;;;; locale-components.scm ;;;; Kon Lovett, May '06 ;; ISSUES ;; ;; - Components predicates are not fool-proof. ;; ;; - Argument checking is minimal! ;; ;; - Used selectors for *-components since it is assumed extra elements will be needed by ;; platform specific code. May switch to records later & deprecate the existing interface. (module locale-components (;export ; make-locale-components locale-components? check-locale-components error-locale-components locale-component-ref locale-component-exists? set-locale-component! update-locale-components! ; make-timezone-components timezone-components? check-timezone-components error-timezone-components set-timezone-component! timezone-component-ref update-timezone-components! ; timezone-offset? check-timezone-offset error-timezone-offset ; make-timezone-dst-rule-julian-leap timezone-dst-rule-julian-leap? check-timezone-dst-rule-julian-leap-day error-timezone-dst-rule-julian-leap-day ; make-timezone-dst-rule-julian-noleap timezone-dst-rule-julian-noleap? check-timezone-dst-rule-julian-noleap-day error-timezone-dst-rule-julian-noleap-day ; timezone-dst-rule-julian? timezone-dst-rule-julian ; make-timezone-dst-rule-mwd timezone-dst-rule-mwd? check-timezone-dst-rule-mwd error-timezone-dst-rule-mwd check-timezone-dst-rule-mwd-day error-timezone-dst-rule-mwd-day check-timezone-dst-rule-mwd-week error-timezone-dst-rule-mwd-week check-timezone-dst-rule-mwd-month error-timezone-dst-rule-mwd-month timezone-dst-rule-day timezone-dst-rule-month timezone-dst-rule-week ; timezone-dst-rule-offset) (import chicken scheme) (require-extension srfi-1 type-checks type-errors) (declare (fixnum) (inline) (no-procedure-checks) (disable-interrupts) ) ;;; ;; (define-inline (%->boolean obj) (and obj #t)) ;;; Locale Components Operations (define-inline (*locale-component-exists? loc lc what) (%->boolean (assq what lc)) ) (define-inline (*locale-component-ref loc lc what def) (let ((cell (assq what lc))) (if cell (cdr cell) def ) ) ) ; Components argument cannot be null to effect in-place modification. (define (*set-locale-component! loc lc what value checker) (checker loc what value) (if (null? lc) (alist-cons what value lc) (let ((cell (assq what lc))) (cond (cell (set-cdr! cell value)) (else (set-cdr! (last-pair lc) (list (cons what value))))) lc ) ) ) (define (*update-locale-components! loc lc kvs checker) (let loop ((kvs kvs)) (cond ((null? kvs) lc) (else (set! lc (*set-locale-component! loc lc (car kvs) (cadr kvs) checker)) (loop (cddr kvs)) ) ) ) ) ;;; Locale Components (define (check-locale-component loc what value) (check-symbol loc what 'key) (case what ((tag) (unless (symbol? value) (error loc (make-error-type-message 'tag) value)) ) ((name) (unless (not (eq? (void) value)) (error loc (make-error-type-message 'name) value)) ) ((source) (unless (or (string? value) (and (pair? value) (string? (car value)))) (error loc (make-error-type-message 'source) value)) ) ((locales) (unless (and (list? value) (every locale-components? value)) (error loc (make-error-type-message 'locales) value)) ) ((language) (unless (string? value) (error loc (make-error-type-message 'language) value)) ) ((script) (unless (string? value) (error loc (make-error-type-message 'script) value)) ) ((region) (unless (string? value) (error loc (make-error-type-message 'region) value)) ) ((codeset) (unless (string? value) (error loc (make-error-type-message 'codeset) value)) ) ((modifier) (unless (string? value) (error loc (make-error-type-message 'modifier) value)) ) ; accept everything else (else ) ) ) (define (make-empty-locale-components loc tag) (*set-locale-component! loc '() 'tag tag check-locale-component)) (define (*make-locale-components loc nam src tag) (let ((lc (make-empty-locale-components loc tag))) (*set-locale-component! loc lc 'name nam check-locale-component) (*set-locale-component! loc lc 'source src check-locale-component) lc ) ) (define (make-locale-components nam . args) (let-optionals args ((src #f) (tag 'locale)) (*make-locale-components 'make-locale-components nam src tag) ) ) (define (locale-components? obj) (and (pair? obj) (*locale-component-exists? 'locale-components? obj 'tag) (*locale-component-exists? 'locale-components? obj 'name) (*locale-component-exists? 'locale-components? obj 'source)) ) (define-check+error-type locale-components) (define (locale-component-exists? lc what) (check-locale-components 'locale-component-exists? lc) (*locale-component-exists? 'locale-component-exists? lc what) ) (define (locale-component-ref lc what . def) (check-locale-components 'locale-component-ref lc) (*locale-component-ref 'locale-component-ref lc what (optional def #f)) ) (define (set-locale-component! lc what value) (check-locale-components 'set-locale-component! lc) (*set-locale-component! 'set-locale-component! lc what value check-locale-component) ) (define (update-locale-components! lc . args) (check-locale-components 'update-locale-components! lc) (*update-locale-components! 'update-locale-components! lc args check-locale-component) ) ;;; Timezone Daylight Saving Time Rule ;; Offset (define-constant SEC/DY 86400) (define (timezone-offset? obj) (and (fixnum? obj) (let ((atzo (abs obj))) (and (fx<= 0 atzo) (fx< atzo SEC/DY)))) ) (define-check+error-type timezone-offset) ;; ;The Julian day n (1 <= n <= 365). Leap days are not counted; that is, in all ;years -- including leap years -- February 28 is day 59 and March 1 is day 60. ;It is impossible to explicitly refer to the occasional February 29. (define-record-type timezone-dst-rule-julian-noleap (%make-timezone-dst-rule-julian-noleap j o) timezone-dst-rule-julian-noleap? (j timezone-dst-rule-julian-noleap-day) (o timezone-dst-rule-julian-noleap-offset) ) (define (timezone-dst-rule-julian-noleap-day? obj) (and (fixnum? obj) (<= 1 obj 365))) (define-check+error-type timezone-dst-rule-julian-noleap-day) (define (make-timezone-dst-rule-julian-noleap j o) (check-timezone-dst-rule-julian-noleap-day 'make-timezone-dst-rule-julian-noleap j) (check-timezone-offset 'make-timezone-dst-rule-julian-noleap o) (%make-timezone-dst-rule-julian-noleap j o) ) ;; ;The zero-based Julian day (0 <= n <= 365 ). Leap days are counted, and it is ;possible to refer to February 29. (define-record-type timezone-dst-rule-julian-leap (%make-timezone-dst-rule-julian-leap j o) timezone-dst-rule-julian-leap? (j timezone-dst-rule-julian-leap-day) (o timezone-dst-rule-julian-leap-offset) ) (define (timezone-dst-rule-julian-leap-day? obj) (and (fixnum? obj) (<= 0 obj 365))) (define-check+error-type timezone-dst-rule-julian-leap-day) (define (make-timezone-dst-rule-julian-leap j o) (check-timezone-dst-rule-julian-leap-day 'make-timezone-dst-rule-julian-leap j) (check-timezone-offset 'make-timezone-dst-rule-julian-leap o) (%make-timezone-dst-rule-julian-leap j o) ) ;; (define (timezone-dst-rule-julian? r) (or (timezone-dst-rule-julian-noleap? r) (timezone-dst-rule-julian-leap? r))) (define-error-type timezone-dst-rule-julian) (define (timezone-dst-rule-julian r) (cond ((timezone-dst-rule-julian-noleap? r) (timezone-dst-rule-julian-noleap-day r)) ((timezone-dst-rule-julian-leap? r) (timezone-dst-rule-julian-leap-day r)) (else (error-timezone-dst-rule-julian 'timezone-dst-rule-julian r) ) ) ) ;; ;The d'th day (0 <= d <= 6) of week n of month m of the year (1 <= n <= 5), (1 ;<= m <= 12), where week 5 means ``the last d day in month m'' which may occur ;in either the fourth or the fifth week). Week 1 is the first week in which the ;d'th day occurs. Day zero is Sunday. (define-record-type timezone-dst-rule-mwd (%make-timezone-dst-rule-mwd m w d o) timezone-dst-rule-mwd? (m timezone-dst-rule-mwd-month) (w timezone-dst-rule-mwd-week) (d timezone-dst-rule-mwd-day) (o timezone-dst-rule-mwd-offset) ) (define (timezone-dst-rule-mwd-day? obj) (and (fixnum? obj) (<= 0 obj 6))) (define (timezone-dst-rule-mwd-week? obj) (and (fixnum? obj) (<= 1 obj 5))) (define (timezone-dst-rule-mwd-month? obj) (and (fixnum? obj) (<= 1 obj 12))) (define-check+error-type timezone-dst-rule-mwd-day) (define-check+error-type timezone-dst-rule-mwd-week) (define-check+error-type timezone-dst-rule-mwd-month) (define-check+error-type timezone-dst-rule-mwd) (define (make-timezone-dst-rule-mwd m w d o) (check-timezone-dst-rule-mwd-month 'make-timezone-dst-rule-mwd m) (check-timezone-dst-rule-mwd-week 'make-timezone-dst-rule-mwd w) (check-timezone-dst-rule-mwd-day 'make-timezone-dst-rule-mwd d) (check-timezone-offset 'make-timezone-dst-rule-mwd o) (%make-timezone-dst-rule-mwd m w d o) ) (define (timezone-dst-rule-month r) (check-timezone-dst-rule-mwd 'timezone-dst-rule-month r) (timezone-dst-rule-mwd-month r) ) (define (timezone-dst-rule-week r) (check-timezone-dst-rule-mwd 'timezone-dst-rule-week r) (timezone-dst-rule-mwd-week r) ) (define (timezone-dst-rule-day r) (check-timezone-dst-rule-mwd 'timezone-dst-rule-day r) (timezone-dst-rule-mwd-day r) ) ;; (define (timezone-dst-rule? obj) (or (timezone-dst-rule-julian-noleap? obj) (timezone-dst-rule-julian-leap? obj) (timezone-dst-rule-mwd? obj) ) ) (define-error-type timezone-dst-rule) (define (timezone-dst-rule-offset r) (cond ((timezone-dst-rule-julian-noleap? r) (timezone-dst-rule-julian-noleap-offset r)) ((timezone-dst-rule-julian-leap? r) (timezone-dst-rule-julian-leap-offset r)) ((timezone-dst-rule-mwd? r) (timezone-dst-rule-mwd-offset r)) (else (error-timezone-dst-rule 'timezone-dst-rule-offset r) ) ) ) ;;; Timezone Components (define (check-timezone-component loc what value) (check-symbol loc what 'key) (case what ((std-name) (unless (string? value) (error loc (make-error-type-message 'std-name) value)) ) ((std-offset) (unless (timezone-offset? value) (error loc (make-error-type-message 'std-offset) value)) ) ((dst-name) (unless (string? value) (error loc (make-error-type-message 'dst-name) value)) ) ((dst-offset) (unless (timezone-offset? value) (error loc (make-error-type-message 'dst-offset) value)) ) ((dst-start) (unless (timezone-dst-rule? value) (error loc (make-error-type-message 'dst-start) value)) ) ((dst-end) (unless (timezone-dst-rule? value) (error loc (make-error-type-message 'dst-end) value)) ) ; accept everything else (else ) ) ) (define (make-timezone-components nam . src) (*make-locale-components 'make-timezone-components nam (optional src #f) 'timezone) ) (define (timezone-components? obj) (and (locale-components? obj) (eq? 'timezone (*locale-component-ref 'timezone-components? obj 'tag #f))) ) (define-check+error-type timezone-components) (define (timezone-component-ref tz what . def) (check-timezone-components 'timezone-component-ref tz) (*locale-component-ref 'timezone-component-ref tz what (optional def #f)) ) (define (set-timezone-component! tz what value) (check-timezone-components 'set-timezone-component! tz) (*set-locale-component! 'set-timezone-component! tz what value check-timezone-component) ) (define (update-timezone-components! tz . args) (check-timezone-components 'update-timezone-components! tz) (*update-locale-components! 'update-timezone-components! tz args check-timezone-component) ) ) ;module locale-components