MessagePack implementation for CHICKEN scheme ============================================= An implementation of [MessagePack]( for [CHICKEN scheme]( API Specification ----------------- Primitive pack-family procedures: ```scheme (pack-uint PORT value) (pack-sint PORT value) (pack-float PORT FLONUM) (pack-double PORT FLONUM) (pack-bin PORT BYTE-BLOB) ; byte-blob (pack-str PORT STRING) ; string (pack-array PORT VECTOR) ; vector (pack-map PORT HASH-TABLE) ; hash-table (pack-ext PORT EXT) ; extension (see below) ``` Additionally, this implementation provides a generic pack procedure: ```scheme (pack PORT value) ``` This procedure will call primitive type packers, with the following rules: - if the value has a packer, apply it. - if the value is a string, it will be packed as str. - if the value is a blob, it will be packed as bin. - if the value is a char, it will be packed as a uint. - if the value is a list, it will be packed as an array. - if the value is a extension (see below), it will be packed as an ext Unpack procedures: ```scheme (unpack PORT [mapper]) ``` Extension --------- Extension is record defined as: ``` - type: integer from 0 to 127 - data: a byte-blob (define-record extension type data) ``` Example: ```scheme (make-extension 10 (string->byte-blob "hi")) ``` License ------- Distributed under the New BSD License.