ni'o lo gafpoi ============== .i detri fa li renopare pi'e pano pi'e paso ------------------------------------------- * genturfa'i 1.0.4 is released. + This release adds the stack egg dependency to the .meta file. The nightly regression tests for 1.0.3 failed because this was missing. + Add support for nul characters to the grammar. This also required fixing a few more bugs in parameter handling around the sentinel character. + Restore some lost utf8 changes to the grammar. I don't believe this ever affected the compiled code, as the bootstrap code was never reverted, it was just ahead of the source code. .i detri fa li renopare pi'e pano pi'e paxa ------------------------------------------- * genturfa'i 1.0.3 is released. This release also fixes some bugs in {}-exprs. .i detri fa li renopare pi'e nobi pi'e reso ------------------------------------------- * genturfa'i 1.0.2 is released. This released fixes some bugs in {}-exprs. .i detri fa li renopano pi'e papa pi'e revo ------------------------------------------- * gentufa'i is now self-hosting. .i detri fa li renopano pi'e papa pi'e pamu ------------------------------------------- * I've checked in the first version of the bootstrap PEG parser. It isn't feature complete yet, it does not support code blocks in the grammar yet. For every test that does not use code, the bootstrap PEG parser is now tested against a PEG grammar version of that test. .i detri fa li renopano pi'e papa pi'e nopa ------------------------------------------- * I've added project documentation, 00-*, to the repository. * I've converted this repository to git. .i detri fa li renopano pi'e pano pi'e cipa ------------------------------------------- * I've fixed a bug where with any sufficiently complex grammar I would not return the proper abstract syntax tree. I was walking the val member of javni-valsi as if it were a flat list, when it fact it could be returned as a tree. * I've added nunjavni-re and nunjavni-. rule generators. "re" is regular expression, and "." is the match any single character rule. .i detri fa li renopano pi'e pano pi'e cino ------------------------------------------- * The salmonella report indicates my egg didn't build today: I was missing a dependency on utf8. I've corrected this in the repository. .i detri fa li renopano pi'e pano pi'e cino ------------------------------------------- * [] I have released the initial version of this package. I made an announcement on the chicken-users mailing list: * I've added full documentation for this package to the Chicken wiki: * I've added test cases for every feature of this package. The places that could use more testing: * samselpla: It works, but I don't verify the code doesn't execute until the end of the parse. * morji: I use the memoization code, but I haven't verified I'm using every code path in it, nor have I tested it is behaving as I expect it to. * I found a bug in the handling of #!optional parameters to functions, and filed a ticket: The bug is fixed in commit bcea30312d1c4f3c6815dcb73b79a2ad9d08e288, and I've converted my code to use #!key, which doesn't have this issue. By using #!key rather than #!optional, this module won't depend on the experimental branch of chicken. .i detri fa li renopano pi'e pano pi'e reze ------------------------------------------- * [] genturfa'i is now feature compatible with Tony Garnock-Jones' packrat parser. .i detri fa li renopano pi'e pano pi'e paze ------------------------------------------- * [] Enable utf8 text input. Some Lojban text uses the guillemot and other non-ASCII punctuation. utf8 is not currently tested. * [] Converted (! nonterminal-id) parts to () parts, matching the empty set. I discovered how to parse the empty set after reading the uri-generic parser. I didn't previously believe the feature was supported. .i detri fa li renopano pi'e pano pi'e paxa ------------------------------------------- * [] Added --help and --version command-line options using args-fold from srfi-37. * [] This packaged is officially version 0.0.1. .i detri fa li renopano pi'e pano pi'e pano ------------------------------------------- * [] Added this file 00-gafpoi (.i.e., ChangeLog), describing jbogi'e, a Lojban parser. * [] This software is available under an ISC license, as stated in the file LICENSE. * [] Added the file 00-ci'arfi'i (i.e., AUTHORS), with my name in it. * [] Added the file 00-selgu'a (.i.e., TODO), describing the sprint and product backlogs. * [] Added the file 00-tisetcidu (.i.e., README), describing genturfa'i, a packrat parser. * [] I've created the basic project infrastructure for my packrat parser, genturfa'i. This is a PEG parser written in Scheme. |------------------------------------------------------------(fa'o)--| ..__ `' "