# chicken-lmdb Chicken Scheme bindings for the Lightning Memory-Mapped Database Manager (LMDB) (http://symas.com/mdb/doc/index.html) database management library. ## Library procedures `(lmdb-open dbname [key: enckey] [dbname: dbname])` Opens or creates LMDB database with optional encryption key and database name. `(lmdb-delete dbname)` Deletes LMDB database. `(lmdb-ref db key)` Looks up key in database. `(lmdb-set! db key value)` Sets a key-value pair in the database. `(lmdb-close db)` Closes database handle. `(lmdb-count db)` Returns number of key-value pairs in database. `(lmdb-keys db)` Returns a list of database keys. `(lmdb-values db)` Returns a list of database values. `(lmdb-fold f init db)` Fold over the keys and values in the database. `(lmdb-for-each db)` Iterate over the keys and values in the database. `(hash-table->lmdb t dbfile [enckey])` Saves SRFI-69 hash table to database. `(lmdb->table dbfile [enckey])` Load database into SRFI-69 hash table.