@errors Feature: Report errors In order to see the errors even in long output As a developer using missbehave I want to see summary of errors right at the end of the output @no-clobber @announce Scenario: Report the file where the error accured and the error Given a file named "some-failures.scm" with: """ (describe "a failure" (it "should fail" (expect #f to (be true)))) """ When I run `behave --nocolor some-failures.scm` Then the exit status should be 2 And the output should contain: """ 1) in some-failures.scm [F][1] It should fail Expected #f to be #t """ @no-clobber @announce Scenario: Report more than one error Given a file named "some-failures.scm" with: """ (describe "a failure" (it "should fail" (expect #f to (be true))) (it "should fail too" (expect #f))) """ When I run `behave --nocolor some-failures.scm` Then the exit status should be 2 And the output should contain: """ 1) in some-failures.scm [F][1] It should fail Expected #f to be #t 2) in some-failures.scm [F][2] It should fail too Expected #f to be true but was false """