{# NMODL template for assignment equations This template defines an NMODL procedure called "asgns" which is invoked in the DERIVATIVE and the INITIAL blocks to set the values of the assigned quantities. Template variables are: - indent: the current indentation level - assignedEqLocals: a list with the names of all local variables that appear in the right-hand side of the assignment equations - assignedEqDefs: a list of strings with the assignment equations in NMODL syntax #} {% if (not (assignedEqDefs == [])) %} PROCEDURE asgns () { {% if (not (assignedEqLocals == [])) %} LOCAL {{assignedEqLocals | join (", ")}} {% endif %} {% for assignedEqDef in assignedEqDefs %} {{assignedEqDef}} {% endfor %} } {% endif %}