;; ;; %%HEADER%% ;; (module missbehave ( run-specification call-with-specification make-empty-specification describe context run-context call-with-context add-context-to-specification context-description create-context context? add-hook-to-context before after subject-set! subject it create-example example-description run-example add-example-to-context pending example-result? example? example-result-example example-result-messages example-failed? example-pending? expect run-expectation expect-application make-matcher be have-type stub! returns with-stubs! clear-stubs! make-call-matcher expect-at-least-n-applications expect-at-most-n-applications expect-exactly-n-applications ignore-arguments match-arguments *current-context* context-subject-set! $ reset-state! ) (import chicken scheme extras data-structures) (require-library defstruct srfi-1 regex advice srfi-69) (import srfi-1) (import regex) (import advice) (import defstruct) (import (only srfi-69 hash-table-set! hash-table-ref/default hash-table-clear! make-hash-table)) ;; Utils (define-syntax returning (syntax-rules () ((_ object code more-code ...) (let ((return-later object)) code more-code ... return-later)))) ;; Specification ;; ============= ;; A specification is simple the collection of all contexts and ;; descriptions (define (make-empty-specification) (list)) (define *current-specification* (make-parameter (make-empty-specification))) (define (call-with-specification specification thunk) (parameterize ((*current-specification* specification)) (thunk) (*current-specification*))) (define (run-specification specification #!key (include #f) (exclude #f) (reporter (make-standard-reporter))) (let ((contexts (filter-contexts specification include exclude))) (for-each (cut run-context <> reporter include exclude) contexts) (reporter #f mode: 'summary))) (define (filter-contexts contexts include exclude) (cond ((and (not include) (not exclude)) contexts) ((not exclude) (filter (lambda (ctx) (or (meta-matches? (context-meta ctx) include) (context-has-matching-examples? ctx include: include))) contexts)) ((not include) (filter (lambda (ctx) (not (meta-matches? (context-meta ctx) exclude))) contexts)) (else (filter (lambda (ctx) (let ((meta (context-meta ctx))) (and (meta-matches? meta include) (not (meta-matches? meta exclude))))) contexts)))) (define (context-has-matching-examples? context #!key (include #f) (exclude #f)) (not (null? (filter-examples context include exclude)))) (define (add-context-to-specification context) (returning context (*current-specification* (cons context (*current-specification*))))) (define (filter-examples context include exclude) (let ((examples (context-examples context))) (cond ((and (not include) (not exclude)) examples) ((not exclude) (filter (lambda (example) (meta-matches? (example-meta example) include)) examples)) ((not include) (filter (lambda (example) (not (meta-matches? (example-meta example) exclude))) examples)) (else (filter (lambda (example) (let ((meta (example-meta example))) (and (meta-matches? meta include) (not (meta-matches? meta exclude))))) examples))))) ;; Contexts ;; ========= ;; A context is a scope for examples (defstruct context description examples hooks meta subject) (define *current-context* (make-parameter #f)) (define (create-context description #!key (examples (list)) (meta (list))) (make-context description: description examples: examples hooks: (list) meta: meta subject: #f)) (define-record-printer (context ctx out) (fprintf out "#" (context-description ctx) (context-subject ctx) (context-meta ctx) (length (context-examples ctx)))) (define (unspecified) (let ((intern 1)) (set! intern 2))) (define-syntax context (syntax-rules () ((_ argument more-arguments ...) (describe argument more-arguments ...)))) (define-syntax describe (syntax-rules (meta) ((_ what) (add-context-to-specification (create-context what))) ((_ what (meta (tag value ...) ...)) (add-context-to-specification (create-context what meta: '((tag value ...) ...)))) ((_ what (meta (tag value ...) ...) example examples+ ...) (add-context-to-specification (call-with-context (create-context what meta: '((tag value ...) ...)) (lambda () example examples+ ...)))) ((_ what example examples+ ...) (add-context-to-specification (call-with-context (create-context what) (lambda () example examples+ ...)))))) (define (call-with-context context thunk) (parameterize ((*current-context* context)) (returning (*current-context*) (thunk)))) (define (run-context context #!optional (reporter values) (include #f) (exclude #f)) (reporter context mode: 'adhoc) (run-context-with-hooks context reporter include exclude)) (define (run-context-with-hooks context reporter include exclude) (let ((before-all (find-context-hooks 'before 'all: context )) (after-all (find-context-hooks 'after 'all: context )) (context-result #t)) (parameterize (( *current-context* context)) (call-with-hooks (lambda () (for-each-example-in-context (lambda (example) (unless (run-example-with-hooks example context reporter) (set! context-result #f))) context include exclude)) before-all after-all)) context-result)) (define (for-each-example-in-context callback context include exclude) (for-each callback (reverse (cond ((and exclude include) (if (meta-matches? (context-meta context) include) (filter-examples context #f exclude) (filter-examples context include exclude))) (include (if (meta-matches? (context-meta context) include) (filter-examples context #f exclude) (filter-examples context include #f))) (exclude (filter-examples context #f exclude)) (else (context-examples context)))))) (define (run-example-with-hooks example context reporter) (reporter example mode: 'adhoc) (let ((before-hooks-for-example (find-context-hooks-for-example 'before example context)) (after-hooks-for-example (find-context-hooks-for-example 'after example context))) (call-with-hooks (lambda () (let ((result (run-example example))) (reporter result mode: 'adhoc) (not (example-failed? result)))) before-hooks-for-example after-hooks-for-example))) (define (find-context-hooks type filter-exp context) (let ((hooks (context-hooks context))) (map context-hook-hook (filter (lambda (hook) (and (eq? (context-hook-type hook) type ) (eq? (context-hook-filter hook) filter-exp))) hooks)))) (define (subject-set! subject #!optional (context (*current-context*))) (when context (context-subject-set! context subject))) (define (subject) (when (*current-context*) (context-subject (*current-context*)))) ;; State ;;======================================= (define *state* (make-hash-table)) (define ($ variable #!key (default #f)) (hash-table-ref/default *state* variable default)) (define (reset-state!) (hash-table-clear! *state*)) (define (set-state! key value) (hash-table-set! *state* key value)) (set! (setter $) set-state!) ;; Context-Hooks ;; ============= ;; Hooks are procedures that are called at specific times ;; during the run of a context (before,after,...). ;; They typically hold setup and teardown code (defstruct context-hook hook filter type) (define-record-printer (context-hook hook out) (fprintf out "#" (context-hook-type hook) (context-hook-filter hook) (context-hook-hook hook))) (define-syntax before (syntax-rules (each: all:) ((_ each: code more-code ...) (add-hook-to-context (lambda () code more-code ...) type: 'before filter: 'each:)) ((_ all: code more-code ...) (add-hook-to-context (lambda () code more-code ...) type: 'before filter: 'all:)) ((_ filter code more-code ...) (add-hook-to-context (lambda () code more-code ...) type: 'before filter: '(filter))))) (define-syntax after (syntax-rules (each: all:) ((_ each: code more-code ...) (add-hook-to-context (lambda () code more-code ...) type: 'after filter: 'each:)) ((_ all: code more-code ...) (add-hook-to-context (lambda () code more-code ...) type: 'after filter: 'all:)) ((_ filter code more-code ...) (add-hook-to-context (lambda () code more-code ...) type: 'after filter: '(filter))))) (define (add-hook-to-context hook #!key (filter each:) (type 'before) (context (*current-context*))) (context-hooks-set! context (cons (make-context-hook hook: hook filter: filter type: type) (context-hooks context)))) (define (call-with-hooks thunk before after) (dynamic-wind (lambda () (for-each (cut apply <> (list)) before)) thunk (lambda () (for-each (cut apply <> (list)) after)))) (define (find-context-hooks-for-example type example context) (let ((hooks (context-hooks context)) (meta (example-meta example))) (map context-hook-hook (filter (lambda (hook) (and (eq? (context-hook-type hook) type) (meta-matches? meta (context-hook-filter hook)))) hooks)))) (define (meta-matches? meta tags) (or (eq? tags each:) ((tag-expression->filter tags) meta))) (define ((tag-expression->filter tags) meta) (every (lambda (tag) (member tag meta)) tags)) ;; Examples ;; ============= ;; An example is a specific piece of behaviour that ;; is specified. Examples live within a context's scope (define *current-exit-continuation* (make-parameter #f)) (defstruct example description behaviour pending meta) (define (create-example description behaviour #!key (pending #f) (meta (list)) (context #f)) (make-example description: description behaviour: behaviour pending: pending meta: meta context: context)) (define-record-printer (example ex out) (fprintf out "#" (example-description ex) (example-meta ex))) (define-syntax it (syntax-rules (meta should not) ((_ should matcher) (add-example-to-context (create-example (sprintf "should ~S" (quote matcher)) (lambda () (expect (subject) matcher))))) ((_ description) (add-example-to-context (create-example description #f pending: #t))) ((_ description (meta (tag value ...) ...)) (add-example-to-context (create-example description #f pending: #t meta: '((tag value ...) ...)))) ((_ description (meta (tag value ...) ...) code more-code ...) (add-example-to-context (create-example description (lambda () code more-code ...) meta: '((tag value ...) ...)))) ((_ description code more-code ...) (add-example-to-context (create-example description (lambda () code more-code ...)))))) (define (add-example-to-context example #!optional (context (*current-context*))) (returning example (when context (context-examples-set! context (cons example (context-examples context)))))) (define (run-example example) (let((behaviour (example-behaviour example)) (result (make-example-result status: 'succeeded example: example messages: '()))) (parameterize ((*current-example-result* result)) (cond ((example-pending example) (example-result-status-set! result 'pending)) (else (call-with-current-continuation (lambda (exit) (handle-exceptions exn (begin ; (signal exn) (fail-current-example-with! (sprintf "Error: ~S" ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn)))) (call-with-exit-handler behaviour (make-exit-handler exit result))))))) result))) (define (call-with-exit-handler code handler) (parameterize ((*current-exit-continuation* handler)) (code))) (define (make-exit-handler exit result) (lambda (status) (example-result-status-set! result status) (exit #f))) (define (pending) (when (*current-exit-continuation*) ((*current-exit-continuation*) 'pending))) (define (fail-current-example-with! message) (let ((result (*current-example-result*))) (example-result-status-set! result 'failed) (add-failure-to-example-result result message) (when (*current-exit-continuation*) ((*current-exit-continuation*) 'failed)))) ;; Example-Result ;; =============== ;; This is the result of an example run. ;; It holds statistics about the example run that is used by the reporting-module (defstruct example-result status messages example) (define *current-example-result* (make-parameter #f)) (define (example-failed? result) ;(printf "~A~%" (example-result-messages result)) (eq? 'failed (example-result-status result))) (define (example-pending? result) (eq? 'pending (example-result-status result))) (define (add-failure-to-example-result result message) (let ((messages (example-result-messages result))) (example-result-messages-set! result (append messages message)))) ;; Expectation ;; ============ ;; An expectation allows us to say what we want ;; a procedure/object to behave like (define-syntax expect (syntax-rules (to call) ((_ code to (call argument argument+ ...)) (expect (lambda () code) (expect-application argument argument+ ...))) ((_ subject to matcher) (expect subject matcher)) ((_ form) (run-expectation #f (make-matcher check: (lambda (_) form) failure-message-generator: (lambda (_) (sprintf "Expected ~S to be true but was false" (quote form)))))) ((_ subject matcher) (run-expectation subject matcher)))) (define (format-times n) (if (= n 1) "once" (sprintf "~A times" n))) (define ((expect-at-least-n-applications proc n) applications) (values (>= applications n) (sprintf "Expected ~A to be called at least ~A, but was called ~A" proc (format-times n) (format-times applications)))) (define ((expect-at-most-n-applications proc n) applications) (values (<= applications n) (sprintf "Expected ~A to be called at most ~A, but was called ~A" proc (format-times n) (format-times applications)))) (define ((expect-exactly-n-applications proc n) applications) (values (= applications n) (sprintf "Expected ~A to be called ~A, but was called ~A" proc (format-times n) (format-times applications)))) (define ((ignore-arguments) . _) (values #t "")) (define ((match-arguments proc . args) arguments) (values (equal? arguments args) (sprintf "Expected ~A to be called with ~A, but was called with ~A" proc args arguments))) (define-syntax expect-application (syntax-rules (once twice times time never with) ((_ proc (with arg arg+ ...)) (make-call-matcher proc (expect-at-least-n-applications (quote proc) 1) (match-arguments (quote proc) arg arg+ ...))) ((_ proc (with arg arg+ ...) once) (make-call-matcher proc (expect-exactly-n-applications (quote proc) 1) (match-arguments (quote proc) arg arg+ ...))) ((_ proc (with arg arg+ ...) twice) (make-call-matcher proc (expect-exactly-n-applications (quote proc) 2) (match-arguments (quote proc) arg arg+ ...))) ((_ proc (with arg arg+ ...) never) (make-call-matcher proc (expect-exactly-n-applications (quote proc) 0) (match-arguments (quote proc) arg arg+ ...))) ((_ proc (with arg arg+ ...) (n time)) (make-call-matcher proc (expect-exactly-n-applications (quote proc) n) (match-arguments (quote proc) arg arg+ ...))) ((_ proc (with arg arg+ ...) (n times)) (make-call-matcher proc (expect-exactly-n-applications (quote proc) n) (match-arguments (quote proc) arg arg+ ...))) ((_ proc never) (expect-application proc (0 times))) ((_ proc once) (expect-application proc (1 time))) ((_ proc twice) (expect-application proc (2 times))) ((_ proc (n times)) (make-call-matcher proc (expect-exactly-n-applications (quote proc) n) (ignore-arguments))) ((_ proc (n time)) (make-call-matcher proc (expect-exactly-n-applications (quote proc) n) (ignore-arguments))))) (define (make-call-matcher procedure application-count-matcher argument-matcher) (let* ((applications 0) (arguments (unspecified)) (counting-advice (lambda (proc args) (set! applications (+ 1 applications)) (apply proc args))) (arguments-advice (lambda (proc args) (set! arguments args) (apply proc args)))) (make-matcher check: (lambda (thunk) (dynamic-wind (lambda () (advise 'around procedure counting-advice) (advise 'around procedure arguments-advice)) (lambda () (thunk) (and (application-count-matcher applications) (argument-matcher arguments))) (lambda () (unadvise procedure)))) failure-message-generator: (lambda (_) (receive (count-matched count-message) (application-count-matcher applications) (receive (arguments-matched argument-message) (argument-matcher arguments) (cond ((not count-matched) (if (not arguments-matched) (sprintf "~A. Additionally: ~A" count-message argument-message) (sprintf "~A" count-message))) (else (if (not count-matched) (sprintf "~A. Additionally: ~A" argument-message count-message) (sprintf "~A" argument-message)))))))))) (define (run-expectation subject matcher) (let ((check (matcher-check matcher))) (unless (check subject) (fail-current-example-with! (generate-failure-message matcher subject))))) ;; Matcher ;; =========== ;; A matcher is responsible to check if a certain behaviour ;; is present. It's a check agains the existing behaviour. ;; Matchers do generate failure-messages if the expectation is not met (defstruct matcher check failure-message-generator) (define (generate-failure-message matcher subject) (let ((message-generator (matcher-failure-message-generator matcher))) (message-generator subject))) ;; Common Matchers (define-syntax be (syntax-rules (a an true false) ((_ true) (be #t)) ((_ false) (be #f)) ((_ a type) (have-type type)) ((_ an type) (have-type type)) ((_ pred-or-value) (make-matcher check: (lambda (subject) (if (procedure? pred-or-value) (pred-or-value subject) (equal? pred-or-value subject))) failure-message-generator: (lambda (subject) (sprintf "Expected ~S to be ~S" subject (quote pred-or-value))))) ((_ pred value more-values ...) (make-matcher check: (lambda (subject) (apply pred (list subject value more-values ...))) failure-message-generator: (lambda (subject) (with-output-to-string (lambda () (printf "Expected ~S to be ~S" subject (quote pred)) (for-each (lambda (val) (printf " ~S" val)) (list value more-values ...))))))))) (define-syntax have-type (lambda (form rename env) (let* ((type (cadr form)) (type-pred (string->symbol (conc (symbol->string type) "?"))) (%make-matcher (rename 'make-matcher))) `(,%make-matcher check: (lambda (subject) (,type-pred subject)) failure-message-generator: (lambda (subject) (sprintf "Expected ~S to be a ~A" subject (quote ,type))))))) ;; Stubs (define *current-stub-removers* (make-parameter (list))) (define (stub! procedure stub) (let ((advice-id (advise 'around procedure (lambda (proc args) (apply stub args))))) (add-stub-remover! (lambda () (unadvise procedure advice-id))))) (define (add-stub-remover! remover) (*current-stub-removers* (cons remover (*current-stub-removers*)))) (define (clear-stubs!) (for-each (lambda (remover) (remover)) (*current-stub-removers*)) (*current-stub-removers* '())) (define (returns argument . more-arguments) (lambda _ (apply values argument more-arguments))) (define-syntax with-stubs! (syntax-rules () ((_ ((proc stub) ...) code more-code ...) (dynamic-wind (lambda () (stub! proc stub) ...) (lambda () code more-code ...) (lambda () (clear-stubs!)))))) ;; Reporter ;; ========= ;; At some point we need to notify the programmer ;; about the state of her expectations. ;; The reporter is responsible for presenting the result ;; to the user (define (make-standard-reporter #!key (report-port (current-output-port))) (let ((failed 0) (successful 0) (pending 0)) (lambda (data #!key (mode 'adhoc)) (if (eq? mode 'summary) (fprintf report-port "~%~%Total: ~A Successful: ~A Failed: ~A Pending: ~A ~%" (+ failed successful pending) successful failed pending)) (cond ((context? data) #t) ((example? data) #t) ((example-result? data) (let ((example (example-result-example data))) (cond ((example-failed? data) (set! failed (+ 1 failed)) (fprintf report-port "Failure: ~A~%" (example-result-messages data))) ((example-pending? data) (set! pending (+ 1 pending)) (fprintf report-port "Pending: ~A~%" (example-description example))) (else (set! successful (+ 1 successful)) (fprintf report-port "Success: ~A~%" (example-description example)))) (flush-output report-port))))))) )