;; -*- Hen -*- ((egg "fpio.egg") ; This should never change ; List here all the files that should be bundled as part of your egg. (files "strtoIf.c" "README" "strtord.c" "strtorf.c" "smisc.c" "makefile" "hexnan.c" "g_dfmt.c" "strtoId.c" "gmisc.c" "g_ffmt.c" "fpio.meta" "fpio.scm" "strtodg.c" "strtof.c" "ulp.c" "hd_init.c" "arith.h" "dmisc.c" "fpio.setup" "strtod.c" "gdtoaimp.h" "misc.c" "gdtoa.c" "arithchk.c" "gdtoa.h" "sum.c" "g__fmt.c" "qnan.c" "gethex.c" "dtoa.c") ; Your egg's license: (license "BSD") ; Pick one from the list of categories (see below) for your egg and ; enter it here. (category io) ; A list of eggs formular depends on. (needs ) (doc-from-wiki) (author "Ivan Raikov") (synopsis "Conversion of floating point numbers between binary and decimal representation."))