;; ;; ;; Simple cycle detection in a graph ;; Based on code from MLRISC ;; ;; Copyright 2007-2009 Ivan Raikov and the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology. ;; ;; ;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ;; published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the ;; License, or (at your option) any later version. ;; ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;; General Public License for more details. ;; ;; A full copy of the GPL license can be found at ;; .")))) ;; (module graph-cycles (graph-cycles-fold) (import scheme chicken data-structures ) (require-extension srfi-1 iset matchable graph-scc ) (define (graph-cycles:error x . rest) (let ((port (open-output-string))) (let loop ((objs (cons x rest))) (if (null? objs) (begin (newline port) (error 'graph-cycles (get-output-string port))) (begin (display (car objs) port) (display " " port) (loop (cdr objs))))))) (define (graph-cycles-fold g f x) (define n ((g 'capacity))) (define in-scc (make-vector n (list -1 0))) (define cycles (make-bit-vector n)) (define (traverse-scc scc x) (define witness (car scc)) (define (order lst i) (match lst (() (void)) ((u . us) (begin (vector-set! in-scc u (list witness i)) (order us (fx+ 1 i)))) (else (graph-cycles:error 'traverse-scc ": invalid node list " lst)))) (define (dfs n root u cycle x) (dfs-succ n root ((g 'in-edges) u) cycle x)) (define (dfs-succ n root elst cycle x) (match elst (() x) (((v u . _) . es) (if (fx= root v) (dfs-succ n root es cycle (f (cons (car elst) cycle) x)) (let-values (((w m) (split-at (vector-ref in-scc v) 1))) (if (or (not (fx= (car w) witness)) (fx<= (car m) n) (bit-vector-ref cycles v)) (dfs-succ n root es cycle x) (begin (bit-vector-set! cycles v #t) (let ((x (dfs n root v (cons (car elst) cycle) x))) (bit-vector-set! cycles v #f) (dfs-succ n root es cycle x))))))) (else (graph-cycles:error 'traverse-scc ": invalid edge list " elst)))) (define (has-back-edge elst n) (match elst (() #f) (((v . _) . es) (let-values (((w m) (split-at (vector-ref in-scc v) 1))) (or (and (fx= (car w) witness) (fx>= (car m) n)) (has-back-edge es n)))) (else (graph-cycles:error 'traverse-scc ": invalid edge list " elst)))) (define (enum n us x) (match us (() x) ((u . us) (let ((x (if (has-back-edge ((g 'in-edges) u) n) (dfs n u u (list) x) x))) (enum (fx+ 1 n) us x))) (else (graph-cycles:error 'traverse-scc ": invalid node list " us)))) (begin (order scc 0) (enum 0 scc x))) (graph-scc-fold g traverse-scc x)) )