;; -*- Hen -*- ;; ;; A grammar for a simple ML-like language. ;; ;; Based on the code and paper by Xavier Leroy (2000): A modular ;; module system. Journal of Functional Programming, 10, pp 269-303 ;; doi:10.1017/S0956796800003683 ;; ;; ;; Copyright 2010-2012 Ivan Raikov and the Okinawa Institute of ;; Science and Technology. ;; ;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ;; published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the ;; License, or (at your option) any later version. ;; ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;; General Public License for more details. ;; ;; A full copy of the GPL license can be found at ;; . ;; (require-extension lalr static-modules miniML) (define expr-parser (lalr-parser (output: parser "miniML.grm.scm") (out-table: "miniML.grm.out") ;; --- token definitions (IDENT STRING LABEL NAT REAL ELSE END EOF FUNCTOR IF IN LET MODULE SEMISEMI RETURN SIG STRUCT THEN TYPE VALUE (left: COMMA DOT FUNCTION) (left: LG LESS LEQ GREATER GEQ EQ EQUAL) (left: PLUS MINUS STAR SLASH ARROW DARROW) (right: LPAREN RPAREN LBRACE RBRACE SEMICOLON COLON QUOTE POUND) ) ;; Toplevel entry point (phrase (moddef) : (list $1) (phrase SEMISEMI moddef) : (cons $3 $1) ) ;; Paths (path (IDENT) : (Pident $1) (path DOT IDENT) : (Pdot $1 (ident-name $3))) ;; Value expressions for the core language (valexpr (valexpr1) : $1 (valexpr COMMA valexpr) : (binop "pair" $1 $3 ) (valexpr PLUS valexpr) : (binop "add" $1 $3 ) (valexpr MINUS valexpr) : (binop "sub" $1 $3 ) (valexpr STAR valexpr) : (binop "mul" $1 $3 ) (valexpr SLASH valexpr) : (binop "div" $1 $3 ) (valexpr EQ valexpr) : (binop "==" $1 $3 ) (valexpr LG valexpr) : (binop "<>" $1 $3 ) (valexpr LESS valexpr) : (binop "<" $1 $3 ) (valexpr LEQ valexpr) : (binop "<=" $1 $3 ) (valexpr GREATER valexpr) : (binop ">" $1 $3 ) (valexpr GEQ valexpr) : (binop ">=" $1 $3 ) (FUNCTION IDENT DARROW valexpr) : (Function $2 $4) (LET IDENT valbind IN valexpr) : (Let0 $2 $3 $5) (IF valexpr THEN valexpr ELSE valexpr) : (ternop "cond" $2 $4 $6) ) (valexpr1 (valexpr0) : $1 (valexpr1 valexpr0) : (Apply $1 $2)) (valexpr0 (path) : (Longid $1) (STRING) : (Const `(string ,$1)) (LABEL) : (Const `(label ,$1)) (REAL) : (Const `(real ,$1)) (NAT) : (Const `(nat ,$1)) (LPAREN valexpr RPAREN) : $2 (POUND IDENT valexpr) : (Rproj (string->symbol (ident-name $2)) $3) (LBRACE rfieldlist RBRACE) : (Rcon (sort $2 rfield-compare)) ) (valbind (EQUAL valexpr) : $2 (IDENT valbind) : (Function $1 $2) ) (rfield (IDENT EQUAL valexpr) : (cons $1 $3 ) ) (rfieldlist (rfield) : (list $1) (rfieldlist COMMA rfield) : (cons $3 $1) ) ;; Type expressions for the core language (simpletype (QUOTE IDENT) : (Tvar (find-type-variable $2)) (LBRACE rfieldtypelist RBRACE) : (let ((fs (sort $2 rfield-compare ))) (Tcon (Trec (map car fs)) (map cdr fs))) (simpletype ARROW simpletype) : (Tcon (Tpath path-arrow) (list $1 $3)) (simpletype STAR simpletype) : (Tcon (Tpath path-star) (list $1 $3)) (path) : (Tcon (Tpath $1) '()) (simpletype path) : (Tcon (Tpath $2) (list $1)) (LPAREN simpletypelist RPAREN path) : (Tcon (Tpath $4) (reverse $2)) ) (simpletypelist (simpletype) : (list $1) (simpletypelist COMMA simpletype) : (cons $3 $1) ) (rfieldtype (IDENT COLON simpletype) : (cons (string->symbol (ident-name $1)) $3 ) ) (rfieldtypelist (rfieldtype) : (list $1) (rfieldtypelist COMMA rfieldtype) : (cons $3 $1) ) (valuedecl (colon-begin-scheme simpletype) : (begin (reset-type-variables) (end-def) (generalize $2))) (colon-begin-scheme ;; Hack to perform side effects before reading the type (COLON): (begin (begin-def) (reset-type-variables))) ;; Type definitions and declarations (typedecl (typeparams IDENT) : (list $2 (make-kind (length $1)))) (typedef (typeparams IDENT EQUAL simpletype): (begin (reset-type-variables) (list $2 (make-kind (length $1)) (make-deftype $1 $4))) ) (typeparams () : '() (typeparam) : (list $1) (LPAREN typeparamlist RPAREN) : (reverse $2)) (typeparamlist (typeparam) : (list $1) (typeparamlist COMMA typeparam) : (cons $3 $1 )) (typeparam (QUOTE IDENT) : (find-type-variable $2)) (typeinfo (typedef) : (begin (let ((id (car $1)) (kind (cadr $1)) (def (caddr $1))) (list id (make-typedecl kind def)))) (typedecl) : (begin (let ((id (car $1)) (kind (cadr $1))) (list id (make-typedecl kind #f))))) ;; Value expressions for the module language (modterm (path) : (Modid $1) (STRUCT modstruct END) : (Structure (reverse $2)) (FUNCTOR LPAREN IDENT COLON modtype RPAREN modterm) : (Functor $3 $5 $7) (modterm LPAREN modterm RPAREN) : (Mapply $1 $3) (LPAREN modterm RPAREN) : $2 (modterm COLON modtype) : (Constraint $1 $3)) (modstruct () : '() (modstruct moddef opt_semi) : (cons $2 $1)) (moddef (VALUE IDENT valbind) : (Value_def $2 $3) (TYPE typedef) : (begin (let ((id (car $2)) (kind (cadr $2)) (def (caddr $2))) (Type_def id kind def))) (MODULE IDENT COLON modtype EQUAL modterm) : (Module_def $2 (Constraint $6 $4)) (MODULE IDENT EQUAL modterm) : (Module_def $2 $4)) (opt_semi () : '() (SEMICOLON) : '()) ;; Type expressions for the module language (modtype (SIG modsig END) : (Signature (reverse $2)) (FUNCTOR LPAREN IDENT COLON modtype RPAREN modtype) : (Functorty $3 $5 $7) (LPAREN modtype RPAREN) : $2 ) (modsig () : '() (modsig modspec opt_semi) : (cons $2 $1 )) (modspec (VALUE IDENT valuedecl) : (Value_sig $2 $3) (TYPE typeinfo) : (begin (let ((id (car $2)) (def (cadr $2))) (Type_sig id def) )) (MODULE IDENT COLON modtype) : (Module_sig $2 $4) ) ))