;;;; glls-compiler.scm ;;;; ;;;; Functions responsible for taking glls forms and transforming them into GLSL (module glls-compiler (compile-glls symbol->glsl compile-expr shader-types shader? shader-type shader-source shader-inputs shader-outputs shader-uniforms shader-imports shader-exports shader-program glsl-version %make-shader %create-shader) (import chicken scheme) (use extras data-structures srfi-1 srfi-69 fmt fmt-c matchable miscmacros irregex) ;;; Shader record (define-record shader type source inputs outputs uniforms imports exports (setter program)) (define-record-printer (shader s out) (fprintf out "#,(shader ~S ~S '~S '~S '~S '~S '~S ~S)" (shader-type s) (shader-source s) (shader-inputs s) (shader-outputs s) (shader-uniforms s) (shader-imports s) (shader-exports s) (shader-program s))) (define (%create-shader form) (let-values (((s i o u im ex) (compile-glls form))) (make-shader (caar form) s i o u im ex 0))) (define (%make-shader type source inputs outputs uniforms imports exports program) (make-shader type (irregex-replace "<>" source (apply string-append (map shader-exports imports))) inputs outputs uniforms imports exports program)) (define shader-types '(#:vertex #:fragment #:geometry #:tess-control #:tess-evaluation #:compute)) (define glsl-version (make-parameter (cond-expand (gles 120) (else 330)))) (define exports (make-parameter '())) (define export-prototypes (make-parameter '())) ;;; Main compiling function ;; Takes a form with the glls syntax and returns values: ;; - The GLSL string ;; - A list of the inputs (string-name symbol-type) ;; - A list of the outputs (string-name symbol-type) ;; - A list of the uniforms (string-name symbol-type) (define (compile-glls form) (define (shader-type? s) (member s shader-types)) (define (valid-keys? keys) (for-each (lambda (k) (unless (or (not (keyword? k)) (member k '(input: output: uniform: version: use: export: prelude:))) (syntax-error "Key not recognized:" k))) keys)) (define (normalize-version version) (match version ( (? number? version) (list version)) ( ((? number? version) rest ...) (cons version rest)) (else (error "invalid glsl version (expecting number or '(number ...))" version)))) (define (compile type body #!key (input '()) (output '()) (uniform '()) prelude (version (glsl-version)) (use '()) (export '())) (parameterize ((exports export) (export-prototypes '())) (let ((version-spec (normalize-version version))) (let-values (((declarations in out uni) (compile-inputs input output uniform version-spec type))) (values (fmt #f (cat "#version " (fmt-join dsp version-spec " ") "\n\n" (or prelude "") (if (null? use) "" "<>\n") (if (null? declarations) "" (apply c-begin declarations)) (apply c-begin (map glsl->fmt body)))) in out uni use (fmt #f (apply-cat (export-prototypes)))))))) (match form ((((? shader-type? shader-type) . (? valid-keys? keys)) body . body-rest) (apply compile shader-type (cons* body body-rest) keys)) (_ (syntax-error "Poorly formed shader:" form)))) (define (compile-inputs in out uniform version-spec shader-type) (define (in/out-type->glsl-type type) (match (cons* shader-type type version-spec) ((shader-type type (? (cut >= <> 130) version) _ ...) type) ((shader-type type (? (cut >= <> 100) version) 'es _ ...) type) ((shader-type 'uniform _ ...) 'uniform) (('#:vertex 'in _ ...) 'attribute) (else 'varying))) (define (params p type) (map (lambda (param) (let ((p (parameter param))) (c-var (list (in/out-type->glsl-type type) (first p)) (second p)))) p)) (define (name-type p) (map (lambda (p) (cons (first p) (second p))) p)) (values (append (params in 'in) (params out 'out) (params uniform 'uniform)) (name-type in) (name-type out) (name-type uniform))) (define (compile-expr expr) (fmt #f (glsl->fmt expr))) (define (glsl->fmt x) (cond ((symbol? x) (c-wrap-stmt (symbol->glsl x))) ((boolean? x) (c-wrap-stmt (dsp (if x 'true 'false)))) ((list? x) (if* (hash-table-ref/default *special-syntax* (car x) #f) (apply it (cdr x)) (if* (hash-table-ref/default *special-functions* (car x) #f) (apply it (map glsl->fmt (cdr x))) (c-apply (map glsl->fmt x))))) (else (c-wrap-stmt (dsp x))))) (define (symbol->glsl sym) (define (cammel-case str) (irregex-replace/all "[:-](.)" str (lambda (m) (let* ((s (irregex-match-substring m)) (char1 (string-ref s 0)) (char2 (char-upcase (string-ref s 1)))) (if (equal? char1 #\:) (string #\_ char2) (string char2)))))) (define (dimensions str) (irregex-replace/all "[1-3]d" str (lambda (m) (let* ((s (irregex-match-substring m)) (char1 (string-ref s 0))) (string char1 #\D))))) (define (illegal-chars str) (if (hash-table-ref/default *special-functions* (string->symbol str) #f) str (irregex-replace/all "[!@$%^&*><+=-]" str "_"))) (define (multi-sample str) (irregex-replace/all "DMs" str "DMS")) (define (all sym) (string->symbol (multi-sample (dimensions (illegal-chars (cammel-case (symbol->string sym))))))) (case sym ((emit-vertex) 'EmitVertex) ((end-primitive) 'EndPrimitive) (else (all sym)))) (define (replace symbol) (lambda (x . rest) (cons symbol rest))) (define glsl:length (match-lambda* ((vec) (c-wrap-stmt (cat vec ".length()"))) (args (syntax-error 'length "Only one argument expected:" args)))) (define (type? x) (or (symbol? x) ((list-of? symbol?) x))) (define (type->glsl x) (if (list? x) (map symbol->glsl x) (symbol->glsl x))) (define parameter (match-lambda ((name ((or '#:array 'array) (? type? type) . size)) (list (cons* '%array (type->glsl type) size) (symbol->glsl name))) ((name (? type? type)) (list (type->glsl type) (symbol->glsl name))) (p (syntax-error "Invalid parameter:" p)))) (define assignment (match-lambda* ((name ((or '#:array 'array) (? type? type) . size) . init) (when (member name (exports)) (export-prototypes (cons (c-var `(%array ,(type->glsl type) . ,size) (symbol->glsl name)) (export-prototypes)))) (apply c-var `(%array ,(type->glsl type) . ,size) (symbol->glsl name) (cond ((null? init)'()) ((vector? (car init)) (list (cat (type->glsl type) "[](" (fmt-join c-expr (map glsl->fmt (vector->list (car init))) ", ") ")"))) (else (list (apply glsl->fmt init)))))) ((name (? type? type) . init) (when (member name (exports)) (export-prototypes (cons (c-var (type->glsl type) (symbol->glsl name)) (export-prototypes)))) (apply c-var (type->glsl type) (symbol->glsl name) (if (null? init) '() (list (apply glsl->fmt init))))) (expr (syntax-error "Poorly formed assignment:" expr)))) (define glsl:define (match-lambda* (((name . params) (? type? return-type) body . body-rest) (when (member name (exports)) (export-prototypes (cons (c-prototype (type->glsl return-type) (symbol->glsl name) (map parameter params)) (export-prototypes)))) (apply c-fun (type->glsl return-type) (glsl->fmt name) (map parameter params) (map glsl->fmt (cons body body-rest)))) (((name . params) (? type? return-type)) (c-prototype (type->glsl return-type) (symbol->glsl name) (map parameter params))) (a (apply assignment a)))) (define glsl:let (match-lambda* (((? list? assignments) body . body-rest) (apply c-begin (append (map (lambda (a) (apply assignment a)) assignments) (map glsl->fmt (cons body body-rest))))) (expr (syntax-error 'let "Poorly formed:" expr)))) (define glsl:struct (match-lambda* ((name . fields) (c-struct (symbol->glsl name) (map parameter fields))) (expr (syntax-error 'struct "Poorly formed:" expr)))) (define glsl:do-times (match-lambda* (((var end) body . body-rest) (let ((v (symbol->glsl var))) (apply c-for (c-var 'int v 0) (c< v (glsl->fmt end)) (c++ v) (map glsl->fmt (cons body body-rest))))) (((var start end) body . body-rest) (let ((v (symbol->glsl var))) (apply c-for (c-var 'int v (glsl->fmt start)) (c< v (glsl->fmt end)) (c++ v) (map glsl->fmt (cons body body-rest))))) (expr (syntax-error 'do-times "Poorly formed:" expr)))) (define glsl:swizzle (match-lambda* ((vec . (? (list-of? symbol?) x)) (c-wrap-stmt (cat (symbol->glsl vec) "." (apply symbol-append x)))) (args (syntax-error 'swizzle "Poorly formed arguments:" args)))) (define glsl:array-ref (match-lambda* ((array ref) (c-wrap-stmt (cat array "[" ref "]"))) (args (syntax-error 'array-ref "Poorly formed arguments:" args)))) (define glsl:array-set! (match-lambda* ((array ref val) (c-wrap-stmt (cat array "[" ref "] = " val))) (args (syntax-error 'array-set! "Poorly formed arguments:" args)))) (define (glsl:cond . x) ;; Adapted from fmt-c (let loop ((ls x) (res '())) (if (null? ls) (glsl->fmt (cons 'if (delete 'else (reverse res)))) (loop (cdr ls) (cons (if (pair? (cddar ls)) (cons 'begin (cdar ls)) (cadar ls)) (cons (caar ls) res)))))) (define *special-syntax* (alist->hash-table `((cond . ,glsl:cond) (define . ,glsl:define) (let . ,glsl:let) (let* . ,glsl:let) (swizzle . ,glsl:swizzle) (~~ . ,glsl:swizzle) (struct . ,glsl:struct) (define-record . ,glsl:struct) (do-times . ,glsl:do-times) (%extension . ,(lambda (name behaviour) (cat "#extension " name " : " behaviour #\newline))) (%pragma . ,(match-lambda* ((#:stdgl (n . b)) (cat "#pragma STDGL " n "(" (fmt-join dsp b ", ") ")" #\newline)) ((n . b) (cat "#pragma " n "(" (fmt-join dsp b ", ") ")" #\newline))))))) (define *special-functions* (alist->hash-table `((array-ref . ,glsl:array-ref) (vector-ref . ,glsl:array-ref) (array-set! . ,glsl:array-set!) (vector-set! . ,glsl:array-set!) (expt . ,(lambda e (c-apply (cons 'pow e)))) (length . ,glsl:length) (discard . ,(lambda () (c-wrap-stmt (dsp "discard")))) (break . ,(lambda () (c-wrap-stmt (dsp "break")))) (continue . ,(lambda () (c-wrap-stmt (dsp "continue")))) (return . ,c-return) (begin . ,c-begin) (while . ,c-while) (for . ,c-for) (if . ,c-if) (switch . ,c-switch) (case . ,c-case) (case/fallthrough . ,c-case/fallthrough) (default . ,c-default) (++ . ,c++) (-- . ,c--) (+ . ,c+) (- . ,c-) (* . ,c*) (/ . ,c/) (modulo . ,c%) (% . ,c%) (bitwise-and . ,c&) (& . ,c&) (bitwise-xor . ,c^) (^ . ,c^) (bitwise-not . ,c~) (~ . ,c~) (not . ,c!) (! . ,c!) (and . ,c&&) (&& . ,c&&) (arithmetic-shift . ,c<<) (<< . ,c<<) (>> . ,c>>) (bitwise-ior . ,c-bit-or) (or . ,c-or) (== . ,c==) (equal? . ,c==) (eqv? . ,c==) (eq? . ,c==) (= . ,c==) (!= . ,c!=) (< . ,c<) (> . ,c>) (<= . ,c<=) (>= . ,c>=) (set! . ,c=) (= . ,c=) (+= . ,c+=) (-= . ,c-=) (*= . ,c*=) (/= . ,c/=) (modulo= . ,c%=) (%= . ,c%=) (bitwise-and= . ,c&=) (&= . ,c&=) (bitwise-xor= . ,c^=) (^= . ,c^=) (bitwise-ior= . ,c-bit-or=) (arithmetic-shift= . ,c<<=) (<<= . ,c<<=) (>>= . ,c>>=) (++/post . ,c++/post) (--/post . ,c--/post) (.. . ,c.) (field . ,c.) (%define . ,cpp-define) (%if . ,cpp-if) (%ifdef . ,cpp-ifdef) (%ifndef . ,cpp-ifndef) (%elif . ,cpp-elif) (%else . ,cpp-else) (%error . ,cpp-error)))) ) ; end module