;; ;; Neurolucida XML file manipulation. ;; ;; Copyright 2011-2012 Ivan Raikov and the Okinawa Institute of Science and ;; Technology. ;; ;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ;; published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the ;; License, or (at your option) any later version. ;; ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;; General Public License for more details. ;; ;; A full copy of the GPL license can be found at ;; . ;; (require-extension files data-structures srfi-1 srfi-13 getopt-long sxml-transforms sxpath sxpath-lolevel ssax) (require-extension typeclass kd-tree iset digraph format-graph ) (import-instance ( KdTree3d) ( Point3d)) (define lookup-def (lambda (k lst . rest) (let-optionals rest ((default #f)) (alist-ref k lst eq? default)))) (define (quotewrapped? str) (and (string? str) (string-prefix? "\"" str) (string-suffix? "\"" str) )) (define (quotewrap str) (cond ((quotewrapped? str) str) ((string-any char-whitespace? str) (string-append "\"" str "\"")) (else str))) ; Returns attr-list node for a given obj ; or #f if it is absent (define (sxml:attr-alist obj) (if (and (not (null? (cdr obj))) (pair? (cadr obj)) (eq? '@ (caadr obj))) (cdr (cadr obj)) #f)) ;; obtain child named n of a node (define (sxml:kidn name node) ((select-first-kid (lambda (x) (eq? (car x) name))) node)) ;; obtain all children of a node named n (define (sxml:kidsn name node) ((select-kids (lambda (x) (eq? (car x) name))) node)) (define (mkdir dir) (system* "mkdir -p ~a" (quotewrap dir))) (define *quiet* #f) (define (d fstr . args) (let ([port (if *quiet* (current-error-port) (current-output-port))]) (apply fprintf port fstr args) (flush-output port) ) ) (define opt-defaults `( (key . "color") (format . "swc") (forest-grid . 10) )) (define (defopt x) (lookup-def x opt-defaults)) (define (symbol-upcase str) (string->symbol (string-upcase str))) (define opt-grammar `( (forest-grid "print grid coordinates covering the entire forest (resolution is given in number of points)" (value (optional "RESOLUTION") (transformer ,string->number) (default ,(defopt 'forest-grid)))) (permute-coords "permute coordinates of node points in NG format according to the given list of 1-based indices" (value (required INDICES))) (data-dir "set download directory (default is a randomly generated name in /tmp)" (single-char #\d) (value (required DIR))) (key "extraction key" (single-char #\k) (value (required "FIELD") (default ,(defopt 'key)))) (format "output format (swc, asc, vcg, ng)" (single-char #\f) (value (required "FORMAT") (default ,(defopt 'format)))) (help "Print help" (single-char #\h)) )) ;; Use args:usage to generate a formatted list of options (from OPTS), ;; suitable for embedding into help text. (define (neurolucida:usage) (print "Usage: " (car (argv)) " [options...] operands ") (newline) (print "Where operands are XML Neurolucida files") (newline) (print "The following options are recognized: ") (newline) (width 35) (print (parameterize ((indent 5)) (usage opt-grammar))) (exit 1)) ;; Process arguments and collate options and arguments into OPTIONS ;; alist, and operands (filenames) into OPERANDS. You can handle ;; options as they are processed, or afterwards. (define opts (getopt-long (command-line-arguments) opt-grammar)) (define opt (make-option-dispatch opts opt-grammar)) (define data-dir (make-parameter #f)) (define (get-data-dir) (or (opt 'data-dir) (or (data-dir) (let ([dir (create-temporary-directory)]) (data-dir dir) dir ) ) )) (define (create-temporary-directory) (let ((dir (or (get-environment-variable "TMPDIR") (get-environment-variable "TEMP") (get-environment-variable "TMP") "/tmp"))) (let loop () (let* ((n (current-milliseconds)) ; current milliseconds (pn (make-pathname dir (string-append "neurolucida-" (number->string n 16)) "tmp"))) (cond ((file-exists? pn) (loop)) (else (mkdir pn) pn)))))) (define neurolucida-xmlns "http://www.mbfbioscience.com/2007/neurolucida") (define (parse-sxml fpath) (with-input-from-file fpath (lambda () (cons '*TOP* (ssax:xml->sxml (current-input-port) `((nl . ,neurolucida-xmlns))))))) (define (extract-element sxml element-name key-attr) (let ((element-fullname (string->symbol (conc "nl:" (->string element-name))))) (let* ((elements ((sxpath `(// nl:mbf ,element-fullname )) sxml)) (keys ((sxpath `(// ,element-fullname @ ,key-attr)) `(*TOP* ,@elements)))) (zip keys elements)))) (define (key=? a b) (string=? (cadar a) (cadar b))) (define (partition-by-key a k key=?) (partition (lambda (x) (equal? (car x) k)) a)) (define (get-node-origin x) (let ((x (if (equal? 'nl:point (car x)) x (sxml:kidn 'nl:point x)))) (let ((attrs (sxml:attr-alist x))) (list (string->number (car (lookup-def 'x attrs))) (string->number (car (lookup-def 'y attrs))) (string->number (car (lookup-def 'z attrs)))) ))) (define (get-node-radius x) (let ((x (if (equal? 'nl:point (car x)) x (sxml:kidn 'nl:point x)))) (let ((attrs (sxml:attr-alist x))) (/ (string->number (car (lookup-def 'd attrs))) 2.)))) (define (make-tree-graph label x) (let* ((sxml `(*TOP* ,@(cdr x))) (g (make-digraph label #f)) (node-info (g 'node-info)) (node-info-set! (g 'node-info-set!)) (add-node! (g 'add-node!)) (add-edge! (g 'add-edge!)) ) (add-node! 0 'soma) (let recur ((tree ((sxpath `(nl:tree)) sxml)) (parent 0) (node-id 1)) (let ((points+spines ((sxpath `((*or* nl:point nl:spine))) tree)) (subtrees (append ((sxpath `(nl:tree)) tree) ((sxpath `(nl:branch)) tree)))) ;; insert points in the dependency graph (let ((node-id1 (car (fold (lambda (n i.lp) (case (car n) ((nl:point) (let ((i (car i.lp)) (lp (cdr i.lp))) (if (not (equal? lp n)) (begin (add-node! i n) (cons (+ 1 i) n)) i.lp))) ((nl:spine) (let ((i (car i.lp)) (lp (cdr i.lp))) (node-info-set! (- i 1) (append (node-info (- i 1)) (list n))) i.lp)) (else (error 'make-tree-graph "unknown node type" n)))) (cons node-id #f) points+spines)))) ;; insert edges (if (pair? points+spines) (let ((fin (- node-id1 1))) (add-edge! (list parent node-id #f)) (let inner-recur ((i node-id)) (if (< i fin) (let ((j (+ 1 i))) (add-edge! (list i j #f)) (inner-recur j)) )) )) (if (pair? subtrees) (let ((branch-node (- node-id1 1))) (node-info-set! branch-node `(nl:branch ,(node-info branch-node))) (fold (lambda (subtree i) (recur subtree branch-node (+ i 1))) node-id1 subtrees)) node-id1) ))) g)) ;; ;; NG (Neurolucida Graph) format ;; ;; ((Branch ... (Node ...) (Branch ...) ) ... ) ;; ;; Where ... is one or more attributes: ;; ;; origin x y z ;; radius r ;; length l ;; spine-density-linear ;; branch-order-Soma ;; branch-order-Terminal ;; (define (make-ng g #!key (permute-coords #f)) (define (sum lst) (fold + 0. lst)) (define (pdist2 a b) (let ((diff2 (lambda (i) (let ((v (- (list-ref a i) (list-ref b i)))) (* v v))))) (sum (list-tabulate 3 diff2)))) ;; DFS that increases depth only when branches are encountered (define (branch-dfs-fold g fn fb roots x y #!key (edge-target cadr) (next-edges (g 'out-edges))) (define (traverse visited n x y) (if (bit-vector-ref visited n) (values visited x y) (let ((visited (bit-vector-set! visited n #t)) (x1 (fn n x y))) (traverse-edges visited (next-edges n) x1 y)) )) (define (traverse-edges visited elst x y) = (if (null? elst) (values visited x y) (let ((n (edge-target (car elst))) (es (cdr elst))) (if (bit-vector-ref visited n) (traverse-edges visited es x y) (let ((visited (bit-vector-set! visited n #t)) (x (fn n x y))) (let ((enext (next-edges n)) (out-edges ((g 'out-edges) n))) (let ((y (if (> (length out-edges) 1) (fb n out-edges x y) y))) (let-values (((visited x y) (traverse-edges visited enext x y))) (traverse-edges visited es x y) )) )) )) )) (define (traverse-roots visited ns x y) (if (null? ns) (values visited x y) (let-values (((visited x y) (traverse visited (car ns) x y))) (traverse-roots visited (cdr ns) x y)))) (traverse-roots (make-bit-vector ((g 'capacity))) roots x y) ) ;; ;; Compute node order from the soma and from the terminals ;; (define (compute-node-orders g) (let ((roots ((g 'roots))) (terminals ((g 'terminals)))) (let-values ( ((visited node-branch-order final-branch-depth) ;; branch order from soma (branch-dfs-fold g (lambda (n x y) (s32vector-set! x n y) x) (lambda (n es x y) (+ 1 y)) roots (make-s32vector ((g 'capacity)) -1) ;; branch order per node 0 ;; branch order )) ((visited node-inverse-branch-order final-inverse-branch-depth) ;; branch order from terminals (branch-dfs-fold g (lambda (n x y) (s32vector-set! x n y) x) (lambda (n es x y) (+ 1 y)) terminals (make-s32vector ((g 'capacity)) -1) ;; branch order per node 0 ;; branch order edge-target: car next-edges: (g 'in-edges) )) ) (let ( ;; branch order from soma (node-depth node-branch-order) ;; branch order from terminals (inverse-node-depth node-inverse-branch-order) ) `((node-depth . ,node-depth) (inverse-node-depth . ,inverse-node-depth) )) ))) (let* ((roots ((g 'roots))) (out-edges (g 'out-edges)) (node-info (g 'node-info)) (node-orders (compute-node-orders g)) (node-depths (lookup-def 'node-depth node-orders)) (inverse-node-depths (lookup-def 'inverse-node-depth node-orders)) ) (let recur ((node (car roots)) (ax '())) (let* ((info (node-info node)) (spines (sxml:kidsn 'nl:spine info)) ) (if (equal? info 'soma) (fold recur '() (map cadr (out-edges node))) (case (car info) ((nl:point) (let* ((oes (out-edges node)) (next-node (and (pair? oes) (cadr (car oes)))) (cylinder-origin (get-node-origin info)) (cylinder-radius (get-node-radius info)) (cylinder-length (and next-node (let ((node1-origin (get-node-origin (node-info next-node)))) (sqrt (pdist2 cylinder-origin node1-origin)) )) ) ) (assert (<= (length oes) 1)) (and cylinder-length (assert (positive? cylinder-length))) (let ((ax1 (cons (if next-node `(Node (origin . ,(or (and permute-coords (permute-coords cylinder-origin) ) cylinder-origin)) (radius . ,cylinder-radius) (length . ,cylinder-length) (branch-order-Soma . ,(s32vector-ref node-depths node)) (branch-order-Terminal . ,(s32vector-ref inverse-node-depths node)) ,@(if (null? spines) '() `((spine-density-linear . ,(/ (length spines) cylinder-length)))) ) `(Terminal (origin . ,(or (and permute-coords (permute-coords cylinder-origin) ) cylinder-origin)) (radius . ,cylinder-radius) (branch-order-Soma . ,(s32vector-ref node-depths node)) (branch-order-Terminal . ,(s32vector-ref inverse-node-depths node)) )) ax))) (if next-node (recur next-node ax1) (reverse ax1)) ) )) ((nl:branch) (let* ((branch-origin (get-node-origin info)) (branch-radius (get-node-radius info)) ) (cons `(Branch (origin . ,(or (and permute-coords (permute-coords branch-origin) ) branch-origin)) (radius . ,branch-radius) (branch-order-Soma . ,(s32vector-ref node-depths node)) (branch-order-Terminal . ,(s32vector-ref inverse-node-depths node)) (children . ,(map (lambda (x) (recur x '())) (map cadr (out-edges node)))) ) ax) )) (else (recur (cdr nodes) ax))) )) )) ) ;; ;; SWC format ;; ;; n T x y z R P ;; ;; n is an integer label that identifies the current point and ;; increments by one from one line to the next. ;; ;; T is an integer representing the type of neuronal segment, such as ;; soma, axon, apical dendrite, etc. The standard accepted integer ;; values are given below. ;; ;; * 0 = undefined ;; * 1 = soma ;; * 2 = axon ;; * 3 = dendrite ;; * 4 = apical dendrite ;; * 5 = fork point ;; * 6 = end point ;; * 7 = custom ;; ;; x, y, z gives the cartesian coordinates of each node. ;; ;; R is the radius at that node. ;; ;; P indicates the parent (the integer label) of the current point or ;; -1 to indicate an origin (soma). (define (print-swc x) (define get (compose car alist-ref)) (let ((sxml `(*TOP* ,@(cdr x)))) (let* ((offset (make-parameter 0)) (soma ((sxpath `(nl:contour)) sxml)) (soma-points ((sxpath `(nl:point @)) soma)) (soma-npoints (length soma-points)) (soma-indices (list-tabulate soma-npoints (lambda (x) (+ 1 x))))) (for-each (lambda (p n) (let ((data (cdr p))) (let ((T 1) ;; soma (x (get 'x data)) (y (get 'y data)) (z (get 'z data)) (R (number->string (/ (string->number (get 'd data)) 2))) (P (- n 1)) ) (printf "~A ~A ~A ~A ~A ~A ~A~%" n T x y z R (if (zero? P) -1 P))))) soma-points soma-indices) (offset soma-npoints) (let recur ((tree ((sxpath `(nl:tree)) sxml)) (parent-index soma-npoints)) (let ((points ((sxpath `(nl:point @)) tree)) (subtrees (append ((sxpath `(nl:tree)) tree) ((sxpath `(nl:branch)) tree)))) (let* ((npoints (length points)) (indices (let ((k (+ 1 (offset)))) (list-tabulate npoints (lambda (x) (+ k x))))) (parents (cons parent-index indices))) (fold (lambda (pt i par n) (let ((data (cdr pt))) (let ((T (if (fx> n 0) 3 (if (null? subtrees) 6 5))) ;; dendrite, or end point/bifurcation point (x (get 'x data)) (y (get 'y data)) (z (get 'z data)) (R (number->string (/ (string->number (get 'd data)) 2))) (P par) ) (printf "~A ~A ~A ~A ~A ~A ~A~%" i T x y z R P) (fx- n 1) ))) (fx- npoints 1) points indices parents) (let ((parent-index1 (+ npoints (offset)))) (offset (+ (offset) npoints)) (if (pair? subtrees) (for-each (lambda (subtree) (recur subtree parent-index1) ) subtrees))) ))) ))) (define (print-pts x) (define get (compose car alist-ref)) (let ((sxml `(*TOP* ,@(cdr x)))) (let* ((soma ((sxpath `(nl:contour)) sxml)) (soma-points ((sxpath `(nl:point @)) soma)) (soma-npoints (length soma-points))) (for-each (lambda (p) (let ((data (cdr p))) (let ((x (get 'x data)) (y (get 'y data)) (z (get 'z data)) (R (/ (string->number (get 'd data)) 2)) ) (printf "~A ~A ~A~%" x y z)))) soma-points) (let recur ((tree ((sxpath `(nl:tree)) sxml)) ) (let ((points ((sxpath `(nl:point @)) tree)) (subtrees (append ((sxpath `(nl:tree)) tree) ((sxpath `(nl:branch)) tree)))) (let ((npoints (length points))) (for-each (lambda (pt) (let ((data (cdr pt))) (let ((x (string->number (get 'x data))) (y (string->number (get 'y data))) (z (string->number (get 'z data))) (r (/ (string->number (get 'd data)) 2)) ) (printf "~A ~A ~A~%" x y z) ))) points) (if (pair? subtrees) (for-each (lambda (subtree) (recur subtree) ) subtrees)) ))) ))) (define (print-grid data-map nbndpts) (define get (compose car alist-ref)) (let ((bb.all-points (fold (lambda (x ax) (let ((sxml `(*TOP* ,@(cdr x)))) (let recur ((trees ((sxpath `(nl:tree)) sxml)) (exs (car ax)) (all-points (cdr ax))) (if (null? trees) (cons exs all-points) (let ((points ((sxpath `(nl:point @)) (car trees))) (subtrees (append ((sxpath `(nl:tree)) (car trees)) ((sxpath `(nl:branch)) (car trees))))) (let ( (exs.all-points (fold (lambda (pt ax) (let ((data (cdr pt))) (let ((x (string->number (get 'x data))) (y (string->number (get 'y data))) (z (string->number (get 'z data)))) (let* ((exs (car ax)) (all-points (cdr ax)) (x-min (list-ref exs 0)) (x-max (list-ref exs 1)) (y-min (list-ref exs 2)) (y-max (list-ref exs 3)) (z-min (list-ref exs 4)) (z-max (list-ref exs 5))) (cons (list (min x x-min) (max x x-max) (min y y-min) (max y y-max) (min z z-min) (max z z-max)) (cons (make-point x y z) all-points)) )) )) (cons exs all-points) points)) ) (if (pair? subtrees) (fold (lambda (subtree ax) (recur subtree (car ax) (cdr ax ))) exs.all-points subtrees) (recur (cdr trees) (car exs.all-points) (cdr exs.all-points))) )) )) )) (cons (list +inf.0 -inf.0 +inf.0 -inf.0 +inf.0 -inf.0) '()) data-map)) ) (if (null? (cdr bb.all-points)) (error "empty point set in forest")) (let* ( (bb (car bb.all-points)) (x-min (list-ref bb 0)) (x-max (list-ref bb 1)) (y-min (list-ref bb 2)) (y-max (list-ref bb 3)) (z-min (list-ref bb 4)) (z-max (list-ref bb 5)) (point-tree (list->kd-tree (cdr bb.all-points))) ) (let* ((x-extent (- x-max x-min)) (y-extent (- y-max y-min)) (x-step (ceiling (abs (/ x-extent nbndpts)))) (y-step (ceiling (abs (/ y-extent nbndpts)))) (b-radius (min (abs (/ x-extent 10)) (abs (/ y-extent 10)))) ) (printf "# x-min: ~A x-max: ~A y-min: ~A y-max ~A z-min: ~A z-max ~A~%" x-min x-max y-min y-max z-min z-max) (let ( (bndpts (concatenate (list-tabulate nbndpts (lambda (i) (list-tabulate nbndpts (lambda (j) (make-point (+ x-min (* i x-step)) (+ y-min (* j y-step)) 0.)))) )) )) (for-each (lambda (bp) (let ((pts (kd-tree-near-neighbors point-tree b-radius bp))) (if (not (null? pts)) (printf "~A ~A ~A~%" (coord 0 bp) (coord 1 bp) (coord 2 bp))) )) bndpts) ))) )) (define (main) (let ((operands (opt '@))) (if (null? operands) (neurolucida:usage)) (d "data directory is ~s~%" (get-data-dir)) (let* ((format (string->symbol (or (opt 'format) (defopt 'format)))) (data-map (concatenate (map (lambda (p) (let* ((key (or (opt 'key) (defopt 'key))) (contents (parse-sxml p)) (contours (extract-element contents "contour" key)) (trees (extract-element contents "tree" key))) (let recur ((keys (delete-duplicates (map car contours))) (elms (append contours trees)) (data-map '())) (if (null? keys) (if (null? elms) data-map (if (equal? format 'ng) data-map (error "elements with unknown color" elms))) (let-values (((lst rest) (partition-by-key elms (car keys) key=?))) (recur (cdr keys) rest (cons (cons (car keys) (map cadr lst)) data-map))))) )) operands))) (ddir (get-data-dir)) ) (if (opt 'forest-grid) (with-output-to-file (make-pathname ddir "forest.grid") (lambda () (print-grid data-map (or (and (number? (opt 'forest-grid) ) (opt 'forest-grid) ) (defopt 'forest-grid)))) )) (case format ((pts) (for-each (lambda (f x) (with-output-to-file f (lambda () (print-pts x)))) (map (lambda (x) (make-pathname ddir (car (string-split (cadar x) "#")) ".asc")) data-map) data-map)) ((swc) (for-each (lambda (f x) (with-output-to-file f (lambda () (print-swc x)))) (map (lambda (x) (make-pathname ddir (car (string-split (cadar x) "#")) ".swc")) data-map) data-map)) ((vcg) (for-each (lambda (f x) (with-output-to-file f (lambda () ((make-format-graph 'vcg) (current-output-port) (make-tree-graph 'neurolucida x))))) (map (lambda (x) (make-pathname ddir (car (string-split (cadar x) "#")) "vcg")) data-map) data-map)) ((ng) (let* ((permute-coords (opt 'permute-coords)) (permute-coords (and permute-coords (let ((permute-coords (map string->number (string-split permute-coords ",")))) (if (not (and (list? permute-coords) (= (length permute-coords) 3) (every (lambda (x) (and (integer? x) (<= 1 x) (>= 3 x))) permute-coords))) (error "invalid point coordinate permutation indices" permute-coords)) (let ((permute-coords (map (lambda (i) (- i 1)) permute-coords))) (lambda (p) (map (lambda (i) (list-ref p i)) permute-coords)) )) )) ) (for-each (lambda (f x) (with-output-to-file f (lambda () (pp (make-ng (make-tree-graph 'neurolucida x) permute-coords: permute-coords) (current-output-port))))) (map (lambda (x) (make-pathname ddir (car (string-split (cadar x) "#")) "ng")) data-map) data-map) )) )) )) (main)