Dec 3, 1999 \section*, etc. (unnumbered sections) \title produces both internal and external titles xref.mistie scmhilit.mistie recognizes #|...|# comments, which may be nested Add scmhilit classes for lexical categories too (string, number, boolean, char). Nov 28, 1999 \stylesheet, and mistie.css mistie-call-maybe macro timestamp.mistie Nov 26, 1999 Allow eof to be mistie-def-char'able. footnote.mistie. (Uses string-port but could be rewritten to use temp file instead.) Nov 23, 1999 mistie.scm has -f option to specify format file. Operates on file argument, if present, else standard input. multipage.mistie. Nov 21, 1999 scmhilit.mistie. Nov 20, 1999