# chicken-glm [GLM]:http://glm.g-truc.net/ Chicken Scheme bindings for [GLM]. [GLM] is a matrix and vector math library inspired by GLSL. These bindings are not complete, but should cover the basic matrix and vector needs within the graphics-domain. This egg embeds the headers files of `glm` version for convenience. In particular, this makes cross-compilation easier. ## Quickstart Install with: ```bash $ chicken-install glm ``` Then run `csi` and try this: ```scheme #> (use glm) ; loading /usr/local/lib/chicken/6/glm.import.so ... ; loading /usr/local/lib/chicken/6/srfi-4.import.so ... ; loading /usr/local/lib/chicken/6/glm.so ... #> (vec3 1 2 3) #f32(1.0 2.0 3.0) #> (vec4 4 3 1 0) #f32(4.0 3.0 1.0 0.0) #> (vec3 1 2 3) #f32(1.0 2.0 3.0) ;; v+ for vector-vector addition #> (v+ (vec3 1 2 3) (vec3 10 20 30)) #f32(11.0 22.0 33.0) ;; m+ for matrix-matrix, matrix-vector or vector-vector addition #> (m+ (vec3 1 2 3) (vec3 10 20 30)) #f32(11.0 22.0 33.0) #> (m* (mat2 2) (vec2 -1 -2)) #f32(-2.0 -4.0) #> (inverse (inverse (mat2 4))) # ;; creating an identity matrix #> (mat2 1) # ;; or a bigger one #> (mat4 1) # ;; most of functions from ;; gtc_matrix_transform are present #> (scale (mat4 1) (vec3 1 2 3)) # #> (translate (scale (mat4 1) (vec3 1 2 3)) (vec3 10 20 30)) # #> (m* (scale (mat4 1) (vec3 1 2 3)) (vec4 10 20 30 0)) #f32(10.0 40.0 90.0 0.0) ;; all primitives from glm/glsl are supported: #> (dvec2 1 2) #f64(1.0 2.0) #> (ivec2 1 2) #s32(1 2) #> (bvec2 1 2) #u8(1 2) #> (uvec2 1 2) #u32(1 2) ``` Working with OpenGL, you might do something like shown below. The `mat` record holds a raw column-major srfi-vector and a slot with the number of columns. Use `mat-data` to get hold of the raw data (which is what OpenGL wants). ```scheme (glUniformMatrix4fv transl 1 GL_FALSE (mat-data (rotate (mat4 1) some-angle (vec3 0 0 1)))) ``` # TODO - Add column-selectors, eg `(mat-col mat3x4 2) => vec4` - Better way to hard-code matrices, like `(list->mat '((1 0) (0 1))) => mat2` - Type-conversions, eg `vec4->ivec4`, `dmat->mat` - Dispatchers (like `v+`) for all operations (eg. we have `length/dvec3` but no generic `length/vec`) - Hide helper-macros like template