;; ;; ;; An extension for specifying Hodgkin-Huxley type dynamics in NEMO ;; systems. ;; ;; Copyright 2008 Ivan Raikov and the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology ;; ;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ;; published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the ;; License, or (at your option) any later version. ;; ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;; General Public License for more details. ;; ;; A full copy of the GPL license can be found at ;; . ;; (module nemo-hh (nemo:hh-transformer) (import scheme chicken data-structures srfi-1 srfi-13) (require-extension matchable environments nemo-core) (define (s+ . lst) (string-concatenate (map ->string lst))) (define (p$ p n) (string->symbol (s+ (->string p) "_" (->string n)))) (define (lookup-field k lst . rest) (let-optionals rest ((default #f)) (let ((v (alist-ref k lst))) (if v (first v) default)))) (define (check-names ion env . names) (for-each (lambda (name) (if (environment-includes? env name) (nemo:error 'nemo:hh-transformer "quantity " name " in ionic conductance declaration " ion "is already declared elsewhere"))) names)) (define (check-decls ion names alst . rest) (let-optionals rest ((raise-exception? #t)) (if raise-exception? (for-each (lambda (name) (if (not (alist-ref name alst)) (nemo:error 'nemo:hh-transformer "required quantity " name " is not present in ionic conductance declaration " ion))) names) (every (lambda (name) (alist-ref name alst)) names)))) (define (handle thunk dflt) (condition-case (thunk) [(exn) dflt])) (define (hh-ionic-gate-transform sys parse-expr eval-const env-extend! add-external! component-extend! comp en) (define (and-parse-expr x . rest) (and x (apply parse-expr (cons x rest)))) (match en ((or (('hh 'ionic 'conductance) ('name (? symbol? ion)) . alst) (('hh-ionic-gate) ('name (? symbol? ion)) . alst)) (check-decls ion '(m-power h-power) alst) (let ((suffix (->string ion)) (m-power (eval-const sys (parse-expr (lookup-field 'm-power alst) `(hh-ionic-gate ,ion (m-power)) ))) (h-power (eval-const sys (parse-expr (lookup-field 'h-power alst 0) `(hh-ionic-gate ,ion (h-power)) )))) (if (not (and (integer? m-power) (positive? m-power))) (nemo:error 'nemo:hh-transformer "m-power value in ionic conductance declaration " ion " must be a positive integer")) ;; check for required decls in m (check-decls ion '(initial-m) alst) (if (not (check-decls ion '(m-inf m-tau) alst #f)) (check-decls ion '(m-alpha m-beta) alst)) ;; check for required decls in h (if (positive? h-power) (begin (check-decls ion '(initial-h) alst) (if (not (check-decls ion '(h-inf h-tau) alst #f)) (check-decls ion '(h-alpha h-beta) alst)))) (if (not (and (integer? h-power) (or (zero? h-power) (positive? m-power)))) (nemo:error 'nemo:hh-transformer "h-power value in ionic conductance declaration " ion " must be a positive integer")) (let* ((initial-m ((lambda (x) (let ((expr (parse-expr x `(hh-ionic-gate ,ion (initial-m))))) (handle (lambda () (eval-const sys expr)) expr))) (lookup-field 'initial-m alst))) (m-inf (and-parse-expr (lookup-field 'm-inf alst) `(hh-ionic-gate ,ion (m-inf)))) (m-tau (and-parse-expr (lookup-field 'm-tau alst) `(hh-ionic-gate ,ion (m-tau)))) (m-inf-sym (p$ ion 'm-inf)) (m-tau-sym (p$ ion 'm-tau)) (m-alpha (or (and-parse-expr (lookup-field 'm-alpha alst) `(hh-ionic-gate ,ion (m-alpha))) `(/ ,m-inf-sym ,m-tau-sym))) (m-beta (or (and-parse-expr (lookup-field 'm-beta alst) `(hh-ionic-gate ,ion (m-beta))) `(/ (- 1 ,m-inf-sym) ,m-tau-sym))) (open 'O) (closed 'C) (mst `((power ,m-power) (open ,open) (transitions (<-> ,closed ,open ,m-alpha ,m-beta))))) (if m-inf (env-extend! m-inf-sym '(asgn) 'none `(rhs ,m-inf))) (if m-tau (env-extend! m-tau-sym '(asgn) 'none `(rhs ,m-tau))) (apply env-extend! (cons* (p$ ion 'm) '(reaction) initial-m mst)) (add-external! (p$ ion 'm) 'output) (component-extend! comp (p$ ion 'm)) (if m-inf (component-extend! comp m-inf-sym)) (if m-tau (component-extend! comp m-tau-sym)) ) (if (positive? h-power) (let* ((initial-h ((lambda (x) (let ((expr (parse-expr x `(hh-ionic-gate ,ion (initial-h))))) (handle (lambda () (eval-const sys expr)) expr))) (lookup-field 'initial-h alst))) (h-inf (and-parse-expr (lookup-field 'h-inf alst) `(hh-ionic-gate ,ion (h-inf)))) (h-tau (and-parse-expr (lookup-field 'h-tau alst) `(hh-ionic-gate ,ion (h-tau)))) (h-alpha (or (and-parse-expr (lookup-field 'h-alpha alst) `(hh-ionic-gate ,ion (h-alpha))) `(/ ,h-inf ,h-tau))) (h-beta (or (and-parse-expr (lookup-field 'h-beta alst) `(hh-ionic-gate ,ion (h-beta))) `(/ (- 1 ,h-inf) ,h-tau))) (open 'O) (closed 'C) (hst `((power ,h-power) (open ,open) (transitions (<-> ,closed ,open ,h-alpha ,h-beta) )))) (apply env-extend! (cons* (p$ ion 'h) '(reaction) initial-h hst)) (add-external! (p$ ion 'h) 'output) (component-extend! comp (p$ ion 'h)) )))) (else (list)))) (define (nemo:hh-transformer sys . rest) (let-optionals rest ((parse-expr (lambda (x . rest) (identity x)))) (let ((new-sys (nemo:env-copy sys))) (match-let ((($ nemo:quantity 'DISPATCH dis) (environment-ref new-sys (nemo-intern 'dispatch)))) (let* ((eval-const (dis 'eval-const)) (env-extend! ((dis 'env-extend!) new-sys)) (add-external! ((dis 'add-external!) new-sys)) (component-extend! ((dis 'component-extend!) new-sys)) (indent 0) (indent+ (+ 2 indent ))) (let recur ((comp-name (nemo-intern 'toplevel))) (let* ((comp-symbols ((dis 'component-symbols) new-sys comp-name)) (subcomps ((dis 'component-subcomps) new-sys comp-name))) (for-each (lambda (sym) (hh-ionic-gate-transform new-sys parse-expr (dis 'eval-const) env-extend! add-external! component-extend! comp-name (environment-ref new-sys sym))) comp-symbols) (for-each recur (map third subcomps)))) new-sys))))) )