chicken-nanomsg =============== [Chicken Scheme]: [nanomsg]: [Chicken Scheme] bindings for the lightweight ZMQ-alternative, [nanomsg]. There [exists Chicken ZMQ bindings](, but this turned out to be a little troublesome with zmq_poll blocking other srfi-18 threads. ## Why nanomsg Nanomsg is smaller, written in C, has a simplified API (sockets are simple ints), no multipart messages, and has explicit support for poll on a socket's recv file-descriptor. ## Requirements Version `` of this egg requires [nanomsg-1.0.0]( ## API [procedure] (nn-socket protocol [domain]) [Create]( a nanomsg socket. Protocol can be any of the symbols `pair`, `pub`, `sub`, `pull`, `push`, `req`, `rep`, `surveyor`, `respondent` or `bus`. Domain can be the symbol `sp` or `sp-raw`, and defaults to `sp`. The returned socket is automatically closed with `nn-close` when it is garbage-collected. [procedure] (nn-socket* protocol [domain]) Just like `nn-socket`, but does __not__ attach a finalizer on the returned socket object. You must manually call `nn-close` on the socket after use. [procedure] (nn-bind socket address) [Binds]( nanomsg socket to address, where address is a string of the form `"ipc:///var/ipc/music.nn.pair"` or `"tcp://"`. If the nn-library can't parse the address string, it throws an "Illegal argument" error. [procedure] (nn-connect socket address) [Connects]( nanomsg socket `socket` to `address`. [procedure] (nn-subscribe socket prefix) Set the [NN_SUB_SUBSCRIBE]( option on `socket` which will make the socket receive to all messages that start with `prefix`. > Note that if this is never called, `(nn-sock 'sub)` sockets will > never receive anything. [procedure] (nn-send socket msg) Send a message on `socket`, using the socket's semantics. `msg` must be a string. This will not block other srfi-18 threads. Returns the number of bytes sent. [procedure] (nn-send* socket msg flags) Like `nn-send`, but may block other srfi-18 threads when `flags` is `0`. `flags` may be `nn/dontwait` in which case `nn-send*` always returns immediately, and returns `#f` is the operation would block (number of bytes otherwise). [procedure] (nn-recv socket) Receive a message from socket. This blocks until a message is received from nanomsg, but it does not block other srfi-18 threads. It always returns a string. An error is thrown if the socket is in an illegal state. > Note that memory is copied from the nanomsg buffer into a new scheme > string. [procedure] (nn-recv* socket flags) Receive a message from socket. This will block other srfi-18 threads, unless the `nn/dontwait` flag is specified, in which case `nn-recv*` will exit immediately with either a message as a string or #f (for `EAGAIN`). An error is thrown if `socket` is in an illegal state. > Note that this can be combined with `(nn-socket-rcvfd socket)` for > custom polling. [procedure] (nn-close socket) Explicitly close `socket`. This is normally not needed as this is done in the socket's finalizer. [procedure] (nn-shutdown socket endpoint) Removed `endpoint` from `socket`. See [nn_shutdown]( [procedure] (nn-get-statistic socket statistic) Retrieve a statistic from `socket`. `statistic` may be any one of these symbols: `established-connections` `accepted-connections` `dropped-connections` `broken-connections` `connect-errors` `bind-errors` `accept-errors` `current-connections` `inprogress-connections` `current-ep-errors` `messages-sent` `messages-received` `bytes-sent` `bytes-received` `current-snd-priority`. See [nn_get_statistic]( [procedure] (nn-socket-name socket) [procedure] (nn-socket-linger socket) [procedure] (nn-socket-rcvtimeo socket) [procedure] (nn-socket-sndtimeo socket) [procedure] (nn-socket-rcvbuf socket) [procedure] (nn-socket-sndbuf socket) [procedure] (nn-socket-sndfd socket) [procedure] (nn-socket-rcvfd socket) [procedure] (nn-socket-protocol socket) [procedure] (nn-socket-domain socket) [procedure] (nn-socket-maxttl socket) [procedure] (nn-socket-rcvmaxsize socket) [procedure] (nn-socket-rcvprio socket) [procedure] (nn-socket-sndprio socket) [procedure] (nn-socket-reconnect-ivl-max socket) [procedure] (nn-socket-reconnect-ivl socket) [procedure] (nn-socket-ipv4only socket) [procedure] (nn-req-socket-resend-ivl socket) Retrieve the socket option associated with `socket`. Most of these also provide setters so that you can, for example, can do `(set! (nn-socket-name s) "foo")`. For other socket options, try `nn-getsockopt/string`, `nn-getsockopt/int`, `nn-setsockopt/string` and `nn-setsockopt/int`. ## Development Status These bindings to nanomsg 1.0.0 should be fairly complete, the only missing functionality is the control messages (`nn_recvmsg`, `nn_sendmsg` and `nn_cmsg`). Also, note that the egg hasn't undergode rigerous testing in the field yet. ## Sample ```scheme ;; test.scm (import nanomsg) (define s (nn-socket 'rep)) (nn-bind s "tcp://") (let loop ((n 0)) (nn-send s (conc (nn-recv s) " " n)) (loop (add1 n))) (nn-close s) ``` then test with the brilliant `nanocat` util that comes with [nanomsg]: ```bash $ csi -s test.scm & $ nanocat --req -l22022 -D"bottles of beer:" -A --interval 1 ```