;; (c) 2006,2007,2008,2009 Matthew Welland matt@kiatoa.com ;; ;; License GPL. ;; define your hooks ;; (hook:add "error" "echo \"Error hook activated: #{escaped msg}\" > hooks-out.log" one-time: #t) (hook:add "warning" "echo \"Got warning: #{escaped warnmsg}\" >> hooks-out.log") (hook:add "test" "echo \"m1=#{m1}, m2=#{m2}, m3=#{m3}, m4=#{m4}\" >> hooks-out.log") (hook:add "freq" "echo \"Value hook activated: expected=#{expected}, measured=#{measured}, tolerance=#{tolerance}, message=#{message}\" >> hooks-out.log") (hook:add "logerr" "echo \"\n\nLog an error: #{line}\n\nmsg: #{msg}\n\" >> hooks-out.log") ;; Capture four values and call four commands (hook:add "quadval" "echo \"Value1: #{m1}\";echo \"Value2: #{m2}\";echo \"Value3: #{m3}\";echo \"Value4: #{m4}\" >> hooks-out.log") ;; first ensure your run at least started ;; (trigger "Init" #/This is a header/) (trigger "InitEnd" #/^\s*$/) (section "Init" "Init" "InitEnd") (trigger "Blah2" #/^begin Blah2/) (trigger "Blah2End" #/^end Blah2/) (section "Blah2" "Blah2" "Blah2End") (trigger "Blah3" #/^begin Blah3/) (trigger "Blah3End" #/^end Blah3/) (section "Blah3" "Blah3" "Blah3End") (trigger "Blah4" #/^begin Blah4/) (trigger "Blah4End" #/^end Blah4/) (section "Blah4" "Blah4" "Blah4End") (trigger:non-required "NON-REQUIRED trigger" #/FooBazBlat/) (trigger-with-limit "Blah5" 100 #/^begin Blah5/) (trigger-with-limit "Blah5End" 100 #/^end Blah5/) (section "Blah5" "Blah5" "Blah5End") (expect:waive in "Blah5" = 2 "Have exactly two BLAH5 errors to waive inside the two Blah5 sections" #/^A.*BLAH5/) (expect:error in "LogFileBody" < 1 "Only have one BLAH5 error outside of the Blah5 section" #/^A.*BLAH5/) (expect:waive in "Blah3" = 1 "A real error that has been waived" #/ERROR:/ class: "junk") (expect:ignore in "LogFileBody" = 1 "single quotes" #/'This line is ignored'/) ;; Required statements capture elements in your log file that *must* exist or the outcome is FAIL ;; (expect:required in "Init" = 1 "Header" #/This is a header/) (expect:required in "LogFileBody" > 0 "Something required but not found" #/This is required but not found/) ;; Value statements are used to extract values and compare them with an expected value ;; (expect:value in "LogFileBody" 1.9 0.1 "Output voltage" #/Measured voltage output:\s*([\d\.\+\-e]+)v/ hook: "freq") (expect:value in "LogFileBody" 0.5 0.1 "Output current" #/Measured output current:\s*([\d\.\+\-e]+)mA/) (expect:value in "LogFileBody" 110e9 2e9 "A big number (first)" #/Freq:\s*([\d\.\+\-e]+)\s+Hz/) (expect:value in "LogFileBody" 110e9 1e9 "A big number (second), hook not called" #/Freq:\s*([\d\.\+\-e]+)Hz/) (expect:value in "LogFileBody" 110e9 1e9 "A big number (never activated)" #/Freq:\s*([\d\.\+\-e]+)zH/) ;; You can use expires to disable errors or ignores after a specific time ;; NOTE: this can be a bit confusing. The effect is that after the expire date the rule is disabled. ;; (expect:ignore in "Blah4" < 4 "ERROR: ignore applied until 2002, thereafter flagged as error" #/ERROR:.*2002/ expires: "01/01/2002") (expect:ignore in "Blah4" <= 4 "ERROR: ignore applied until 2020, thereafter flagged as error" #/ERROR:.*2020/ expires: "01/01/2020") (expect:error in "Blah4" = 0 "Any ERROR in section blah4" #/ERROR/) ;; miscellaneous output which doesn't match any expects (expect:ignore in "LogFileBody" > 0 "Testing substitution" #/(misc).*(out\S+)\s+(.*ich).*(exp.*)$/ hook: "test") ;; Using match number (expect:value in "LogFileBody" 1.9 0.1 "Time Voltage" #/ out: (\d+)\s+([\d\.\+\-e]+)/ matchnum: 2) ;; Comparison instead of tolerance (expect:value in "LogFileBody" 1.9 > "Time voltage" #/ cmpout: (\d+)\s+([\d\.\+\-e]+)/ matchnum: 2) (expect:ignore in "Blah2" < 99 "FALSE ERROR" #/ERROR/) (expect:ignore in "LogFileBody" < 99 "Ignore the word error in comments" #/^\/\/.*error/) (expect:warning in "LogFileBody" = 0 "Any warning" #/WARNING/) (expect:error in "LogFileBody" = 0 "ERROR BLAH" (list #/ERROR/ #/error/) hook: "logerr") ;; but disallow any other errors ;; Use expect:required to extract some values (expect:required in "LogFileBody" >= 1 "Quad values" #/First:\s+(\d+)\s+Second:\s+(\d+)\s+Third:\s+(\d+)\s+Fourth:\s+(\d+)/ hook: "quadval") ;; An expect required that will WARN but not FAIL (expect:required-warn in "LogFileBody" = 1 "I'm gonna warn you once..." #/I'm gonna warn you once/) ;(expect in "Init" < 1 "Junk" #/This is bogus/) ;; A convience variable "logfile" was defined to make the common case of applying rules to the ;; entire logfile a tad easier (expect:check in logfile = 1 "If flagged, raise CHECKED flag and exit with error code 3" #/This is a line to trigger CHECK/) ;; Abort check (expect:abort in logfile = 0 "If flagged our process failed to run correctly" #/^CRASH/) ;; Skip check (expect:skip in logfile = 0 "If flagged we are asking for this to exit with code 6" #/^SKIPME/)