// This is a header // The following is an error, also this comment should be "ignored" and thus green, not red begin Blah1 ERROR: This is a real error. It should be red. end Blah1 begin Blah1 This is another part of Blah1 end Blah1 // The following is an expected Error begin Blah2 First line of blah2 begin nested1 This should be the only line in nested1 begin nested2 This is in nested2 end nested2 FOO begin nested2 This is also in nested2 end nested2 end nested1 ERROR: This error is expected, it will be green. Last line of blah2 end Blah2 // The following is an Error that is Waived (i.e. permitted for the moment). begin Blah3 ERROR: Bad, but allowed for now, should be flagged in brown end Blah3 begin nested2 This is a second chunk of nested2 output end nested2 // Blah5 tests. Errors are suppressed in section Blah5 but not otherwise begin Blah5 A BLAH5 message in a BLAH5 section is suppressed end Blah5 A BLAH5 message outside a BLAH5 section is counted begin Blah5 A second BLAH5 message in a BLAH5 section is suppressed end Blah5 // Expirations: // // expired error - error no longer applied after date // expired warn - warn no longer applied after date // expired ignore - ignore no longer applied after date // I.e. an expired rule is no longer applied, as if it is not even typed into the logpro file begin Blah4 // The following is an Error that was ignored through 01/01/2002 and thus should now be FAIL (i.e. be red) ERROR: An error that was suppressed before 01/01/2002, this should now FAIL // The following is an Error that is ignored through 01/01/2020 and thus should currently PASS (i.e. be green) ERROR: This error is waived until 01/01/2020 and thus should PASS end Blah4 miscellaneous output which doesn't match any expects more miscellaneous output still more miscellaneous output. // A warning WARNING: This had better be flagged in orange! // This one is expected to be 1.9 +/- 0.1 Measured voltage output: 1.8v // This one is expected to be 0.5 +/- 0.1 Measured output current: 0.39mA // This one is expected to be 110GHz +/- 2GHz Freq: 1.12e11 Hz Freq: 1.1197e+10Hz // these should trigger the 1.9 +/- 0.1 expect:value check An expect:value test; out: 4 2.01 # should fail An expect:value test; out: 5 1.99 # should pass // these should trigger the > 1.9 expect:value check An expect:value test; cmpout: 6 1.89 # should fail An expect:value test; cmpout: 7 1.92 # should pass // A crash is captured as an abort CRASH!!! // This is nothing 'This line is ignored' // A case where we are capturing multiple values on a single line and exectuting // multiple calls to load them First: 1 Second: 2 Third: 3 Fourth: 4 This is a line to trigger CHECK This is a line to trigger SKIP SKIPME The End