;;;; These shaders are a direct port of https://github.com/ashima/webgl-noise (define-shader simplex-noise-2d (#:fragment export: (snoise fractal-snoise) version: 120) (define (mod289 (x #:vec3)) #:vec3 (- x (* (floor (* x (/ 1.0 289.0))) 289.0))) (define (mod289 (x #:vec2)) #:vec2 (- x (* (floor (* x (/ 1.0 289.0))) 289.0))) (define (permute (x #:vec3)) #:vec3 (mod289 (* (+ (* x 34.0) 1.0) x))) (define (snoise (v #:vec2)) #:float (let* ((c (const #:vec4) (vec4 0.211324865405187 ; (3.0-sqrt(3.0))/6.0 0.366025403784439 ; 0.5*(sqrt(3.0)-1.0) -0.577350269189626 ; -1.0 + 2.0 * C.x 0.024390243902439 ; 1.0 / 41.0 )) ;; First corner (i #:vec2 (floor (+ v (dot v (~~ c y y))))) (x0 #:vec2 (+ v (- i) (dot i (~~ c x x)))) ;; Other corners (i1 #:vec2 (if (> (.. x0 x) (.. x0 y)) (vec2 1 0) (vec2 0 1))) (x12 #:vec4 (+ (~~ x0 x y x y) (~~ c x x z z)))) (-= (~~ x12 x y) i1) ;; Permutations (set! i (mod289 i)) ; Avoid truncation effects (let ((p #:vec3 (permute (+ (permute (+ (.. i y) (vec3 0 (.. i1 y) 1))) (.. i x) (vec3 0 (.. i1 x) 1)))) (m #:vec3 (max (- 0.5 (vec3 (dot x0 x0) (dot (~~ x12 x y) (~~ x12 x y)) (dot (~~ x12 z w) (~~ x12 z w)))) 0.0)) ;; Gradients: 41 points uniformly over a line, mapped onto a diamond. ;; The ring size 17*17 = 289 is close to a multiple of 41 (41*7 = 287) (x #:vec3 (- (* 2 (fract (* p (~~ c w w w)))) 1)) (h #:vec3 (- (abs x) 0.5)) (ox #:vec3 (floor (+ x 0.5))) (a0 #:vec3 (- x ox)) (g #:vec3)) (set! m (* m m)) (set! m (* m m)) (set! m (* m (- 1.79284291400159 (* 0.85373472095314 (+ (* a0 a0) (* h h)))))) ;; Compute final noise value at P (set! (.. g x) (+ (* (.. a0 x) (.. x0 x)) (* (.. h x) (.. x0 y)))) (set! (~~ g y z) (+ (* (~~ a0 y z) (~~ x12 x z)) (* (~~ h y z) (~~ x12 y w)))) (* 130.0 (dot m g))))) (define (fractal-snoise (v #:vec2) (octaves #:int) (frequency #:float) (amplitude #:float) (persistence #:float) (lacunarity #:float)) #:float (let ((r #:float 0)) (do-times (o octaves) (+= r (* amplitude (snoise (* v frequency)))) (*= frequency persistence) (*= amplitude lacunarity)) r)) ) ;end shader (define-shader simplex-noise-3d (#:fragment export: (snoise fractal-snoise) version: 120) (define (mod289 (x #:vec3)) #:vec3 (- x (* (floor (* x (/ 1.0 289.0))) 289.0))) (define (mod289 (x #:vec4)) #:vec4 (- x (* (floor (* x (/ 1.0 289.0))) 289.0))) (define (permute (x #:vec4)) #:vec4 (mod289 (* (+ (* x 34.0) 1.0) x))) (define (taylor-inv-sqrt (r #:vec4)) #:vec4 (- 1.79284291400159 (* 0.85373472095314 r))) (define (snoise (v #:vec3)) #:float (let* ((c (const #:vec2) (vec2 (/ 1.0 6.0) (/ 1.0 3.0))) (d (const #:vec4) (vec4 0.0 0.5 1.0 2.0)) ;; First corner (i #:vec3 (floor (+ v (dot v (~~ c y y y))))) (x0 #:vec3 (+ v (- i) (dot i (~~ c x x x)))) ;; Other corners (g #:vec3 (step (~~ x0 y z x) (~~ x0 x y z))) (l #:vec3 (- 1.0 g)) (i1 #:vec3 (min (~~ g x y z) (~~ l z x y))) (i2 #:vec3 (max (~~ g x y z) (~~ l z x y))) (x1 #:vec3 (+ x0 (- i1) (~~ c x x x))) (x2 #:vec3 (+ x0 (- i2) (~~ c y y y))) (x3 #:vec3 (- x0 (~~ d y y y)))) ;; Permutations (set! i (mod289 i)) ; Avoid truncation effects (let* ((p #:vec4 (permute (+ (permute (+ (permute (+ (.. i z) (vec4 0 (.. i1 z) (.. i2 z) 1))) (.. i y) (vec4 0 (.. i1 y) (.. i2 y) 1))) (.. i x) (vec4 0 (.. i1 x) (.. i2 x) 1)))) ;; Gradients: 7x7 points over a square, mapped onto an octahedron. ;; The ring size 17*17 = 289 is close to a multiple of 49 (49*6 = 294) (ns #:vec3 (- (* 0.142857142857 (~~ d w y z)) (~~ d x z x))) (j #:vec4 (- p (* 49.0 (floor (* p (.. ns z) (.. ns z)))))) (x_ #:vec4 (floor (* j (.. ns z)))) (x #:vec4 (+ (* x_ (.. ns x)) (~~ ns y y y y))) (y #:vec4 (+ (* (floor (- j (* 7 x_))) (.. ns x)) (~~ ns y y y y))) (h #:vec4 (- 1.0 (abs x) (abs y))) (b0 #:vec4 (vec4 (~~ x xy) (~~ y xy))) (b1 #:vec4 (vec4 (~~ x zw) (~~ y zw))) (s0 #:vec4 (+ (* (floor b0) 2) 1)) (s1 #:vec4 (+ (* (floor b1) 2) 1)) (sh #:vec4 (- (step h (vec4 0)))) (a0 #:vec4 (+ (~~ b0 x z y w) (* (~~ s0 x z y w) (~~ sh x x y y)))) (a1 #:vec4 (+ (~~ b1 x z y w) (* (~~ s1 x z y w) (~~ sh z z w w)))) (p0 #:vec3 (vec3 (~~ a0 x y) (.. h x))) (p1 #:vec3 (vec3 (~~ a0 z w) (.. h y))) (p2 #:vec3 (vec3 (~~ a1 x y) (.. h z))) (p3 #:vec3 (vec3 (~~ a1 z w) (.. h w))) (m #:vec4 (max (- 0.6 (vec4 (dot x0 x0) (dot x1 x1) (dot x2 x2) (dot x3 x3))) 0.0)) (norm #:vec4 (taylor-inv-sqrt (vec4 (dot p0 p0) (dot p1 p1) (dot p2 p2) (dot p3 p3))))) ;; Mix final noise value (*= p0 (.. norm x)) (*= p1 (.. norm y)) (*= p2 (.. norm z)) (*= p3 (.. norm w)) (set! m (* m m)) (* 42.0 (dot (* m m) (vec4 (dot p0 x0) (dot p1 x1) (dot p2 x2) (dot p3 x3))))))) (define (fractal-snoise (v #:vec3) (octaves #:int) (frequency #:float) (amplitude #:float) (persistence #:float) (lacunarity #:float)) #:float (let ((r #:float 0)) (do-times (o octaves) (+= r (* amplitude (snoise (* v frequency)))) (*= frequency persistence) (*= amplitude lacunarity)) r)) ) ;end shader (define-shader simplex-noise-4d (#:fragment export: (snoise fractal-snoise) version: 120) (define (mod289 (x #:vec4)) #:vec4 (- x (* (floor (* x (/ 1.0 289.0))) 289.0))) (define (mod289 (x #:float)) #:float (- x (* (floor (* x (/ 1.0 289.0))) 289.0))) (define (permute (x #:vec4)) #:vec4 (mod289 (* (+ (* x 34.0) 1.0) x))) (define (permute (x #:float)) #:float (mod289 (* (+ (* x 34.0) 1.0) x))) (define (taylor-inv-sqrt (r #:vec4)) #:vec4 (- 1.79284291400159 (* 0.85373472095314 r))) (define (taylor-inv-sqrt (r #:float)) #:float (- 1.79284291400159 (* 0.85373472095314 r))) (define (grad4 (j #:float) (ip #:vec4)) #:vec4 (let ((ones (const #:vec4) (vec4 1.0 1.0 1.0 -1.0)) (p #:vec4) (s #:vec4)) (set! p.xyz (- (* (floor (* (fract (* (vec3 j) ip.xyz)) 7.0)) ip.z) 1.0)) (set! p.w (- 1.5 (dot (abs p.xyz) ones.xyz))) (set! s (vec4 (less-than p (vec4 0.0)))) (set! p.xyz (+ p.xyz (* (- (* s.xyz 2) 1.0) s.www))) p)) (define (snoise (v #:vec4)) #:float (let* ((c (const #:vec4) (vec4 0.138196601125011 0.276393202250021 0.414589803375032 -0.447213595499958)) ;; First corner (i #:vec4 (floor (+ v (dot v (vec4 0.309016994374947451))))) (x0 #:vec4 (+ v (- i) (dot i c.xxxx))) (is-x #:vec3 (step x0.yzw x0.xxx)) (is-y-z #:vec3 (step x0.zww x0.yyz)) (i0 #:vec4)) ;; Other corners (set! i0.x (+ is-x.x is-x.y is-x.z)) (set! i0.yzw (- 1.0 is-x)) (+= i0.y (+ is-y-z.x is-y-z.y)) (+= i0.zw (- 1.0 is-y-z.xy)) (+= i0.z is-y-z.z) (+= i0.w (- 1.0 is-y-z.z)) (let* ((i3 #:vec4 (clamp i0 0.0 1.0)) (i2 #:vec4 (clamp (- i0 1.0) 0.0 1.0)) (i1 #:vec4 (clamp (- i0 2.0) 0.0 1.0)) (x1 #:vec4 (+ x0 (- i1) c.xxxx)) (x2 #:vec4 (+ x0 (- i2) c.yyyy)) (x3 #:vec4 (+ x0 (- i3) c.zzzz)) (x4 #:vec4 (+ x0 c.wwww))) ;; Permutations (set! i (mod289 i)) ; Avoid truncation effects (let* ((j0 #:float (permute (+ (permute (+ (permute (+ (permute i.w) i.z)) i.y)) i.x))) (j1 #:vec4 (permute (+ (permute (+ (permute (+ (permute (+ i.w (vec4 i1.w i2.w i3.w 1.0))) i.z (vec4 i1.z i2.z i3.z 1.0))) i.y (vec4 i1.y i2.y i3.y 1.0))) i.x (vec4 i1.x i2.x i3.x 1.0)))) ;; Gradients: 7x7x6 points over a cube, mapped onto a 4-cross polytope ;; 7*7*6 = 294, which is close to the ring size 17*17 = 289. (ip #:vec4 (vec4 (/ 1.0 294.0) (/ 1.0 49.0) (/ 1.0 7.0) 0.0)) (p0 #:vec4 (grad4 j0 ip)) (p1 #:vec4 (grad4 j1.x ip)) (p2 #:vec4 (grad4 j1.y ip)) (p3 #:vec4 (grad4 j1.z ip)) (p4 #:vec4 (grad4 j1.w ip)) (m0 #:vec3 (max (- 0.6 (vec3 (dot x0 x0) (dot x1 x1) (dot x2 x2))) 0.0)) (m1 #:vec2 (max (- 0.6 (vec2 (dot x3 x3) (dot x4 x4))) 0.0)) (norm #:vec4 (taylor-inv-sqrt (vec4 (dot p0 p0) (dot p1 p1) (dot p2 p2) (dot p3 p3))))) ;; Mix final noise value (*= p0 (.. norm x)) (*= p1 (.. norm y)) (*= p2 (.. norm z)) (*= p3 (.. norm w)) (*= p4 (taylor-inv-sqrt (dot p4 p4))) (set! m0 (* m0 m0)) (set! m1 (* m1 m1)) (* 49.0 (+ (dot (* m0 m0) (vec3 (dot p0 x0) (dot p1 x1) (dot p2 x2))) (dot (* m1 m1) (vec2 (dot p3 x3) (dot p4 x4))))))))) (define (fractal-snoise (v #:vec4) (octaves #:int) (frequency #:float) (amplitude #:float) (persistence #:float) (lacunarity #:float)) #:float (let ((r #:float 0)) (do-times (o octaves) (+= r (* amplitude (snoise (* v frequency)))) (*= frequency persistence) (*= amplitude lacunarity)) r)) ) ;end shader