; -*- Hen -*- (define (dynld-name fn) (make-pathname #f fn ##sys#load-dynamic-extension)) (compile -O2 -d0 -s html-form.scm -j html-form) (compile -O2 -d0 -s html-form.import.scm) (install-extension ; Name of your extension: 'html-form ; Files to install for your extension: `(,(dynld-name "html-form") ,(dynld-name "html-form.import") ) ; Assoc list with properties for your extension: '((version 1.2) (documentation "html-form.html"))) ;; From setup-header.scm by Kon Lovett ;;; Constants & Procedures (define SHARED-DIR (chicken-home)) (define HTML-FORM-DIR (make-pathname SHARED-DIR "html-form")) ;; File Copy Operations (define (*file-copy fn dn) (let ([fn (->string fn)]) (copy-file fn (make-pathname dn fn)) ) ) (define (copy-to-shared fn) (*file-copy (->string fn) (chicken-home)) ) (define (copy-file-to-html-form-dir fn) (*file-copy (->string fn) HTML-FORM-DIR) ) (if (not (file-exists? HTML-FORM-DIR)) (create-directory HTML-FORM-DIR)) (copy-file-to-html-form-dir "wforms.css" )