;; ;; ;; A program to produce plain text output from email form submissions ;; generated by the FormMail.pl script. ;; ;; Copyright 2008-2010 Ivan Raikov and the Okinawa Institute of ;; Science and Technology. ;; ;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ;; published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the ;; License, or (at your option) any later version. ;; ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;; General Public License for more details. ;; ;; A full copy of the GPL license can be found at ;; . ;; (import scheme chicken data-structures srfi-1 ) (require-extension posix utils srfi-13 srfi-14) (require-extension typeclass rb-tree formular byte-blob byte-blob-stream) (require-extension fmt ssax getopt-long ) (require-library abnf internet-message mbox) (import (only abnf Token.CharLex->CoreABNF Input->Token Token->CharLex make- ) (only internet-message CoreABNF->InetMessage) (only mbox make- Input+.CoreABNF.InetMessage->Mbox) ) (foreign-declare "#include ") (define log10 (foreign-lambda double "log10" double)) (define lookup-def (lambda (k lst . rest) (let-optionals rest ((default #f)) (let ((v (alist-ref k lst eq? default))) (and v (if (or (atom? v) (and (pair? v) (pair? (cdr v)))) v (car v))))))) (define s+ string-append) (define parser-error error) (define (xml:str-handler fragment foll-fragment seed) (if (string-null? foll-fragment) (cons fragment seed) (cons* foll-fragment fragment seed))) (define (entity-ref->string entity) (case entity ((quot) "\"") ((apos) "'") ((amp) "&") ((lt) "<") ((gt) ">") (else (error 'entity-ref->string "unknown entity " entity)))) (define (alist->rb-tree alst) (define (s<= x y) (cond ((string-ci< x y) -1) ((string-ci= x y) 0) (else 1))) (let* ((tree (make-rb-tree s<=)) (update! (tree 'put!))) (for-each (lambda (x) (let ((k (car x)) (v (cdr x))) (update! k v))) alst) tree)) (define (xml:read-string s) (let loop ((lst (list)) (iport (open-input-string s))) (if (eof-object? (peek-char iport)) (string-concatenate (reverse lst)) (let-values (((lst token) (ssax:read-char-data iport #t xml:str-handler lst))) (let ((v (and (not (eof-object? token )) (list (xml-token-kind token) (xml-token-head token))))) (cond ((and (pair? v) (eq? (car v) 'ENTITY-REF)) (let ((entity (cadr v))) (loop (cons (entity-ref->string entity) lst) iport))) (else (loop lst iport)))))))) (define (pp-submission/text id from-address time-seconds fields . rest) (let-optionals rest ((include-fields #f)) (let ((text-fields (filter-map identity (if include-fields (map (lambda (x) (assoc x fields)) include-fields) fields)))) (print id) (for-each (lambda (field) (let* ((section-title (->string (first field))) (section-content (second field)) (section-content (string-trim-both (xml:read-string (if (pair? section-content) (list->string section-content) section-content)) char-set:whitespace))) (display (s+ section-title ": " section-content)) (print))) text-fields)))) (define (make-id i width id-prefix idnum ) (s+ id-prefix " " (fmt #f (pad-char #\0 (fit/left width idnum))) "-" (->string i))) (define (pp-formular-tree/text tree . rest) (let-optionals rest ((id-prefix "Form Submission") (id-order #f) (include-fields #f) (exclude #f) (after-time #f)) (let* ((id-list (list)) (keys (tree 'list-keys)) (order (or id-order (and (positive? (length keys)) (inexact->exact (ceiling (log10 (length keys))))) 3))) (if (null? keys) (error 'pp-formular-tree/text "empty list of forms")) ((tree 'foldi) (lambda (from-address lst i) (cond ((and exclude (member (string->symbol from-address) exclude)) i) (else (let loop ((lst lst)) (if (null? lst) i (let* ((submission (cdr (last lst))) (time-seconds (lookup-def 'time-seconds submission)) (fields (lookup-def 'fields submission))) (if (or (not after-time) (> time-seconds after-time)) (let* ((width (if (positive? order) order 1)) (idnum (inexact->exact (- time-seconds 10e8))) (id (let loop ((v 0) (id (make-id 1 width id-prefix idnum))) (let ((hv (member id id-list))) (if hv (loop (+ v 1) (make-id (+ 1 v) width id-prefix idnum)) (begin (set! id-list (cons id id-list)) id)))))) (if (> (length lst) 1) (print "Multiple submissions by " from-address ": using submission from " (seconds->string time-seconds))) (pp-submission/text id from-address time-seconds fields include-fields))) (+ i 1))))))) 1)))) (define opt-defaults `( (order . 3) (mbox-path . "mbox") (prefix . "Form Submission") )) (define (defopt x) (lookup-def x opt-defaults)) (define opt-grammar `( (exclude "specify a colon-separated list of entries to exclude (default is none)" (value (required "FROM1:FROM2") (transformer ,(lambda (x) (list (map string->symbol (string-split x ":"))))))) (after-date "omit entries before given date (in seconds)" (value (required "N") (predicate ,string->number) (transformer ,string->number))) (fields "specify a colon-separated list of fields to process (default is all fields)" (value (required "FIELD1:FIELD2:...") (transformer ,(lambda (x) (list (map string->symbol (string-split x ":"))))))) (mbox-path ,(string-append "specify path to input mbox (default: " (defopt 'mbox-path) ")") (value (required "PATH") (default ,(defopt 'mbox-path)) )) (order ,(string-append "specify order of form id (default: " (->string (defopt 'order)) ")") (value (required "N") (default ,(defopt 'order)) (transformer ,(lambda (x) (inexact->exact (string->number x)))))) (prefix ,(string-append "specify prefix for text page title (default: " (defopt 'prefix) ")") (value (required "STRING") (default ,(defopt 'prefix)))) (write-alist "write an alist representation to FILE" (value (required "FILE"))) (read-alist "read an alist representation from FILE" (value (required "FILE"))) (help (single-char #\h)) )) ;; Use args:usage to generate a formatted list of options (from OPTS), ;; suitable for embedding into help text. (define (form2txt:usage) (print "Usage: form2txt [options...] operands ") (newline) (print "The following options are recognized: ") (newline) (print (parameterize ((indent 5)) (usage opt-grammar))) (exit 1)) ;; Process arguments and collate options and arguments into OPTIONS ;; alist, and operands (filenames) into OPERANDS. (define opts (getopt-long (command-line-arguments) opt-grammar)) (define opt (make-option-dispatch opts opt-grammar)) (define-inline (byte->char b) (integer->char (fxand 255 b))) (define byte-blob-stream- (make- byte-blob-stream-empty? (compose byte->char byte-blob-stream-car) byte-blob-stream-cdr)) (define byte-blob-stream- (make- byte-blob-stream- byte-blob-stream-find (compose blob->byte-blob string->blob) file->byte-blob-stream )) (define byte-blob-stream- (Input->Token byte-blob-stream-)) (define byte-blob-stream- (Token->CharLex byte-blob-stream-)) (define byte-blob-stream- (Token.CharLex->CoreABNF byte-blob-stream- byte-blob-stream-)) (define byte-blob-stream- (CoreABNF->InetMessage byte-blob-stream- )) (define byte-blob-stream- (Input+.CoreABNF.InetMessage->Mbox byte-blob-stream- byte-blob-stream- byte-blob-stream-)) (import-instance ( byte-blob-stream-)) (define (main options operands) (if (opt 'help) (form2txt:usage)) (let* ((mbox-messages->form-tree (mbox-messages->form-tree byte-blob-stream- byte-blob-stream-)) (mbox-messages (mbox-file->messages (opt 'mbox-path))) (tree (if (opt 'read-alist) (alist->rb-tree (read (open-input-file (opt 'read-alist)))) (mbox-messages->form-tree mbox-messages)))) (if (opt 'write-alist) (let ((oport (open-output-file (opt 'write-alist)))) (display "(" oport) ((tree 'for-each-ascending) (lambda (x) (let ((x1 (cons (car x) (map (lambda (lst) (let* ((submission (cdr lst)) (time-seconds (lookup-def 'time-seconds submission)) (fields (lookup-def 'fields submission)) (pf (lambda (f) (list (first f) (list->string (second f)))))) `(submission (time-seconds ,time-seconds) (fields ,(map pf fields))))) (cdr x))))) (pp x1 oport)))) (display ")" oport) )) (pp-formular-tree/text tree (or (opt 'prefix) (defopt 'prefix)) (opt 'order) (opt 'fields) (opt 'exclude) (opt 'after-date) ))) (main opts (opt '@))