;; ;; ;; An extension for generating current pulse scripts from NEMO models. ;; ;; Copyright 2008-2016 Ivan Raikov. ;; ;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ;; published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the ;; License, or (at your option) any later version. ;; ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;; General Public License for more details. ;; ;; A full copy of the GPL license can be found at ;; . ;; (module nemo-iclamp (nemo:iclamp-translator) (import scheme chicken utils data-structures lolevel srfi-1 srfi-13 srfi-69) (require-extension lolevel datatype matchable strictly-pretty varsubst datatype nemo-core nemo-utils nemo-gate-complex) (define-syntax pp (syntax-rules () ((pp indent val ...) (ppf indent (quasiquote val) ...)))) (define (hoc-cname sys v) (s+ (hoc-name v) "_" (hoc-name sys))) (define (hoc-name s) (let ((cs (string->list (->string s)))) (let loop ((lst (list)) (cs cs)) (if (null? cs) (string->symbol (list->string (reverse lst))) (let* ((c (car cs)) (c1 (cond ((or (char-alphabetic? c) (char-numeric? c) (char=? c #\_)) c) (else #\_)))) (loop (cons c1 lst) (cdr cs))))))) (define (matlab-name s) (let ((cs (string->list (->string s)))) (let loop ((lst (list)) (cs cs)) (if (null? cs) (string->symbol (list->string (reverse lst))) (let* ((c (car cs)) (c1 (cond ((or (char-alphabetic? c) (char-numeric? c) (char=? c #\_)) c) (else #\_)))) (loop (cons c1 lst) (cdr cs))))))) (define (const-val v) (and (nemo:quantity? v) (cases nemo:quantity v (CONST (name value) value) (else (error 'const-val "invalid constant" v))))) (define (print-hoc-prelude indent) (pp indent (#<list ((dis 'depgraph->bfs-dist-poset) g))) (gate-complex-info (nemo:gate-complex-query sys)) (gate-complexes (lookup-def 'gate-complexes gate-complex-info)) (i-gates (lookup-def 'i-gates gate-complex-info)) ) (if (not (null? vc-components)) (case target ((nest) (with-output-to-file filename (lambda () (pp indent ("(mymodule) Install") ("/neuron " ,(s+ #\/ sysname) " Create def") ("/input /step_current_generator Create def") ("/vlog /voltmeter Create def") ("input neuron Connect") ("vlog neuron Connect") ("/step_current_parameters << /amplitude_times [ 1.0 ] /amplitude_values [ -10.0 ] >> def") ("input step_current_parameters SetStatus") ("/vlog_parameters << /to_file true /to_memory false >> def") ("vlog vlog_parameters SetStatus") ("500.0 Simulate")) ))) ((hoc) (with-output-to-file filename (lambda () (let* ((vcn (length vc-components)) (hboxn (inexact->exact (ceiling (/ vcn 3))))) (pp indent ("load_file(\"nrngui.hoc\")") ("load_file(" ,(s+ #\" sysname ".hoc" #\") ")") ("objref stim") ("objref g[" ,vcn "] // graph objects")) (pp indent ("objref vgraphbox, hgraphbox[" ,hboxn "]") ("vgraphbox=new VBox()") ("vgraphbox.intercept(1)")) (let recur ((a 0) (b (min (- vcn 1) 2)) (hbi 0)) (pp indent ("hgraphbox[" ,hbi "]=new HBox()") ("hgraphbox[" ,hbi "].intercept(1)")) (if (< a b) (pp indent ("for i=" ,a "," ,b " {")) (pp indent ("i = " ,a))) (pp (if (< a b) indent+ indent) ("g[i]=new Graph()") ("g[i].exec_menu(\"Keep Lines\")")) (if (< a b) (pp indent ("}"))) (pp indent ("hgraphbox[" ,hbi "].intercept(0)") ("hgraphbox[" ,hbi "].map()")) (if (> hboxn (+ 1 hbi)) (recur (+ b 1) (min (- vcn 1) (+ b 3)) (+ 1 hbi))) ) (print-hoc-prelude indent) (for-each (lambda (comp i) (let ((name (first comp)) (sym (third comp))) (match-let (((vchold vcbase vcinc vcsteps vchdur vcbdur) ((dis 'component-exports) sys sym))) (pp indent ("print \"generating " ,name "\"")) (pp indent ("objref " ,name) (,name = "new Vector(vec_sizes)") (,(s+ name ".record") ,(s+ "(&soma.i_" name "_" sysname "( 0.5 ))")) ("objref tlog") ("tlog = new Vector(vec_sizes,0)") ("tlog.record (&t)")) (pp indent ("objref logfile") ("logfile = new File()") ("logfile.wopen (" ,(s+ "\"" name ".dat\"") ")")) (pp indent ("icrun(" ,i ", " ,name ", tlog, logfile)") ("g[" ,i "].label(.5,.85,\"" ,name "\")") "logfile.close()") ))) vc-components (list-tabulate (length vc-components) (lambda (i) i))) (if (> vcn 1) (pp indent ("for i=0, " ,(- vcn 1) " {")) (pp indent "i=0")) (pp (if (> vcn 1) indent+ indent) ("g[i].exec_menu(\"View = plot\")")) (if (> vcn 1) (pp indent ("}"))) (pp indent ("vgraphbox.map()")) )) )) ))))) ))) )