;;; mowedline.el --- elisp utilities for using mowedline ;; This file is part of mowedline. ;; Copyright (C) 2011-2016 John J. Foerch ;; Author: John Foerch ;; Version: 0.7 ;; Date: 2016-11-21 ;; mowedline is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; ;; mowedline is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with mowedline. If not, see . ;;; Commentary: ;; This package provides utilities for interacting with the status bar ;; program mowedline. ;; ;; - mowedline-update: performs a mowedline update for the given widget ;; and value by dispatching to the function given by ;; `mowedline-update-function' (default `mowedline-update/client'). ;; ;; - mowedline-update/client: calls mowedline update via the ;; mowedline-client program. ;; ;; - mowedline-update/dbus: calls mowedline update via dbus directly for ;; the given widget and value. ;; ;; - mowedline-colorize: converts a propertied Emacs string into a string ;; of mowedline markup, preserving foreground colors. ;; ;;; Code: (require 'dbus) (defvar mowedline-client "mowedline-client" "Name of the mowedline-client executable.") (defun mowedline-update/client (widget value) "Call mowedline-client update for the given widget and value." (call-process mowedline-client nil 0 nil "update" (if (symbolp widget) (symbol-name widget) widget) value)) (defun mowedline-update/dbus (widget value) "Perform a mowedline update for the given widget and value directly via dbus." (condition-case err (dbus-call-method :session "net.retroj.mowedline" "/net/retroj/mowedline" "net.retroj.mowedline" "update" :timeout 0 (if (symbolp widget) (symbol-name widget) widget) value) (dbus-error (unless (string-match "call timed out" (error-message-string err)) (signal (car err) (cdr err)))))) (defvar mowedline-update-function 'mowedline-update/client) (defun mowedline-update (widget value) "Perform a mowedline update for the given widget and value by dispatching to the update function given by `mowedline-update-function`." (funcall mowedline-update-function widget value)) (defun mowedline-clear (widget) "Clear the given widget." (mowedline-update widget "")) (defun mowedline-string-break-by-property (str prop) (let ((len (length str)) (p 0) q l) (while (setq q (next-single-property-change p prop str)) (setq l (cons (substring str p q) l)) (setq p q)) (unless (= p len) (setq l (cons (substring str p len) l))) (nreverse l))) (defun mowedline-colorize (str &optional trim) "Translate the string STR into a string representation of a mowedline markup structure, with `color' groups that preserve the foreground colors of the faces from the original string." (when trim (while (string-match "\\`\n+\\|^\\s-+\\|\\s-+$\\|\n+\\'" str) (setq str (replace-match "" t t str)))) (if (string= "" str) "()" (format "%S" (mapcar (lambda (x) (let ((face (get-text-property 0 'face x))) (if face `(color ,(face-foreground face) ,(substring-no-properties x)) x))) (mowedline-string-break-by-property str 'face))))) (provide 'mowedline) ;;; mowedline.el ends here