chicken-nanomsg =============== [Chicken Scheme]: [nanomsg]: [Chicken Scheme] bindings for the lightweight ZMQ-alternative, [nanomsg]. There [exists Chicken ZMQ bindings](, but this turned out to be a little troublesome with zmq_poll blocking other srfi-18 threads. ## Why nanomsg Nanomsg is smaller, written in C, has a simplified API (sockets are simple ints), no multipart messages, and has explicit support for poll on a socket's recv file-descriptor. ## Requirements This egg requires nanomsg-0.4-beta. ## Development Status These bindings are incomplete. If you're missing something, please create github issues! Currently supported: - nn-socket (which finalizer closes), nn-bind, nn-connect and nn-close - nn-send - non-blocking nn-recv returning strings - nn-subscribe Favored TODO's: - all socket types (pair, push, pull) - bundle nanomsg itself? ## Sample ```scheme ;; test.scm (use nanomsg) (define s (nn-socket 'rep)) (nn-bind s "tcp://") (let loop ((n 0)) (nn-send s (conc (nn-recv s) " " n)) (loop (add1 n))) (nn-close s) ``` then test with the brilliant `nanocat` util that comes with [nanomsg]: ```bash $ csi -s test.scm & $ nanocat --req -l22022 -D"bottles of beer:" -A --interval 1 ```