;; ;; ;; Chicken MPI test ;; ;; Based on the Caml/MPI interface by Xavier Leroy. ;; ;; Copyright 2007 Ivan Raikov and the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology ;; ;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ;; published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the ;; License, or (at your option) any later version. ;; ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;; General Public License for more details. ;; ;; A full copy of the GPL license can be found at ;; . ;; (require-extension srfi-1) (require-extension srfi-4) (require-extension mpi) (require-extension ezxdisp) ;; compute the color of a pixel (define (color_pixel cr ci res) (let loop ((zr cr) (zi ci) (c 0)) (if (and (< c res) (<= (+ (* zr zr) (* zi zi)) 4.0)) (let ((nzr (- (* zr zr) (* zi zi) cr)) (nzi (- (* 2 zr zi) ci))) (loop nzr nzi (+ 1 c))) c))) ;; compute a displayable color (define-constant color_factor #xFE01FF) (define (colorof c res) (/ (* c color_factor) res)) (define (rgb color) (let ((r (fxand #xFF (fxshr color 16))) (g (fxand #xFF (fxshr color 8))) (b (fxand #xFF (fxshr color 0)))) (values r g b))) ;; produce a line (define (mandel_row window n res j) (match window ((x0 y0 x1 y1) (let ((dx (/ (- x1 x0) n)) (dy (/ (i y1 y0) n)) (zi (+ y0 (* dy j)))) (let ((line (list-tabulate n (lambda (i) (let ((zr (+ x0 (* dx i)))) (colorof (color_pixel zr zi res) res)))))) (list->u32vector (cons j line))))))) ;; Worker function: produce lines and send them to server (define (worker window n res comm-world) (let ((j (MPI:receive-int 0 0 comm-world))) (if (< j n) (begin (MPI:send (mandel_row window n res j) 0 0 comm-world) (worker window n res comm-world))))) ;; Plot one line (define (plot_row ezx row) (let-values (((j line) (unpack-row row))) (draw_bitmap_line ezx line 0 j))) ;; Server function: distribute work and plot the lines (define (server comm-world ezx n) (let ((numworkers (- (MPI:comm-size comm-world) 1))) (let loop ((n numworkers)) (if (positive? n) (begin (MPI:send-int (- n 1) n 0 comm-world) (loop (- n 1))))) (let loop ((numlines n) (nextline numworkers)) (if (positive? numlines) (let-values (((row src tag) (MPI:receive-with-status MPI:any-source 0 comm-world))) (plot_row ezx row) (loop (- numlines 1) (+ 1 nextline))))) (MPI:barrier comm-world))) ;; Entry point (MPI:init) (let* ((n 500) (comm-world (MPI:comm-world)) (ezx (ezx-init n n "Mandelbrot set"))) (if (zero? (MPI:comm-rank comm-world)) (server comm-world ezx n) (worker (list 0 0 n n) n n)) (MPI:barrier comm-world))