(module hyde-atom (translate-atom) (import chicken scheme) (use hyde atom rfc3339 posix extras srfi-1) (define $ (environment-ref (page-eval-env) '$)) (define (maybe-authors->atom-authors authors) (if authors (map (lambda (author) (make-author name: author)) authors) '())) (define (pages->atom-doc pages #!key (page-title (lambda (page) ($ 'title page))) (page-date (lambda (page) (or ($ 'updated page) ($ 'date page)))) (page-type (lambda (page) ($ 'type page))) (page-authors (lambda (page) ($ 'authors page))) (page-date->rfc3339-string (lambda (x) x)) (page->atom-content (lambda (page) (make-content (read-page page) type: 'html)))) (unless (and ($ 'tag) ($ 'base-uri) ($ 'date)) (error "An atom page requires at least these page-vars to be defined" '(tag base-uri date))) (let* ((rfc3339-string->seconds (lambda (date) (rfc3339->seconds (string->rfc3339 date)))) (page-date->seconds (lambda (date) (rfc3339-string->seconds (page-date->rfc3339-string date)))) (rfc3339-string->YYYY-MM-DD (lambda (date) (time->string (seconds->utc-time (rfc3339-string->seconds date)) "%Y-%m-%d"))) (page-date->YYYY-MM-DD (lambda (date) (rfc3339-string->YYYY-MM-DD (page-date->rfc3339-string date)))) (feed-authors (maybe-authors->atom-authors ($ 'authors)))) (make-atom-doc (make-feed title: (make-title ($ 'title)) subtitle: (make-subtitle ($ 'subtitle)) icon: (and ($ 'icon) (make-icon (string-append ($ 'base-uri) ($ 'icon)))) logo: (and ($ 'logo) (make-logo (string-append ($ 'base-uri) ($ 'logo)))) authors: feed-authors updated: (rfc3339->string (seconds->rfc3339 (fold (lambda (p c) (let ((p (page-date->seconds (page-date p)))) (if (and c (> c p)) c p))) #f pages))) id: (format ($ 'tag) ($ 'date) "/") links: (list (make-link uri: (string-append ($ 'base-uri) (or ($ 'root-path) "/")) relation: "alternate" type: 'html) (make-link uri: (string-append ($ 'base-uri) (page-path (current-page))) relation: "self" type: 'atom)) entries: (map (lambda (p) (make-entry title: (make-title (page-title p)) published: (page-date->rfc3339-string (page-date p)) updated: (page-date->rfc3339-string (page-date p)) id: (format ($ 'tag) (page-date->YYYY-MM-DD (page-date p)) (page-path p)) links: (list (make-link uri: (string-append ($ 'base-uri) (page-path p)) type: (or (page-type p) ($ 'entries-type)))) authors: (let ((authors (maybe-authors->atom-authors (page-authors p)))) ;; we include the feed authors for every entry in case there are ;; none for this entry specifically since feed readers tend to ignore ;; feed-wide authors (if (null? authors) feed-authors authors)) content: (page->atom-content p))) pages))))) (define (translate-atom) (let ((env (page-eval-env))) (for-each (lambda (binding) (environment-set! env (car binding) (cadr binding))) `((make-atom-doc ,make-atom-doc) (make-author ,make-author) (make-category ,make-category) (make-content ,make-content) (make-contributor ,make-contributor) (make-entry ,make-entry) (make-feed ,make-feed) (make-generator ,make-generator) (make-icon ,make-icon) (make-link ,make-link) (make-logo ,make-logo) (make-rights ,make-rights) (make-source ,make-source) (make-subtitle ,make-subtitle) (make-summary ,make-summary) (make-title ,make-title) (make-rfc3339 ,make-rfc3339) (rfc3339->string ,rfc3339->string) (seconds->rfc3339 ,seconds->rfc3339) (utc-time->rfc3339 ,utc-time->rfc3339) (time->rfc3339 ,time->rfc3339) (pages->atom-doc ,pages->atom-doc))) (write-atom-doc (environment-eval (read) env)))) (translators (cons (list "atom" translate-atom '(ext . atom) '(layouts)) (translators))) )