;; Reference: Cerebellar cortex oscillatory robustness from Golgi cell gap jncs (Simoes de Souza and De Schutter 2011)

(nemo-model Granule

   (input v celsius)

   (const F = 96485.3)
   (const R = 8.31342)

   (component (type defaults) 
      (const V_t = -35)
      (const Ra = 0.01)
      (const celsius = 30)
      (output celsius V_t)

   (component (type membrane-capacitance)
	 (const C_m  = (1))
	 (output C_m  ))

   (component (type geometry) (name soma)
         (const L = 11.8)
         (const diam = 11.8)
	 (output L diam ))

   (functor (type post-synaptic-conductance) (name AMPAfun)

        ( tauA tauB e) =

        (input (w from event (unit uS)))

        (const tau1 = (if ((tauA / tauB) > .9999) then (0.9999 * tauB) else tauA))
        (const tau2 = tauB)

	(const tp = ((tau1 * tau2) / (tau2 - tau1) * ln (tau2 / tau1)))
	(const scale_factor  = (1 / (neg (exp(neg (tp) / tau1)) + exp (neg (tp) / tau2))))

	(transient (A) = (neg (A) / tau1) (onevent (A + (w * scale_factor))) (initial 0))
	(transient (B) = (neg (B) / tau2) (onevent (B + (w * scale_factor))) (initial 0))

        (g =  (B - A))

        (output g e scale_factor)


   (functor (type post-synaptic-conductance) (name GABAfun) 

        ( tauA tauB e) =

        (input (w from event (unit uS)))

        (const tau1 = (if ((tauA / tauB) > .9999) then (0.9999 * tauB) else tauA))
        (const tau2 = tauB)

	(const tp = ((tau1 * tau2) / (tau2 - tau1) * ln (tau2 / tau1)))
	(const scale_factor  = (1 / (neg (exp(neg (tp) / tau1)) + exp (neg (tp) / tau2))))

	(transient (A) = (neg (A) / tau1) (onevent (A + (w * scale_factor))) (initial 0))
	(transient (B) = (neg (B) / tau2) (onevent (B + (w * scale_factor))) (initial 0))

        (g =  (B - A))

        (output g e scale_factor)


   (functor (type post-synaptic-conductance) (name NMDAfun)

        ( tauA tauB e) =

        (input (w from event (unit uS)))

        (const tau1 = (if ((tauA / tauB) > .9999) then (0.9999 * tauB) else tauA))
        (const tau2 = tauB)

	(const tp = ((tau1 * tau2) / (tau2 - tau1) * ln (tau2 / tau1)))
	(const scale_factor  = (1 / (neg (exp(neg (tp) / tau1)) + exp (neg (tp) / tau2))))

	(transient (A) = (neg (A) / tau1) (onevent (A + (w * scale_factor))) (initial 0))
	(transient (B) = (neg (B) / tau2) (onevent (B + (w * scale_factor))) (initial 0))

        (g =  (B - A))

        (output g e scale_factor)


   (functor (type decaying-pool) (name cafun)

      ( d cao cai0 beta) =

       (cai from ion-pools)
       (ica from ion-currents))

      (d (ca) =  ((neg (ica) / (2 * F * d)) * 1e4 -
		  (beta * ((if (ca < cai0) then cai0 else ca) - cai0)))
	 (initial cai0))
      (output ca cao)

   (functor (type ionic-current) (name CaHVAfun )

       Aalpha_s Kalpha_s V0alpha_s
       Abeta_s Kbeta_s V0beta_s
       Aalpha_u Kalpha_u V0alpha_u
       Abeta_u Kbeta_u V0beta_u
       ) =
       (cai from ion-pools)
       (cao from ion-pools))
      (component (type gate)

		 ;; rate constants
		 (Q10 = (pow (3 ((celsius - 20) / 10))))
		 ;; rate functions
		 (defun alpha_s (v Q10)
		   (Q10 * Aalpha_s * exp((v - V0alpha_s) / Kalpha_s)))
		 (defun beta_s (v Q10)
		   (Q10 * Abeta_s * exp((v - V0beta_s) / Kbeta_s)))
		 (defun alpha_u (v Q10)
		   (Q10 * Aalpha_u * exp((v - V0alpha_u) / Kalpha_u)))
		 (defun beta_u (v Q10) 
		   (Q10 * Abeta_u * exp((v - V0beta_u) / Kbeta_u)))

		 (s_inf = ((alpha_s (v Q10))/(alpha_s (v Q10) + beta_s (v Q10))))
		 (tau_s = (1 / (alpha_s (v Q10) + beta_s (v Q10)) ))

		 (u_inf = ((alpha_u (v Q10))/(alpha_u (v Q10) + beta_u (v Q10)) ))
		 (tau_u = (1 / (alpha_u (v Q10) + beta_u (v Q10)) ))

		  (CaHVA  ;; ion name: exported variables will be of the form {ion}_{id}
		   (initial-m  s_inf)
		   (initial-h  u_inf)
		   (m-power    2)
		   (h-power    1)
		   (m-inf      s_inf)
		   (m-tau      tau_s)
		   (h-inf      u_inf)
		   (h-tau      tau_u)
      (component (type pore)
		 (const  gbar  = g)
		 (output gbar ))
      (component (type permeating-ion) (name ca)
		 (e = ((1e3) * (R * (celsius + 273.15)) / (2 * F) * ln (cao / cai)))
		 (output e)
      ) ;; end CaHVA current

   (functor (type ionic-current) (name KAfun ) 

             Aalpha_a Kalpha_a
             V0alpha_a Abeta_a Kbeta_a V0beta_a
             Aalpha_b Kalpha_b V0alpha_b Abeta_b Kbeta_b V0beta_b
             V0_ainf K_ainf V0_binf K_binf
             g e
             ) =

               (defun sigm (x y) (1 / (exp (x / y) + 1)))
               (component (type gate)

			 ;; rate constants

			 (Q10 = (pow (3 ((celsius - 25.5) / 10))))

			 ;; rate functions

			 (defun alpha_a (v Q10)
			   (Q10 * Aalpha_a * sigm((v - V0alpha_a) Kalpha_a)))

			 (defun beta_a (v Q10)
			   (Q10 * (Abeta_a / exp((v - V0beta_a) / Kbeta_a))))

			 (defun alpha_b (v Q10)
			   (Q10 * Aalpha_b * sigm((v - V0alpha_b) Kalpha_b)))

			 (defun beta_b (v Q10)
			   (Q10 * Abeta_b * sigm((v - V0beta_b) Kbeta_b)))

			 (a_inf = (1 / (1 + exp ((v - V0_ainf) / K_ainf)))) 
			 (tau_a = (1 / (alpha_a (v Q10) + beta_a (v Q10)) ))
			 (b_inf = (1 / (1 + exp ((v - V0_binf) / K_binf))))
			 (tau_b = (1 / (alpha_b (v Q10) + beta_b (v Q10)) ))

			  (KA  ;; ion name: exported variables will be of the form {ion}_{id}
			   (initial-m  (1 / (1 + exp ((v - V0_ainf) / K_ainf))) )
			   (initial-h  (1 / (1 + exp ((v - V0_binf) / K_binf))) )
			   (m-power    3)
			   (h-power    1)
			   (m-inf      a_inf)
			   (m-tau      tau_a)
			   (h-inf      b_inf)
			   (h-tau      tau_b)


	      (component (type pore)
			 (const  gbar  = g)
			 (output gbar ))

	      (component (type permeating-ion) (name k)
			 (const erev = e)
			 (output erev ))
	      ) ;; end KA current

   (functor (type ionic-current) (name KCafun )

             Aalpha_c Balpha_c Kalpha_c Abeta_c Bbeta_c Kbeta_c
             g e
             ) =

       (cai from ion-pools))
      (component (type gate)
		 ;; rate constants
		 (Q10 = (pow (3 ((celsius - 30) / 10))))

		 (cai1 = (if (cai < 1e-4) then 1e-4 else cai))

		 ;; rate functions
		 (defun alpha_c (v cai Q10)
		   (Q10 * Aalpha_c / (1 + (Balpha_c * exp(v / Kalpha_c) / cai ))))
		 (defun beta_c (v cai Q10)
		   (Q10 * Abeta_c / (1 + (cai / (Bbeta_c * exp (v / Kbeta_c))) )))

                 (c_inf = ((alpha_c (v cai Q10)) / (alpha_c (v cai Q10) + beta_c (v cai Q10)) ))
                 (tau_c = (1 / (alpha_c (v cai Q10) + beta_c (v cai Q10)) ))

		  (KCa  ;; ion name: exported variables will be of the form {ion}_{id}
		   (initial-m  c_inf)
		   (m-power    1)
		   (h-power    0)
                   (m-inf      c_inf) 
                   (m-tau      tau_c)
      (component (type pore)
		 (const  gbar  = g)
		 (output gbar ))
      (component (type permeating-ion) (name k)
		 (const erev = e)
		 (output erev ))
      (component (type modulating-ion) (name ca)
      ) ;; end KCa current

   (functor (type ionic-current) (name Kirfun )

               Aalpha_d Kalpha_d V0alpha_d Abeta_d Kbeta_d V0beta_d
               g e
               ) =
	      (component (type gate)

			 ;; rate constants
			 (Q10 = (pow (3 ((celsius - 20) / 10))))

			 ;; rate functions
			 (defun alpha_d (v Q10)
			   (Q10 * Aalpha_d * exp((v - V0alpha_d) / Kalpha_d)))
			 (defun beta_d (v Q10)
			   (Q10 * Abeta_d * exp((v - V0beta_d) / Kbeta_d) ))

			 (d_inf = ((alpha_d (v Q10)) / (alpha_d (v Q10) + beta_d (v Q10)) ))
			 (tau_d = (1 / (alpha_d (v Q10) + beta_d (v Q10)) ))

			  (Kir  ;; ion name: exported variables will be of the form {ion}_{id}
			   (initial-m  d_inf)
			   (m-power    1)
			   (h-power    0)
			   (m-inf      (d_inf))
			   (m-tau      (tau_d))

	      (component (type pore)
			 (const  gbar  = g)
			 (output gbar ))
	      (component (type permeating-ion) (name k)
			 (const erev = e)
			 (output erev ))
	      ) ;; end Kir current

   (functor (type ionic-current) (name KMfun )

             ;; rate constants
             Aalpha_n Kalpha_n V0alpha_n Abeta_n
             Kbeta_n V0beta_n V0_ninf B_ninf
             g e
             ) =
               (component (type gate)
			 (Q10 = (pow (3 ((celsius - 22) / 10))))
			 ;; rate equations
			 (defun alpha_n (v Q10)
			   (Q10 * Aalpha_n * exp((v - V0alpha_n) / Kalpha_n) ))

			 (defun beta_n (v Q10)
			   (Q10 * Abeta_n * exp((v - V0beta_n) / Kbeta_n) ))

			  (KM  ;; ion name: exported variables will be of the form {ion}_{id}
			   (initial-m  (1 / (1 + exp((neg (v - V0_ninf)) / B_ninf))))
			   (m-power    1)
			   (h-power    0)
			   (m-tau      (1 / (alpha_n(v Q10) + beta_n (v Q10)) ))
			   (m-inf      (1 / (1 + exp((neg (v - V0_ninf)) / B_ninf))))
	      (component (type pore)
			 (const  gbar  = g)
			 (output gbar ))
	      (component (type permeating-ion) (name k)
			 (const erev = e)
			 (output erev ))
	      ) ;; end KM current

   (functor (type ionic-current) (name KVfun )

             Aalpha_n Kalpha_n V0alpha_n Abeta_n Kbeta_n V0beta_n g e
            ) =

	      (defun linoid (x y) 
		(if ((abs (x / y)) < 1e-6) 
		    then (y * (1 - ((x / y) / 2)))
		    else (x / (exp (x / y) - 1))
	      (component (type gate)

			 ;; rate constants
			 (Q10 = (pow (3 ((celsius - 6.3) / 10))))

			 ;; rate functions
			 (defun alpha_n (v Q10) 
			   (Q10 * Aalpha_n * linoid ((v - V0alpha_n) Kalpha_n)))

			 (defun beta_n (v Q10) 
			   (Q10 * Abeta_n * exp((v - V0beta_n) / Kbeta_n) ))

                         (n_inf = ((alpha_n (v Q10)) / (alpha_n (v Q10) + beta_n (v Q10)) ))
                         (tau_n = (1 / (alpha_n (v Q10) + beta_n (v Q10)) ))

			  (KV  ;; ion name: exported variables will be of the form {ion}_{id}
			   (initial-m  n_inf)
			   (m-power    4)
			   (h-power    0)
			   (m-inf     (n_inf))
			   (m-tau     (tau_n))

	      (component (type pore)
			 (const  gbar  = g)
			 (output gbar ))
	      (component (type permeating-ion) (name k)
			 (const erev = e)
			 (output erev ))
	      ) ;; end KV current

   (functor (type ionic-current) (name Nafun )

             Aalfa Valfa Abeta Vbeta
             Agamma Adelta Aepsilon Ateta Vteta
             ACon ACoff AOon AOoff
             n1 n2 n3 n4
             g e
             ) =
	      (component (type gate)

			 ;; rate constants
			 (Q10 = (pow (3 ((celsius - 20) / 10))))
			 (gamma = (Q10 * Agamma))
			 (delta = (Q10 * Adelta))
			 (epsilon = (Q10 * Aepsilon))
			 (Con = (Q10 * ACon))
			 (Coff = (Q10 * ACoff))
			 (Oon = (Q10 * AOon))
			 (Ooff = (Q10 * AOoff))
			 (a = (pow ((Oon / Con) (1.0 / 4.0))))
			 (b = (pow ((Ooff / Coff) (1.0 / 4.0))))

			 ;; rate functions
			 (defun alfa (v Q10)	
			   (Q10 * Aalfa * exp (v / Valfa)))

			 (defun beta (v Q10)
			   (Q10 * Abeta * exp (neg (v) / Vbeta)))

			 (defun teta (v Q10)
			   (Q10 * Ateta * exp (neg (v) / Vteta)))

			    (<-> C1 C2 (n1 * alfa (v Q10)) (n4 * beta (v Q10)))
			    (<-> C2 C3 (n2 * alfa (v Q10)) (n3 * beta (v Q10)))
			    (<-> C3 C4 (n3 * alfa (v Q10)) (n2 * beta (v Q10)))
			    (<-> C4 C5 (n4 * alfa (v Q10)) (n1 * beta (v Q10)))
			    (<-> C5 O  gamma delta)
			    (<-> O  B  epsilon (teta (v Q10)))

			    (<-> I1 I2 (n1 * alfa (v Q10) * a) (n4 * beta (v Q10) * b))
			    (<-> I2 I3 (n2 * alfa (v Q10) * a) (n3 * beta (v Q10) * b))
			    (<-> I3 I4 (n3 * alfa (v Q10) * a) (n2 * beta (v Q10) * b))
			    (<-> I4 I5 (n4 * alfa (v Q10) * a) (n1 * beta (v Q10) * b))
			    (<-> I5 I6 gamma delta)

			    (<-> C1 I1 Con Coff)
			    (<-> C2 I2 (Con * a) (Coff * b))
			    (<-> C3 I3 (Con * pow (a 2)) (Coff * pow (b 2)))
			    (<-> C4 I4 (Con * pow (a 3)) (Coff * pow (b 3)))
			    (<-> C5 I5 (Con * pow (a 4)) (Coff * pow (b 4)))

			    (O <-> I6 Oon Ooff))
			   (conserve ((1 = (C1 + C2 + C3 + C4 + C5 + O + B + I1 + I2 + I3 + I4 + I5 + I6))))
			   (open O)   (power 1)))

			 (output Na_z )  

	      (component (type pore)
			 (const  gbar  = g)
			 (output gbar ))

	      (component (type permeating-ion) (name na)
			 (const erev = e)
			 (output erev ))
	      ) ;; end Na current

   (functor (type ionic-current) (name Lkg1fun) 
            ( g e ) =
	      (component (type pore)
			 (const  gbar  = g)
			 (output gbar))
	      (component (type permeating-ion) (name non-specific)
			 (const erev = e)
			 (output erev ))
	      ) ;; end leak current

   (functor (type ionic-current) (name Lkg2fun)

            (g e) =
	      (component (type pore)
			 (const  ggaba = g)
			 (output ggaba))
	      (component (type permeating-ion) (name non-specific)
			 (const egaba = e)
			 (output egaba ))
	      ) ;; end leak current


   (component (name AMPA) = 
       AMPAfun (
                (const tauA = 0.03) ;; rise time
                (const tauB = 0.5) ;; decay time
                (const  e = 0)

   (component (name GABA) =

        GABAfun (

                 (const tauA = 0.31) ;; rise time
                 (const tauB = 8.8) ;; decay time
                 (const  e = -75)

   (component (name NMDA) =

        NMDAfun (
                 (const tauA = 1) ;; rise time
                 (const tauB = 13.3) ;; decay time
                 (const  e = 0)

   (component (name ca) =

      cafun (

             (const  d = .2)
             (const cao     = 2.)
             (const cai0    = 1e-4)
             (const beta    = 1.5)
   (component  (name CaHVA ) =

      CaHVAfun (
		 (const Aalpha_s  = 0.04944)
		 (const Kalpha_s  =  15.87301587302)
		 (const V0alpha_s = -29.06)
		 (const Abeta_s  = 0.08298)
		 (const Kbeta_s  =  -25.641)
		 (const V0beta_s = -18.66)
		 (const Aalpha_u  = 0.0013)
		 (const Kalpha_u  =  -18.183)
		 (const V0alpha_u = -48)
		 (const Abeta_u = 0.0013)
		 (const Kbeta_u = 83.33)
		 (const V0beta_u = -48)
		 (const  g  = 0.00046)

      ) ;; end CaHVA current
   (component (name KA ) =

              KAfun (

			 (const Aalpha_a  = 0.8147)
			 (const Kalpha_a  = -23.32708)
			 (const V0alpha_a = -9.17203)
			 (const Abeta_a   = 0.1655)
			 (const Kbeta_a   = 19.47175)
			 (const V0beta_a  = -18.27914)

			 (const Aalpha_b  = 0.0368)
			 (const Kalpha_b  = 12.8433)
			 (const V0alpha_b = -111.33209)
			 (const Abeta_b   = 0.0345)
			 (const Kbeta_b   = -8.90123)
			 (const V0beta_b  = -49.9537)

			 (const V0_ainf = -38)
			 (const  K_ainf = -17)

			 (const V0_binf   = -78.8)
			 (const K_binf    = 8.4)

			 (const g  = 0.0032)
			 (const e = -84.69)

	      ) ;; end KA current

   (component (name KCa ) =

              KCafun (
		 (const Aalpha_c = 2.5)
		 (const Balpha_c = 1.5e-3)
		 (const Kalpha_c =  -11.765)
		 (const Abeta_c = 1.5)
		 (const Bbeta_c = 0.15e-3)

		 (const Kbeta_c = -11.765)

		 (const g  = 0.04)
		 (const e = -84.69)
      ) ;; end KCa current

   (component (name Kir ) =

              Kirfun (
			 (const Aalpha_d = 0.13289)
			 (const Kalpha_d = -24.3902)

			 (const V0alpha_d = -83.94)
			 (const Abeta_d   = 0.16994)

			 (const Kbeta_d = 35.714)
			 (const V0beta_d = -83.94)

			 (const g = 0.0009)
			 (const e = -84.69)
	      ) ;; end Kir current

   (component (name KM ) =
              KMfun (
			 ;; rate constants
			 (const Aalpha_n = 0.0033)

			 (const Kalpha_n  = 40)
			 (const V0alpha_n = -30)
			 (const Abeta_n   = 0.0033)

			 (const Kbeta_n  = -20)
			 (const V0beta_n = -30)
			 (const V0_ninf  = -35)
			 (const   B_ninf = 6)

			 (const g = 0.00025)
			 (const e = -84.69)
	      ) ;; end KM current

   (component (name KV ) =

              KVfun (

			 (const Aalpha_n = -0.01)
			 (const Kalpha_n = -10)
			 (const V0alpha_n = -25)
			 (const Abeta_n = 0.125)
			 (const Kbeta_n = -80)
			 (const V0beta_n = -35)

			 (const g  = 0.003)
			 (const e = -84.69)
	      ) ;; end KV current

   (component (name Na ) =

              Nafun (
			 (const Aalfa = 353.91)
			 (const Valfa = 13.99)
			 (const Abeta = 1.272)
			 (const Vbeta = 13.99)
			 (const Agamma = 150)
			 (const Adelta = 40)
			 (const Aepsilon = 1.75)
			 (const Ateta = 0.0201)
			 (const Vteta = 25)
			 (const ACon = 0.005)
			 (const ACoff = 0.5)
			 (const	AOon = 0.75)
			 (const	AOoff = 0.005)
			 (const n1 = 5.422)
			 (const n2 = 3.279)
			 (const n3 = 1.83)
			 (const n4 = 0.738)
			 (const  g  = 0.013)
			 (const e = 87.39)
	      ) ;; end Na current

   (component (name Lkg1) = 

              Lkg1fun (
			 (const  g  = (5.68e-5))
			 (const e = -16.5)
	      ) ;; end leak current

   (component (name Lkg2) =

              Lkg2fun (
			 (const g  = (3e-5))
			 (const e = -65)
	      ) ;; end leak current
