;; ;; ;; Chicken MPI regression test ;; ;; This needs to be run under mpirun, such as e.g.: ;; ;; mpirun -n 16 csi -s tests/run.scm ;; ;; Based on the Caml/MPI interface by Xavier Leroy. ;; ;; Copyright 2007-2010 Ivan Raikov and the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology ;; ;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ;; published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the ;; License, or (at your option) any later version. ;; ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;; General Public License for more details. ;; ;; A full copy of the GPL license can be found at ;; . ;; (require-extension posix srfi-1 srfi-4 srfi-13 srfi-14 mpi test) (define (land . args) (if (null? args) #t (and (car args) (apply land (cdr args))))) (define (lor . args) (if (null? args) #f (or (car args) (apply lor (cdr args))))) (define (eval-op op args) (apply (cond ((= op MPI:i_max) max) ((= op MPI:i_min) min) ((= op MPI:i_sum) +) ((= op MPI:i_prod) *) ((= op MPI:i_land) land) ((= op MPI:i_lor) lor) ((= op MPI:i_xor) fxxor) ((= op MPI:f_max) max) ((= op MPI:f_min) min) ((= op MPI:f_sum) +) ((= op MPI:f_prod) *) (else (error 'eval-op "unknown op " op))) args)) (define (blob-range x i j) (string->blob (string-copy (blob->string x) i j))) (define (make-srfi4-vector-map makev vlen vset! vref) (lambda (v f) (let loop ((v v) (newv (makev (vlen v))) (n (- (vlen v) 1))) (if (>= n 0) (let ((x (f (vref v n)))) (vset! newv n x) (loop v newv (- n 1))) (begin newv))))) (define (make-srfi4-vector-range makev vlen vset! vref) (lambda (v i j) (and (and (positive? j) (or (zero? i) (positive? i)) (< i j) (< (- j i) (vlen v))) (let loop ((v v) (newv (makev (- j i))) (n 0) (i i)) (if (< i j) (let ((x (vref v i))) (vset! newv n x) (loop v newv (+ n 1) (+ i 1))) newv))))) (define u8vector-map (make-srfi4-vector-map make-u8vector u8vector-length u8vector-set! u8vector-ref)) (define s8vector-map (make-srfi4-vector-map make-s8vector s8vector-length s8vector-set! s8vector-ref)) (define u16vector-map (make-srfi4-vector-map make-u16vector u16vector-length u16vector-set! u16vector-ref)) (define s16vector-map (make-srfi4-vector-map make-s16vector s16vector-length s16vector-set! s16vector-ref)) (define u32vector-map (make-srfi4-vector-map make-u32vector u32vector-length u32vector-set! u32vector-ref)) (define s32vector-map (make-srfi4-vector-map make-s32vector s32vector-length s32vector-set! s32vector-ref)) (define f32vector-map (make-srfi4-vector-map make-f32vector f32vector-length f32vector-set! f32vector-ref)) (define f64vector-map (make-srfi4-vector-map make-f64vector f64vector-length f64vector-set! f64vector-ref)) (define u8vector-range (make-srfi4-vector-range make-u8vector u8vector-length u8vector-set! u8vector-ref)) (define s8vector-range (make-srfi4-vector-range make-s8vector s8vector-length s8vector-set! s8vector-ref)) (define u16vector-range (make-srfi4-vector-range make-u16vector u16vector-length u16vector-set! u16vector-ref)) (define s16vector-range (make-srfi4-vector-range make-s16vector s16vector-length s16vector-set! s16vector-ref)) (define u32vector-range (make-srfi4-vector-range make-u32vector u32vector-length u32vector-set! u32vector-ref)) (define s32vector-range (make-srfi4-vector-range make-s32vector s32vector-length s32vector-set! s32vector-ref)) (define f32vector-range (make-srfi4-vector-range make-f32vector f32vector-length f32vector-set! f32vector-ref)) (define f64vector-range (make-srfi4-vector-range make-f64vector f64vector-length f64vector-set! f64vector-ref)) (define (check-string rank n c size) (print "rank = " rank " n = " n " size = " size) (and (= (length (string->list n)) (+ 1 size)) (every (lambda (x) (char=? x c)) (string->list n)))) (MPI:init) (print "Host " (get-host-name)) (define comm-world (MPI:get-comm-world)) (define size (MPI:comm-size comm-world)) (define myrank (MPI:comm-rank comm-world)) (define vsize 3) (define intdata (list-tabulate size (lambda (i) (* 10 i)))) (define flodata (list-tabulate size (lambda (i) (* 0.1 i)))) (define vsdata (list-tabulate size (lambda (i) (list->string (list-tabulate vsize (lambda (j) (integer->char (+ i 97)))))))) (define vvsdata (list-tabulate size (lambda (i) (list->string (list-tabulate (+ i 1) (lambda (j) (integer->char (+ i 97)))))))) (define vintdata (list-tabulate size (lambda (i) (list-tabulate vsize (lambda (j) (+ (* 10 i) j)))))) (define vflodata (list-tabulate size (lambda (i) (list-tabulate vsize (lambda (j) (+ i (* 0.1 j))))))) (define vvintdata (list-tabulate size (lambda (i) (list-tabulate (+ i 1) (lambda (j) (+ (* 10 i) j)))))) (define vvflodata (list-tabulate size (lambda (i) (list-tabulate (+ i 1) (lambda (j) (+ i (* 0.1 j))))))) (test-group "MPI test" (if (zero? myrank) (let ((data "aa")) (print myrank ": sending " data) (MPI:send (string->blob data) 1 0 comm-world) (let ((n (blob->string (MPI:receive MPI:any-source MPI:any-tag comm-world)))) (print myrank ": received " n) (test-assert (check-string myrank n #\a size)))) (let* ((n (blob->string (MPI:receive MPI:any-source MPI:any-tag comm-world))) (n1 (string-append n "a"))) (print myrank ": received " n ", resending " n1) (MPI:send (string->blob n1) (modulo (+ myrank 1) size) 0 comm-world) (test-assert (check-string myrank n #\a myrank)) )) ;; Barrier (MPI:barrier comm-world) (if (zero? myrank) (let ((data1 "aa") (data2 "bb")) (print myrank ": sending (tag 0) " data1) (MPI:send (string->blob data1) 1 0 comm-world) (print myrank ": sending (tag 1) " data2) (MPI:send (string->blob data2) 1 1 comm-world) (let-values (((n src tag) (MPI:receive-with-status MPI:any-source MPI:any-tag comm-world))) (print myrank ": received " (blob->string n) " (tag " tag ")" " from " src) (if (zero? tag) (test-assert (check-string myrank (blob->string n) #\a size)) (test-assert (check-string myrank (blob->string n) #\b size))) (let-values (((n src tag) (MPI:receive-with-status MPI:any-source MPI:any-tag comm-world))) (print myrank ": received " (blob->string n) " (tag " tag ")" " from " src) (if (zero? tag) (test-assert (check-string myrank (blob->string n) #\a size)) (test-assert (check-string myrank (blob->string n) #\b size)))))) (let-values (((n1 src tag1) (MPI:receive-with-status MPI:any-source 0 comm-world))) (let* ((n1 (blob->string n1)) (nn1 (if (zero? tag1) (string-append n1 "a") (string-append n1 "b")))) (print myrank ": received " n1 " (tag " tag1 ")" " from " src ", resending " nn1) (if (zero? tag1) (test-assert (check-string myrank n1 #\a myrank)) (test-assert (check-string myrank n1 #\b myrank))) (let-values (((n2 src tag2) (MPI:receive-with-status MPI:any-source MPI:any-tag comm-world))) (let* ((n2 (blob->string n2)) (nn2 (if (zero? tag2) (string-append n2 "a") (string-append n2 "b")))) (if (zero? tag2) (test-assert (check-string myrank n2 #\a myrank)) (test-assert (check-string myrank n2 #\b myrank))) (print myrank ": received " n2 " (tag " tag2 ")" " from " src ", resending " nn2) (MPI:send (string->blob nn1) (modulo (+ 1 myrank) size) tag1 comm-world) (MPI:send (string->blob nn2) (modulo (+ 1 myrank) size) tag2 comm-world)))))) ;; Barrier (MPI:barrier comm-world) (let ((test-send-recv (lambda (sendfun recvfun transf data) (if (zero? myrank) (begin (print myrank ": test-send-recv: data = " data) (print myrank ": test-send-recv: size = " size) (let loop ((lst data) (i 1)) (if (and (not (null? lst)) (< i size)) (begin (print myrank ": sending " (car lst) " to " i) (sendfun (car lst) i 0 comm-world) (loop (cdr lst) (+ 1 i))))) (let loop ((i size)) (if (positive? (- i 1)) (let ((x (recvfun (- i 1) 0 comm-world))) (print myrank ": received " x) (test-assert (any (lambda (y) (equal? x y)) (map transf data))) (loop (- i 1)))))) (let ((x (recvfun 0 0 comm-world))) (print myrank ": received " x) (test-assert (member x data)) (let ((y (transf x))) (sendfun y 0 0 comm-world)))) (MPI:barrier comm-world)))) (test-send-recv MPI:send-fixnum MPI:receive-fixnum (lambda (x) (+ 1 x)) intdata) (test-send-recv MPI:send-int MPI:receive-int (lambda (x) (+ 1 x)) intdata) (test-send-recv MPI:send-flonum MPI:receive-flonum (lambda (x) (* 2 x)) flodata) (let ((srfi4-test-send-recv (lambda (len vsend vreceive vmap list->vector) (lambda (data) (test-send-recv vsend (lambda (src tag comm) (vreceive len src tag comm)) (lambda (v) (vmap v (lambda (x) (+ 1 x)))) (map list->vector data)))))) ((srfi4-test-send-recv vsize MPI:send-u8vector MPI:receive-u8vector u8vector-map list->u8vector) vintdata) ((srfi4-test-send-recv vsize MPI:send-s8vector MPI:receive-s8vector s8vector-map list->s8vector) vintdata) ((srfi4-test-send-recv vsize MPI:send-u16vector MPI:receive-u16vector u16vector-map list->u16vector) vintdata) ((srfi4-test-send-recv vsize MPI:send-s16vector MPI:receive-s16vector s16vector-map list->s16vector) vintdata) ((srfi4-test-send-recv vsize MPI:send-u32vector MPI:receive-u32vector u32vector-map list->u32vector) vintdata) ((srfi4-test-send-recv vsize MPI:send-s32vector MPI:receive-s32vector s32vector-map list->s32vector) vintdata) ((srfi4-test-send-recv vsize MPI:send-f32vector MPI:receive-f32vector f32vector-map list->f32vector) vflodata) ((srfi4-test-send-recv vsize MPI:send-f64vector MPI:receive-f64vector f64vector-map list->f64vector) vflodata) )) (begin (if (positive? myrank) (sleep myrank)) (print myrank ": hitting barrier") (MPI:barrier comm-world) (if (zero? myrank) (print "jumped barrier"))) ;; Broadcast (let* ((test-broadcast (lambda (bcast data) (if (zero? myrank) (print myrank ": broadcasting " data)) (let ((res (bcast data 0 comm-world))) (print myrank ": received " (if (blob? res) (blob->string res) res)) (test-assert (equal? res data)) (MPI:barrier comm-world))))) (test-broadcast MPI:broadcast-bytevector (string->blob "Hello!")) (test-broadcast MPI:broadcast-int 123456) (test-broadcast MPI:broadcast-flonum 3.141592654) (let ((intdata (list 12 45 78)) (flodata (list 3.14 2.718 0.578)) (srfi4-test-broadcast (lambda (bcast list->vector data) (test-broadcast bcast (list->vector data))))) (srfi4-test-broadcast MPI:broadcast-s8vector list->s8vector intdata) (srfi4-test-broadcast MPI:broadcast-u8vector list->u8vector intdata) (srfi4-test-broadcast MPI:broadcast-s16vector list->s16vector intdata) (srfi4-test-broadcast MPI:broadcast-u16vector list->u16vector intdata) (srfi4-test-broadcast MPI:broadcast-s32vector list->s32vector intdata) (srfi4-test-broadcast MPI:broadcast-u32vector list->u32vector intdata) (srfi4-test-broadcast MPI:broadcast-f32vector list->f32vector flodata) (srfi4-test-broadcast MPI:broadcast-f64vector list->f64vector flodata))) ;; Scatter (let* ((test-scatter (lambda (scatter vrange data) (if (zero? myrank) (print myrank ": scatter " (if (blob? data) (blob->string data) data))) (let ((res (scatter data 3 0 comm-world))) (print myrank ": received (scatter) " (if (blob? res) (blob->string res) res)) (test-assert (equal? res (vrange data (* myrank vsize) (+ vsize (* myrank vsize)))))) (MPI:barrier comm-world)))) (test-scatter MPI:scatter-bytevector blob-range (string->blob (string-concatenate vsdata))) (let ((srfi4-test-scatter (lambda (scatter vrange list->vector data) (test-scatter scatter vrange (list->vector (concatenate data)))))) (srfi4-test-scatter MPI:scatter-s8vector s8vector-range list->s8vector vintdata) (srfi4-test-scatter MPI:scatter-u8vector u8vector-range list->u8vector vintdata) (srfi4-test-scatter MPI:scatter-s16vector s16vector-range list->s16vector vintdata) (srfi4-test-scatter MPI:scatter-u16vector u16vector-range list->u16vector vintdata) (srfi4-test-scatter MPI:scatter-s32vector s32vector-range list->s32vector vintdata) (srfi4-test-scatter MPI:scatter-u32vector u32vector-range list->u32vector vintdata) (srfi4-test-scatter MPI:scatter-f32vector f32vector-range list->f32vector vflodata) (srfi4-test-scatter MPI:scatter-f64vector f64vector-range list->f64vector vflodata))) ;; Scatterv (let* ((test-scatterv (lambda (scatterv data) (if (zero? myrank) (print myrank ": scatterv " data)) (let ((res (scatterv data 0 comm-world))) (print myrank ": received (scatterv) " res) (test res (list-ref data myrank))) (MPI:barrier comm-world)))) (test-scatterv MPI:scatterv-bytevector (map string->blob vvsdata)) (let ((srfi4-test-scatterv (lambda (scatterv list->vector data) (test-scatterv scatterv (map list->vector data))))) (srfi4-test-scatterv MPI:scatterv-s8vector list->s8vector vvintdata) (srfi4-test-scatterv MPI:scatterv-u8vector list->u8vector vvintdata) (srfi4-test-scatterv MPI:scatterv-s16vector list->s16vector vvintdata) (srfi4-test-scatterv MPI:scatterv-u16vector list->u16vector vvintdata) (srfi4-test-scatterv MPI:scatterv-s32vector list->s32vector vvintdata) (srfi4-test-scatterv MPI:scatterv-u32vector list->u32vector vvintdata) (srfi4-test-scatterv MPI:scatterv-f32vector list->f32vector vvflodata) (srfi4-test-scatterv MPI:scatterv-f64vector list->f64vector vvflodata))) ;; Gather (let* ((test-gather (lambda (gather data total) (print myrank ": gather " (if (blob? data) (blob->string data) data)) (let ((res (gather data 3 0 comm-world))) (if (zero? myrank) (begin (print myrank ": received (gather) " (if (blob? res) (blob->string res) res)) (test res total)))) (MPI:barrier comm-world)))) (test-gather MPI:gather-bytevector (string->blob (list-ref vsdata myrank)) (string->blob (string-concatenate vsdata))) (test-gather MPI:gather-s8vector (list->s8vector (list-ref vintdata myrank)) (list->s8vector (concatenate vintdata))) (test-gather MPI:gather-u8vector (list->u8vector (list-ref vintdata myrank)) (list->u8vector (concatenate vintdata))) (test-gather MPI:gather-s16vector (list->s16vector (list-ref vintdata myrank)) (list->s16vector (concatenate vintdata))) (test-gather MPI:gather-u16vector (list->u16vector (list-ref vintdata myrank)) (list->u16vector (concatenate vintdata))) (test-gather MPI:gather-s32vector (list->s32vector (list-ref vintdata myrank)) (list->s32vector (concatenate vintdata))) (test-gather MPI:gather-u32vector (list->u32vector (list-ref vintdata myrank)) (list->u32vector (concatenate vintdata))) (test-gather MPI:gather-f32vector (list->f32vector (list-ref vflodata myrank)) (list->f32vector (concatenate vflodata))) (test-gather MPI:gather-f64vector (list->f64vector (list-ref vflodata myrank)) (list->f64vector (concatenate vflodata)))) ;; Gatherv (let* ((test-gatherv (lambda (gatherv data total) (print myrank ": gatherv " (if (blob? data) (blob->string data) data)) (let ((res (gatherv data 0 comm-world))) (if (zero? myrank) (begin (print myrank ": received (gatherv) " (map (lambda (x) (if (blob? x) (blob->string x) x)) res)) (test res total)))) (MPI:barrier comm-world)))) (test-gatherv MPI:gatherv-bytevector (string->blob (list-ref vvsdata myrank)) (map string->blob vvsdata)) (test-gatherv MPI:gatherv-s8vector (list->s8vector (list-ref vvintdata myrank)) (map list->s8vector vvintdata)) (test-gatherv MPI:gatherv-u8vector (list->u8vector (list-ref vvintdata myrank)) (map list->u8vector vvintdata)) (test-gatherv MPI:gatherv-s16vector (list->s16vector (list-ref vvintdata myrank)) (map list->s16vector vvintdata)) (test-gatherv MPI:gatherv-u16vector (list->u16vector (list-ref vvintdata myrank)) (map list->u16vector vvintdata)) (test-gatherv MPI:gatherv-s32vector (list->s32vector (list-ref vvintdata myrank)) (map list->s32vector vvintdata)) (test-gatherv MPI:gatherv-u32vector (list->u32vector (list-ref vvintdata myrank)) (map list->u32vector vvintdata)) (test-gatherv MPI:gatherv-f32vector (list->f32vector (list-ref vvflodata myrank)) (map list->f32vector vvflodata)) (test-gatherv MPI:gatherv-f64vector (list->f64vector (list-ref vvflodata myrank)) (map list->f64vector vvflodata))) ;; Gather to all (let* ((test-allgather (lambda (allgather data total) (print myrank ": allgather " data) (let ((res (allgather data 0 comm-world))) (print myrank ": received (allgather) " (map (lambda (x) (if (blob? x) (blob->string x) x)) res)) (test res total)) (MPI:barrier comm-world)))) (test-allgather MPI:allgather-bytevector (string->blob (list-ref vvsdata myrank)) (map string->blob vvsdata)) (test-allgather MPI:allgather-s8vector (list->s8vector (list-ref vvintdata myrank)) (map list->s8vector vvintdata)) (test-allgather MPI:allgather-u8vector (list->u8vector (list-ref vvintdata myrank)) (map list->u8vector vvintdata)) (test-allgather MPI:allgather-s16vector (list->s16vector (list-ref vvintdata myrank)) (map list->s16vector vvintdata)) (test-allgather MPI:allgather-u16vector (list->u16vector (list-ref vvintdata myrank)) (map list->u16vector vvintdata)) (test-allgather MPI:allgather-s32vector (list->s32vector (list-ref vvintdata myrank)) (map list->s32vector vvintdata)) (test-allgather MPI:allgather-u32vector (list->u32vector (list-ref vvintdata myrank)) (map list->u32vector vvintdata)) (test-allgather MPI:allgather-f32vector (list->f32vector (list-ref vvflodata myrank)) (map list->f32vector vvflodata)) (test-allgather MPI:allgather-f64vector (list->f64vector (list-ref vvflodata myrank)) (map list->f64vector vvflodata))) ;; Reduce (let* ((test-reduce (lambda (reducefun reduceops data) (for-each (lambda (op) (print myrank ": reduce") (let ((res (reducefun data op 0 comm-world))) (if (zero? myrank) (begin (print myrank ": the result of reduction " op " is " res) (test-assert res) )) (MPI:barrier comm-world) )) reduceops) (MPI:barrier comm-world)))) (test-reduce MPI:reduce-int (list MPI:i_max MPI:i_min MPI:i_sum MPI:i_prod ) (+ 1 myrank)) (test-reduce MPI:reduce-flonum (list MPI:f_max MPI:f_min MPI:f_sum MPI:f_prod ) (+ 1 myrank)) (test-reduce MPI:reduce-s8vector (list MPI:i_max MPI:i_min MPI:i_sum MPI:i_prod ) (s8vector (* 2 myrank) (+ 1 (* 2 myrank)) (+ 2 (* 2 myrank)))) (test-reduce MPI:reduce-u8vector (list MPI:i_max MPI:i_min MPI:i_sum MPI:i_prod ) (u8vector (* 2 myrank) (+ 1 (* 2 myrank)) (+ 2 (* 2 myrank)))) (test-reduce MPI:reduce-s16vector (list MPI:i_max MPI:i_min MPI:i_sum MPI:i_prod ) (s16vector (* 2 myrank) (+ 1 (* 2 myrank)) (+ 2 (* 2 myrank)))) (test-reduce MPI:reduce-u16vector (list MPI:i_max MPI:i_min MPI:i_sum MPI:i_prod ) (u16vector (* 2 myrank) (+ 1 (* 2 myrank)) (+ 2 (* 2 myrank)))) (test-reduce MPI:reduce-s32vector (list MPI:i_max MPI:i_min MPI:i_sum MPI:i_prod ) (s32vector (* 2 myrank) (+ 1 (* 2 myrank)) (+ 2 (* 2 myrank)))) (test-reduce MPI:reduce-u32vector (list MPI:i_max MPI:i_min MPI:i_sum MPI:i_prod ) (u32vector (* 2 myrank) (+ 1 (* 2 myrank)) (+ 2 (* 2 myrank)))) (test-reduce MPI:reduce-f32vector (list MPI:f_max MPI:f_min MPI:f_sum MPI:f_prod ) (f32vector (* 2 myrank) (+ 0.1 (* 2 myrank)) (+ 0.2 (* 2 myrank)))) (test-reduce MPI:reduce-f64vector (list MPI:f_max MPI:f_min MPI:f_sum MPI:f_prod ) (f64vector (* 2 myrank) (+ 0.1 (* 2 myrank)) (+ 0.2 (* 2 myrank)))) ) ;; Reduce all (let* ((test-allreduce (lambda (allreducefun reduceop data) (print myrank ": data is " data) (let ((res (allreducefun data reduceop comm-world))) (MPI:barrier comm-world) (print myrank ": the result of reduction " reduceop " is " res) (test-assert res) (MPI:barrier comm-world))))) (test-allreduce MPI:allreduce-int MPI:i_sum (+ 1 myrank)) (test-allreduce MPI:allreduce-flonum MPI:f_prod (+ 1.0 myrank)) (test-allreduce MPI:allreduce-s8vector MPI:i_sum (s8vector (* 2 myrank) (+ 1 (* 2 myrank)) (+ 2 (* 2 myrank)))) (test-allreduce MPI:allreduce-u8vector MPI:i_sum (u8vector (* 2 myrank) (+ 1 (* 2 myrank)) (+ 2 (* 2 myrank)))) (test-allreduce MPI:allreduce-s16vector MPI:i_sum (s16vector (* 2 myrank) (+ 1 (* 2 myrank)) (+ 2 (* 2 myrank)))) (test-allreduce MPI:allreduce-u16vector MPI:i_sum (u16vector (* 2 myrank) (+ 1 (* 2 myrank)) (+ 2 (* 2 myrank)))) (test-allreduce MPI:allreduce-s32vector MPI:i_sum (s32vector (* 2 myrank) (+ 1 (* 2 myrank)) (+ 2 (* 2 myrank)))) (test-allreduce MPI:allreduce-u32vector MPI:i_sum (u32vector (* 2 myrank) (+ 1 (* 2 myrank)) (+ 2 (* 2 myrank)))) (test-allreduce MPI:allreduce-f32vector MPI:f_sum (f32vector (* 2 myrank) (+ 0.1 (* 2 myrank)) (+ 0.2 (* 2 myrank)))) (test-allreduce MPI:allreduce-f64vector MPI:f_sum (f64vector (* 2 myrank) (+ 0.1 (* 2 myrank)) (+ 0.2 (* 2 myrank))))) ;; Scan (let* ((test-scan (lambda (scanfun reduceop data) (print myrank ": data is " data) (let ((res (scanfun data reduceop comm-world))) (MPI:barrier comm-world) (print myrank ": the result of scan " reduceop " is " res) (test-assert res)) (MPI:barrier comm-world)))) (test-scan MPI:scan-int MPI:i_sum (+ 1 myrank)) (test-scan MPI:scan-flonum MPI:f_prod (+ 1.0 myrank)) (test-scan MPI:scan-s8vector MPI:i_sum (s8vector (* 2 myrank) (+ 1 (* 2 myrank)) (+ 2 (* 2 myrank)))) (test-scan MPI:scan-u8vector MPI:i_sum (u8vector (* 2 myrank) (+ 1 (* 2 myrank)) (+ 2 (* 2 myrank)))) (test-scan MPI:scan-s16vector MPI:i_sum (s16vector (* 2 myrank) (+ 1 (* 2 myrank)) (+ 2 (* 2 myrank)))) (test-scan MPI:scan-u16vector MPI:i_sum (u16vector (* 2 myrank) (+ 1 (* 2 myrank)) (+ 2 (* 2 myrank)))) (test-scan MPI:scan-s32vector MPI:i_sum (s32vector (* 2 myrank) (+ 1 (* 2 myrank)) (+ 2 (* 2 myrank)))) (test-scan MPI:scan-u32vector MPI:i_sum (u32vector (* 2 myrank) (+ 1 (* 2 myrank)) (+ 2 (* 2 myrank)))) (test-scan MPI:scan-f32vector MPI:f_sum (f32vector (* 2 myrank) (+ 0.1 (* 2 myrank)) (+ 0.2 (* 2 myrank)))) (test-scan MPI:scan-f64vector MPI:f_sum (f64vector (* 2 myrank) (+ 0.1 (* 2 myrank)) (+ 0.2 (* 2 myrank))))) ;; Comm split (let ((send-in-comm (lambda (c init incr) (let ((rank-in-c (MPI:comm-rank c)) (size-of-c (MPI:comm-size c))) (if (zero? rank-in-c) (begin (print rank-in-c "[" myrank "]: sending " init) (MPI:send init 1 0 c) (let ((n (MPI:receive MPI:any-source MPI:any-tag c))) (print rank-in-c "[" myrank "]: received " n))) (let ((n (MPI:receive MPI:any-source MPI:any-tag c))) (let ((n1 (string->blob (string-append (blob->string n) incr)))) (print rank-in-c "[" myrank "]: received " n ", resending " n1) (MPI:send n1 (modulo (+ 1 rank-in-c) size-of-c) 0 c)))) (MPI:barrier comm-world))))) (let ((c (MPI:comm-split comm-world (modulo myrank 2) 0))) (if (zero? (modulo myrank 2)) (send-in-comm c (string->blob "aa") "a") (send-in-comm c (string->blob "bb") "b")))) ;; Cartesian topology (let ((cart (MPI:make-cart comm-world (u32vector 2 2) (u32vector 0 0) #t)) (test-dims-create (lambda (n hints) (print "make-dims " n " " hints " = " (MPI:make-dims n hints))))) (if (zero? myrank) (begin (print "ranks = " (map (lambda (x) (cons x (MPI:cart-rank cart x))) (list (u32vector 0 0) (u32vector 1 0) (u32vector 1 0) (u32vector 1 1)))) (print "coords = " (list-tabulate (MPI:comm-size cart) (lambda (n) (cons n (MPI:cart-coords cart n))))) (test-dims-create 60 (u32vector 0 0 0)) (test-dims-create 60 (u32vector 3 0 0)) (test-dims-create 60 (u32vector 0 4 0)) (test-dims-create 60 (u32vector 3 0 5)) ))) (MPI:barrier comm-world) ;; Wtime (print myrank ": wtime is " (MPI:wtime)) (MPI:finalize) )