(module gl-math * (import chicken scheme foreign srfi-1 extras) (import-for-syntax matchable data-structures) (use lolevel srfi-4) #> #include <# (define-syntax bind-matrix-fun (ir-macro-transformer (lambda (exp rename compare) (match exp [(_ name c-name return . vars) (let* ([main-mat (first (last vars))] [other-vars (butlast vars)] [result? (compare main-mat 'result)] [pointer-name (symbol-append 'pointer- (strip-syntax name))] [vector-name (symbol-append 'f32vector- (strip-syntax name))] [types (map second other-vars)] [pointer-types (map (lambda (t) (if (compare t 'f32vector) 'c-pointer t)) types)] [vars (map first other-vars)]) `(begin (define (,vector-name ,@vars ,@(if result? `(#!optional (,main-mat (make-f32vector 16))) `(,main-mat))) ((foreign-lambda ,return ,c-name ,@types f32vector) ,@vars ,main-mat) ,main-mat) (define (,pointer-name ,@vars ,main-mat) ((foreign-lambda ,return ,c-name ,@pointer-types c-pointer) ,@vars ,main-mat) ,main-mat) (define (,name ,@vars ,@(if result? '(#!optional) '()) ,main-mat) (cond [(pointer? ,main-mat) (,pointer-name ,@vars ,main-mat)] [(f32vector? ,main-mat) (,vector-name ,@vars ,main-mat)] [(boolean? ,main-mat) (,vector-name ,@vars (make-f32vector 16 0 ,main-mat))] [else (error ',name "Wrong argument type" ,main-mat)]))))])))) (define (print-mat4 matrix) (define (vr i) (f32vector-ref matrix i)) (define (pr i) (pointer-f32-ref (pointer+ matrix (* i 4)))) (cond [(pointer? matrix) (format #t "[~a ~a ~a ~a~% ~a ~a ~a ~a~% ~a ~a ~a ~a~% ~a ~a ~a ~a]~%" (pr 0) (pr 4) (pr 8) (pr 12) (pr 1) (pr 5) (pr 9) (pr 13) (pr 2) (pr 6) (pr 10) (pr 14) (pr 3) (pr 7) (pr 11) (pr 15))] [[f32vector? matrix] (format #t "[~a ~a ~a ~a~% ~a ~a ~a ~a~% ~a ~a ~a ~a~% ~a ~a ~a ~a]~%" (vr 0) (vr 4) (vr 8) (vr 12) (vr 1) (vr 5) (vr 9) (vr 13) (vr 2) (vr 6) (vr 10) (vr 14) (vr 3) (vr 7) (vr 11) (vr 15))] [else (error 'print-mat4 "Wrong argument type" matrix)])) (bind-matrix-fun copy-mat4 "hpmCopyMat4" void (source f32vector) (result f32vector)) (bind-matrix-fun m* "hpmMultMat4" void (mat-a f32vector) (mat-b f32vector) (result f32vector)) (bind-matrix-fun mat4-identity "hpmIdentityMat4" void (result f32vector)) (bind-matrix-fun translation "hpmTranslation" void (x float) (y float) (z float) (result f32vector)) (bind-matrix-fun translate "hpmTranslate" void (x float) (y float) (z float) (matrix f32vector)) (bind-matrix-fun x-rotation "hpmXRotation" void (rotation float) (result f32vector)) (bind-matrix-fun rotate-x "hpmRotateX" void (rotation float) (matrix f32vector)) (bind-matrix-fun y-rotation "hpmYRotation" void (rotation float) (result f32vector)) (bind-matrix-fun rotate-y "hpmRotateY" void (rotation float) (matrix f32vector)) (bind-matrix-fun z-rotation "hpmZRotation" void (rotation float) (result f32vector)) (bind-matrix-fun rotate-z "hpmRotateZ" void (rotation float) (matrix f32vector)) (bind-matrix-fun rotation "hpmRotation" void (x float) (y float) (z float) (angle float) (result f32vector)) (bind-matrix-fun rotate "hpmRotate" void (x float) (y float) (z float) (angle float) (matrix f32vector)) (bind-matrix-fun quaternion-rotation "hpmQuaternionRotation" void (x float) (y float) (z float) (w float) (result f32vector)) (bind-matrix-fun rotate-quaternion "hpmRotateQuaternion" void (x float) (y float) (z float) (w float) (matrix f32vector)) (bind-matrix-fun ypr-rotation "hpmYPRRotation" void (yaw float) (pitch float) (roll float) (result f32vector)) (bind-matrix-fun rotate-ypr "hpmRotateYPR" void (yaw float) (pitch float) (roll float) (matrix f32vector)) (bind-matrix-fun 2d-scaling "hpm2DScaling" void (scale-x float) (scale-y float) (result f32vector)) (bind-matrix-fun scale-2d "hpmScale2D" void (scale-x float) (scale-y float) (matrix f32vector)) (bind-matrix-fun 3d-scaling "hpm3DScaling" void (scale-x float) (scale-y float) (scale-z float) (result f32vector)) (bind-matrix-fun scale-3d "hpmScale3D" void (scale-x float) (scale-y float) (scale-z float) (matrix f32vector)) (bind-matrix-fun scaling "hpmScaling" void (scale float) (result f32vector)) (bind-matrix-fun scale "hpmScale" void (scale float) (matrix f32vector)) (bind-matrix-fun flip-x "hpmFlipY" void (matrix f32vector)) (bind-matrix-fun flip-z "hpmFlipZ" void (matrix f32vector)) (bind-matrix-fun translate-rotate-scale-2d "hpmTranslateRotateScale2D" void (x float) (y float) (z float) (rotate float) (scale float) (result f32vector)) (bind-matrix-fun transpose "hpmTranspose" void (matrix f32vector) (result f32vector)) (bind-matrix-fun inverse "hpmInverse" void (matrix f32vector) (result f32vector)) (bind-matrix-fun ortho "hpmOrtho" void (width int) (height int) (near float) (far float) (result f32vector)) (bind-matrix-fun frustum "hpmFrustum" void (left float) (right float) (bottom float) (top float) (near float) (far float) (result f32vector)) (bind-matrix-fun perspective "hpmPerspective" void (width int) (height int) (near float) (far float) (fov-angle float) (result f32vector)) (bind-matrix-fun look-at "hpmLookAt" void (eye-x float) (eye-y float) (eye-z float) (x float) (y float) (z float) (up-x float) (up-y float) (up-z float) (result f32vector)) (bind-matrix-fun camera-inverse "hpmCameraInverse" void (camera f32vector) (result f32vector)) (define (m*vector! matrix vector) (cond ((pointer? matrix) ((foreign-lambda void "hpmMat4VecMult" c-pointer f32vector) matrix vector)) ((f32vector? matrix) ((foreign-lambda void "hpmMat4VecMult" f32vector f32vector) matrix vector)) (else (error 'm*vector! "Wrong argument type" matrix)))) (define (m*vector-array! matrix vector #!key (stride 0) (length 0)) (when (and (< stride 3) (not (zero? stride))) (error 'm*vector-array! "Stride must be at least 3" stride)) (cond ((f32vector? vector) ((cond ((f32vector? matrix) (foreign-lambda void "hpmMat4VecArrayMult" f32vector f32vector size_t size_t)) ((pointer? matrix) (foreign-lambda void "hpmMat4VecArrayMult" c-pointer f32vector size_t size_t)) (else (error 'm*vector-array! "Wrong argument type" matrix))) matrix vector (quotient (f32vector-length vector) (if (zero? stride) 3 stride)) (* stride 4))) ((pointer? vector) (when (< length 1) (error 'm*vector-array! "length must be given (and positive) when vector is a pointer" length)) ((cond ((f32vector? matrix) (foreign-lambda void "hpmMat4VecArrayMult" f32vector c-pointer size_t size_t)) ((pointer? matrix) (foreign-lambda void "hpmMat4VecArrayMult" c-pointer c-pointer size_t size_t)) (else (error 'm*vector-array! "Wrong argument type" matrix))) matrix vector length (* stride 4))) (else (error 'm*vector-array! "Wrong argument type" vector)))) (define (cross-product ax ay az bx by bz) (let-location ([rx float] [ry float] [rz float]) ((foreign-lambda void "hpmCross" float float float float float float (c-pointer float) (c-pointer float) (c-pointer float)) ax ay az bx by bz #$rx #$ry #$rz) (values rx ry rz))) (define (normalize x y z) (let-location ([rx float] [ry float] [rz float]) ((foreign-lambda void "hpmNormalize" float float float (c-pointer float) (c-pointer float) (c-pointer float)) x y z #$rx #$ry #$rz) (values rx ry rz))) (define dot-product (foreign-lambda float "hpmDot" float float float float float float)) (define degrees->radians (foreign-lambda float "hpmDegreesToRadians" float)) (define radians->degrees (foreign-lambda float "hpmRadiansToDegrees" float)) (define pi 3.14159265358979) (define pi/2 (/ pi 2)) ) ; module end