# NREPL An blocking networked REPL for Chicken Scheme. Each new incoming connection runs in a new srfi-18 thread. ## Requirements None except the core tcp and srfi-18 units. ## API [procedure] (nrepl port [spawn]) Listen to TCP port and wait for incoming connections, doing `(spawn thunk)` for each new connected peer. `spawn` defaults to `thread-start!`. ## Example At the very beginning of your application, you can get network REPL access by doing this: ```scheme (use nrepl) (thread-start! (lambda () (nrepl 1234))) ``` ## Source code repository You can find the source [here](https://github.com/Adellica/chicken-nrepl). ## Author Kristian Lein-Mathisen at [Adellica](https://github.com/Adellica/) ## License BSD