(export make-bindings make-binding binding? binding-id add-binding get-binding remove-binding change-binding key-bindings push-key-bindings pop-key-bindings char-callback mouse-bindings push-mouse-bindings pop-mouse-bindings cursor-movement-callback scroll-callback get-cursor-position set-cursor-position get-cursor-world-position) (define-record-type binding %make-binding #t (id) (key) (scancode?) (mods) (press) (release) (pressed?)) (define-record-printer (binding b out) (fprintf out "#" (binding-id b))) (define (make-binding id key #!key scancode? mods (press (lambda () #f)) (release (lambda () #f)) toggle reverse-toggle) (let ((mods (if mods (apply bitwise-ior mods) 0))) (cond (toggle (%make-binding id key scancode? mods (lambda () (toggle (add1 (toggle)))) (lambda () (toggle (sub1 (toggle)))) #f)) (reverse-toggle (%make-binding id key scancode? mods (lambda () (reverse-toggle (sub1 (reverse-toggle)))) (lambda () (reverse-toggle (add1 (reverse-toggle)))) #f)) (else (%make-binding id key scancode? mods press release #f))))) (define (make-bindings bindings) (map (lambda (b) (apply make-binding b)) bindings)) (define (add-binding bindings binding) (cons (apply make-binding binding) bindings)) (define (get-binding bindings id) (find (lambda (b) (equal? (binding-id b) id)) bindings)) (define (remove-binding bindings id) (remove (lambda (b) (equal? (binding-id b) id)) bindings)) (define (change-binding bindings id binding) (if* (find (lambda (b) (equal? (binding-id b) id)) bindings) (cons (apply make-binding binding) (delete it bindings)) (error 'set-binding! "Not a binding id:" id))) ;;; Keyboard (define key-bindings (make-parameter '())) (define (push-key-bindings bindings) (cond ((list? bindings) (key-callback key-binding-event)) (else (key-callback bindings))) (key-bindings (cons bindings (key-bindings)))) (define (pop-key-bindings) (unless (null? (key-bindings)) (key-bindings (cdr (key-bindings))) (unless (null? (key-bindings)) (cond ((list? (car (key-bindings))) (key-callback key-binding-event)) (else (key-callback (car (key-bindings)))))))) (define (key-binding-event key scancode action mods) (when (not (null? (key-bindings))) (let ((bindings (car (key-bindings)))) (cond ((= action %+press+) (let loop ((bindings bindings)) (unless (null? bindings) (let ((binding (car bindings))) (if (and (if (binding-scancode? binding) (= (binding-key binding) scancode) (= (binding-key binding) key)) (= (binding-mods binding) mods)) (begin ((binding-press binding)) (binding-pressed?-set! binding #t)) (loop (cdr bindings))))))) ;; Release for all bindings that share the same key, even with different mods ((= action %+release+) (for-each (lambda (binding) (when (and (if (binding-scancode? binding) (= (binding-key binding) scancode) (= (binding-key binding) key)) (binding-pressed? binding)) ((binding-release binding)) (binding-pressed?-set! binding #f))) bindings)))))) (define key-callback (make-parameter (lambda (key scancode action mods) #f))) (define char-callback (make-parameter (lambda (char) #f))) (define-external (hpgKeyCallback (c-pointer window) (int key) (int scancode) (int action) (int mods)) void ((key-callback) key scancode action mods)) (define-external (hpgCharCallback (c-pointer window) (unsigned-int char)) void ((char-callback) char)) ;;; Mouse (define mouse-bindings (make-parameter '())) (define (push-mouse-bindings bindings) (mouse-bindings (cons bindings (mouse-bindings)))) (define (pop-mouse-bindings) (unless (null? (mouse-bindings)) (mouse-bindings (cdr (mouse-bindings))))) (define (mouse-click window button action mods) (when (not (null? (mouse-bindings))) (let ((bindings (car (mouse-bindings)))) (cond ((= action %+press+) (let loop ((bindings bindings)) (unless (null? bindings) (let ((binding (car bindings))) (if (and (= (binding-key binding) button) (= (binding-mods binding) mods)) (begin ((binding-press binding)) (binding-pressed?-set! binding #t)) (loop (cdr bindings))))))) ;; Release for all bindings that share the same button, even with different mods ((= action %+release+) (for-each (lambda (binding) (when (and (= (binding-key binding) button) (binding-pressed? binding)) ((binding-release binding)) (binding-pressed?-set! binding #f))) bindings)))))) (define cursor-movement-callback (make-parameter (lambda (x y) #f))) (define scroll-callback (make-parameter (lambda (x y) #f))) (define-external (hpgCursorPositionCallback (c-pointer window) (double x) (double y)) void ((cursor-movement-callback) x y)) (define-external (hpgScrollCallback (c-pointer window) (double x) (double y)) void ((scroll-callback) x y)) (define (get-cursor-position) (%get-cursor-position (%window))) (define (set-cursor-position x y) (%set-cursor-position (%window) x y)) (define (get-cursor-world-position camera) (define (scale x) (sub1 (* x 2))) (let-values (((w h) (get-window-size)) ((x y) (get-cursor-position))) (let* ((ivp (make-f32vector 16)) (x (scale (/ x w))) (y (scale (- 1 (/ y h)))) (near (make-point x y -1)) (far (make-point x y 1))) (inverse (scene:camera-view-projection camera) (->pointer ivp)) (m*vector! ivp near) (m*vector! ivp far) (values near far))))