{# NMODL template for NET_RECEIVE block This template defines the NMODL NET_RECEIVE block which is used to process transient events in the system. Template variables are: - indent: the current indentation level - eventLocals: a list with the names of all local variables that appear in the transient event expressions of the system - externalEventEqDefs: a list of strings with the equations for the external event variables (e.g. synaptic weight) - transientEventEqDefs: a list of strings with the equations for the transient events (e.g. synaptic state update) #} {% if (hasEvents) %} NET_RECEIVE ({{eventVars | join (", ")}}) { {% if (not (eventLocals == [])) %} LOCAL {{eventLocals | join (", ")}} {% endif %} {% for eq in externalEventEqDefs %} {{eq}} {% endfor %} {% for eq in transientEventEqDefs %} {{eq}} {% endfor %} } {% endif %}