# chicken-git
libgit2 bindings for CHICKEN Scheme.
## Install
Obviously, libgit2 is required: .
Assuming you have that, installation should be straightforward:
$ git clone git://bitbucket.org/evhan/chicken-git.git
$ cd chicken-git
$ chicken-install -test
This library requires libgit2 0.20.0 and Chicken 4.7 or newer.
## API
The library is split into two modules, `git` and `git-lolevel`:
* `git-lolevel` is essentially just the libgit2 API, thinly wrapped. Most of
the function signatures remain the same, with two exceptions:
* Structures & pointers that would normally be put on the stack and passed as
out parameters are allocated automatically.
* Return values are checked where appropriate, signaling an exception of type
`(exn git)` when negative.
* `git` is a higher-level interface around `git-lolevel`, providing
record types for each libgit2 structure.
Documentation is available at .
## Notes
Some functionality is not yet provided, such as custom backends, remotes and
reflog inspection. Obviously, patches are more than welcome.
## Contact
* Evan Hanson
## License
BSD. See LICENSE for details.