;;;; aabb-tree.scm ;;;; ;;;; A program made to test out the partition interface. Try compiling hyperscene with -D debug to see the aabb-tree debugging information. ;;;; ;;;; Compile with csc -lGL aabb-tree.scm ;;;; ;;;; Add nodes with `a`, delete them with `d`. ;;;; Toggle the number of nodes that are being added and deleted, between 1 and 10, with `n`. ;;;; Toggle the axes that the nodes are being added to with `x`, `y`, and `z` (x axis on when the program starts) ;;;; Move the camera back and forward, left and right with the arrows ;;;; Move the camera up and down with shift/up and down arrows ;;;; Rotate the camera left and right with shift/left and right arrows (module aabb-tree-test () (import chicken scheme) (use glls-render (prefix glfw3 glfw:) (prefix opengl-glew gl:) gl-math gl-utils hyperscene srfi-1 extras miscmacros lolevel) (define cube (make-mesh vertices: '(attributes: ((position #:float 3)) initial-elements: ((position . (0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1)))) indices: '(type: #:ushort initial-elements: (0 1 2 2 3 0 7 6 5 5 4 7 0 4 5 5 1 0 1 5 6 6 2 1 2 6 7 7 3 2 3 7 4 3 4 0)))) (define-pipeline simple-shader ((#:vertex input: ((position #:vec3)) uniform: ((mvp #:mat4))) (define (main) #:void (set! gl:position (* mvp (vec4 position 1.0))))) ((#:fragment output: ((frag-color #:vec4))) (define (main) #:void (set! frag-color (vec4 1))))) (define simple-pipeline (let-values (((_ __ ___ ____ begin render end _____) (simple-shader-fast-render-functions))) (add-pipeline begin render end #f))) (define (add-node* parent . args) (let ((data (allocate (renderable-size simple-shader)))) (if* (get-keyword mesh: args) (unless (mesh-vao it) (mesh-make-vao! it (pipeline-mesh-attributes simple-shader)))) (apply make-simple-shader-renderable data: data (append args (list mvp: (current-camera-model-view-projection)))) (add-node parent data simple-pipeline (foreign-value "&free" c-pointer)))) (define scene (make-parameter #f)) (define camera (make-parameter #f)) (define forward (make-parameter 0)) (define up (make-parameter 0)) (define right (make-parameter 0)) (define rotate (make-parameter 0)) (glfw:key-callback (lambda (window key scancode action mods) (cond ((and (eq? key glfw:+key-escape+) (eq? action glfw:+press+)) (glfw:set-window-should-close window 1)) ((and (eq? key glfw:+key-left+) (eq? action glfw:+press+) (eq? mods glfw:+mod-shift+)) (rotate (sub1 (rotate)))) ((and (eq? key glfw:+key-right+) (eq? action glfw:+press+) (eq? mods glfw:+mod-shift+)) (rotate (add1 (rotate)))) ((and (eq? key glfw:+key-left+) (eq? action glfw:+release+) (eq? mods glfw:+mod-shift+)) (rotate (add1 (rotate)))) ((and (eq? key glfw:+key-right+) (eq? action glfw:+release+) (eq? mods glfw:+mod-shift+)) (rotate (sub1 (rotate)))) ((and (eq? key glfw:+key-up+) (eq? action glfw:+press+) (eq? mods glfw:+mod-shift+)) (up (add1 (up)))) ((and (eq? key glfw:+key-down+) (eq? action glfw:+press+) (eq? mods glfw:+mod-shift+)) (up (sub1 (up)))) ((and (eq? key glfw:+key-up+) (eq? action glfw:+release+) (eq? mods glfw:+mod-shift+)) (up (sub1 (up)))) ((and (eq? key glfw:+key-down+) (eq? action glfw:+release+) (eq? mods glfw:+mod-shift+)) (up (add1 (up)))) ((and (eq? key glfw:+key-left+) (eq? action glfw:+press+)) (right (sub1 (right)))) ((and (eq? key glfw:+key-right+) (eq? action glfw:+press+)) (right (add1 (right)))) ((and (eq? key glfw:+key-left+) (eq? action glfw:+release+)) (right (add1 (right)))) ((and (eq? key glfw:+key-right+) (eq? action glfw:+release+)) (right (sub1 (right)))) ((and (eq? key glfw:+key-up+) (eq? action glfw:+press+)) (forward (add1 (forward)))) ((and (eq? key glfw:+key-down+) (eq? action glfw:+press+)) (forward (sub1 (forward)))) ((and (eq? key glfw:+key-up+) (eq? action glfw:+release+)) (forward (sub1 (forward)))) ((and (eq? key glfw:+key-down+) (eq? action glfw:+release+)) (forward (add1 (forward)))) ((and (eq? key glfw:+key-a+) (eq? action glfw:+press+)) (add-cubes)) ((and (eq? key glfw:+key-n+) (eq? action glfw:+press+)) (toggle-n)) ((and (eq? key glfw:+key-x+) (eq? action glfw:+press+)) (toggle-axis 'x)) ((and (eq? key glfw:+key-y+) (eq? action glfw:+press+)) (toggle-axis 'y)) ((and (eq? key glfw:+key-z+) (eq? action glfw:+press+)) (toggle-axis 'z)) ((and (eq? key glfw:+key-d+) (eq? action glfw:+press+)) (delete-cubes))))) (define (update) (define speed 0.5) (move-camera-forward! (camera) (* speed (forward))) (strafe-camera! (camera) (* speed (right))) (move-camera-up! (camera) (* speed (up))) (yaw-camera! (camera) (* 0.05 (rotate))) (update-scenes)) (define axes (make-parameter '(x))) (define nodes (make-parameter '())) (define n (make-parameter 1)) (define (toggle-n) (if (= (n) 1) (n 10) (n 1))) (define (toggle-axis axis) (if (member axis (axes)) (axes (delete axis (axes))) (axes (cons axis (axes))))) (define (add-cube) (define (random*) (- (random 100) 50)) (unless (null? (axes)) (let ((x (if (member 'x (axes)) (random*) 0)) (y (if (member 'y (axes)) (random*) 0)) (z (if (member 'z (axes)) (random*) 0)) (node (add-node* (scene) mesh: cube))) (set-node-position! node (make-point x y z)) (nodes (cons node (nodes)))))) (define (add-cubes) (dotimes (i (n)) (add-cube))) (define (delete-cube) (unless (null? (nodes)) (let ((node (list-ref (nodes) (random (length (nodes)))))) (delete-node node) (nodes (delete node (nodes)))))) (define (delete-cubes) (dotimes (i (n)) (delete-cube))) ;;; Initialization and main loop (glfw:with-window (480 480 "Example" resizable: #f) (gl:init) (gl:enable gl:+depth-test+) (gl:depth-func gl:+less+) (compile-pipelines) (scene (make-scene)) (camera (make-camera #:perspective #:first-person (scene) width: 480 height: 480)) (set-camera-position! (camera) (make-point 0 0 60)) (let loop () (glfw:swap-buffers (glfw:window)) (update) (gl:clear (bitwise-ior gl:+color-buffer-bit+ gl:+depth-buffer-bit+)) (update-cameras) (render-cameras) (check-error) (glfw:poll-events) (unless (glfw:window-should-close (glfw:window)) (loop)))) ) ;end module