;; gochan.scm -- thread-safe channel (FIFO) library based on the go ;; programming language's channel API. ;; ;; Copyright (c) 2017 Kristian Lein-Mathisen. All rights reserved. ;; License: BSD (use srfi-18 (only matchable match) (only extras random) (only data-structures list->queue queue->list sort queue-add! queue-empty? queue-remove! queue-first queue-length)) (define (info . args) (void)) ;;(define (info . args) (apply print (cons (current-thread) (cons " " args)))) ;; multiple receives ;; multiple sends ;; multiple receive/send simultaniously ;; buffering ;; timeouts (as channels) ;; for me, it helps to think about semaphore as return-values that can ;; block. each gochan-select will create a semaphore and wait for ;; somebody to signal it (sometimes immediately (without waiting), ;; sometimes externally (having to wait)). it's important to ;; understand that it's ok for a semaphore to be registered in a ;; channel (as sender/receiver) even though it's already been ;; signalled. this is ok because already-signalled subscribers just be ;; skipped (you cannot re-deliver data to a (not %gosem-open?) ;; semaphore). (define-record-type gosem (make-gosem mutex cv data meta ok) gosem? (mutex gosem-mutex) (cv gosem-cv) (data gosem-data gosem-data-set!) (meta gosem-meta gosem-meta-set!) (ok gosem-ok gosem-ok-set!)) (define (make-semaphore) (make-gosem (make-mutex) (make-condition-variable) #f #f #t)) (define (%gosem-open? sem) (eq? #f (gosem-meta sem))) ;; returns #t on successful signal, #f if semaphore was already ;; signalled. (define (semaphore-signal! sem data meta ok) (info "signalling " sem " meta: " meta " data: " data " ok: " ok) (mutex-lock! (gosem-mutex sem)) (cond ((%gosem-open? sem) ;; available! (gosem-data-set! sem data) (gosem-meta-set! sem meta) (gosem-ok-set! sem ok) (condition-variable-signal! (gosem-cv sem)) (mutex-unlock! (gosem-mutex sem)) #t) (else ;; already signalled (mutex-unlock! (gosem-mutex sem)) #f))) (define-record-type gotimer (make-gotimer mutex receivers when data ok next) gotimer? (mutex gotimer-mutex) (receivers gotimer-receivers gotimer-receivers-set!) (when gotimer-when gotimer-when-set!) ;; when may be #f if never to trigger again (data gotimer-data gotimer-data-set!) (ok gotimer-ok gotimer-ok-set!) (next gotimer-next)) ;; next must be a thunk which returns (values when-next data ok), ;; where `when-next` is when to trigger next in ;; (current-milliseconds). `next` will be called exaclty once on every ;; timeout and once at "startup" and can thus mutate its own private ;; state. `next` is called within a gotimer mutex lock, so it ;; shouldn't ever error! (define (gotimer next) (receive (when-next data ok) (next) (make-gotimer (make-mutex) (list->queue '()) when-next data ok next))) ;; it's important that when-next is set in lockstep as gotimer-next is ;; called so that gotimer-next get's called only once per "when" it ;; returns. gotimer-next should never be called if gotimer-when is #f. (define (gotimer-tick! timer) (receive (when-next data ok) ((gotimer-next timer)) (gotimer-when-set! timer when-next) ;; may be #f if never to timout again (gotimer-data-set! timer data) (gotimer-ok-set! timer ok))) (define (gochan-after duration:ms) (let ((when (+ (current-milliseconds) duration:ms))) (gotimer (lambda () (let ((tmp when)) (set! when #f) ;; never trigger again ;; when-next data ok (values tmp tmp #t)))))) (define (gochan-tick duration:ms) (let ((when (current-milliseconds))) (gotimer (lambda () (set! when (+ when duration:ms)) (values when when #t))))) (define-record-type gochan (make-gochan mutex cap buffer receivers senders closed) gochan? (mutex gochan-mutex) (cap gochan-cap) (buffer gochan-buffer) (receivers gochan-receivers) (senders gochan-senders) (closed gochan-closed gochan-closed-set!)) (define (gochan cap) (assert (fixnum? cap)) (make-gochan (make-mutex) cap ;; capacity (max buffer size) (list->queue '()) ;; buffer (list->queue '()) ;; senders (list->queue '()) ;; receivers #f)) ;; not closed (define (make-send-subscription sem data meta) (cons sem (cons data meta))) (define send-subscription-sem car) (define send-subscription-data cadr) (define send-subscription-meta cddr) (define (make-recv-subscription sem meta) (cons sem meta)) (define recv-subscription-sem car) (define recv-subscription-meta cdr) (define (%gochan-free-capacity? chan) (< (queue-length (gochan-buffer chan)) (gochan-cap chan))) ;; we want to send, so let's notify any receivers that are ready. if ;; this succeeds, we close %sem. otherwise we return #f and we'll need ;; to use our semaphore. %sem must already be locked and open! ;; ;; returns #t if registered as subscriber, #f otherwise. (define (gochan-signal-receiver/subscribe chan %sem msg meta) ;; because meta is also used to tell if a semaphore has already been ;; signalled (#f) or not (≠ #f). (if (eq? #f meta) (error "metadata cannot be #f (in gochan-select* alist)")) (mutex-lock! (gochan-mutex chan)) (if (gochan-closed chan) ;; trying to send to a closed channel! the golang channel api ;; panics in this situation. but we've got the `ok` variable ;; conveniently available at the results of gochan-sends (just ;; like on gochan-receive), so let's try this instead: sending ;; to a closed channel will not panic, but instead immediately ;; unblock and receive a zero-value with `ok` set to #f. (begin (gosem-meta-set! %sem meta) ;; closes semaphore (gosem-ok-set! %sem #f) ;; sending to closed channel is not ok! (mutex-unlock! (gochan-mutex chan)) #f) (let ((q (gochan-receivers chan))) (let %loop () (if (queue-empty? q) (begin ;; no semaphores left, nobody is around to receive our ;; data :( try to fill the buffer then (if (%gochan-free-capacity? chan) (begin (queue-add! (gochan-buffer chan) msg) (gosem-meta-set! %sem meta) ;; closes semaphore (gosem-ok-set! %sem #t) (mutex-unlock! (gochan-mutex chan)) #f) ;; buffer didn't help us either! we are running ;; out of options now. we'll need to allow some ;; future receiver to notify us when they need ;; data :( (begin (assert (%gosem-open? %sem)) (queue-add! (gochan-senders chan) (make-send-subscription %sem msg meta)) (mutex-unlock! (gochan-mutex chan)) #t))) (let ((sub (queue-remove! q))) (if (semaphore-signal! (recv-subscription-sem sub) msg (recv-subscription-meta sub) #t) ;; receiver was signalled, signal self (begin (gosem-meta-set! %sem meta) ;; close! (mutex-unlock! (gochan-mutex chan)) #f) ;; receiver was already signalled by somebody else, ;; try next receiver (%loop)))))))) ;; we want to receive stuff, try to signal someone who's ready to ;; send. %sem must be locked and open! ;; ;; returns #t if semaphore was registered on channel. (define (gochan-signal-sender/subscribe chan %sem meta) (if (eq? #f meta) (error "metadata cannot be #f (in gochan-select* alist)")) (mutex-lock! (gochan-mutex chan)) ;; TODO: if closed, signal receiver immediately (if (> (queue-length (gochan-buffer chan)) 0) ;; data already in buffer! pop buffer and put data in our ;; semaphore for ourselves (then signal any blocked senders). (begin (gosem-meta-set! %sem meta) ;; close (gosem-data-set! %sem (queue-remove! (gochan-buffer chan))) (gosem-ok-set! %sem #t) ;; here's a trick! since we just freed 1 buffer item, so ;; we might have need to unblocking a sender who's ;; waiting for buffer capacity. we can do it all in one ;; go here on the sender's behalf, since we've got the ;; channel mutex already: signal a sender and put its ;; data in the buffer. (let ((q (gochan-senders chan))) (let %loop () (unless (queue-empty? q) ;; nobody to signal? no problem (let ((sub (queue-remove! q))) (if (semaphore-signal! (send-subscription-sem sub) #f (send-subscription-meta sub) #t) ;; sender was signalled/unblocked! add its ;; data to the buffer (begin (queue-add! (gochan-buffer chan) (send-subscription-data sub)) (mutex-unlock! (gochan-mutex chan)) #f) ;; sender was already signalled externally, try next (%loop)))))) (mutex-unlock! (gochan-mutex chan))) (if (gochan-closed chan) ;; oh no! trying to receive from a closed channel. you know the ;; drill. (begin (gosem-meta-set! %sem meta) (gosem-ok-set! %sem #f) ;; not ok this time around! (mutex-unlock! (gochan-mutex chan)) #f) (let ((q (gochan-senders chan))) (let %loop () (if (queue-empty? q) (begin ;; nobody had data for us :-( awww. but we can add ;; ourselves here so when they do, they can signal us. (assert (%gosem-open? %sem)) (queue-add! (gochan-receivers chan) (make-recv-subscription %sem meta)) (mutex-unlock! (gochan-mutex chan)) #t) (let ((sub (queue-remove! q))) ;; signalling a sender-semaphore. they don't care about ;; data, they just want to be unblocked. (if (semaphore-signal! (send-subscription-sem sub) #f (send-subscription-meta sub) #t) ;; receiver was signalled, fill in our semaphore ;; (which can return immediately) (begin (gosem-meta-set! %sem meta) ;; close (gosem-data-set! %sem (send-subscription-data sub)) (gosem-ok-set! %sem #t) (mutex-unlock! (gochan-mutex chan)) #f) ;; sender was already signalled externally, try next (%loop))))))))) ;; we want to add a timeout to our semaphore. if the chan (aka gotimer) ;; has already timed out, we immediately alert %sem and tick the ;; timer. otherwise, we register %sem as a chan/gotimer subscriber. ;; ;; returns #t is %sem was registered on timer as receiver subscriber. (define (gochan-signal-timer/subscribe chan %sem meta) ;; note that chan here is really a gotimer (if (eq? #f meta) (error "metadata cannot be #f (in gochan-select* alist)")) (mutex-lock! (gotimer-mutex chan)) (if (gotimer-when chan) (begin (if (<= (gotimer-when chan) (current-milliseconds)) ;; timer already expired! (begin (gosem-meta-set! %sem meta) ;; <-- also closes %sem (gosem-data-set! %sem (gotimer-data chan)) (gosem-ok-set! %sem (gotimer-ok chan)) (gotimer-tick! chan) (mutex-unlock! (gotimer-mutex chan)) #f) (begin ;; timer in the future, register us (queue-add! (gotimer-receivers chan) (make-recv-subscription %sem meta)) (mutex-unlock! (gotimer-mutex chan)) #t))) (begin (mutex-unlock! (gotimer-mutex chan)) #f))) ;; if timer has expired, signal a single receiver that `timer` has ;; triggered and then tick the timer for its next timeout value. ;; ;; whichever thread we're in, unless the timer has expired, transfer ;; data from the timer to the receiver's semaphore. many threads might ;; be waiting for the same timer, but the first to timer's mutex will ;; do the work on behalf of everybody - the rest will do nothing. (define (gotimer-signal timer) (mutex-lock! (gotimer-mutex timer)) (info "signalling timer " timer) (if (gotimer-when timer) (if (<= (gotimer-when timer) (current-milliseconds)) (let ((q (gotimer-receivers timer))) (let loop () (if (queue-empty? q) (void) (let ((sub (queue-remove! q))) (info "trying to signal " sub) (if (semaphore-signal! (recv-subscription-sem sub) (gotimer-data timer) (recv-subscription-meta sub) (gotimer-ok timer)) ;; receiver was signalled ok, tick timer. (gotimer-tick! timer) ;; semaphore was already signalled, can't ;; deliver value. try next subscriber! (loop)))))) (info timer " was postponed")) ;; somebody else grabbed our timer trigger from us. (info timer " is no longer with us")) (mutex-unlock! (gotimer-mutex timer))) (define (%remove-queue-item q semaphore) (let loop ((n (queue-length q))) (when (> n 0) (let ((sub (queue-remove! q))) (unless (eq? semaphore (car sub)) (queue-add! q sub))) (loop (sub1 n))))) ;; run through the channels' semaphores (queue) and remove any ;; instances of `semaphore`. (define (gochan-unsubscribe-senders chan semaphore) (mutex-lock! (gochan-mutex chan)) (%remove-queue-item (gochan-senders chan) semaphore) (mutex-unlock! (gochan-mutex chan))) (define (gochan-unsubscribe-receivers chan semaphore) (mutex-lock! (gochan-mutex chan)) (info "unsubscribing " chan) (%remove-queue-item (gochan-receivers chan) semaphore) (mutex-unlock! (gochan-mutex chan))) (define (gochan-unsubscribe-timers chan semaphore) (mutex-lock! (gotimer-mutex chan)) (%remove-queue-item (gotimer-receivers chan) semaphore) (mutex-unlock! (gotimer-mutex chan))) ;; the heart of it all! takes input that looks like this: ;; ;; (gochan-select `((,chan1 meta1) ;; (,chan2 meta2 message) ;; (,chan3 meta3) ...)) ;; ;; gochan-select* returns: ;; ;; (msg ok meta) ;; ;; where msg is the message that was send over the channel, ok is #f ;; is channel was closed and #t otherwise, meta is the datum supplied ;; in the arguments. ;; ;; if a message arrived on chan3 above, for example, meta would be ;; 'meta3 in that case. this allows you to see which channel a message ;; came from (ie if you supply meta data that's is the channel itself) ;; (define (gochan-select* chans) (let ((semaphore (make-semaphore)) ;; sorting trick! this lets us load-balance in case there are ;; multiple channels with data always available. there's ;; probably much faster ways to do this, though... (chans (map cdr (sort (map (lambda (spec) (cons (/ (random 256) 256.0) spec)) chans) (lambda (a b) (< (car a) (car b))))))) ;; keep our semaphore locked while we check channels for data ;; ready, so that we can't get signalled externally while we do ;; this. (mutex-lock! (gosem-mutex semaphore)) (let loop ((chans chans) (sendsub '()) ;; list of gochans we're subscribed on send (recvsub '()) ;; list of gochans we're subscribed on recv (timesub '()) ;; list of gotimer we're subscribed on recv/trigger (else-thunk #f)) (if (and (%gosem-open? semaphore) (pair? chans)) (let ((chanspec (car chans))) (match chanspec (((? gochan? chan) meta msg) ;; want to send to chan (loop (cdr chans) (if (gochan-signal-receiver/subscribe chan semaphore msg meta) (cons chan sendsub) sendsub) recvsub timesub else-thunk)) (((? gochan? chan) meta) ;; want to recv on chan (loop (cdr chans) sendsub (if (gochan-signal-sender/subscribe chan semaphore meta) (cons chan recvsub) recvsub) timesub else-thunk)) (((? gotimer? chan) meta) ;; want to "recv" on timeout (loop (cdr chans) sendsub recvsub (if (gochan-signal-timer/subscribe chan semaphore meta) (cons chan timesub) timesub) else-thunk)) (('else thunk) ;; want to execute body if nobody available (loop (cdr chans) sendsub recvsub timesub thunk)))) (let %retry () ;; lock semaphore mutex before retrying! (if (%gosem-open? semaphore) (if else-thunk ;; no data immediately available, but we have an ;; else clause (begin (gosem-meta-set! semaphore else-thunk) (gosem-data-set! semaphore #f) (gosem-ok-set! semaphore #t)) ;; no data immediately available on any of the ;; channels, so we need to wait for somebody else ;; to signal us. (if (pair? timesub) ;; we need to resort timesub here in case the ;; previous timeout caused gotimer-when ;; modifications. obs: cheeky gotimer-when peek ;; without mutex! since we're mutex-free, timers ;; may trigger at any time in here. but as long as ;; we sort *after* we pick out gotimer-when, we're ;; sure to not all of a sudden have our timeout ;; become #f and that's the only really critical ;; thing. (let* ((timers* (sort (map (lambda (timer) (cons (gotimer-when timer) timer)) timesub) (lambda (a b) ;; sort #f's last (let ((a (car a)) (b (car b))) (if a (if b (< a b) #t) #f))))) (timer (cdr (car timers*))) (timeout (let ((when (car (car timers*)))) (and when (max 0 (/ (- when (current-milliseconds)) 1000)))))) (info "wait for data with timer " timer " and timeout " timeout) (if (mutex-unlock! (gosem-mutex semaphore) (gosem-cv semaphore) timeout) ;; no timeout, semaphore must have been ;; signalled, data should be in semaphore (void) ;; timeout! if we're lucky, our semaphore ;; won't be open after gotimer-signal. (begin (gotimer-signal timer) ;; at this point, we know there was a ;; timeout on timer but we don't know who ;; received its signal. (mutex-lock! (gosem-mutex semaphore)) (%retry)))) ;; we don't have any timers, wait on cv forever (begin (info "wait for data without timer") (mutex-unlock! (gosem-mutex semaphore) (gosem-cv semaphore))))) ;; yey, semaphore has data already! (begin (info "no need to wait, data already there") (mutex-unlock! (gosem-mutex semaphore)))) ;; it's important that we remove our semaphore from ;; wherever it may be registered so we don't leak it. it ;; wouldn't get cleared out otherwise until someone else ;; tries to signal it - which may never happen (for-each (lambda (chan) (gochan-unsubscribe-senders chan semaphore)) sendsub) (for-each (lambda (chan) (gochan-unsubscribe-receivers chan semaphore)) recvsub) (for-each (lambda (chan) (gochan-unsubscribe-timers chan semaphore)) timesub) (assert (gosem-meta semaphore)) ;; just to make sure (values (gosem-data semaphore) (gosem-ok semaphore) (gosem-meta semaphore))))))) (define (gochan-send chan msg) (assert (gochan? chan)) (gochan-select* `((,chan #t ,msg)))) (define (gochan-recv chan) (assert (or (gochan? chan) (gotimer? chan))) (gochan-select* `((,chan #t)))) ;; close channel. unlike in go, this operation is idempotent (and ;; hopefully that's a good idea). (define (gochan-close chan) (mutex-lock! (gochan-mutex chan)) ;; NOTE: should we error here, like go, if channel is already ;; closed? is that really a good api? shouldn't that be idempotent? (info "closing " chan " with " "receivers: " (queue->list (gochan-receivers chan)) "senders: " (queue->list (gochan-senders chan))) (gochan-closed-set! chan #t) ;; signal *everybody* that we're closing (waking them all up, ;; because now there are tons of #f-messages available to them) (let ((q (gochan-receivers chan))) (let %loop () (unless (queue-empty? q) (let ((sub (queue-remove! q))) (semaphore-signal! (recv-subscription-sem sub) #f ;; no data (recv-subscription-meta sub) #f) ;; not ok (%loop))))) (let ((q (gochan-senders chan))) (let %loop () (unless (queue-empty? q) (let ((sub (queue-remove! q))) (semaphore-signal! (send-subscription-sem sub) #f ;; no data (send-subscription-meta sub) #f) ;; not ok (%loop))))) (mutex-unlock! (gochan-mutex chan))) (define-syntax go (syntax-rules () ((_ body ...) (thread-start! (lambda () body ...))))) ;; turn gochan-select form into `((,chan1 . ,proc1) (,chan2 . ,proc2) ...) (define-syntax gochan-select-alist (syntax-rules (-> <- else) ;; recv without ok flag ((_ ((channel -> varname) body ...) rest ...) `((,channel ,(lambda (varname ok) (if ok (begin body ...)))) ,@(gochan-select-alist rest ...))) ;; recv with ok flag ((_ ((channel -> varname ok) body ...) rest ...) `((,channel ,(lambda (varname ok) (begin body ...))) ,@(gochan-select-alist rest ...))) ;; send without ok flag ((_ ((channel <- msg) body ...) rest ...) `((,channel ,(lambda (_ ok) (if ok (begin body ...))) ,msg) ,@(gochan-select-alist rest ...))) ;; send with ok flag ((_ ((channel <- msg ok) body ...) rest ...) `((,channel ,(lambda (_ ok) (begin body ...)) ,msg) ,@(gochan-select-alist rest ...))) ;; default (no rest ..., else must be last expression) ((_ (else body ...)) `((else ,(lambda (_ _) (begin body ...))))) ((_) '()))) (define-syntax gochan-select (syntax-rules () ((_ form ...) (receive (msg ok meta) (gochan-select* (gochan-select-alist form ...)) (meta msg ok))))) (define-record-printer gochan (lambda (x p) (display "#" p))) (define-record-printer gotimer (lambda (x p) (display "#exact (round (- (gotimer-when x) (current-milliseconds)))) "∞") p) (display "ms (" p) (display (queue-length (gotimer-receivers x)) p) (display ")" p) (display ">" p)))