;;; gnuplot - a simple CHICKEN Scheme interface to Gnuplot ;;; Copyright (C) 2019 Francesco Montanari ;;; Based on ;;; Copyright (C) 1997 Glenn Moloney ;;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or ;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ;;; published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the ;;; License, or (at your option) any later version. ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;;; General Public License for more details. ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;;; along with this program. If not, see ;;; . (module gnuplot-pipe ( call/gnuplot send plot plot3d save end-data revert-to-stdout ) (import chicken files scheme) (require-library srfi-13) (import (only srfi-13 string-join)) (use posix) ;;;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Public procedures and macros. (define-syntax call/gnuplot (syntax-rules () ((_ expr ...) (call-with-output-pipe "gnuplot --persist" (lambda (port) (define stdout (current-output-port)) (current-output-port port) (set-buffering-mode! port #:none) (send "set style data lines") expr ... ;; Make sure that the port is always ;; reverted to stdout, even if there ;; are errors. (revert-to-stdout port stdout) (newline)))))) ;;; Send arbitrary command to Gnuplot. (define (send . cmdline) (for-each (lambda (arg) (display arg)) cmdline) (newline) (flush-output)) ;;; Plot inline data. (define (plot . element) (plot-generic "plot" element)) ;;; 3d plot inline data. (define (plot3d . element) (plot-generic "splot" element)) ;;; Save last plot to file. (define (save fname) (define ext (pathname-extension fname)) (cond ((not ext) (send "set terminal png")) ((or (equal? ext "pdf") (equal? ext "png") (equal? ext "svg")) (send (format "set terminal ~A" ext))) ((equal? ext "txt") (send "set terminal dumb")) (else (error "Extension must be pdf, png, svg or txt"))) (send "set output") (send (format "set output '~A'" fname)) (send "replot") (send "unset output") (send "unset terminal")) (define (end-data) (display "e") (newline) (flush-output)) (define (revert-to-stdout port stdout) (flush-output) (newline) (send "quit") (current-output-port stdout)) ;;;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Internal procedures. (define (plot-row . row) (display (string-join (map number->string row))) (newline)) (define (dataset-same-length? data) (apply = (map length data))) (define (plot-dataset-single data) (cond ((and (list? data) ; '((1 2 3 4) (10 20 30 40) ...) (list? (car data)) (number? (caar data))) (unless (dataset-same-length? data) (error "Data rows of different length")) (apply for-each plot-row data)) (else (error "Invalid data set "))) (end-data)) (define (plot-dataset data) (map plot-dataset-single data)) ;;; Plot using cmdline the list of descriptions and wait for data ;;; input. (define (newplot cmdline description) (apply send cmdline " '-' " (car description) (string-join (cdr description) ", '-' " 'prefix) '())) ;;; Extract a list of descriptions from a list of plot elements. (define (plot-element-description element) (map car element)) ;;; Extract a list of data from a list of plot elements. (define (plot-element-data element) (map cdr element)) ;;; Are all element descriptions strings? (define (element-description-string? element) (apply (lambda (x y) (and x y)) (map string? (plot-element-description element)))) ;;; Dispatch according to arguments format. (define (plot-generic cmdline element) (let ((plot-element (cond ((null? element) (error "No plot element specified")) ((string? (car element)) (list element)) ; ((str lst1 lst2 ...)) ((element-description-string? (car element)) (car element)) ; ((str l1st lst2 ...) ...) (else (error "Plot element format not recognized"))))) (newplot cmdline (plot-element-description plot-element)) (plot-dataset (plot-element-data plot-element)))) )