;; Copyright 2008-2010 Ivan Raikov and the Okinawa Institute of
;; Science and Technology.
;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
;; published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
;; License, or (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; General Public License for more details.
;; A full copy of the GPL license can be found at
;; .
(import scheme chicken srfi-1)
(require-extension matchable ssax sxml-transforms sxpath sxpath-lolevel
environments getopt-long)
(require-extension nemo-core nemo-macros nemo-hh)
(define nemo-nmodl? (extension-information 'nemo-nmodl))
(define nemo-matlab? (extension-information 'nemo-matlab))
(if nemo-nmodl? (use nemo-nmodl))
(if nemo-matlab? (use nemo-matlab))
(define (lookup-def k lst . rest)
(let-optionals rest ((default #f))
(let ((kv (assoc k lst)))
(if (not kv) default
(match kv ((k v) v) (else (cdr kv)))))))
(define ($ x) (and x (string->symbol (->string x))))
;;; Procedures for string concatenation and pretty-printing
(define (s+ . lst) (string-concatenate (map ->string lst)))
(define (sw+ lst) (string-intersperse (filter-map (lambda (x) (and x (->string x))) lst) " "))
(define (s\ p . lst) (string-intersperse (map ->string lst) p))
(define (sl\ p lst) (string-intersperse (map ->string lst) p))
(define nl "\n")
(define (warn port message . specialising-msgs)
(print-error-message message (current-output-port) "Warning")
(print (string-concatenate (map ->string specialising-msgs))))
;;; Error procedure for the XML parser
(define (parser-error port message . specialising-msgs)
(error (string-append message (string-concatenate (map ->string specialising-msgs)))))
(define ssax:warn warn)
(define opt-defaults
(nmodl-kinetic . all)
(define (defopt x)
(lookup-def x opt-defaults))
(define opt-grammar
"specify input format (nemo, xml, sxml, s-exp)"
(single-char #\i)
(value (required FORMAT)
(transformer ,string->symbol)))
"write XML output to file (default: .xml)"
(value (optional FILENAME)
"write SXML output to file (default: .sxml)"
(value (optional FILENAME)
,@(if nemo-matlab?
"write MATLAB/Octave output to file (default: .m)"
(value (optional FILENAME)))
"specify MATLAB/Octave integration method"
(value (required METHOD)
(transformer ,string->symbol)))
,@(if nemo-nmodl?
(nmodl "write NMODL output to file (default: .mod)"
(value (optional FILENAME)))
(nmodl-kinetic ,(s+ "use NMODL kinetic equations for the given reactions "
"(or for all reactions)")
(value (optional STATES)
,(lambda (x)
(or (and (symbol? x) (list x))
(map string->symbol (string-split x ",")))))))
(nmodl-method "specify NMODL integration method"
(value (required METHOD)
(transformer ,string->symbol)))
(nmodl-depend "specify DEPEND variables for NMODL interpolation tables"
(value (required VARS)
,(lambda (x)
(map string->symbol (string-split x ","))))))
(t "use interpolation tables in generated code, if possible")
(help (single-char #\h))
;; Use args:usage to generate a formatted list of options (from OPTS),
;; suitable for embedding into help text.
(define (nemo:usage)
(print "Usage: " (car (argv)) " [options...] ")
(print "The following options are recognized: ")
(print (parameterize ((indent 5) (width 30)) (usage opt-grammar)))
(exit 1))
;; Process arguments and collate options and arguments into OPTIONS
;; alist, and operands (filenames) into OPERANDS. You can handle
;; options as they are processed, or afterwards.
(define opts (getopt-long (command-line-arguments) opt-grammar))
(define opt (make-option-dispatch opts opt-grammar))
(define (ncml:sxpath query doc)
((sxpath query '((ncml . "ncml"))) doc))
(define (ncml:car-sxpath query doc)
(let ((lst ((sxpath query '((ncml . "ncml") )) doc)))
(car lst)))
(define (ncml:if-car-sxpath query doc)
(let ((lst ((sxpath query '((ncml . "ncml") )) doc)))
(and (not (null? lst)) (car lst))))
(define (ncml:if-sxpath query doc)
(let ((lst ((sxpath query '((ncml . "ncml") )) doc)))
(and (not (null? lst)) lst)))
(define (ncml-binding->binding node)
(match node
(('ncml:bnd ('@ ('id id)) ('ncml:expr expr))
`(,($ id) ,(ncml-expr->expr expr)))
(else (error 'ncml-binding->binding "invalid binding " node))))
(define (ncml-expr->expr node)
(match node
((? number?) node)
((? string?) (sxml:number node))
(('ncml:id id) ($ id))
(('ncml:apply ('@ ('id id)) . args) (cons ($ id) (map ncml-expr->expr args)))
(('ncml:let ('ncml:bnds . bnds) ('ncml:expr body))
`(let ,(map ncml-binding->binding bnds) ,(ncml-expr->expr body)))
(((and op (? symbol?)) . args)
(cons (ncml-op->op op) (map ncml-expr->expr args)))
(else (error 'ncml-expr->expr "unknown expression " node))))
(define (ncml-op->op op)
(case op
((ncml:sum) '+)
((ncml:sub) '-)
((ncml:mul) '*)
((ncml:div) '/)
((ncml:gt) '>)
((ncml:lt) '<)
((ncml:lte) '<=)
((ncml:gte) '>=)
((ncml:eq) '=)
(else (match (string-split (->string op) ":")
((pre op) (string->symbol op))
(else (error 'ncml-op->op "invalid operator" op))))))
(define (nemo-constructor name declarations parse-expr)
(let* ((nemo (make-nemo-core))
(sys ((nemo 'system) name)))
(eval-nemo-system-decls nemo name sys declarations parse-expr)
(list sys nemo)))
(define (sexp->model options doc parse-expr)
(match doc
(('nemo-model model-name model-decls)
(let* ((model+nemo (nemo-constructor model-name model-decls parse-expr))
(model (first model+nemo))
(nemo (second model+nemo)))
(let ((model-1 (nemo:hh-transformer model parse-expr)))
(if (assoc 'depgraph options) (print "dependency graph: " ((nemo 'depgraph*) model-1)))
(if (assoc 'exports options) (print "exports: " ((nemo 'exports) model-1)))
(if (assoc 'imports options) (print "imports: " ((nemo 'imports) model-1)))
(if (assoc 'components options)
(for-each (lambda (x)
(print "component " x ": " ((nemo 'component-exports) model-1 (second x)))
(print "component " x " subcomponents: " ((nemo 'component-subcomps) model-1 (second x))))
((nemo 'components) model-1)))
(else (error 'sexp->model "unknown model format"))))
(define model->nmodl
(if nemo-nmodl?
(lambda (options model)
(nemo:nmodl-translator model (lookup-def 'method options) (lookup-def 'table options)
-150 150 1 (lookup-def 'depend options)
(lookup-def 'kinetic options) ))
(lambda (options model)
(define model->matlab
(if nemo-matlab?
(lambda (options model)
(nemo:matlab-translator model (lookup-def 'method options) (lookup-def 'table options)
-150 150 1 ))
(lambda (options model)
(define (transition->ncml-transition x)
(match x
(('-> src dst rate)
`((ncml:transition (@ (src ,src) (dst ,dst)) (ncml:rate ,(expr->ncml-expr rate)))))
((src '-> dst rate)
`((ncml:transition (@ (src ,src) (dst ,dst)) (ncml:rate ,(expr->ncml-expr rate)))))
(('<-> src dst rate1 rate2)
`((ncml:transition (@ (src ,src) (dst ,dst)) (ncml:rate ,(expr->ncml-expr rate1)))
(ncml:transition (@ (src ,dst) (dst ,src)) (ncml:rate ,(expr->ncml-expr rate2)))))
((src '<-> dst rate1 rate2)
`((ncml:transition (@ (src ,src) (dst ,dst)) (ncml:rate ,(expr->ncml-expr rate1)))
(ncml:transition (@ (src ,dst) (dst ,src)) (ncml:rate ,(expr->ncml-expr rate2)))))
(else (error 'transition->ncml-transition "invalid transition " x))))
(define (lineq->ncml-lineq parse-expr)
(lambda (x)
(match x
(((and i (? integer?)) '= rhs)
`(ncml:lineq (@ (val ,(->string i)))
(ncml:expr ,(expr->ncml-expr (parse-expr rhs)))))
(else (error 'lineq->ncml-lineq "invalid linear equation " x)))))
(define builtin-fns
`(+ - * / pow neg abs atan asin acos sin cos exp ln
sqrt tan cosh sinh tanh hypot gamma lgamma log10 log2 log1p ldexp cube
> < <= >= = and or round ceiling floor max min))
(define (binding->ncml-binding bnd)
(match bnd
((id expr) `(ncml:bnd (@ (id ,id)) (ncml:expr ,(expr->ncml-expr expr))))
(else (error 'binding->ncml-binding "invalid binding " bnd))))
(define (expr->ncml-expr x)
(match x
((? number?) x)
((? symbol?) `(ncml:id ,x))
(('let bnds expr)
`(ncml:let (ncml:bnds . ,(map binding->ncml-binding bnds))
(ncml:expr ,(expr->ncml-expr expr))))
(((and op (? symbol?)) . args)
(let ((ncml-expr (if (member op builtin-fns)
(cons (op->ncml-op op) (map expr->ncml-expr args))
`(ncml:apply (@ (id ,op)) ,@(map expr->ncml-expr args)))))
(else (error 'expr->ncml-expr "unknown expression " x))))
(define (op->ncml-op op)
(case op
((+) 'ncml:sum)
((-) 'ncml:sub)
((*) 'ncml:mul)
((/) 'ncml:div)
((>) 'ncml:gt)
((<) 'ncml:lt)
((<=) 'ncml:lte)
((>=) 'ncml:gte)
((=) 'ncml:eq)
(else (string->symbol (string-append "ncml:" (->string op))))))
(define (declaration->ncml parse-expr)
(lambda (x)
(match x
(((or 'input 'INPUT) . lst)
(map (lambda (x)
(match x
((? symbol?)
`(ncml:input (@ id ,(->string x))))
((id1 (or 'as 'AS) x1)
`(ncml:input (@ (id ,(->string id1)) (as ,(->string x1)))))
((id1 (or 'from 'FROM) n1)
`(ncml:input (@ (id ,(->string id1)) (from ,(->string n1)))))
((id1 (or 'as 'AS) x1 (or 'from 'FROM) n1)
`(ncml:input (@ (id ,(->string id1))
(as ,(->string x1)) (from ,(->string n1)))))))
(((or 'output 'OUTPUT) . (and lst (? (lambda (x) (every symbol? x)))))
(map (lambda (x) `(ncml:output (@ (id ,(->string x))))) lst))
(((or 'const 'CONST) (and id (? symbol?)) '= expr)
`(ncml:const (@ (id ,(->string id))) (ncml:expr ,(expr->ncml-expr (parse-expr expr)))))
(((or 'reaction 'REACTION) ((and id (? symbol?)) . alst) )
(let ((trs (lookup-def 'transitions alst))
(initial (lookup-def 'initial alst))
(open (lookup-def 'open alst))
(cons (lookup-def 'conserve alst))
(p (lookup-def 'power alst)))
(let ((sxml-trs (append-map transition->ncml-transition trs)))
`(ncml:reaction (@ (id ,(->string id)))
(ncml:open ,open)
,(and initial `(ncml:initial ,(expr->ncml-expr (parse-expr initial))) )
,(and cons `(ncml:conserve ,((lineq->ncml-lineq parse-expr) cons)) )
(ncml:transitions ,@sxml-trs)
(ncml:power ,(expr->ncml-expr (parse-expr p)))))))
(((or 'd 'D) ((and id (? symbol?))) '= expr . rest)
(let ((initial (lookup-def 'initial rest)))
`(ncml:rate (@ (id ,(->string id)) )
,(and initial `(ncml:initial ,(expr->ncml-expr (parse-expr initial))))
(ncml:expr ,(expr->ncml-expr (parse-expr expr))))))
(((and id (? symbol?)) '= expr)
`(ncml:asgn (@ (id ,id)) (ncml:expr ,(expr->ncml-expr (parse-expr expr)))))
(((or 'defun 'DEFUN) (and id (? symbol?))
(and idlist (? (lambda (x) (every symbol? x)))) expr)
`(ncml:defun (@ (id ,x))
,@(map (lambda (v) `(ncml:arg ,(->string v))) idlist)
(ncml:body ,(expr->ncml-expr (parse-expr expr)))))
(((or 'component 'COMPONENT) ((or 'type 'TYPE) typ) ((or 'name 'NAME) name) . lst)
`(ncml:component (@ (name ,(->string name)) (type ,(->string typ)))
,@(map (declaration->ncml parse-expr) lst)))
(((or 'component 'COMPONENT) ((or 'type 'TYPE) typ) . lst)
`(ncml:component (@ (type ,(->string typ)))
,@(map (declaration->ncml parse-expr) lst)))
(((or 'component 'COMPONENT) ((or 'name 'NAME) name) '=
(and functor-name (? symbol?)) (and args (? list?)))
`(ncml:component (@ (name ,(->string name))
(functor-name ,(->string functor-name)))
,@(map (declaration->ncml parse-expr) lst)))
(define (make-component->ncml dis model parse-expr)
(lambda (x)
(let ((en (environment-ref model x)))
(cond ((procedure? en)
(let ((fd (procedure-data en)))
`(ncml:defun (@ (id ,x))
,@(map (lambda (v) `(ncml:arg ,v)) (lookup-def 'vars fd))
(ncml:body ,(expr->ncml-expr (lookup-def 'body fd))))))
(match en
(($ nemo:quantity 'EXTERNAL local-name name namespace)
(if namespace
`(ncml:input (@ (id ,name)) (as ,local-name) (from ,namespace))
`(ncml:input (@ (id ,name)) (as ,local-name))))
(($ nemo:quantity 'CONST name value)
`(ncml:const (@ (id ,name)) (ncml:expr ,value)))
(($ nemo:quantity 'ASGN name value rhs)
(let ((expr (expr->ncml-expr rhs)))
`(ncml:asgn (@ (id ,name)) (ncml:expr ,expr))))
(($ nemo:quantity 'RATE name initial rhs)
(let ((expr (expr->ncml-expr rhs))
(initial (and initial (expr->ncml-expr initial))))
`(ncml:rate (@ (id ,name))
,(and initial `(ncml:initial ,initial))
(ncml:expr ,expr))))
(($ nemo:quantity 'REACTION name initial open trs cons p)
(let ((sxml-trs (append-map transition->ncml-transition trs)))
`(ncml:reaction (@ (id ,name))
(ncml:open ,open)
,(and initial `(ncml:initial ,(expr->ncml-expr initial)))
,(and cons `(ncml:conserve ,(map (lineq->ncml-lineq identity) cons)) )
(ncml:transitions ,@sxml-trs)
(ncml:power ,(expr->ncml-expr p)))))
(($ nemo:quantity 'COMPONENT name type lst)
(let ((component->ncml (make-component->ncml dis model parse-expr))
(component-exports ((dis 'component-exports) model x)))
(case type
((toplevel) `(,@(map component->ncml lst)
,@(map (lambda (x) `(ncml:output (@ (id ,x)))) component-exports)))
(else `(ncml:component (@ (name ,name) (type ,type))
,@(filter-map component->ncml lst)
,@(map (lambda (x) `(ncml:output (@ (id ,x)))) component-exports)
(($ nemo:quantity 'FUNCTOR name args type lst)
(let ((component->ncml (make-component->ncml dis model parse-expr)))
`(ncml:functor (@ (name ,name) (type ,type)
(parameters ,(string-intersperse (map ->string args) ",")))
,@(filter-map (declaration->ncml parse-expr) lst)
(else #f)))))))
(define (model->ncml model parse-expr)
(match-let ((($ nemo:quantity 'DISPATCH dis)
(environment-ref model (nemo-intern 'dispatch))))
(let ((sysname ((dis 'sysname) model))
(component->ncml (make-component->ncml dis model parse-expr)))
`(ncml:model (@ (name ,sysname)) ,@(component->ncml (nemo-intern 'toplevel))))))
(include "expr-parser.scm")
(include "SXML.scm")
(include "SXML-to-XML.scm")
(include "stx-engine.scm")
(define null-template
`(*default* ,(lambda (node bindings root env)
(warn "Unrecognized input element:" node)
(define-syntax sxml:make-null-ss
(syntax-rules ()
((stx rule ...)
; default handler
; handler for textual nodes
(list '*text* (lambda (text) text))
rule ...))))
(define (ensure-xmlns doc)
(let ((doc1 (sxml:add-attr doc '(xmlns:ncml "ncml"))))
(sxml:add-attr doc1 '(xmlns ncml))))
;; based on SRV:send-reply by Oleg Kiselyov
(define (print-fragments b)
(let loop ((fragments b) (result #f))
((null? fragments) result)
((not (car fragments)) (loop (cdr fragments) result))
((null? (car fragments)) (loop (cdr fragments) result))
((eq? #t (car fragments)) (loop (cdr fragments) #t))
((pair? (car fragments))
(loop (cdr fragments) (loop (car fragments) result)))
((procedure? (car fragments))
((car fragments))
(loop (cdr fragments) #t))
(display (car fragments))
(loop (cdr fragments) #t)))))
(define (ncml->declarations ncml:model)
(sxml:match 'ncml:input
(lambda (node bindings root env)
(let ((id (sxml:attr node 'id))
(from (sxml:kidn* 'ncml:from node))
(as (sxml:kidn* 'ncml:as node)))
(if (not id) (error 'input-template "input declaration requires id attribute"))
(cond ((and from as) `(input (,($ id) as ,($ (second as) ) from ,($ (second from)) )))
(from `(input (,($ id) from ,($ (second from)))))
(as `(input (,($ id) as ,($ (second as)))))
(else `(input ,($ id))))))))
(sxml:match 'ncml:output
(lambda (node bindings root env)
(let ((id (sxml:attr node 'id)))
(if (not id) (error 'output-template "output declaration requires id attribute"))
`(output ,($ id))))))
(sxml:match 'ncml:const
(lambda (node bindings root env)
(let* ((id (sxml:attr node 'id))
(expr ((lambda (x)
(if (not x)
(error 'const-template "const declaration " id " requires expr element")
(ncml-expr->expr (second x))))
(sxml:kidn* 'ncml:expr node))))
(if (not id) (error 'const-template "const declaration requires id attribute"))
`(const ,($ id) = ,expr)))))
(sxml:match 'ncml:transition
(lambda (node bindings root env)
(let ((src (sxml:attr node 'src))
(dst (sxml:attr node 'dst))
(rate ((lambda (x)
(if (not x)
(error 'reaction-transition-template
"reaction transition requires rate element")
(ncml-expr->expr (second x))))
(sxml:kidn* 'ncml:rate node))))
(if (not src) (error 'reaction-transition-template
"reaction transition requires src attribute"))
(if (not dst) (error 'reaction-transition-template
"reaction transition requires dst attribute"))
`(-> ,($ src) ,($ dst) ,rate)))))
(sxml:match 'ncml:asgn
(lambda (node bindings root env)
(let ((id (sxml:attr node 'id))
(expr ((lambda (x)
(if (not x)
(error 'asgn-template "algebraic assignment requires expr element")
(ncml-expr->expr (second x))))
(sxml:kidn* 'ncml:expr node))))
(if (not id) (error 'asgn-template "algebraic assignment requires id attribute"))
`(,($ id) = ,expr)))))
(sxml:match 'ncml:rate
(lambda (node bindings root env)
(let ((id (sxml:attr node 'id))
(rhs ((lambda (x)
(if (not x)
(error 'rate-template "rate equation requires expr element")
(ncml-expr->expr (second x))))
(sxml:kidn* 'ncml:expr node)))
(initial ((lambda (x) (and x (ncml-expr->expr (second x))))
(sxml:kidn* 'ncml:initial node))))
(if (not id) (error 'rate-template "rate equation requires id attribute"))
`(d (,($ id)) = ,rhs ,(and initial `(initial ,initial) ))))))
(sxml:match 'ncml:lineq
(lambda (node bindings root env)
(let ((val (string->number (->string (sxml:attr node 'val))))
(rhs ((lambda (x)
(if (not x)
(error 'lineq-template
"lineq definition requires expr element")
(ncml-expr->expr (second x))))
(sxml:kidn* 'ncml:expr node))))
`(,val = ,rhs)))))
(sxml:match 'ncml:reaction
(lambda (node bindings root env)
(let* ((id ($ (sxml:attr node 'id)))
(initial ((lambda (x) (and x (ncml-expr->expr (second x))))
(sxml:kidn* 'ncml:initial node)))
(open ((lambda (x)
(if (not x)
(error 'reaction-template
"reaction declaration requires open element")
($ (second x))))
(sxml:kidn* 'ncml:open node)))
(conserve ((lambda (x)
(and x (let ((tmpl (sxml:make-null-ss lineq-template)))
(stx:apply-templates (second x) tmpl root env))))
(sxml:kidn* 'ncml:conserve node)))
(power ((lambda (x)
(if (not x)
(error 'reaction-template
"reaction declaration requires open element")
(sxml:number (second x))))
(sxml:kidn* 'ncml:power node)))
(transitions ((lambda (x)
(if (not x)
(error 'reaction-template
"reaction declaration requires transitions element")
(let ((tmpl (sxml:make-null-ss reaction-transition-template)))
(stx:apply-templates (cdr x) tmpl root env))))
(sxml:kidn* 'ncml:transitions node)))
(if (not id) (error 'reaction-template "reaction transition requires id attribute"))
`(reaction (,id (initial ,initial) (open ,open) (power ,power)
,(and conserve `(conserve ,conserve) )
(transitions ,@transitions)))))))
(sxml:match 'ncml:defun
(lambda (node bindings root env)
(let ((id (sxml:attr node 'id))
(args ((lambda (x)
(if (null? x)
(error 'defun-template
"function definition requires at least one arg element")
(map (compose $ second) x)))
(sxml:kidsn 'ncml:arg node)))
(body ((lambda (x)
(if (not x)
(error 'defun-template
"function definition requires body element")
(ncml-expr->expr (second x))))
(sxml:kidn* 'ncml:body node))))
(if (not id) (error 'defun-template "function definition requires id attribute"))
`(defun ,($ id) ,args ,body)))))
(sxml:match 'ncml:component
(lambda (node bindings root env)
(let ((name (sxml:attr node 'name))
(functor-name (sxml:attr node 'functor-name))
(type (sxml:attr node 'type)))
(if (not type) (error 'component-template "component definition requires type attribute"))
(if name
`(component (type ,($ type)) (name ,($ name)) ,@(ncml->declarations (sxml:kids node)))
(if functor-name
`(component (name ,($ name)) = ,functor-name ,(ncml->declarations (sxml:kids node)))
`(component (type ,($ type)) ,@(ncml->declarations (sxml:kids node)))))))))
(sxml:match 'ncml:functor
(lambda (node bindings root env)
(let ((parameters (sxml:attr node 'parameters))
(name (sxml:attr node 'name))
(type (sxml:attr node 'type)))
(if (not type) (error 'functor-template "functor definition requires type attribute"))
(if (not name) (error 'functor-template "functor definition requires name attribute"))
(if (not parameters)
(error 'functor-template "functor definition requires parameters attribute"))
`(functor (type ,($ type)) (name ,($ name))
(args ,(map string->symbol (string-split parameters ",")))
,@(ncml->declarations (sxml:kids node)))))))
(sxml:match 'ncml:hh_ionic_conductance
(lambda (node bindings root env)
(let* ((or-expr (lambda (x) (and x (ncml-expr->expr (second x)))))
(id (sxml:attr node 'id))
(initial_m (or-expr (sxml:kidn* 'ncml:initial_m node)))
(initial_h (or-expr (sxml:kidn* 'ncml:initial_h node)))
(m_power (or-expr (sxml:kidn* 'ncml:m_power node)))
(h_power (or-expr (sxml:kidn* 'ncml:h_power node)))
(m_alpha (or-expr (sxml:kidn* 'ncml:m_alpha node)))
(m_beta (or-expr (sxml:kidn* 'ncml:m_beta node)))
(h_alpha (or-expr (sxml:kidn* 'ncml:h_alpha node)))
(h_beta (or-expr (sxml:kidn* 'ncml:h_beta node)))
(m_tau (or-expr (sxml:kidn* 'ncml:m_tau node)))
(m_inf (or-expr (sxml:kidn* 'ncml:m_inf node)))
(h_tau (or-expr (sxml:kidn* 'ncml:h_tau node)))
(h_inf (or-expr (sxml:kidn* 'ncml:h_inf node))))
(if (not id)
(error 'hh-template "hh ionic conductance definition requires id attribute"))
(,($ id)
,@(if initial_m `((initial-m ,initial_m)) `())
,@(if initial_h `((initial-h ,initial_h)) `())
,@(if m_power `((m-power ,m_power)) '())
,@(if h_power `((h-power ,h_power)) '())
,@(if m_alpha `((m-alpha ,m_alpha)) '())
,@(if h_alpha `((h-alpha ,h_alpha)) '())
,@(if m_beta `((m-beta ,m_beta)) '())
,@(if h_beta `((h-beta ,h_beta)) '())
,@(if m_inf `((m-inf ,m_inf)) '())
,@(if h_inf `((h-inf ,h_inf)) '())
,@(if m_tau `((m-tau ,m_tau)) '())
,@(if h_tau `((h-tau ,h_tau)) '())
(sxml:match 'ncml:decaying_pool
(lambda (node bindings root env)
(let* ((or-expr (lambda (x) (and x (ncml-expr->expr (second x)))))
(id (sxml:attr node 'id))
(initial (or-expr (sxml:kidn* 'ncml:initial node)))
(beta (or-expr (sxml:kidn* 'ncml:beta node)))
(depth (or-expr (sxml:kidn* 'ncml:depth node)))
(temp-adj (or-expr (sxml:kidn* 'ncml:temp_adj node))))
(if (not id)
(error 'decaying-pool-template "decaying pool definition requires id attribute"))
(if (not initial)
(error 'decaying-pool-template "decaying pool definition requires initial value"))
(if (not beta)
(error 'decaying-pool-template "decaying pool definition requires beta parameter"))
(if (not depth)
(error 'decaying-pool-template "decaying pool definition requires depth parameter"))
(,($ id)
,@(if temp_adj `((temp_adj ,temp_adj)) `())
(beta ,beta)
(depth ,depth)
(initial ,initial)))))))
(stx:apply-templates ncml:model
(sxml:make-null-ss input-template
ncml:model (list))))
(define (ncml->model options doc)
(let* ((ncml:model ((lambda (x)
(if (null? x) (error 'ncml->model "ncml:model element not found in input document") (car x)))
(ncml:sxpath '(// ncml:model) `(*TOP* . ,doc))))
(model-name (sxml:attr ncml:model 'name))
(model-decls (ncml->declarations (sxml:kids ncml:model))))
(let* ((model+nemo (nemo-constructor model-name model-decls (lambda (x . rest) (identity x))))
(model (first model+nemo))
(nemo (second model+nemo)))
(let ((model-1 (nemo:hh-transformer model)))
(if (assoc 'depgraph options) (print "dependency graph: " ((nemo 'depgraph*) model-1)))
(if (assoc 'exports options) (print "exports: " ((nemo 'exports) model-1)))
(if (assoc 'imports options) (print "imports: " ((nemo 'imports) model-1)))
(if (assoc 'components options)
(for-each (lambda (x)
(print "component " x ": " ((nemo 'component-exports) model-1 (second x)))
(print "component " x " subcomponents: " ((nemo 'component-subcomps) model-1 (second x))))
((nemo 'components) model-1)))
(define (main opt operands)
(if (null? operands)
(lambda (operand)
(let* ((read-xml (lambda (name) (call-with-input-file name
(lambda (port) (ssax:xml->sxml port '((ncml . "ncml")))) )))
(read-sexp (lambda (name) (call-with-input-file name read)))
(in-format (cond ((opt 'input-format) =>
(lambda (x)
(case x
((nemo) 'nemo)
((s-exp sexp) 'sexp)
((sxml) 'sxml)
((xml) 'xml)
(else (error 'nemo "unknown input format" x)))))
(else (case ((lambda (x) (or (not x) ($ x)))
(pathname-extension operand))
((s-exp sexp) 'sexp)
((sxml) 'sxml)
((xml) 'xml)
(else 'nemo)))))
(doc (case in-format
((nemo sxml s-exp sexp) (read-sexp operand))
((xml) (read-xml operand))
(else (error 'nemo "unknown input format" in-format))))
(parse-expr (case in-format
((sxml xml) identity)
((s-exp sexp) identity)
((nemo) nemo:parse-sym-expr)
(else (error 'nemo "unknown input format" in-format))))
(model (case in-format
((sxml xml) (ncml->model '() doc))
((s-exp sexp) (sexp->model '() doc parse-expr))
((nemo) (sexp->model '() doc parse-expr))
(else (error 'nemo "unknown input format" in-format))))
(make-fname (lambda (operand x suffix)
(and x (let ((fname (pathname-strip-extension operand)))
(if (string? x) x (s+ fname suffix))))))
(sxml-fname (make-fname operand (opt 'sxml) ".sxml"))
(xml-fname (make-fname operand (opt 'xml) ".xml"))
(mod-fname (make-fname operand (opt 'nmodl) ".mod"))
(mat-fname (make-fname operand (opt 'matlab) ".m"))
(nmodl-depend (opt 'nmodl-depend))
(let ((method ($ (opt 'nmodl-method) )))
(case method
((adams runge euler adeuler heun adrunge gear
newton simplex simeq seidel sparse derivimplicit cnexp clsoda
after_cvode cvode_t cvode_t_v expeuler #f) method)
(else (error "unknown nmodl-method " method)))))
(let ((method ($ (opt 'matlab-method) )))
(case method
((lsode odepkg #f) method)
(else (error "unknown matlab-method " method)))))
(if sxml-fname (with-output-to-file sxml-fname
(lambda () (pretty-print (model->ncml model parse-expr)))))
(if xml-fname (let* ((doc (model->ncml model parse-expr))
(doc1 (ensure-xmlns
(cond ((eq? (car doc) '*TOP*) (assoc 'ncml:model (cdr doc)))
(else doc)))))
(with-output-to-file xml-fname
(lambda () (print-fragments (generate-XML `(begin ,doc1)))))))
(if mod-fname
mod-fname (lambda ()
(model->nmodl `((depend . ,nmodl-depend)
(method . ,nmodl-method)
(table . ,(opt 't))
(kinetic . ,(opt 'nmodl-kinetic)))
(if mat-fname
mat-fname (lambda ()
(model->matlab `((method . ,matlab-method)
(table . ,(opt 't))
(main opt (opt '@))