;; ;; Author: David Krentzlin ;; ;; Created: Do Nov 11 14:10:17 2010 (CET) ;; Last-Updated: Di Dez 14 20:37:12 2010 (CET) ;; By: (module nomads (debug database-credentials migration-directory filename-pattern filename-partitioner filename-joiner versioner version? version-less? version-equal? version< migrate db-with-connection db-with-transaction db-schema-information-exists? db-schema-version-table db-initialize-schema-information db-version-list migration-version migration-filename migration? error-on-non-existent-version db-add-version db-remove-version db-execute-sql generate-migration db-latest-version version->string string->version error-on-duplicate-migrations) (import chicken scheme) (require-library posix filepath defstruct data-structures srfi-1 srfi-13 extras) (import defstruct (only posix glob directory?) (only extras sprintf printf) (only data-structures sort compose string-split) (only srfi-1 filter fold any) (only srfi-13 string-downcase string-join) (only filepath filepath:drop-extension filepath:combine filepath:split-file-name)) (define debug (make-parameter #f)) (define (dbg fmt . args) (when (debug) (display "*dbg*: ") (apply printf fmt args) (newline) (flush-output))) (define error-on-duplicate-migrations (make-parameter #t)) (define error-on-non-existent-version (make-parameter #t)) (define database-credentials (make-parameter #f)) (define migration-directory (make-parameter #f)) ;; the following procedures help to abstract away the formatting of ;; migratons-file-names as well as the versioning scheme (define filename-pattern (make-parameter "*-*")) (define filename-partitioner (make-parameter (lambda (filename) (let ((parts (string-split filename "-"))) (cond ((< (length parts) 2) (cons #f filename)) (((string->version) (car parts)) => (lambda (num) (cons num (string-join (cdr parts) "-")))) (else (cons #f filename))))))) (define filename-joiner (make-parameter (lambda (version file) (sprintf "~A-~A" version file)))) ;; Parameterize this to implement you own versioning scheme (define versioner (make-parameter (lambda (max-version) (if max-version (+ max-version 1) 1)))) (define version? (make-parameter number?)) (define version-less? (make-parameter <)) (define version-equal? (make-parameter =)) (define version->string (make-parameter (lambda (str) (cond ((string? str) str) ((number? str) (number->string str)) (else #f))))) (define string->version (make-parameter (lambda ( version) (cond ((number? version) version) ((string? version) (string->number version)) (else #f))))) (define (version< lhs rhs) ((version-less?) lhs rhs)) (define (version> lhs rhs) (version< rhs lhs)) (define (version= lhs rhs) ((version-equal?) lhs rhs)) (define (version<= lhs rhs) (or (version< lhs rhs) (version= lhs rhs))) (define (version-max version . other-versions) (fold (lambda (x xs) (if (version> x xs) x xs)) version other-versions)) ;;representation of a migration (defstruct migration version filename statements) ;; If you want to provide a database-api you have to ;; bind these parameters (define db-schema-version-table (make-parameter "schema_info")) ;;(lambda (db-credentials proc) ...) (define db-with-connection (make-parameter #f)) ;;(lambda (db thunk) ...) (define db-with-transaction (make-parameter #f)) ;;(lambda (db) ...) (define db-schema-information-exists? (make-parameter #f)) ;;(lambda (db) ...) (define db-initialize-schema-information (make-parameter #f)) ;;(lambda (db) ...) (define db-version-list (make-parameter #f)) ;;(lambda (db version) ...) (define db-add-version (make-parameter #f)) ;;(lambda (db version) ...) (define db-remove-version (make-parameter #f)) ;;(lambda (db sql) ...) (define db-execute-sql (make-parameter #f)) (define (db-latest-version db) (let loop ((ls (map (string->version) ((db-version-list) db (db-schema-version-table)))) (latest #f)) (unless (null? ls) (dbg "Checking: ~S" (car ls))) (cond ((null? ls) latest) ((not latest) (loop (cdr ls) (car ls))) ((version< latest (car ls)) (loop (cdr ls) (car ls)) ) (else (loop (cdr ls) latest))))) (define migration-template "((UP\n \"Fill in upward statements\")\n(DOWN\n \"Fill in downward statements\"))") ;;generate a migration stub and return its name (define (generate-migration name) (unless (migration-directory) (error "Migration directory has not been set")) (let* ((filename (generate-migration-file-name name)) (full-path (filepath:combine (migration-directory) filename))) (call-with-output-file full-path (cut display migration-template <>)) filename)) (define (generate-migration-file-name name) (let ((latest (latest-file-version))) ((filename-joiner) ((versioner) latest) name))) (define (latest-file-version) (let ((migs (reverse (load-migrations)))) (if (null? migs) #f (migration-version (car migs))))) (define (make-nomads-condition message arguments) (apply make-property-condition 'nomads-error (append (if message (list 'message message) '()) (if (and arguments (not (null? arguments))) (list 'arguments arguments) '()))) ) (define (complain kind fmt . args) (signal (make-composite-condition (make-nomads-condition fmt args) (make-property-condition kind)))) (define (default-callback checkpoint irreversible?) (let ((direction (car checkpoint)) (migration (cdr checkpoint))) (printf "[~A][~A]: ~A [~A]~%" (migration-version migration) direction (filepath:drop-extension (migration-filename migration)) (if irreversible? "IRREVERSIBLE" "OK")))) ;; This is the basic migration procedure ;; version :: can be a specific version or either of (latest ;; earliest) ;; callback :: a procedure that is called after the invocation of ;; each checkpoint. It is passed the check-point and a boolean that ;; indicates if the checkpoint was irreversible (define (migrate #!key (version 'latest) (callback default-callback)) (assert-proper-version version) (assert-proper-configuration) ((db-with-connection) (database-credentials) (cut load-and-run-migrations <> callback version))) (define (assert-proper-configuration) (unless (migration-directory) (error "Migration directory has not been set")) (unless (directory? (migration-directory)) (error "The migration directory does not seem to be a directory. " (migration-directory))) (unless (database-credentials) (error "You must set the database credentials"))) (define (assert-proper-version version) (unless (or (eq? version 'latest) (eq? version 'earliest) ((version?) version)) (error "You need to supply a valid version"))) (define (load-and-run-migrations db callback #!optional (target-version 'latest)) (unless ((db-schema-information-exists?) db (db-schema-version-table)) ((db-initialize-schema-information) db (db-schema-version-table))) (let ((migration-path (build-migration-path db target-version))) (call-with-current-continuation (lambda (exit) (for-each (lambda (check-point) (run-check-point db check-point exit callback)) migration-path))))) ;; this procedure builds up the migration path to walk. ;; It returns a list of check-points to visit. ;; The loading of the actual migration code is limited to those ;; migrations that are actually needed. This is a feature. (define (build-migration-path db target-version) (let ((migrations (load-migrations))) (dbg "migrations: ~A" migrations) ;;perform checks on the target version (if (and (error-on-non-existent-version) (not (or (eq? target-version 'earliest) (eq? target-version 'latest) (any (lambda (mig) (version= (migration-version mig) target-version)) migrations)))) (complain 'non-existent-version "The requested target version does not exist" target-version)) (if (null? migrations) (list) (let ((max-file-version (apply version-max (map migration-version migrations))) (db-version (db-latest-version db))) (dbg "Max: ~A DB: ~A" max-file-version db-version) (cond ((and (not db-version) (eq? target-version 'latest)) (map (cut build-check-point 'up <>) migrations)) ((and (not db-version) (eq? target-version 'earliest)) (list)) ((not db-version) (map (cut build-check-point 'up <>) (select-range migrations to: target-version))) ((eq? target-version 'latest) (map (cut build-check-point 'up <>) (select-range migrations from: db-version to: max-file-version))) ((eq? target-version 'earliest) (map (cut build-check-point 'down <>) (reverse (select-range migrations to: db-version)))) ((version> target-version db-version) (map (cut build-check-point 'up <>) (select-range migrations from: db-version to: target-version))) ((version< target-version db-version) (map (cut build-check-point 'down <>) (reverse (select-range migrations from: target-version to: db-version)))) (else (list))))))) ;; a check-point is a complete migration (with statemts read) plus ;; its direction (define (build-check-point direction migration) (migration-statements-set! migration (load-migration-file migration)) (cons direction migration)) ;; load the content of the migration (define (load-migration-file mig) (let ((path (filepath:combine (migration-directory) ((filename-joiner) (migration-version mig) (migration-filename mig))))) (if (file-exists? path) (handle-exceptions exn (complain 'invalid-migration "Invalid migration file: " path) (let ((form (eval (list 'quasiquote (call-with-input-file path read))))) (unless (list? form) (complain 'invalid-migration "Invalid migration file: " path)) form))))) (define (select-range migs #!key (from #f) (to #f)) (cond ((and (not from) (not to)) migs) ((not from) (filter (lambda (mig) (version<= (migration-version mig) to)) migs)) (else (filter (lambda (mig) (and (version> (migration-version mig) from) (version<= (migration-version mig) to))) migs)))) ;; create the migration objects from the migration-files in the ;; migration-directory. ;; NOTE: this procedure returns only partial migrations. In ;; particular, the migrations have no valid statements-attribute yet (define (load-migrations) (let ((pattern (filepath:combine (migration-directory) (filename-pattern)))) (sort (filter migration? (map build-migration (glob pattern))) (lambda (lhs rhs) (when (and (error-on-duplicate-migrations) (version= (migration-version lhs) (migration-version rhs))) (complain 'duplicate-version "You have two migrations with equal versions: " (migration-filename lhs) (migration-filename rhs))) (version< (migration-version lhs) (migration-version rhs)))))) (define (build-migration path) (let* ((parts (filepath:split-file-name path)) (particels ((filename-partitioner) (cadr parts)))) (dbg "Extracted particels ~A" particels) (if (car particels) (make-migration version: (car particels) filename: (cdr particels)) #f))) ;; This is the piece of code that does actually execute a step of ;; the migration. ;; Each check-point is executed in a transaction. (define (run-check-point db check-point exit callback) (dbg "Running check-point") (let* ((direction (car check-point)) (migration (cdr check-point)) (stmts (statements-for-direction db (migration-statements migration) direction))) ((db-with-transaction) db (lambda () (run-statements db stmts (lambda (#!optional (message "")) (callback check-point #t message) (exit #f))) (finish-check-point db migration direction))) (callback check-point #f))) (define (statements-for-direction db statements direction) (let loop ((ls statements)) (cond ((null? ls) (list "")) ((symbol-equal-ci? (caar ls) direction) (cdar ls)) (else (loop (cdr ls)))))) (define (symbol-equal-ci? lsym rsym) (let ((str/down (compose string-downcase symbol->string))) (equal? (str/down lsym) (str/down rsym)))) (define (run-statements db statements irreversible) (for-each (lambda (stmt) (cond ((eq? stmt #f) (irreversible)) ((and (pair? stmt) (eq? (car stmt) #f) (string? (cdr stmt))) (irreversible (cdr stmt))) ((procedure? stmt) (stmt db)) ((string? stmt) ((db-execute-sql) db stmt)) (else (error "Invalid Statement given")))) statements)) (define (finish-check-point db migration direction) (case direction ((down) ((db-remove-version) db ((version->string) (migration-version migration)) (db-schema-version-table))) ((up) ((db-add-version) db ((version->string) (migration-version migration)) (db-schema-version-table))) (else (error "Invalid direction")))) ) ;; module