(wiki-page (Header (title "Index")) (body (section 2 "Welcome" ((img (@ (style "float:right; border-left:1px solid #ccc;border-bottom:1px solid #ccc;margin-left:1em;") (src "http://www.call-with-current-continuation.org/chicken4-low.png") (alt "Stylized picture of a chicken")))) (p "Welcome to the Chicken wiki.") (p "This wiki was created with the purpose of providing documentation for " (link "http://www.call-with-current-continuation.org/" "Chicken") ". Chicken is an implementation of the Scheme programming language that can compile Scheme programs to C code as well as interpret them.") (p "You can use the search form in the left to get to what you want or start browsing through the following pages. Also, if a function is properly documented, chances are you can go to " (tt "/function") " to get to its documentation.")) (section 2 "About Chicken" (dl (dt (int-link "elevator-pitch" "Elevator pitch")) (dd "A brief explanation of why CHICKEN is suitable for Real World tasks") (dt (int-link "Chicken for programmers of other languages")) (dd "Chicken for programmers of C, Ruby, Python and other programming languages") (dt (int-link "Portability")) (dd "Supported platforms") (dt (int-link "platforms" "Platforms & packages")) (dd "Listing of all platforms where CHICKEN is available in pre-packaged form") (dt (int-link "Download")) (dd "Get the sources") (dt (int-link "maintainers" "Maintainers")) (dd "People who maintain CHICKEN") (dt (int-link "Software")) (dd "Software people have written using CHICKEN"))) (section 2 "Using Chicken" (dl (dt (int-link "Tutorials")) (dd "Tutorials about all things CHICKEN!") (dt (int-link "man/4/The User's Manual" "The User's Manual")) (dd "How to use it and reference manual") (dt (int-link "Eggs")) (dd "Information about CHICKEN extension-libraries (eggs)") (dt (int-link "Tips and tricks")) (dd "Some handy tips") (dt (int-link "Code snippets")) (dd "Various small coding examples"))) (section 2 "The Chicken community" (dl (dt (int-link "Active Projects")) (dd "join a CHICKEN-based project, or start one!") (dt (int-link "discussion-groups" "Discussion groups")) (dd "Mailing lists and IRC channel about CHICKEN") (dt (int-link "Logos" "Art")) (dd "CHICKEN-related art (logos, desktop backgrounds etc)") (dt (int-link "Users")) (dd "A list of users and contributors to CHICKEN Scheme") (dt (int-link "svn checkout" "Wiki edits and SVN")) (dd "How to edit this wiki using Subversion"))) (section 2 "Developing Chicken" (dl (dt (int-link "Internals")) (dd "Documentation about the internal structure of CHICKEN") (dt (link "http://www.irp.oist.jp/trac/chicken/wiki" "Trac")) (dd "The Chicken bug and feature tracker") (dt (int-link "periodic-tasks" "Periodic tasks")) (dd "Automated builds, development snapshots, salmonella results, eggs upload status")) ((div (@ (class "ohloh") (style "max-width: 400px; border: 1px solid #ccc;")) (script (@ (type "text/javascript") (src "http://www.ohloh.net/p/5796/widgets/project_basic_stats.js"))))))))