc (make-default-state (current-output-port) args))) ((output-port? out) (proc (make-default-state out args))) (else (formatter-error "invalid destination" out)))))))) (define (compile-format-string state) (let* ((fmt (compiler-state-fmt state)) (fmt-length (string-length fmt)) (pos (compiler-state-fmt-pos state)) (pos-escape (string-index fmt (compiler-escape (compiler-state-compiler state)) (compiler-state-fmt-pos state)))) (compiler-state-fmt-pos-set! state (if pos-escape (+ pos-escape 1) fmt-length)) (formatter-write-substring fmt pos (or pos-escape fmt-length) (if pos-escape (compile-escape-sequence (make-escape-call state pos-escape #f #f 0)) (constantly #f))))) (define (compile-escape-sequence call) (let* ((state (escape-call-compiler-state call)) (fmt (compiler-state-fmt state)) (fmt-length (string-length fmt)) (fmt-pos (compiler-state-fmt-pos state))) (cond ((< fmt-pos fmt-length) (compiler-state-fmt-pos-set! state (+ 1 fmt-pos)) ((vector-ref (compiler-table (compiler-state-compiler state)) (char->integer (string-ref fmt fmt-pos))) call)) (else (escape-call-cancel call))))) (define (escape-call-cancel call) (let ((fmt (compiler-state-fmt (escape-call-compiler-state call)))) (formatter-write-substring fmt (escape-call-start call) (string-length fmt)))) (define (compile-nested-format-strings state) (let loop ((depth (length (compiler-state-nest state))) (proc-list '()) (default-proc #f)) (if (< (length (compiler-state-nest state)) depth) (values (reverse proc-list) default-proc) (let ((default-follows (compiler-state-default-clause-follows state)) (proc (compile-format-string state))) (loop depth (cons (lambda (s) (state-params-set! s '()) (proc s)) proc-list) (if default-follows proc default-proc)))))) (define (params-consuming-proc proc . rest-xrenamed) (let-optionals rest-xrenamed ((keep-going #t)) (lambda (call) (assert (escape-call? call)) (let ((num-params (escape-call-params call))) (escape-call-params-set! call 0) (let ((state-proc (proc call num-params)) (rest-xrenamed (and keep-going (compile-format-string (escape-call-compiler-state call))))) (lambda (state) (let ((result (state-proc state (reverse (state-params state))))) (state-params-set! state '()) (if keep-going (rest-xrenamed state) result)))))))) (define (output-generating-proc proc) (lambda (state) (proc state (state-out state)))) (define (formatter-write-char char . rest-xrenamed) (let-optionals rest-xrenamed ((times 1) (rest-xrenamed (constantly #f))) (assert (number? times)) (output-generating-proc (let loop ((i 0)) (if (< i times) (let ((rest-xrenamed (loop (+ i 1)))) (lambda (state out) (write-char char out) (rest-xrenamed state out))) (lambda (state out) (state-colpos-set! state (if (char=? char #\newline) 0 (+ (state-colpos state) times))) (rest-xrenamed state))))))) (define (formatter-write-substring str start end . rest-xrenamed) (assert (string? str)) (let-optionals rest-xrenamed ((proc (constantly #f))) (output-generating-proc (let* ((last-newline (string-index-right str #\newline start end)) (delta (- end (or last-newline start)))) (let loop ((i start)) (if (< i end) (let ((c (string-ref str i)) (proc (loop (+ i 1)))) (lambda (state out) (write-char c out) (proc state out))) (lambda (state out) (state-colpos-set! state (if last-newline delta (+ (state-colpos state) delta))) (proc state)))))))) (define (formatter-write-string str . rest-xrenamed) (assert (string? str)) (apply formatter-write-substring str 0 (string-length str) rest-xrenamed)) (define (formatter-out-char-list state char-list) (for-each (cut formatter-write-char state <>) char-list)) (define *format-compiler-version* "$Id$") (define *format-compiler-revision* "$Revision$") (define formatter-version (let ((out (string-append "Format Compiler\n" *format-compiler-version* "\nAlejandro Forero Cuervo \n"))) (lambda (call) (formatter-write-string (if (escape-call-colon call) *format-compiler-version* out) (compile-format-string (escape-call-compiler-state call)))))) (define *formatter-version* `((#\Q ,formatter-version))) (define (test-params str) (call-with-current-continuation (lambda (return) ((compile-format-string (make-compiler-state (make-compiler (formatter->table #f `(,*formatter-params* ((#\X ,(lambda (call) (lambda (state) (return (cons (escape-call-params call) (reverse (state-params state)))))))))) #\~) (string-append "~" str "X") 0 #f '())) (make-state 'port '() 0 0 '()))))) (define (add-param call skip-comma proc) (assert (escape-call? call)) (escape-call-params-set! call (+ 1 (escape-call-params call))) (let* ((state (escape-call-compiler-state call)) (fmt (compiler-state-fmt state)) (fmt-pos (compiler-state-fmt-pos state))) (when (and skip-comma (< (+ fmt-pos 1) (string-length fmt)) (char=? (string-ref fmt fmt-pos) #\,)) (compiler-state-fmt-pos-set! state (+ fmt-pos 1)))) (let ((rest-xrenamed (compile-escape-sequence call))) (lambda (state) (state-params-set! state (cons (proc state) (state-params state))) (rest-xrenamed state)))) (define (add-param-character-from-format call) (let ((state (escape-call-compiler-state call))) (cond ((= (compiler-state-fmt-pos state) (string-length (compiler-state-fmt state))) (escape-call-cancel call)) (else (compiler-state-fmt-pos-set! state (+ (compiler-state-fmt-pos state) 1)) (add-param call #t (constantly (string-ref (compiler-state-fmt state) (- (compiler-state-fmt-pos state) 1)))))))) (define (find-end-of-number fmt i) (if (and (< i (string-length fmt)) (let ((c (string-ref fmt i))) (or (char-numeric? c) (char=? c #\+) (char=? c #\-)))) (find-end-of-number fmt (+ i 1)) i)) (define (numeric-arg call) (let* ((state (escape-call-compiler-state call)) (fmt (compiler-state-fmt state)) (start (- (compiler-state-fmt-pos state) 1)) (end (find-end-of-number fmt (compiler-state-fmt-pos state)))) (compiler-state-fmt-pos-set! state end) (add-param call #t (constantly (string->number (substring fmt start end)))))) (define *formatter-params* `((#\: ,(lambda (call) (escape-call-colon-set! call #t) (compile-escape-sequence call))) (#\@ ,(lambda (call) (escape-call-atsign-set! call #t) (compile-escape-sequence call))) (#\' ,add-param-character-from-format) (#\# ,(lambda (call) (add-param call #t (lambda (state) (- (vector-length (state-obj state)) (state-obj-pos state)))))) (#\, ,(lambda (call) (add-param call #f (constantly #f)))) (#\V ,(lambda (call) (add-param call #t (lambda (state) (state-obj-ref state 1))))) (#\+ ,numeric-arg) (#\- ,numeric-arg) (#\0 ,numeric-arg) (#\1 ,numeric-arg) (#\2 ,numeric-arg) (#\3 ,numeric-arg) (#\4 ,numeric-arg) (#\5 ,numeric-arg) (#\6 ,numeric-arg) (#\7 ,numeric-arg) (#\8 ,numeric-arg) (#\9 ,numeric-arg))) (define (case-convert-char start-first-word start-rest rest-xrenamed) (let ((current start-first-word)) (lambda (c) (let ((result (current c))) (if (or (char-numeric? c) (char-alphabetic? c)) (set! current rest-xrenamed) (set! current start-rest)) result)))) (define (case-convert-string str . rest-xrenamed) (list->string (map-in-order (apply case-convert-char rest-xrenamed) (string->list str)))) (define (caseconv-start call num-params) (let ((state (escape-call-compiler-state call))) (compiler-state-nest-push! call #\() (let ((conv (compile-format-string state)) (atsign (escape-call-atsign call)) (colon (escape-call-colon call)) (boolean->conv (lambda (b) (if b char-upcase char-downcase)))) (lambda (state params) (let ((old-output-port (state-out state)) (old-colpos (state-colpos state)) (output (with-output-to-string (lambda () (state-out-set! state (current-output-port)) (conv state))))) (state-out-set! state old-output-port) (state-colpos-set! state old-colpos) ((formatter-write-string (case-convert-string output (boolean->conv (or atsign colon)) (boolean->conv colon) (boolean->conv (and atsign colon))) (constantly #f)) state)))))) (define (caseconv-end call num-params) (compiler-state-nest-pop! call #\() (constantly #f)) (define *formatter-caseconv* `((#\( ,(params-consuming-proc caseconv-start)) (#\) ,(params-consuming-proc caseconv-end #f)))) (define (formatter-flush call) (let ((rest-xrenamed (compile-format-string (escape-call-compiler-state call)))) (lambda (state) (flush-output (state-out state)) (rest-xrenamed state)))) (define *formatter-flush* `((#\! ,formatter-flush))) (define (formatter-cond-end end-of-block) (lambda (call num-params) (let ((state (escape-call-compiler-state call))) (compiler-state-nest-pop! state #\[) (unless end-of-block (compiler-state-nest-push! state #\[)) (compiler-state-default-clause-follows-set! state (escape-call-colon call)) (constantly #f)))) (define (get-cond-check call num-params) (cond ((escape-call-colon call) (lambda (state _) (if (state-obj-ref state 1) 1 0))) ((escape-call-atsign call) (lambda (state _) (cond ((state-obj-ref state) 0) (else (state-obj-pos-inc! state) -1)))) ((zero? num-params) (lambda (state _) (state-obj-ref state 1))) (else (unless (= num-params 1) (warning "Parameters will be ignored")) (lambda (_ params) (car params))))) (define (formatter-cond-start call num-params) (let ((state (escape-call-compiler-state call))) (compiler-state-nest-push! state #\[) (receive (proc-list default-proc) (compile-nested-format-strings state) (let ((proc-vector (list->vector proc-list)) (check (get-cond-check call num-params))) (lambda (state params) (let ((pos (check state params))) (cond ((and (<= 0 pos) (< pos (vector-length proc-vector))) ((vector-ref proc-vector pos) state)) (default-proc (default-proc state))))))))) (define *formatter-cond* `((#\[ ,(params-consuming-proc formatter-cond-start)) (#\; ,(params-consuming-proc (formatter-cond-end #f) #f)) (#\] ,(params-consuming-proc (formatter-cond-end #t) #f)))) (define (up-and-out-proc num-params) (if (zero? num-params) (lambda (state _) (= (state-obj-pos state) (vector-length (state-obj state)))) (lambda (_ params) (apply (case num-params ((1) zero?) ((2) =) ((3) <=) (else (error "Invalid number of parameters" num-params))) params)))) (define (formatter-iteration-end end-of-block) (params-consuming-proc (lambda (call num-params) (let ((state (escape-call-compiler-state call))) (compiler-state-nest-pop! state #\{) (cond (end-of-block (constantly #t)) (else (compiler-state-nest-push! state #\{) (up-and-out-proc num-params))))) #f)) (define (run-one-iteration proc-list state) (unless ((car proc-list) state) (run-one-iteration (cdr proc-list) state))) (define (formatter-iteration-start call num-params) (let ((state (escape-call-compiler-state call))) (compiler-state-nest-push! state #\{) (receive (proc-list _) (compile-nested-format-strings state) (let ((atsign (escape-call-atsign call)) (colon (escape-call-colon call)) (limit-proc (if (positive? num-params) car (constantly #f)))) (lambda (state params) (let* ((obj-original (state-obj state)) (obj-pos-original (state-obj-pos state))) (unless atsign (state-obj-set! state (list->vector (vector-ref obj-original obj-pos-original))) (state-obj-pos-set! state 0)) (let loop ((limit (limit-proc params))) (let ((obj-before (state-obj state)) (obj-pos-before (state-obj-pos state))) (when (and (or (not limit) (positive? limit)) (< obj-pos-before (vector-length obj-before))) (when colon (state-obj-set! state (list->vector (vector-ref obj-before obj-pos-before))) (state-obj-pos-set! state 0)) (run-one-iteration proc-list state) (when colon (state-obj-set! state obj-before) (state-obj-pos-set! state (+ obj-pos-before 1))) (loop (and limit (- limit 1)))))) (unless atsign (state-obj-set! state obj-original) (state-obj-pos-set! state (+ obj-pos-original 1))))))))) (define *formatter-iteration* `((#\{ ,(params-consuming-proc formatter-iteration-start)) (#\} ,(formatter-iteration-end #t)) (#\^ ,(formatter-iteration-end #f)))) (define (formatter-chars char cond-skip) (params-consuming-proc (lambda (call num-params) (let ((start-proc (if (= num-params 1) car (constantly 1)))) (lambda (state params) ((formatter-write-char char (if (and cond-skip (zero? (state-colpos state))) 0 1) (formatter-write-char char (- (start-proc params) 1))) state)))))) ;(define (formatter-chars-skip-whitespace) ; (formatter-function ; (lambda (state start params colon atsign) ; ; Ignore or print leading newline? ; (when atsign ; (*formatter-out-char state #\newline)) ; (state-fmt-pos-set! state (fx+ (state-fmt-pos state) 1)) ; ; Ignore or print subsequent whitespace? ; (state-fmt-pos-set! state ; (let* ((fmt (state-fmt state)) ; (fmtlen (string-length fmt))) ; (let loop ((fmtpos (state-fmtpos state))) ; (if (fx>= fmtpos fmtlen) ; fmtlen ; (let ((char (string-ref fmt fmtpos))) ; (if (char-whitespace? char) ; (begin ; (when colon ; (*formatter-out-char state char)) ; (loop (fx+ fmtpos 1))) ; fmtpos))))))))) (define *formatter-chars* `((#\% ,(formatter-chars #\newline #f)) (#\& ,(formatter-chars #\newline #t)) (#\| ,(formatter-chars #\page #f)) (#\/ ,(formatter-chars #\tab #f)) (#\~ ,(formatter-chars #\~ #f)) (#\_ ,(formatter-chars #\space #f)) ; (#\newline ,(formatter-chars-skip-whitespace)) )) (define (formatter-indirection call num-params) (let ((compiler (compiler-state-compiler (escape-call-compiler-state call)))) (lambda (state params) (let ((fmt (state-obj-ref state 1))) ((compile-format-string (make-compiler-state compiler fmt 0 #f '())) (make-default-state (state-out state) (if (escape-call-atsign call) params (state-obj-ref state 1)))))))) (define *formatter-indirection* `((#\? ,(params-consuming-proc formatter-indirection)) (#\K ,(params-consuming-proc formatter-indirection)))) (define (tabulate colnum colinc relative tabchar state) ((formatter-write-char tabchar (cond ((and (not relative) (< (state-colpos state) colnum)) (- colnum (state-colpos state))) ((zero? colinc) 0) (else (modulo (- colinc (+ (if relative colnum 0) (state-colpos state))) colinc)))) state)) (define (formatter-tabulate call num-params) (lambda (state params) (let-optionals params ((colnum #f) (colinc #f) (tabchar #\space)) (tabulate colnum colinc (escape-call-atsign call) tabchar state)))) (define *formatter-tabulate* `((#\T ,(params-consuming-proc formatter-tabulate)))) (define (formatter-jump call num-params) (let* ((colon (escape-call-colon call)) (atsign (escape-call-atsign call)) (base (cond ((not atsign) state-obj-pos) (colon (lambda (s) (- (vector-length (state-obj s)) 1))) (else (constantly 0)))) (direction (if colon - +)) (steps-proc (if (zero? num-params) (constantly (if atsign 0 1)) car))) (lambda (state params) (state-obj-pos-set! state (min (- (vector-length (state-obj state)) 1) (max 0 (direction (base state) (steps-proc params)))))))) (define *formatter-jump* `((#\* ,(params-consuming-proc formatter-jump)))) (cond-expand (chicken) (else (define *char-output-mappings* `((#\newline 'newline) (#\space 'space) (#\tab 'tab))) (define (char-name char) (and-let* ((value (assoc char *char-names*))) (cadr value))))) (cond-expand (chicken (define (char-graphic? char) (char-set-contains? char-set:graphic char))) (else (define (char-graphic? char) (let ((num (char->integer char))) (and (<= 32 num) (< num 127)))))) (define (out-char-spell-out char) (let ((name (char-name char))) (cond (name (formatter-write-string (string-append "#\\" (symbol->string name)))) ((char-graphic? char) (formatter-write-char char)) (else (let* ((str (number->string (char->integer char) 16)) (strlen (string-length str))) (formatter-write-string (case strlen ((2) "x") ((4) "u") (else "U")) 1 (formatter-write-char #\0 (- (cond ((<= strlen 2) 2) ((<= strlen 4) 4) (else 8)) strlen) (formatter-write-string str)))))))) (define (out-char-control char) (let ((num (char->integer char))) (cond ((< num #x20) (formatter-write-char #\^ 1 (formatter-write-char (integer->char (+ num #x40)) 1))) ((>= num #x7f) (formatter-write-string "#\\" (formatter-write-string (number->string num 8)))) (else (formatter-write-char char))))) (define (formatter-char call num-params) (assert (escape-call? call)) (let ((printer (cond ((escape-call-colon call) out-char-spell-out) ((escape-call-atsign call) out-char-control) (else formatter-write-char)))) (lambda (state params) (assert (state? state)) (let ((char (state-obj-ref state 1))) (assert (char? char)) ((printer char) state))))) (define (calc-padding len min-col col-inc min-pad) (if (< (+ len min-pad) min-col) (calc-padding len min-col col-inc (+ min-pad col-inc)) min-pad)) (define (formatter-pretty-print call) (params-consuming-proc call (lambda (state params) (pretty-print (state-obj-ref state 1) (state-out state))))) (define (output-string-with-padding state str pad-char left-padding min-col col-inc min-pad) (unless left-padding ((formatter-write-string str) state)) ((formatter-write-char pad-char (calc-padding (string-length str) min-col col-inc min-pad)) state) (when left-padding ((formatter-write-string str) state))) (define (formatter-padded show-func) (params-consuming-proc (lambda (call num-params) (lambda (state params) (let-optionals params ((min-col #f) (col-inc #f) (min-pad #f) (pad-char #\space)) (let ((str (with-output-to-string (lambda () (show-func (state-obj-ref state 1)))))) (output-string-with-padding state str (or pad-char #\space) (escape-call-atsign call) (or min-col 0) (or col-inc 1) (or min-pad 0)))))))) (define *formatter-objs* `((#\C ,(params-consuming-proc formatter-char)) (#\A ,(formatter-padded display)) (#\S ,(formatter-padded write)) (#\Y ,formatter-pretty-print))) (define (get-number state inc) (let ((num (state-obj-ref state inc))) (unless (number? num) (formatter-error "invalid number" num)) num)) (define (get-float state inc) (let ((num (get-number state inc))) (if (or (real? num) (rational? num) (integer? num)) num (exact->inexact num)))) (define (integer->list number always-sign base) (let ((tail (string->list (number->string number base)))) (if (and always-sign (not (negative? number))) (cons #\+ tail) tail))) (define (add-comma char width input) (if char (cdr (fold-right (lambda (c rest-xrenamed) (if (or (< 1 (car rest-xrenamed)) (char=? c #\+) (char=? c #\-)) (cons (- (car rest-xrenamed) 1) (cons c (cdr rest-xrenamed))) (cons width (cons* c char (cdr rest-xrenamed))))) (list (+ 1 width)) input)) input)) (define (formatter-integer-with-radix radix call num-params) (lambda (state params) (let-optionals (if radix params (cdr params)) ((min-col #f) (pad-char #f) (comma-char #f) (comma-width #f)) (let ((num (get-number state 1))) (if (integer? num) (let ((result (add-comma (and (escape-call-colon call) (or comma-char #\,)) (or comma-width 3) (integer->list num (escape-call-atsign call) (or radix (car params)))))) ((formatter-write-char (or pad-char #\space) (max 0 (- (or min-col 0) (length result))) (formatter-write-string (list->string result))) state)) (output-string-with-padding state (with-output-to-string (lambda () (display num))) (or pad-char #\space) #f (or min-col 0) 1 0)))))) (define *roman-numerals* '((1000 #\M) (500 #\D) (100 #\C) (50 #\L) (10 #\X) (5 #\V) (1 #\I))) (define (formatter-roman old-style i) (let loop ((i i) (numbers *roman-numerals*)) (if (positive? i) (let ((num (caar numbers)) (char (cadar numbers))) (cond ((>= i num) (formatter-write-char char (quotient i num) (loop (remainder i num) numbers))) ((and (not old-style) (> (* 2 i) num) (find (compose (lambda (x) (<= (+ x 1) (- num x) i)) car) numbers)) => (lambda (smaller) (formatter-write-char (cadr smaller) 1 (formatter-write-char char 1 (loop (- i (- num (car smaller))) (cdr numbers)))))) (else (loop i (cdr numbers))))) (constantly #f)))) (define-record number-system zero ones tens hundred thousands prefix) (define (make-ordinal last) (make-number-system (formatter-write-string "zeroth") '#("" "first" "second" "third" "fourth" "fifth" "sixth" "seventh" "eighth" "ninth" "tenth" "eleventh" "twelveth" "thirteenth" "fourteenth" "fifteenth" "sixteenth" "seventeenth" "eighteenth" "nineteenth") '#("" "tenth" "twentieth" "thirtieth" "fortieth" "fiftieth" "sixtieth" "seventieth" "eightieth" "ninetieth") " hundredth" '#("" " thousandth" " millionth" " billionth" " trillionth" " quadrillionth" " quintillionth" " sextillionth" " septillionth" " octillionth" " nonillionth" " decillionth" " undecillionth" " duodecillionth" " tredecillionth" " quattuordecillionth" " quindecillionth" " sexdecillionth" " septendecillionth" " octodecillionth" " novemdecillionth" " vigintillionth") last)) (define *cardinal* (make-number-system (formatter-write-string "zero") '#("" "one" "two" "three" "four" "five" "six" "seven" "eight" "nine" "ten" "eleven" "twelve" "thirteen" "fourteen" "fifteen" "sixteen" "seventeen" "eighteen" "nineteen") '#(#f "ten" "twenty" "thirty" "forty" "fifty" "sixty" "seventy" "eighty" "ninety") " hundred" '#("" " thousand" " million" " billion" " trillion" " quadrillion" " quintillion" " sextillion" " septillion" " octillion" " nonillion" " decillion" " undecillion" " duodecillion" " tredecillion" " quattuordecillion" " quindecillion" " sexdecillion" " septendecillion" " octodecillion" " novemdecillion" " vigintillion") #f)) (define *ordinal* (make-ordinal *cardinal*)) (define (list-digits-in-base number base) (let loop ((number number) (result '()) (exponent 0)) (if (zero? number) result (let ((r (remainder number base)) (q (quotient number base))) (if (zero? r) (loop q result (+ exponent 1)) (loop q (cons `(,r ,exponent) result) (+ exponent 1))))))) (define (format-english-20 number system . rest-xrenamed) (apply formatter-write-string (vector-ref (number-system-ones system) number) rest-xrenamed)) (define (format-english-1000 number system rest-xrenamed) (let ((hundreds (quotient number 100)) (number (remainder number 100))) ((if (zero? hundreds) identity (lambda (rest-xrenamed) (format-english-20 hundreds (or (number-system-prefix system) system) (formatter-write-string (number-system-hundred (or (and (not (zero? number)) (number-system-prefix system)) system)) rest-xrenamed)))) (if (< number 20) (format-english-20 number system rest-xrenamed) (let ((tens (quotient number 10)) (number (remainder number 10))) (formatter-write-string (vector-ref (number-system-tens (or (and (not (zero? number)) (number-system-prefix system)) system)) tens) (if (zero? number) rest-xrenamed (formatter-write-string "-" (format-english-20 number system))))))))) (define (formatter-english-positive number system) (let loop ((digits (list-digits-in-base number 1000))) (format-english-1000 (caar digits) (or (and (positive? (cadar digits)) (number-system-prefix system)) system) (formatter-write-string (vector-ref (number-system-thousands (or (and (not (null? (cdr digits))) (number-system-prefix system)) system)) (cadar digits)) (if (null? (cdr digits)) (constantly #f) (formatter-write-string ", " (loop (cdr digits)))))))) (define (formatter-english ordinal number) (unless (integer? number) (formatter-error "invalid integer" number)) (let ((system (if ordinal *ordinal* *cardinal*))) (if (zero? number) (number-system-zero system) (formatter-write-string (if (negative? number) "minus " "") (formatter-english-positive (abs number) system))))) (define (formatter-radix call num-params) (if (positive? num-params) (formatter-integer-with-radix #f call num-params) (let ((handler (if (escape-call-atsign call) (cut formatter-roman (escape-call-colon call) <>) (cut formatter-english (escape-call-colon call) <>)))) (lambda (state params) ((handler (state-obj-ref state 1)) state))))) ;(define (formatter-float-list width overflow-ch pad-char float) ; (let ((len (length float))) ; (formatter-write-char (or pad-char #\space) (max 0 (- (or width 0) len)) ; (if (and width overflow-ch (> len width)) ; (formatter-write-char overflow-ch width) ; (formatter-write-list float))))) ;(define (formatter-fixed-float call) ; (params-consuming-proc ; (lambda (state params) ; (let-optionals params ((width #f) (digits #f) (scale #f) (overflow-ch #f) (pad-char #f)) ; (let ((num (get-float state 1))) ; (formatter-float-list width overflow-ch pad-char ; (fixed-float-list (* num (expt 10 (or scale 0))) atsign width digits))))))) (define *formatter-numbers* `((#\X ,(params-consuming-proc (cut formatter-integer-with-radix 16 <...>))) (#\D ,(params-consuming-proc (cut formatter-integer-with-radix 10 <...>))) (#\O ,(params-consuming-proc (cut formatter-integer-with-radix 8 <...>))) (#\B ,(params-consuming-proc (cut formatter-integer-with-radix 2 <...>))) (#\R ,(params-consuming-proc formatter-radix)) ;(#\G ,(formatter-function formatter-general-float)) ;(#\F ,(formatter-function formatter-fixed-float)) ;(#\E ,(formatter-function formatter-exponential)) ;(#\$ ,(formatter-function formatter-dollar)) ;(#\I ,(formatter-function formatter-complex)) )) (define (formatter-plural call num-params) (let ((increase (if (escape-call-colon call) 0 1)) (singular (formatter-write-string (if (escape-call-atsign call) "y" ""))) (plural (formatter-write-string (if (escape-call-atsign call) "ies" "s")))) (lambda (state params) ((if (eqv? 1 (state-obj-ref state increase)) singular plural) state)))) (define *formatter-plural* `((#\P ,(params-consuming-proc formatter-plural)))) (define *format-spec* `(,*formatter-flush* ,*formatter-plural* ,*formatter-tabulate* ,*formatter-params* ,*formatter-iteration* ,*formatter-caseconv* ,*formatter-chars* ,*formatter-numbers* ,*formatter-cond* ,*formatter-indirection* ,*formatter-jump* ,*formatter-objs* ,*formatter-version*)) (define format (let ((compiler (make-format-compiler #f #\~ *format-spec*))) (lambda (port fmt . args) (apply (compiler fmt) port args)))) )