;;; ;;;; Simple calculator in Scheme ;;; ;; Simple arithmetic calculator. ;; ;; This program illustrates the use of the lalr-scm parser generator ;; for Scheme. It is NOT robust, since calling a function with ;; the wrong number of arguments may generate an error that will ;; cause the calculator to crash. (require-extension lalr-driver) ;; parser (include "calc.yy.scm") ;;; ;;;; The lexer ;;; (define (force-output) #f) (define (port-line port) (let-values (((line _) (port-position port))) line)) (define (port-column port) (let-values (((_ column) (port-position port))) column)) (define (make-lexer errorp) (lambda () (letrec ((skip-spaces (lambda () (let loop ((c (peek-char))) (if (and (not (eof-object? c)) (or (char=? c #\space) (char=? c #\tab))) (begin (read-char) (loop (peek-char))))))) (read-number (lambda (l) (let ((c (peek-char))) (if (char-numeric? c) (read-number (cons (read-char) l)) (string->number (apply string (reverse l))))))) (read-id (lambda (l) (let ((c (peek-char))) (if (char-alphabetic? c) (read-id (cons (read-char) l)) (string->symbol (apply string (reverse l)))))))) ;; -- skip spaces (skip-spaces) ;; -- read the next token (let loop () (let* ((location (make-source-location "*stdin*" (port-line (current-input-port)) (port-column (current-input-port)) -1 -1)) (c (read-char))) (cond ((eof-object? c) '*eoi*) ((char=? c #\newline) (make-lexical-token 'NEWLINE location #f)) ((char=? c #\+) (make-lexical-token '+ location #f)) ((char=? c #\-) (make-lexical-token '- location #f)) ((char=? c #\*) (make-lexical-token '* location #f)) ((char=? c #\/) (make-lexical-token '/ location #f)) ((char=? c #\=) (make-lexical-token '= location #f)) ((char=? c #\,) (make-lexical-token 'COMMA location #f)) ((char=? c #\() (make-lexical-token 'LPAREN location #f)) ((char=? c #\)) (make-lexical-token 'RPAREN location #f)) ((char-numeric? c) (make-lexical-token 'NUM location (read-number (list c)))) ((char-alphabetic? c) (make-lexical-token 'ID location (read-id (list c)))) (else (errorp "PARSE ERROR : illegal character: " c) (skip-spaces) (loop)))))))) ;;; ;;;; Environment management ;;; (define *env* (list (cons '$$ 0))) (define (init-bindings) (set-cdr! *env* '()) (add-binding 'cos cos) (add-binding 'sin sin) (add-binding 'tan tan) (add-binding 'expt expt) (add-binding 'sqrt sqrt)) (define (add-binding var val) (set! *env* (cons (cons var val) *env*)) val) (define (get-binding var) (let ((p (assq var *env*))) (if p (cdr p) 0))) (define (invoke-proc proc-name args) (let ((proc (get-binding proc-name))) (if (procedure? proc) (apply proc args) (begin (display "ERROR: invalid procedure:") (display proc-name) (newline) 0)))) ;;; ;;;; The main program ;;; (define (display-result v) (if v (begin (display v) (newline))) (display-prompt)) (define (display-prompt) (display "[calculator]> ") (force-output)) (define calc (lambda () (call-with-current-continuation (lambda (k) (display "********************************") (newline) (display "* Mini calculator in Scheme *") (newline) (display "* *") (newline) (display "* Enter expressions followed *") (newline) (display "* by [RETURN] or 'quit()' to *") (newline) (display "* exit. *") (newline) (display "********************************") (newline) (init-bindings) (add-binding 'quit (lambda () (k #t))) (letrec ((errorp (lambda (message . args) (display message) (if (and (pair? args) (lexical-token? (car args))) (let ((token (car args))) (display (or (lexical-token-value token) (lexical-token-category token))) (let ((source (lexical-token-source token))) (if (source-location? source) (let ((line (source-location-line source)) (column (source-location-column source))) (if (and (number? line) (number? column)) (begin (display " (at line ") (display line) (display ", column ") (display (+ 1 column)) (display ")"))))))) (for-each display args)) (newline))) (start (lambda () (calc-parser (make-lexer errorp) errorp)))) (display-prompt) (start)))))) (calc)