4.0.0: - update to new level interface (v3.0.0): - remove db-stream, add db-keys, db-values and db-pairs - change missing key condition to type (exn level not-found) instead of (exn leveldb not-found) 3.0.3: - add test-generative as dependency 3.0.2: - add missing miscmacros dependency 3.0.1: - fixed out of date dependencies in meta file 3.0.0: - Re-written using the LevelDB C API - All conditions are now of type (exn leveldb) - Uses new level egg interface and added db-get/default support - db-stream now returns key+value combinations as pairs instead of lists eg, (("key" . "value")) instead of (("key" "value")) - all write operations now return # instead of #t