;; ;; An extension for translating NEMO models to Octave Oct-file. ;; ;; Copyright 2012 Ivan Raikov and the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology ;; ;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ;; published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the ;; License, or (at your option) any later version. ;; ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;; General Public License for more details. ;; ;; A full copy of the GPL license can be found at ;; . ;; (module nemo-octavecc (nemo:octavecc-translator) (import scheme chicken utils data-structures lolevel ports extras srfi-1 srfi-13 srfi-69) (require-extension lolevel matchable strictly-pretty varsubst datatype nemo-core nemo-utils nemo-gate-complex nemo-synapse) (define oct-builtin-consts `()) (define C-ops `(+ - * / > < <= >= =)) (define builtin-fns `(+ - * / pow neg abs atan asin acos sin cos exp ln sqrt tan cosh sinh tanh hypot gamma lgamma log10 log2 log1p ldexp cube > < <= >= = and or round ceiling floor max min )) (define (oct-name s) (let ((cs (string->list (->string s)))) (let loop ((lst (list)) (cs cs)) (if (null? cs) (string->symbol (list->string (reverse lst))) (let* ((c (car cs)) (c1 (cond ((or (char-alphabetic? c) (char-numeric? c) (char=? c #\_)) c) (else #\_)))) (loop (cons c1 lst) (cdr cs))))))) (define (rhsexpr/C++ expr) (match expr (('if . es) `(if . ,(map (lambda (x) (rhsexpr/C++++ x)) es))) (('pow x y) (if (and (integer? y) (positive? y)) (if (> y 1) (let ((tmp (gensym "x"))) `(let ((,tmp ,x)) (* . ,(list-tabulate (inexact->exact y) (lambda (i) tmp))))) x) (if (and (number? y) (zero? y)) 1.0 expr))) ((s . es) (if (symbol? s) (cons (if (member s builtin-fns) s (oct-name s)) (map (lambda (x) (rhsexpr/C++++ x)) es)) expr)) (id (if (symbol? id) (oct-name id) id)))) (define (oct-state-name n s) (oct-name (s+ n s))) (define-syntax pp (syntax-rules () ((pp indent val ...) (ppf indent (quasiquote val) ...)))) (define group/C++ (doc:block 2 (doc:text "(") (doc:text ")"))) (define block/C++ (doc:block 2 (doc:text "{") (doc:text "}"))) (define (stmt/C++ x) (match x (($ doc 'DocCons _ ($ doc 'DocText ";")) x) (else (doc:cons x (doc:text ";"))))) (define (ifthen/C++ c e1 e2) (doc:nest 2 (doc:connect (doc:group (doc:connect (doc:text "if") c)) (doc:connect (doc:nest 2 e1) (doc:nest 2 (doc:connect (doc:text "else") e2)))) )) (define (letblk/C++ e1 e2) (cond ((equal? e1 (doc:empty)) (doc:group (doc:nest 2 e2))) ((equal? e2 (doc:empty)) (doc:group (doc:nest 2 e1))) (else (doc:connect (doc:group (doc:nest 2 (stmt/C++ e1))) (doc:group (doc:nest 2 e2)))))) (define (format-op/C++ indent op args) (let ((op1 (doc:text (->string op)))) (if (null? args) op1 (match args ((x) (doc:concat (list op1 x))) ((x y) (doc:concat (intersperse (list x op1 y) (doc:space)))) ((x y z) (doc:concat (intersperse (list x op1 y op1 z) (doc:space)))) (lst (let* ((n (length lst)) (n/2 (inexact->exact (round (/ n 2))))) (doc:concat (intersperse (list (format-op/C++ indent op (take lst n/2 )) op1 (format-op/C++ indent op (drop lst n/2 ))) (doc:space))))))))) (define (format-fncall/C++ indent op args) (let ((op1 (doc:text (->string op)))) (doc:cons op1 (group/C++ ((doc:list indent identity (lambda () (doc:text ", "))) args))))) (define (name-normalize expr) (match expr (('if c t e) `(if ,(name-normalize c) ,(name-normalize t) ,(name-normalize e))) (('let bs e) `(let ,(map (lambda (b) `(,(car b) ,(name-normalize (cadr b)))) bs) ,(name-normalize e))) ((f . es) (cons (if (member f builtin-fns) f (oct-name f)) (map name-normalize es))) ((? symbol? ) (oct-name expr)) ((? atom? ) expr))) (define (canonicalize-expr/C++ expr) (let ((subst-convert (subst-driver (lambda (x) (and (symbol? x) x)) nemo:binding? identity nemo:bind nemo:subst-term))) (let* ((expr1 (if-convert expr)) (expr2 (subst-convert expr1 subst-empty)) (expr3 (let-lift expr2)) (expr4 (name-normalize expr3))) expr4))) (define (format-expr/C++ indent expr . rest) (let-optionals rest ((rv #f)) (let ((indent+ (+ 2 indent))) (match expr (('let bindings body) (letblk/C++ (fold-right (lambda (x ax) (letblk/C++ (match (second x) (('if c t e) (ifthen/C++ (group/C++ (format-expr/C++ indent c)) (block/C++ (format-expr/C++ indent t (first x))) (block/C++ (format-expr/C++ indent e (first x))))) (else (stmt/C++ (format-op/C++ indent+ " = " (list (format-expr/C++ indent (first x) ) (format-expr/C++ indent (second x))))))) ax)) (doc:empty) bindings) (match body (('let _ _) (format-expr/C++ indent body rv)) (else (let ((body1 (doc:nest indent (format-expr/C++ indent body)))) (if rv (stmt/C++ (format-op/C++ indent " = " (list (format-expr/C++ indent+ rv ) body1))) body1)))))) (('if . rest) (error 'format-expr/C++ "invalid if statement " expr)) ((op . rest) (let ((op (case op ((ln) 'log) ((abs) 'fabs) (else op)))) (let ((fe (if (member op C-ops) (let ((mdiv? (any (lambda (x) (match x (('* . _) #t) (('/ . _) #t) (else #f))) rest)) (mul? (any (lambda (x) (match x (('* . _) #t) (else #f))) rest)) (plmin? (any (lambda (x) (match x (('+ . _) #t) (('- . _) #t) (else #f))) rest))) (case op ((/) (format-op/C++ indent op (map (lambda (x) (let ((fx (format-expr/C++ indent+ x))) (if (or (symbol? x) (number? x)) fx (if (or mul? plmin?) (group/C++ fx) fx)))) rest))) ((*) (format-op/C++ indent op (map (lambda (x) (let ((fx (format-expr/C++ indent+ x))) (if (or (symbol? x) (number? x)) fx (if plmin? (group/C++ fx) fx)))) rest))) (else (format-op/C++ indent op (map (lambda (x) (let ((fx (format-expr/C++ indent+ x))) fx)) rest))))) (let ((op (case op ((neg) '-) (else op)))) (format-fncall/C++ indent op (map (lambda (x) (format-expr/C++ indent+ x)) rest)))))) (if rv (stmt/C++ (format-op/C++ indent " = " (list (format-expr/C++ indent+ rv ) fe))) fe)))) (else (let ((fe (doc:text (->string expr)))) (if rv (stmt/C++ (format-op/C++ indent " = " (list (format-expr/C++ indent+ rv ) fe))) fe))))))) (define (expr->string/C++ x . rest) (let-optionals rest ((rv #f) (width 72)) (sdoc->string (doc:format width (format-expr/C++ 2 x rv))))) (define (add-params-to-fncall expr #!key (name 'params)) (match expr (('if c t e) `(if ,(add-params-to-fncall c) ,(add-params-to-fncall t) ,(add-params-to-fncall e))) (('let bs e) `(let ,(map (lambda (b) `(,(car b) ,(add-params-to-fncall (cadr b)))) bs) ,(add-params-to-fncall e))) ((f . es) (if (member f builtin-fns) (cons f (map add-params-to-fncall es)) (let ((es1 (map add-params-to-fncall es))) (cons f (if (equal? (last es1) name) es1 (append es1 `(,name))) )) )) ((or (? symbol? ) (? atom? )) expr))) (define (state-init n init) (let* ((init (rhsexpr/C++ init)) (init1 (canonicalize-expr/C++ (add-params-to-fncall init)))) (list (oct-name n) init1))) (define (asgn-eq n rhs) (let* ((fbody (rhsexpr/C++ rhs)) (fbody1 (canonicalize-expr/C++ (add-params-to-fncall fbody)))) (list (oct-name n) fbody1))) (define (reaction-eq n open transitions conserve) (if (symbol? open) (list (oct-name n) (oct-state-name n open)) (list (oct-name n) (sum (map (lambda (x) (oct-state-name n x)) open))) )) (define (external-eq-defs sys) (fold (lambda (n ax) (let ((en (hash-table-ref sys n))) (if (nemo:quantity? en) (cases nemo:quantity en (EXTERNAL (local-name name namespace) (if (not (equal? local-name name)) (cons (asgn-eq local-name name) ax) ax)) (else ax)) ax))) (list) (hash-table-keys sys))) (define (reaction-transition-eqs n initial open transitions conserve power) (match-let (((g cnode node-subs) (transitions-graph n open transitions conserve oct-state-name))) (let* ((out-edges (g 'out-edges)) (in-edges (g 'in-edges)) (nodes ((g 'nodes)))) ;; generate differential equations for each state in the transitions system (let ((eqs (fold (lambda (s ax) (if (and cnode (= (first cnode) (first s) )) ax (let* ((out (out-edges (first s))) (in (in-edges (first s))) (open? (eq? (second s) open)) (name (oct-name (lookup-def (second s) node-subs)))) (let* ((rhs1 (cond ((and (not (null? out)) (not (null? in))) `(+ (neg ,(sum (map third out))) ,(sum (map third in)))) ((and (not (null? out)) (null? in)) `(neg ,(sum (map third out)))) ((and (null? out) (not (null? in))) (sum (map third in))))) (fbody0 (rhsexpr/C++ rhs1))) (cons (list name (canonicalize-expr/C++ (add-params-to-fncall fbody0))) ax) )))) (list) nodes))) eqs)))) (define (poset->asgn-eq-defs poset sys) (fold-right (lambda (lst ax) (fold (lambda (x ax) (match-let (((i . n) x)) (let ((en (hash-table-ref sys n))) (if (nemo:quantity? en) (cases nemo:quantity en (ASGN (name value rhs) (cons (asgn-eq name rhs) ax)) (else ax)) ax)))) ax lst)) (list) poset)) (define (poset->rate-eq-defs poset sys) (fold-right (lambda (lst ax) (fold (lambda (x ax) (match-let (((i . n) x)) (let ((en (hash-table-ref sys n))) (if (nemo:quantity? en) (cases nemo:quantity en (REACTION (name initial open transitions conserve power) (append (reaction-transition-eqs name initial open transitions conserve power) ax)) (RATE (name initial rhs power) (let ((fbody0 (rhsexpr/C++ rhs)) (dy (oct-name name) )) (cons (list dy (canonicalize-expr/C++ (add-params-to-fncall fbody0))) ax))) (else ax)) ax)))) ax lst)) (list) poset)) (define (poset->reaction-eq-defs poset sys) (fold-right (lambda (lst ax) (fold (lambda (x ax) (match-let (((i . n) x)) (let ((en (hash-table-ref sys n))) (if (nemo:quantity? en) (cases nemo:quantity en (REACTION (name initial open transitions conserve power) (cons (reaction-eq name open transitions conserve) ax)) (else ax)) ax)))) ax lst)) (list) poset)) (define (poset->init-defs poset sys) (fold-right (lambda (lst ax) (fold-right (lambda (x ax) (match-let (((i . n) x)) (let ((en (hash-table-ref sys n))) (if (nemo:quantity? en) (cases nemo:quantity en (REACTION (name initial open transitions conserve power) (if (nemo:rhs? initial) (cons* (state-init name initial) (state-init (oct-state-name name open) name) ax) ax)) (RATE (name initial rhs power) (if (and initial (nemo:rhs? initial)) (cons (state-init name initial) ax) ax)) (else ax)) ax)))) ax lst)) (list) poset)) (define (poset->state-conserve-eq-defs poset sys) (fold-right (lambda (lst ax) (fold (lambda (x ax) (match-let (((i . n) x)) (let ((en (hash-table-ref sys n))) (if (nemo:quantity? en) (cases nemo:quantity en (REACTION (name initial open transitions conserve power) (if (and (list? conserve) (every nemo:conseq? conserve)) (cons (state-conseqs (oct-name name) transitions conserve oct-state-name) ax) ax)) (else ax)) ax)))) ax lst)) (list) poset)) (define (find-locals defs) (concatenate (map (lambda (def) (match def (('let bnds body) (let ((bexprs (map second bnds))) (concatenate (list (map first bnds) (find-locals bexprs ) (find-locals (list body)))))) (('if c t e) (append (find-locals (list t)) (find-locals (list e)))) ((s . rest) (find-locals rest)) (else (list)))) defs))) (define (rate/reaction-power sys n) (let ((en (hash-table-ref sys n))) (if (nemo:quantity? en) (cases nemo:quantity en (REACTION (name initial open transitions conserve power) power) (RATE (name initial rhs power) power) (else #f)) #f))) (define (bucket-partition p lst) (let loop ((lst lst) (ax (list))) (if (null? lst) ax (let ((x (car lst))) (let bkt-loop ((old-bkts ax) (new-bkts (list))) (if (null? old-bkts) (loop (cdr lst) (cons (list x) new-bkts)) (if (p x (caar old-bkts )) (loop (cdr lst) (append (cdr old-bkts) (cons (cons x (car old-bkts)) new-bkts))) (bkt-loop (cdr old-bkts) (cons (car old-bkts) new-bkts))))))))) (define (make-define-fn sysname ) (lambda (indent n proc) (let ((lst (procedure-data proc)) (indent+ (+ 2 indent))) (let ((rt (or (lookup-def 'rt lst) 'double)) (formals (lookup-def 'formals lst)) (vars (lookup-def 'vars lst)) (consts (filter (lambda (x) (not (procedure? (cdr x)))) (lookup-def 'consts lst))) (body (lookup-def 'body lst)) (rv (gensym 'rv))) (let ((argument-list (append (if (null? vars) '() (map (lambda (x) (s+ "double " (oct-name x))) vars)) '("const void* params")))) (pp indent ,nl (,rt ,(oct-name n) (,(slp ", " argument-list)) "{" )) (let* ((body0 (rhsexpr/C++ body)) (body1 (canonicalize-expr/C++ (add-params-to-fncall body0))) (lbs (enum-bnds body1 (list)))) (pp indent+ (double ,rv ";")) (if (not (null? lbs)) (pp indent+ (double ,(slp ", " lbs) ";"))) (if (not (null? consts)) (begin (pp indent+ (double ,(slp ", " (map (compose oct-name car) consts)) ";") ("const " ,(s+ sysname "::Parameters_") "& p = *(reinterpret_cast< const " ,(s+ sysname "::Parameters_") "*>(params));")) (for-each (lambda (x) (let ((n (car x))) (pp indent+ (,(oct-name n) = ,(s+ "p." (oct-name n) ";"))))) consts) )) (pp indent+ ,(expr->string/C++ body1 (oct-name rv))) (pp indent+ ,(s+ "return " rv ";")) )) (pp indent "}")) ))) (define (make-define-fn-header sysname ) (lambda (indent n proc) (let ((lst (procedure-data proc)) (indent+ (+ 2 indent))) (let ((rt (or (lookup-def 'rt lst) 'double)) (formals (lookup-def 'formals lst)) (vars (lookup-def 'vars lst)) (consts (filter (lambda (x) (not (procedure? (cdr x)))) (lookup-def 'consts lst))) (body (lookup-def 'body lst)) (rv (gensym 'rv))) (let ((argument-list (append (if (null? vars) '() (map (lambda (x) (s+ "double " (oct-name x))) vars)) '("const void* params")))) (pp indent ,nl (,rt ,(oct-name n) (,(slp ", " argument-list)) ";" )) )) ))) (define (ith v i) (sprintf "Ith(~A,~A)" v i)) (define (output-dy sysname method imports const-defs state-index-map external-eq-defs rate-eq-defs reaction-eq-defs asgn-eq-defs pool-ions mcap i-eqs v-eq indent indent+) (pp indent ,nl ( ,(s+ "int " sysname "_dynamics") (,(slp ", " `("double t" "const double y[]" "double f[]" "void* sys" ))) #\{ )) (let* ( (asgn-eq-defs (map (lambda (def) (list (first def) (add-params-to-fncall (canonicalize-expr/C++ (second def))))) asgn-eq-defs)) (rate-eq-defs (map (lambda (def) (list (first def) (add-params-to-fncall (canonicalize-expr/C++ (second def))))) rate-eq-defs)) (reaction-eq-defs (map (lambda (def) (list (first def) (add-params-to-fncall (canonicalize-expr/C++ (second def))))) reaction-eq-defs)) (i-eqs (map (lambda (def) (list (first def) (add-params-to-fncall (canonicalize-expr/C++ (second def))))) i-eqs)) (v-eq (and v-eq (list (first v-eq) (add-params-to-fncall (canonicalize-expr/C++ (second v-eq)))))) (eqs (append asgn-eq-defs reaction-eq-defs (map (lambda (pool-ion) (let ((n (third pool-ion)) (b (first pool-ion))) (list n b))) pool-ions))) (eq-dag (map (lambda (def) (cons (first def) (enum-freevars (second def) '() '()))) eqs)) (eq-order (reverse (topological-sort eq-dag (lambda (x y) (string=? (->string x) (->string y)))))) (eq-locals (find-locals (map second (if v-eq (cons v-eq (append i-eqs rate-eq-defs eqs)) (append i-eqs rate-eq-defs eqs))))) ) (pp indent+ (double ,(slp ", " (delete-duplicates (map (compose ->string oct-name) (filter (lambda (x) (not (member x oct-builtin-consts))) (append eq-locals eq-order (map first imports) (map second imports) (map first i-eqs) (map first state-index-map) (map first const-defs) ))) string=?)) ";")) (pp indent+ ,nl ("// cast the node ptr to an object of the proper type") ("assert(pnode);") ("const " ,sysname "& pnode = *(reinterpret_cast<" ,sysname "*>(sys));") (,sysname "& snode = *(reinterpret_cast<" ,sysname "*>(sys));") ,nl ("// params is a reference to the model parameters ") (const struct ,(s+ sysname "_Parameters_") "*params;") ("params = &(pnode.P_);") ,nl ("// state is a reference to the model state ") (struct ,(s+ sysname "_State_") "*state;") ("state = &(snode.S_);") ,nl ) (for-each (lambda (n) (pp indent+ ,(expr->string/C++ (sprintf "state->~A" n) n))) (map (compose oct-name second) imports)) (for-each (lambda (def) (let ((n (first def)) (b (second def))) (pp indent+ ,(expr->string/C++ b (oct-name n))))) external-eq-defs) (for-each (lambda (def) (let ((n (first def)) ) (pp indent+ ,(expr->string/C++ (s+ "params->" n) n)))) const-defs) (let ((vi (lookup-def 'v state-index-map))) (if vi (pp indent+ ,(expr->string/C++ (ith 'y vi) 'v)))) (for-each (lambda (def) (let* ((n (first def)) (ni (lookup-def n state-index-map))) (pp indent+ ,(expr->string/C++ (ith 'y ni) (oct-name n))))) rate-eq-defs) (for-each (lambda (n) (let ((b (lookup-def n eqs))) (if b (pp indent+ ,(expr->string/C++ b (oct-name n)))))) eq-order) (for-each (lambda (def) (let* ((n (first def)) (b (second def)) (fv (ith 'f (lookup-def n state-index-map))) ) (pp indent+ ,(s+ "// rate equation " n) ,(expr->string/C++ b fv)))) rate-eq-defs) (for-each (lambda (def) (pp indent+ ,(expr->string/C++ (second def) (first def)))) i-eqs) (if v-eq (let ((vi (lookup-def 'v state-index-map))) (if vi (pp indent+ ,(expr->string/C++ (second v-eq) (ith 'f vi))) ))) (for-each (lambda (n) (pp indent+ ,(expr->string/C++ n (sprintf "state->~A" n)))) (map (compose oct-name second) imports)) (pp indent+ ,nl ("return 0;")) (pp indent #\}) )) (define (output-parameters sysname imports const-defs indent indent+) (let* ((parameter-defs (map (lambda (def) (list (first def) (add-params-to-fncall (canonicalize-expr/C++ (second def))))) const-defs)) (parameter-locals (find-locals (map second parameter-defs)))) (pp indent ,nl (,(s+ sysname "_Parameters_::Parameters_") () ":")) (let* ((const-exprs (map (lambda (def) (let* ((n (first def)) (b (second def))) (s+ (oct-name n) " (" (expr->string/C++ b) ")"))) const-defs) ) (import-qs (delete-duplicates (map (compose oct-name second) imports))) (import-exprs (map (lambda (n) (s+ n " (0.0)")) import-qs) ) ) (if (not (null? parameter-locals)) (pp indent+ (double ,(slp ", " parameter-locals) ";"))) (pp indent+ ,(slp ",\n" (cons "I_scale (1.0)" (append import-exprs const-exprs)))) (pp indent ("{}")) ) (pp indent ,nl (,(s+ sysname "_Parameters_::Parameters_") (double I_scale_val) ":")) (let* ((const-exprs (map (lambda (def) (let* ((n (first def)) (b (second def))) (s+ (oct-name n) " (" (expr->string/C++ b) ")"))) const-defs) ) (import-qs (delete-duplicates (map (compose oct-name second) imports))) (import-exprs (map (lambda (n) (s+ n " (0.0)")) import-qs) ) ) (if (not (null? parameter-locals)) (pp indent+ (double ,(slp ", " parameter-locals) ";"))) (pp indent+ ,(slp ",\n" (cons "I_scale (I_scale_val)" (append import-exprs const-exprs)))) (pp indent ("{}")) ) (pp indent ,nl (,(s+ sysname "_Parameters_::Parameters_") (,(slp ", " (cons "double I_scale_val" (map (lambda (n) (s+ "double " n "_val")) import-qs))) ":"))) (let* ((const-exprs (map (lambda (def) (let* ((n (first def)) (b (second def))) (s+ (oct-name n) " (" (expr->string/C++ b) ")"))) const-defs) ) (import-qs (delete-duplicates (map (compose oct-name second) imports))) (import-exprs (map (lambda (n) (s+ n " (" (s+ n "_val") ")")) import-qs) ) ) (if (not (null? parameter-locals)) (pp indent+ (double ,(slp ", " parameter-locals) ";"))) (pp indent+ ,(slp ",\n" (cons "I_scale (I_scale_val)" (append import-exprs const-exprs)))) (pp indent ("{}"))) )) (define (output-init sysname state-index-map steady-state-index-map imports external-eq-defs const-defs asgn-eq-defs init-eq-defs rate-eq-defs reaction-eq-defs i-eqs v-eq pool-ions perm-ions indent indent+) (let* ((N (length state-index-map)) (asgn-eq-defs (map (lambda (def) (list (first def) (add-params-to-fncall (canonicalize-expr/C++ (second def))))) asgn-eq-defs)) (init-eq-defs (map (lambda (def) (list (first def) (add-params-to-fncall (canonicalize-expr/C++ (second def))))) init-eq-defs)) (reaction-eq-defs (map (lambda (def) (list (first def) (add-params-to-fncall (canonicalize-expr/C++ (second def))))) reaction-eq-defs)) (i-eqs (map (lambda (def) (list (first def) (add-params-to-fncall (canonicalize-expr/C++ (second def))))) i-eqs)) (v-eq (and v-eq (list (first v-eq) (add-params-to-fncall (canonicalize-expr/C++ (second v-eq)))))) (init-eqs (append asgn-eq-defs init-eq-defs (map (lambda (pool-ion) (let ((n (third pool-ion)) (b (first pool-ion))) (list n b))) pool-ions))) (init-dag (map (lambda (def) (cons (first def) (enum-freevars (second def) '() '()))) init-eqs)) (init-order (reverse (topological-sort init-dag (lambda (x y) (string=? (->string x) (->string y)))))) (init-locals (find-locals (map second (append init-eqs i-eqs reaction-eq-defs)))) ) (pp indent ,nl (,(s+ sysname "_State_") (const ,(s+ sysname "_Parameters_") & p))) (pp indent #\{) (pp indent+ (double ,(slp ", " (delete-duplicates (map ->string (filter (lambda (x) (and (not (member x oct-builtin-consts)) (not (member x (map second imports))))) (append init-locals init-order (map first external-eq-defs) (map first i-eqs) (map first state-index-map) (map first const-defs) (map first reaction-eq-defs) ))) string=?)) ";") (,(s+ "const " sysname "_Parameters_ *params = &p;")) ) (pp indent+ ,(sprintf "memset(y_,0,~A*sizeof(double));" N)) (for-each (lambda (n) (pp indent+ ,(expr->string/C++ (s+ "p." n) n))) (append (delete-duplicates (map (compose oct-name second) imports)) (map (compose oct-name first) const-defs) )) (let ((vi (lookup-def 'v state-index-map)) (vrest (or (and (lookup-def 'Vrest const-defs) 'Vrest) -65.0))) (if (and vi vrest) (pp indent+ ,(expr->string/C++ vrest 'v )))) (for-each (lambda (def) (let ((n (first def)) (b (second def))) (pp indent+ ,(expr->string/C++ b (oct-name n))))) external-eq-defs) (for-each (lambda (n) (let ((b (lookup-def n init-eqs))) (if b (pp indent+ ,(expr->string/C++ b (oct-name n)))))) init-order) (for-each (lambda (def) (let* ((n (first def)) (ni (lookup-def n state-index-map))) (if ni (pp indent+ ,(expr->string/C++ n (s+ "y_[" ni "]")))))) init-eq-defs) (for-each (lambda (def) (let ((n (first def)) (b (second def))) (if (not (lookup-def n init-eq-defs)) (pp indent+ ,(expr->string/C++ b n))))) reaction-eq-defs) (for-each (lambda (def) (pp indent+ ,(expr->string/C++ (second def) (first def)))) i-eqs) (let ((vi (lookup-def 'v state-index-map))) (if vi (pp indent+ ,(expr->string/C++ 'v (s+ "y_[" vi "]"))))) (pp indent #\}) (pp indent ,nl (,(s+ sysname "_State_") (const State_& s) ": " ) (,(slp ",\n" (map (lambda (n) (sprintf "~A(s.~A)" n n)) (cons "r_" (delete-duplicates (append (map (compose oct-name second) imports) (map (compose oct-name third) pool-ions) )) )) )) ) (pp indent #\{) (pp indent+ (,(sprintf "for ( int i = 0 ; i < ~A ; ++i ) y_[i] = s.y_[i];" N))) (pp indent #\}) (pp indent ,nl (,(s+ sysname "::State_& " sysname "::State_::operator=(const State_& s)"))) (pp indent #\{) (pp indent+ (,(sprintf #<string/C++ (sprintf "s.~A" n) n)) (cons "r_" (delete-duplicates (append (map (compose oct-name second) imports) (map (compose oct-name third) pool-ions) )) )) )) ) (pp indent+ "return *this;") (pp indent #\}) ))) (define (output-prelude sysname steady-state-index-map indent) (pp indent (,(sprintf "#include \"~A.h\"" sysname) ,(sprintf "#include \"octave/oct.h\"") )) ) (define (output-header sysname method state-index-map steady-state-index-map imports const-defs asgn-eq-defs init-eq-defs rate-eq-defs reaction-eq-defs i-eqs pool-ions perm-ions synapse-info indent indent+) (pp indent ("#define Ith(v,i) (v[i]) /* Ith component in a vector */") ("typedef int (*rhsfn_t)(double t, const double *y, double *ydot, void *user_data);") ,nl) (pp indent (int ,(s+ sysname "_dynamics")\ "(double, const double *, double *, void*)" #\;) ,nl) (pp indent+ (,(s+ "struct " sysname "_Parameters_ { ") ("double_t I_scale; /* scaling factor for model currents */"))) (for-each (lambda (x) (pp indent+ (,(sprintf "double ~A;" x)))) (delete-duplicates (map (compose oct-name second) imports))) (for-each (lambda (x) (pp indent+ (,(sprintf "double ~A;" x)))) (map (compose oct-name first) const-defs)) (pp indent+ ("Parameters_(); // default parameters constructor: I_scale set to 1 and imported quantities set to 0") ("Parameters_(double); // parameters constructor with given I_scale") ("Parameters_(" (slp ", " (cons "double" (map (lambda (x) "double") (delete-duplicates (map (compose oct-name second) imports))) )) "); // parameters constructor with given I_scale and imported quantities") ) (pp indent+ "};") (pp indent+ (,(s+ "struct " sysname "_State_ { "))) (pp indent+ ,nl (,(sprintf "double y_[~A];" (length state-index-map))) ,(if (not (and (null? imports) (null? pool-ions))) `(,(sprintf "double ~A;" (slp ", " (delete-duplicates (append (map (compose oct-name second) imports) (map (compose oct-name third) pool-ions) )) )) ) `()) "State_(const Parameters_& p);" "State_(const State_& s);" "State_& operator=(const State_& s);" ) (pp indent+ "};") ) (define (output-dld sysname) ,(sprintf #<string sysname)) (deps* ((dis 'depgraph*) sys)) (consts ((dis 'consts) sys)) (asgns ((dis 'asgns) sys)) (states ((dis 'states) sys)) (reactions ((dis 'reactions) sys)) (defuns ((dis 'defuns) sys)) (components ((dis 'components) sys)) (g (match-let (((state-list asgn-list g) ((dis 'depgraph*) sys))) g)) (poset (vector->list ((dis 'depgraph->bfs-dist-poset) g))) (const-defs (filter-map (lambda (nv) (and (not (member (first nv) oct-builtin-consts)) (let ((v1 (canonicalize-expr/C++ (second nv)))) (list (oct-name (first nv)) v1)))) consts)) (gate-complex-info (nemo:gate-complex-query sys)) (synapse-info (nemo:post-synaptic-conductance-query sys)) (i-synapses (lookup-def 'i-synapses synapse-info)) (gate-complexes (lookup-def 'gate-complexes gate-complex-info)) (perm-ions (map (match-lambda ((comp i e erev val) `(,comp ,(oct-name i) ,(oct-name e) ,erev))) (lookup-def 'perm-ions gate-complex-info))) (acc-ions (map (match-lambda ((comp i in out) `(,comp ,@(map oct-name (list i in out))))) (lookup-def 'acc-ions gate-complex-info))) (epools (lookup-def 'pool-ions gate-complex-info)) (pool-ions (map (lambda (lst) (map oct-name lst)) epools)) (i-gates (lookup-def 'i-gates gate-complex-info)) (capcomp (any (match-lambda ((name 'membrane-capacitance id) (list name id)) (else #f)) components)) (mcap (and capcomp (car ((dis 'component-exports) sys (cid capcomp))))) (i-eqs (filter-map (lambda (gate-complex) (let* ((label (first gate-complex)) (n (second gate-complex)) (subcomps ((dis 'component-subcomps) sys n)) (acc (lookup-def 'accumulating-substance subcomps)) (perm (lookup-def 'permeating-ion subcomps)) (permqs (and perm ((dis 'component-exports) sys (cid perm)))) (pore (lookup-def 'pore subcomps)) (permeability (lookup-def 'permeability subcomps)) (gates (filter (lambda (x) (equal? (car x) 'gate)) subcomps)) (sts (map (lambda (gate) ((dis 'component-exports) sys (cid gate))) gates)) ) (if (and pore (null? permqs)) (nemo:error 'nemo:octavecc-translator ": ion channel definition " label "permeating-ion component lacks exported quantities")) (for-each (lambda (st) (if (null? st) (nemo:error 'nemo:octavecc-translator: "ion channel definition " label "gate component lacks exported quantities"))) sts) (if (not (or pore permeability)) (nemo:error 'nemo:octavecc-translator ": ion channel definition " label "lacks any pore or permeability components")) (cond ((and perm permeability (pair? gates)) (let* ((i (oct-name (s+ 'i (cn perm)))) (pmax (car ((dis 'component-exports) sys (cid permeability)))) (pwrs (map (lambda (st) (map (lambda (n) (rate/reaction-power sys n)) st)) sts)) (gpwrs (map (lambda (st pwr) (map (lambda (s p) (if p `(pow ,s ,p) s)) st pwr)) sts pwrs)) (gion `(* ,pmax ,(sum (map (lambda (gpwr) (match gpwr ((x) x) (else `(* ,@gpwr)))) gpwrs)))) ) (list i #f gion (oct-name (s+ 'i_ label) )))) ((and perm pore (pair? gates)) (case (cn perm) ((non-specific) (let* ((i (oct-name 'i)) (e (car permqs)) (gmax (car ((dis 'component-exports) sys (cid pore)))) (pwrs (map (lambda (st) (map (lambda (n) (rate/reaction-power sys n)) st)) sts)) (gpwrs (map (lambda (st pwr) (map (lambda (s p) (if p `(pow ,s ,p) s)) st pwr)) sts pwrs)) (gion `(* ,gmax ,(sum (map (lambda (gpwr) (match gpwr ((x) x) (else `(* ,@gpwr)))) gpwrs)))) ) (list i e gion (oct-name (s+ 'i_ label) )))) (else (let* ((i (oct-name (s+ 'i (cn perm)))) (e (car permqs)) (gmax (car ((dis 'component-exports) sys (cid pore)))) (pwrs (map (lambda (st) (map (lambda (n) (rate/reaction-power sys n)) st)) sts)) (gpwrs (map (lambda (st pwr) (map (lambda (s p) (if p `(pow ,s ,p) s)) st pwr)) sts pwrs)) (gion `(* ,gmax ,(sum (map (lambda (gpwr) (match gpwr ((x) x) (else `(* ,@gpwr)))) gpwrs)))) ) (list i e gion (oct-name (s+ 'i_ label) )))))) ((and perm pore) (case (cn perm) ((non-specific) (let* ((i (oct-name 'i)) (e (car permqs)) (gmax (car ((dis 'component-exports) sys (cid pore))))) (list i e gmax (oct-name (s+ 'i_ label) )))) (else (nemo:error 'nemo:octavecc-translator ": invalid ion channel definition " label)))) ((and acc pore (pair? gates)) (let* ((i (oct-name (s+ 'i (cn acc)))) (gmax (car ((dis 'component-exports) sys (cid pore)))) (pwrs (map (lambda (st) (map (lambda (n) (rate/reaction-power sys n)) st)) sts)) (gpwrs (map (lambda (st pwr) (map (lambda (s p) (if p `(pow ,s ,p) s)) st pwr)) sts pwrs)) (gion `(* ,gmax ,(sum (map (lambda (gpwr) (match gpwr ((x) x) (else `(* ,@gpwr)))) gpwrs)))) ) (list i #f gion (oct-name (s+ 'i_ label) )))) (else (nemo:error 'nemo:octavecc-translator ": invalid ion channel definition " label)) ))) gate-complexes)) (i-names (delete-duplicates (map first i-eqs))) (i-eqs (fold (lambda (i-gate ax) (let ((i-gate-var (first i-gate))) (cons (list (oct-name 'i) #f i-gate-var (s+ 'i_ (second i-gate))) ax))) i-eqs i-gates)) (i-eqs (fold (lambda (i-synapse ax) (cons (list (first i-synapse) (third i-synapse) (fourth i-synapse) (gensym 'i_syn )) ax)) i-eqs i-synapses)) (i-bkts (bucket-partition (lambda (x y) (eq? (car x) (car y))) i-eqs)) (i-eqs (fold (lambda (b ax) (match b ((and ps ((i e gion ii) . rst)) (let loop ((ps ps) (summands (list)) (eqs (list))) (if (null? ps) (let* ((sum0 (sum summands)) (sum1 (rhsexpr/C++ sum0)) (sum2 (add-params-to-fncall (canonicalize-expr/C++ sum1)))) (append eqs (list (list i sum2)) ax)) (match-let (((i e gion ii) (car ps))) (loop (cdr ps) (cons ii summands) (let* ((expr0 (rhsexpr/C++ (if e `(* ,gion (- v ,e)) gion))) (expr1 (canonicalize-expr/C++ expr0))) (cons (list ii expr1) eqs))))))) ((i e gion ii) (let* ((expr0 (rhsexpr/C++ (if e `(* ,gion (- v ,e)) gion))) (expr1 (canonicalize-expr/C++ expr0))) (cons (list i expr1) ax))) (else ax))) (list) i-bkts)) (external-eq-defs (external-eq-defs sys)) (asgn-eq-defs (poset->asgn-eq-defs poset sys)) (rate-eq-defs (reverse (poset->rate-eq-defs poset sys))) (reaction-eq-defs (poset->reaction-eq-defs poset sys)) (init-eq-defs (poset->init-defs poset sys)) (conserve-eq-defs (map (lambda (eq) (list 0 `(- ,(second eq) ,(first eq)))) (poset->state-conserve-eq-defs poset sys))) (globals (map oct-name (filter (lambda (x) (not (member x oct-builtin-consts))) (delete-duplicates (append exports (map first imports) (map second imports) (map second perm-ions) (map third perm-ions) (map second acc-ions) (map third acc-ions) (map fourth acc-ions) (map second pool-ions) (map third pool-ions) (map first const-defs) (map first asgn-eq-defs) (map (lambda (gate-complex) (oct-name (s+ 'i_ (first gate-complex)))) gate-complexes ) (map (lambda (i-gate) (oct-name (s+ 'i_ (second i-gate)))) i-gates ) ))) )) (imports-sans-v (filter (lambda (x) (not (equal? 'v (first x)))) imports)) (v-eq (if (and mcap (member 'v globals)) (list 'v (rhsexpr/C++ `(+ "(node.B_.I_stim_)" (/ (* (neg ,(sum i-names)) "node.P_.I_scale") ,mcap)))) (list 'v 0.0))) (v-init-eq (if (and mcap (member 'v globals)) (list 'v (rhsexpr/C++ `(/ (* (neg ,(sum i-names)) "p.I_scale") ,mcap))) (list 'v 0.0))) (state-index-map (let ((acc (fold (lambda (def ax) (let ((st-name (first def))) (list (+ 1 (first ax)) (cons `(,st-name ,(first ax)) (second ax))))) (list 0 (list)) (if (member 'v globals) (cons (list 'v) rate-eq-defs) rate-eq-defs) ))) (second acc))) (steady-state-index-map (let ((acc (fold (lambda (def ax) (let ((st-name (first def))) (if (not (alist-ref st-name init-eq-defs)) (list (+ 1 (first ax)) (cons `(,st-name ,(first ax)) (second ax))) ax))) (list 0 (list)) rate-eq-defs))) (second acc))) (dfenv (map (lambda (x) (let ((n (first x))) (list n (oct-name (s+ "d_" n ))))) defuns)) ) (for-each (lambda (a) (let ((acc-ion (car a))) (if (assoc acc-ion perm-ions) (nemo:error 'nemo:octavecc-translator ": ion species " acc-ion " cannot be declared as both accumulating and permeating")))) acc-ions) (for-each (lambda (p) (let ((pool-ion (car p))) (if (assoc pool-ion perm-ions) (nemo:error 'nemo:octavecc-translator ": ion species " pool-ion " cannot be declared as both pool and permeating")))) pool-ions) (let ((cpp-output (open-output-file (make-output-fname dirname prefix ".cpp"))) (hpp-output (open-output-file (make-output-fname dirname prefix ".h")))) ;; include files and other prelude definitions (with-output-to-port cpp-output (lambda () (output-prelude sysname steady-state-index-map indent) )) ;; user-defined functions (let ((define-fn (make-define-fn sysname)) (define-fn-header (make-define-fn-header sysname))) (for-each (lambda (fndef) (if (not (member (car fndef) builtin-fns)) (with-output-to-port cpp-output (lambda () (apply define-fn-header (cons indent fndef)) (pp indent ,nl))) )) defuns) (for-each (lambda (fndef) (if (not (member (car fndef) builtin-fns)) (with-output-to-port cpp-output (lambda () (apply define-fn (cons indent fndef)) (pp indent ,nl))) )) defuns) ) ;; derivative function (with-output-to-port cpp-output (lambda () (output-dy sysname method imports-sans-v const-defs state-index-map external-eq-defs rate-eq-defs reaction-eq-defs asgn-eq-defs pool-ions mcap i-eqs v-eq indent indent+) )) ;; system parameters (with-output-to-port cpp-output (lambda () (output-parameters sysname imports-sans-v const-defs indent indent+) )) ;; initial values function (with-output-to-port cpp-output (lambda () (output-init sysname state-index-map steady-state-index-map imports-sans-v external-eq-defs const-defs asgn-eq-defs init-eq-defs rate-eq-defs reaction-eq-defs i-eqs v-init-eq pool-ions perm-ions indent indent+) (pp indent ,nl) )) (with-output-to-port hpp-output (lambda () (output-header sysname method state-index-map steady-state-index-map imports-sans-v const-defs asgn-eq-defs init-eq-defs rate-eq-defs reaction-eq-defs i-eqs pool-ions perm-ions synapse-info indent indent+) (pp indent ,nl) )) (close-output-port cpp-output) (close-output-port hpp-output) )) )) )) ) )