Mowedline ========= Mowedline is a status bar program for X, written in [Chicken Scheme]( with XLib, Xft, and DBus. It was inspired by [dzen2](, and like that program, aims at an unobtrusive, minimalist look. It is based on a client/daemon design, where the daemon maintains one or more windows, and the client sends commands to the daemon over DBus to update the contents of those windows. A mowedline window is divided into widgets. Each widget has a unique name, by which the client can refer to it to update its contents. Obtaining Mowedline ------------------- The source code can be obtained from [my git repository]( Please report any issues or feature requests you might have in the [issue tracker]( Installing Mowedline -------------------- To install Mowedline you should use `chicken-install -s mowedline`. The `-s` switch tells chicken-install to use sudo to get root privileges. For more detailed instructions and instructions to build from source see the [installation]( page. Project Status -------------- __June 19, 2016:__ Version 2.0.0 --- mowedline now uses keywords instead of symbols to specify properties for widgets. See [configuration]( to find out how to update your config. __June 12 2016:__ Version 1.0.0 --- Add support for transparent window background. Add active-window-title widget, to show the title of the currently focused window. Consider a flex option of 0 to mean _not_ to flex. Look at the XDG\_CONFIG_HOME environment variable to find the configuration file, instead of always only looking at `~/.config/mowedline`. __August 3, 2015:__ Version 0.2.8 --- simplified configuration syntax; window margins; basic window transparency (non-compositing); mowedline can now be used as a library. __May 31, 2015:__ Version 0.2.7 --- font support in markup; Emacs package, mowedline.el, for updating mowedline from Emacs. __February 9, 2013:__ Version 0.2pre2 --- chicken-install mowedline. __January 29, 2013:__ Version 0.2pre1 --- mowedline has been split into two programs, mowedline and mowedline-client, to address the problem of simultaneous multiple server starting, [discussed here]( __August 30, 2011:__ Xft, unicode, color, and more, all supported in mowedline 0.2pre. __August 26, 2011:__ Progress on writing Xft bindings for Chicken Scheme. They're not polished enough to release yet, but this will allow me to start experimenting with using Xft in mowedline. __March 24, 2011:__ _Mowedline 0.1_ The program now has the minimum feature set to be considered useful, though much work remains to be done. License ------- Mowedline is licensed under the terms of GPL3.