Mowedline ========= Mowedline is a status bar program for X, written in [Chicken Scheme]( with XLib, Xft, and DBus. It was inspired by [dzen2](, and like that program, aims at an unobtrusive, minimalist look. It is based on a client/daemon design, where the daemon maintains one or more windows, and the client sends commands to the daemon over DBus to update the contents of those windows. A mowedline window is divided into widgets. Each widget has a unique name, by which the client can refer to it to update its contents. Obtaining Mowedline ------------------- The source code can be obtained from [my git repository]( Please report any issues or feature requests you might have in the [issue tracker]( Installing Mowedline -------------------- To install Mowedline you should use `chicken-install -s mowedline`. The `-s` switch tells chicken-install to use sudo to get root privileges. For more detailed instructions and instructions to build from source see the [installation]( page. Project Status -------------- Refer to Mowedline's [CHANGELOG]( License ------- Mowedline is licensed under the terms of GPL3.